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Revenge in Vein, The Complete Series

Page 3

by Jennifer Blackstream

  “Because I loved you!”

  The words flew from his mouth before he could stop them. His eyes widened and a fierce embarrassment tightened his face even as his anger rushed to mute it.

  “All of my people love me. And I love all of them, but the problem remains, I cannot fight in human wars. No deity can.”

  “All of my people love me.”

  Her words echoed in Aldric’s head, each syllable humiliating him a little more. He was nothing to her. He was just one among millions, one more pathetic voice begging for attention. Nothing special.

  No more words escaped his lips, but his face must have given his thoughts away because suddenly Saule’s eyes widened. Her surprise only adding to the shame of his unwilling confession.

  “Aldric, I--”

  “Ah, now you see then, do you?” He laughed, a harsh mirthless sound, his eyes drilling holes in her. “Go ahead, oh radiant goddess. Take a moment to mock the priest foolish enough to fall in love with his goddess.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  The smile on his face became physically painful as he continued to look at her. The heart that had not beat for hundreds of years seemed to wither a little further. “Of course you didn’t know. You are a goddess and I was merely a human. Just one more adoring face among your shining horde.”

  “I am so sorry, Aldric,” she whispered.

  Rage bubbled inside him like a living thing. He wanted to strangle her, to strike her—anything to wipe that condescending look of empathy from her pale yellow features. Like an answer to an unspoken prayer, a memory sprang to his mind. Dark pleasure softened his fury and soothed the pain of his frustration as he turned it over and over in his mind. An evil smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He knew how to wipe that infuriating expression from Saule’s face.

  “An apology?” Hysteria edged his voice as he laughed at the pathetic offering of the sun goddess. “Is that what you offered Valkyrine when she cried out for you and you didn’t come? Did you tell her you were sorry?”

  The beginnings of hot anger flickered in Saule’s eyes. The sight warmed Aldric’s frozen heart, gave him the first taste of the vengeance he’d waited so long for.

  “Did raping my daughter ease your pain, Aldric?” she ground out. “Did her cries for mercy ease your loss?”

  “I did not rape her,” Aldric corrected her, forcing his voice to come out even. “Valkyrine wanted what I gave her.” He smiled and leaned closer to Saule’s face, bathing in the warm scent of her skin. “She begged for it,” he whispered.


  The revenge fantasy he’d played over and over again in his mind over the past centuries erupted in glorious color before his mind’s eye. He could not have asked for a more perfect opening to reveal it to the woman who was to receive the full brunt of his vengeance.

  “Words cannot describe the ecstasy that comes from letting down your guard and succumbing to the pleasure to be had at the hands of one who holds you completely in his power.” He stroked her face, delighting in the way her jaw tensed under his fingers. “When you are begging me to take you, then you will understand how willing your daughter truly was.”

  “Your brutality is exceeded only by your arrogance,” Saule hissed. “You took advantage of my daughter’s youth and vulnerability. You brainwashed her with captivity and lascivious attentions. Because of you she has become twisted, a creature of darkness as much as light.” Tears sprang to her eyes. “You have turned my precious meita into a vieschtitsa.”

  “She has more power now than she ever would have had as a meita,” Aldric shrugged, reveling in pleasure at her rage. “As a meita she did little more than make flowers grow and inspire humans to poetry and music. As a vieschtitsa, she will have not only the gifts that are hers by birth as a meita, but the ability to change her form to suit her needs, and a strength she would only have dreamed of as one of your little sun maidens.”

  “She will be a sexual vampire—a succubus!” Saule hissed. “You have made her a danger to those she inspires!”

  “Is that what finally made you come down from your lofty heaven?” Aldric mocked her. “Did you come down here to stop your little daughter from harming ‘your people?’”

  “You knew I would have to come after what you did to her. It is my job to look after my daughter and train her in the ways of the sun.”

  Aldric smirked. “Well done.”

  Saule threw back her head and screamed, the sound echoing off the stone walls of the chamber. The pain and frustration thick in the sound soothed Aldric’s spirit and calmed him in a way her soft pleas had not. Finally, he had reached her. Finally, he had some evidence that she felt a fraction of the pain he’d felt when he’d lost his home.

  “Two centuries ago when you turned your back on my people, it was a vampire who offered me an alternative,” Adlric said calmly. “It was she who opened her arms to me, she who soothed my pain. She showed me how futile it was to rely on others, how the only way to be truly safe is to gain the power you need to defend yourself. She helped me to become strong, strong enough that I no longer need to rely on duplicitous deities whose attentions cannot be relied on. That is what she did for me and what I did for your daughter.” He stepped closer to Saule, reaching out with gentle hands to brush her golden hair back from her face as his cock prodded her belly. “It is what I am going to do for you.”

  “That is your plan for revenge?” Saule ground out. “You raped my daughter and now you are going to rape me?”

