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Bet On Me

Page 18

by Mia Hoddell

  Everything would work out, Alaya would be safe, and Crowley would return to prison.

  Finally, I’d be free of all this shit.

  Yanking open the door, I slid on to the seat, put my bag on the floor, and shut the door behind me. Next to me, just like Crowley stated, lay a cable tie. I gulped at the sight. I knew I needed to, but I still didn’t like willingly giving up control. Once I put it on there was no going back.

  Picking up the flimsy piece of plastic, I formed a loop with it, stuck my hands through the hole, and then pulled it closed with my mouth. I made sure the plastic wasn’t too tight, but I couldn’t leave it loose unless I wanted to provoke Crowley. Considering there was enough stacked against me, complying seemed like my best option.

  I noticed the driver watching me in the rear-view mirror and I held up my wrists for him to see. Satisfied with the situation, he pulled away from the kerb.

  * * *

  The driver guided the car to an empty warehouse. Knowing Crowley, it would have been put up for sale recently as he liked to move his operation around and hop between on-the-market properties frequently. As soon as the car stopped, the back door was thrown open and a set of hands reached in to haul me out. They didn’t even wait for me to stand.

  Wrenching hard on my wrists, they allowed me to topple from the car, and without the use of my hands my face collided with the concrete floor. Pain seared my skull, rippling outwards over my entire head from the point of impact. I gritted my teeth together, biting back any sign of weakness as I struggled to my feet.

  The second I found my balance a punch to the gut forced me to double over, then a kick to my legs sent me sailing straight back to the floor. My shoulders took the brunt of the force this time and I lay on my back for a second, trying to catch the breath they’d knocked from my lungs.

  “Get up,” Crowley snapped. I’d yet to see him, but I couldn’t mistake his voice for anyone else. When I paused longer than he wanted he shouted again, “Get the fuck up, Arnold.”

  Another kick landed, this time to my ribs. A grunt of pain escaped my lips and I rolled on to my front and pushed myself up, trying to cover my wince.

  Finally, I got my first glimpse of Giles Crowley in seven years. His skin looked pale—almost vampire pale. His hair had been shaved into a buzz cut, he’d added to the previously thick layer of muscle, and the lines on his forehead were deeper and more pronounced. Prison hadn’t been kind to him.

  Drake Ryder stood at his side then behind them, huddled and blindfolded on the floor with her wrists and ankles tied, sat Alaya. The chain around my heart tightened at the sight of her. The constricting pressure in my chest made it hard to draw in any air as guilt welled inside of me. The punches hurt less than the sight of her curled up in the corner.

  She shouldn’t look broken. She should be skydiving, travelling around Europe, and loving life.



  Trapped in darkness, I was surprised by how my other senses became heightened. A hint of oil and the fumes from a car exhaust lingered in the cool air. Beneath me, tiny pieces of grit rubbed and cut into my knuckles as they skimmed the floor behind my back when I shifted. The cable ties ate into my wrists once again, even more painful now they chafed against the already raw skin. My shoulders ached from being bound in the same position for too long, but the feeling had started to vanish in them altogether.

  Regretfully, I heard every sickening punch, every crack of fists against flesh, and every moan or grunt from Cole. With each blow I winced, burying my head into my shoulder like that would somehow magically block everything out. I screwed my eyes shut even tighter behind the blindfold, wishing I could transport myself anywhere else.

  Nausea rolled in the pit of my stomach and for the first time since I left Germany I felt glad I hadn’t eaten anything. It meant nothing remained in my stomach for me to throw up as the brutal sounds continued.

  “Enough,” someone snapped—Crowley I guessed—and instantly the noises ceased. Scuffling scratched along the floor, like someone being dragged to their feet, and then a metal door clanged. I flinched at the sound, a whimper falling from my lips.

  Even behind the blindfold I could feel the weight of people’s gazes settling upon me. The heat made me want to shrink back into the metal behind me even further—to curl myself up as tight as possible and blend in.

  “Giles, let her go. You have me now so you don’t need her. She isn’t part of this,” Cole groaned out like it physically pained him to speak. The words were breathless, yet still he managed to sound like his confident self.

  “Not a chance. She’s my insurance policy,” Crowley said, disbelieving humour lacing his voice.

  Footsteps approached me and I shuffled back until I ran out of space.

  “What’s he doing?” Cole’s words brought me no comfort. The barely restrained anger in them caused me to twist my head in the direction of the footsteps like I could see whoever drew nearer.

  Fingers abruptly tangled in my hair.