  Aldric smiled, unfazed by her attempts to push him back to anger. “Your daughter is the one person on this earth that you truly care for.” He leaned in, putting his mouth next to her ear. “She is a vieschtitsa now. You can see her, speak with her, but you cannot take her back to the heavens with you.” He laid a gentle kiss on her neck, pleased at the way she tensed in apparent fury. “She is earthbound here with me.”

  “Bastard,” Saule sobbed.

  “And now that you hate me,” Aldric continued, reveling in her angry tears, “it will be all the more painful for you to look back on this night and remember how you submitted to me. How you begged me—”


  Aldric smiled and drew a hand up the side of her body, his fingers playing over her smooth skin. Her calm façade had cracked and the glimpses he got of her temper delighted him, promising a passionate encounter worthy of his vengeance.

  He spoke with his lips against her ear. “Before I sheath my cock in your wet folds, you will beg me to take you. I will bring you such pleasure, your skin will glow like the sun and light this cavern like a hearthfire.” Desire burned in his veins, his blood rushing to his cock until he strained hard and aching against the flesh of her stomach. “I am going to make you shine.”

  “What are you waiting for?” Saule hissed through clenched teeth. “If you think you can make me glow, I would love to see you try.”

  Aldric smiled. “Ah,” he said softly. “There it was.”

  Saule frowned, confusion momentarily marring her features. “There’s what?”

  “The invitation I was waiting for.”

  With a few quick gestures, he silently told two of his guards to hold their posts while beckoning the other two. Anton and Kurt stepped forward, their eyes taking on an eager light as they eyed the woman before them.

  Aldric stepped behind Saule, molding his body against her. Heat swirled through her veins and standing this close to her, he could feel it almost as if that heat flowed through his own vessels. He leaned closer, relishing her warmth and drawing in the scent of her hair. She smelled of flowers.

  “I would like you to meet Kurt and Anton,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he brushed his cheek against her hair. “Do not be surprised if their faces are etched into your beautiful brain after this night.”

  “And what have I done to them that they must take part in my humiliation?”

  The frost in her voice sent a thrill through his loins, stirring his flesh. He wo
uld break her icy exterior. Somewhere under that chilly façade was a radiant sun, just begging to be released. A chill ran down Aldric’s arms and he clenched his hands into fists. He wanted to feel that warmth. He had a right to it.

  “Anton and Kurt have served me loyally for centuries. You are merely a reward for their services.”

  Her body tensed even further and Aldric smiled. So much anger. She would be the sweetest of his conquests.

  Anton and Kurt waited patiently for a sign. Aldric’s gaze wandered over the swell of the sun goddess’ breasts, noting the soft puckering of her pale brown nipples. They tightened under his scrutiny and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He nodded to Anton and Kurt.

  They needed no further encouragement. Eyes shining with anticipation, they crept closer to Saule. Aldric studied her face as the two men smoothed their hands over her breasts, each giving their prize their undivided attention. She stared straight ahead, not looking at them, not reacting.

  “Don’t you want to see what they’re going to do?” Aldric whispered, nuzzling her ear ever so gently.

  Her jaw tightened, but her eyes remained focused straight ahead. Moving in tandem, Anton and Kurt each massaged a breast, leaning in to run their tongues around the nipple. Careful to avoid the sensitive peaks, they alternated soft kisses and slow licks, giving every inch the same loving care. The only part they avoided was the sensitive tip, which tightened until they looked almost painful.

  “Anton and Kurt have taken many women to bed, sharing their bodies between them,” Aldric said softly. “They move almost as one, do they not?”

  Still, Saule refused to look down, though the tightening around her eyes revealed her struggle. Aldric trailed his fingers up the sides of her body, keeping his touch feather light on her silken flesh. Just before he got to her breasts, he trailed his fingers down again, dancing over the smooth taunt skin of her belly.

  Over and over again, he stroked her while Anton and Kurt lavished attention on her breasts. His palms buzzed with the sensation of her skin sliding against them, gentle waves of pleasure rolling over his body.

  For awhile Saule remained as a statue, hard and unmoving. Aldric couldn’t help but admire her restraint, despite his ire. She had the haughty will of a deity to be sure. He smiled as his fingers dug into her flesh. He would make her beg.

  Finally she began to squirm. As if against her will, she arched her back, straining to force her nipples into the wandering mouths kneeling at her feet. Two pairs of eyes rolled up to meet Aldric’s knowing gaze, silently seeking permission. He nodded.

  Like wolves falling on a wounded deer, they grasped her breasts in their hands and brought their mouths crashing down on her nipples. Aldric grabbed her hips as she thrashed in her chains, her mouth falling open as the guards sucked hard and fast at her nipples. Aldric watched pleasure dance over her face as she moved in time to their ministrations, moaning as they alternated careful little bites with firm strokes of their tongues.

  The blood in his veins warmed as it flowed to his cock, teased by the sight of the beautiful woman writhing in ecstasy. He stared at her skin. It remained as pale and beautiful as before, but still it did not glow.

  Ducking his head to her shoulder, Aldric laid a soft kiss on her flesh. His right hand trailed over the flat planes of her stomach, drifting slowly down to the apex at her thighs. She groaned as he trailed a finger between the lips of her pussy, a thrill of satisfaction tightening his groin as he found her hot and wet.

  “Such heat dripping out of you,” Aldric said hoarsely. He banded his left arm around her waist, holding on as a surge of pleasure rose in his body. He pressed his mouth to her ear. “I could warm myself in your body. Take your heat into me. Can the fire of a sun goddess warm the cold of the grave?”

  “Only the fires of a death forge can warm your decaying flesh,” she choked, the sting of her insult mitigated by the breathy quality of her voice. Her hips jerked against his hand as he flicked his thumb over her clit and he relished the wave of satisfaction at her reaction.

  His cock ached with need and he pressed that painful stiffness against her backside. A whimper flew from her throat and for just a second, she pressed back against him.

  The sounds of Anton and Kurt still worshipping her breasts filled the air as Aldric pulled his hands away from Saule’s writhing form. He stroked himself as he brushed the heavy mass of her hair out of his way, gritting his teeth as his cock throbbed in his hand.

  In seconds he was pressed against her back, his cock sliding forward to part the slick lips of her pussy without entering her. She cried out as he stroked back and forth between her legs, coating his length in her juices. Her body rocked with him, adding her own insistent strokes to the brush of their bodies.

  The pleasure of her hot liquid pouring onto his cock sent a wave of heat to his head. The room seemed to swim around him until he had to grab her hips just to anchor himself to reality.

  “Do you want me inside you?” he choked, straining to keep his voice from breaking. The sharp contrast of her soft wet body against the steel of his own aching flesh nearly undid him and he clenched his teeth to keep his strokes smooth and even.

  “I will not glow for you,” she hissed, her eyes squeezed shut and her jaw twitching as she clenched her teeth. “You gave up seeing sunlight when you,” her breath hitched, cutting her off. She sucked in a breath before she could continue. “When you turned your back on me. Sit in darkness you miserable corpse.”

  The desperate edge to her defiance soothed his ego. He increased the pressure of his cock at her entrance and dug his fingers into her flesh. He concentrated on the erotic vibrations of pleasure singing over his nerves, the wet silken caress of her pussy over his cock. He could enjoy the pleasure without giving in to it. He could make her torment last for hours.

  “It has been an eternity since I have seen the sun,” he mused, letting the sound of his own voice distract him so he could maintain his calm measured strokes. Her body jerked against him again, and he hushed her, letting the air from his words tickle her neck. “I can wait a while longer. I will stand here behind you, thrusting against your beautiful flesh, so close to entering the decadent ecstasy of your sweet body. Such a pleasure it will be to hear you begging for release, promising to shine with that lovely voice of yours.”

  Heat flared against his hands and it took every ounce of his self-control not to jerk away. Her skin burned like a fever victim, sudden and complete. She opened her eyes and the force of her gaze inspired him with its intensity.

  Her body tensed and jerked in its chains. The mouths feasting at her breasts kept up their sweet torture and she swayed between them and the rigid cock so close to impaling her. With a cry that sounded more animal than human, Saule threw her body from side to side, thrashing in the chains as she tried to pull her breast from the mouths before her and free her thighs from the presence of his cock between them. Aldric chuckled and moved with her, tightening his grip on her body and thrusting more insistently between her legs. Pleasure crackled over his skin, a wondrous torture that had been worth waiting for. He waited for her struggles to cease before speaking.

  “Do you want me inside you?” he whispered again.


  It was spoken so quietly that Aldric almost didn’t hear it. His grip on her hips tightened as he struggled to gain control over the surge of passion that struck his body. He’d expected her to fight him more. Valkyrine had lasted over twenty-four hours before giving in to him.

  Still, despite his surprise, that one word sounded sweeter on her lips than any sound he’d heard in all his nearly two hundred years. Almost two centuries worth of seething, boiling in his own anger. He spent countless sleepless days, lying in the dark and dreaming about the time he would get his revenge on the light. The taste of victory was a succulent ambrosia and for several long moments he was perfectly silent, savoring his vengeance. His body urged him to continue, to seal her fate. The pleasure still sing
ing over his flesh was only the beginning. He leaned in to put his mouth next to her ear again.

  “Such anger for such a tender plea,” he whispered, relishing the way her body trembled in his grip. Despite his own desire to bury his aching length inside her, he was not ready to relinquish him moment so soon. “Perhaps I should make you ask me nicely.”

  He lowered his hand trailing it down past her hip. She tensed in his arms as his slid his finger inside her. Slowly he began to slide another finger in to join the first, pumping them in and out of her desire soaked pussy. The whimper that fell from her throat sent a fresh wave of blood to his cock and he groaned.

  “I would bring you such pleasure, Saule,” he whispered. He caressed the slick walls of her cunt, massaging them until her body undulated against his hand, her breath becoming more and more ragged. “Beg me.”


  He froze, his hand stilling as her voice echoed in his ears. “No?”


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