  I recoiled from the touch, a sharp sting radiating from my roots, and I bit down on my lip to stop another whimper. The rough, calloused skin grazed the back of my skull, pulling my head forward. He worked on the knot to my blindfold. When I could finally see again, what I opened my eyes to had me wanting to screw them shut. It felt like someone had brought a movie to life in front of me and I found it impossible to turn my head away as Cole homed in on me.

  A cut at the corner of his eyebrow dripped crimson trails over one side of his face. His hands were bound in front of him and he hunched as he stood. It looked as if he placed more weight on his right leg and his hands shielded his chest from any more punches.

  On one side of him stood a man I could only assume was Crowley; his stance strong and in command of the situation. Ryder walked back from me to stand on his other side. It didn’t escape my notice that he hovered near Cole’s shoulder as if to stop him from running or fighting. To the right of Ryder were two cars: a white Golf GTI and a black and orange Renualt Megane Sport.

  “You want your girl to go free, yes?” Crowley sneered at Cole and I snapped my head back in his direction to see his smug leer.

  “You don’t need her here. I’ll do whatever … take whatever you want … if you let her go.”

  “Really? You’re willing to die for her?”

  Cole lifted his gaze to meet mine, only focusing on me as he spoke. His eyes swirled with a powerful heat that winded me and his throat bobbed. “Yes.”

  “Stupid, but interesting.” Crowley paused, his gaze wandering over the cars. “Win a race and I’ll free her, no strings attached.”

  Cole’s mouth dropped at Crowley’s words and the rise and fall of his chest increased. Darkness washed over his features, only he couldn’t conceal the minute specks of fear and doubt in them.

  “You bastard—” Cole hissed, his words cut off by another punch to the gut. He doubled over, a rush of air leaving his mouth in a grunt as he curled in on himself.

  “You said anything. Race and win, then she goes free. You’re lucky I’m giving you the chance rather than just putting a bullet through your backstabbing skull.”

  Cole hesitated for a second, even though his decision raged in his eyes, clear for all to see. No matter how much it pained him to do so, he was going to agree to it. Anger and fear battled each other within me, both vying for prime position. I was angry at the situation and the fact people like Crowley were allowed to walk the streets. However, I feared for Cole. I didn’t know what being back behind the wheel and racing would do to him, and I didn’t even want to think about what would happen if he lost.

  “Fine, but I want to talk to her first.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to talk in the car.” Crowley stated smugly. “As long as you don’t roll it again.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath and my lip trembled, the undercurrent to his words leaving no doubt to his meaning. At the knowing look he gave Cole une
ase shot down my back. Crowley had no intention of letting us both walk away from a race and there would be nothing Cole could do to stop his car rolling. From the way Cole’s mouth snapped into a tight line he came to the same conclusion. Pure, animalistic rage contorted his face. With breaths as ragged as a bull about to charge, Cole turned his penetrating glower on Crowley. “She’s not getting in that fucking car with me.”

  Ryder laughed, and Crowley widened his stance and clenched his fists at his side. “Either she’s in your car or she gets sent to my hotel room.” His lips once again quirked up in a sadistic smile—like the sick fuck actually drew pleasure from this.

  “All right, fine.”

  “I knew you’d see it my way.”

  Ryder cut the tie binding Cole’s wrists, and he rubbed them as soon as they were free. He then came over to me and cut the one at my ankles. I expected him to also free my wrists, but he flipped the knife shut and followed Crowley from the room.

  “You have ten minutes,” Crowley called behind him.



  I wasn’t stupid enough to believe Crowley left to give me time alone with Alaya. No doubt he had a group of guys tucked away in another room, all ready to bet on a race I had no hope of walking away from.

  Until the accident I was a sure bet; I never lost a race. I could almost guarantee Crowley publicised this as my big return to get people on my side. If they bet on me they’d lose and Crowley would win big. They didn’t know he had it all rigged.

  It was strange really. The only thought in my mind was that I couldn’t get in the car with Alaya. Somewhere on the journey between Germany and now I’d accepted I probably wouldn’t come out of this well. Even Levi’s plan didn’t reassure me. However, I couldn’t figure out at what point I’d become so okay with thoughts about my own death. Because I really didn’t care if I had to get in the car to race one last time, as long as Alaya wasn’t with me.

  For her I found myself pushing all fears aside. Burying them deep inside of me, I filled my lungs and hurried over to her, trying to appear more confident than I felt. My whole body hurt with the movements. My tender left leg trailed behind me to give me a slight limp, my ribs ached but I didn’t think they were broken, and there was a sore spot above my eye from the gash. The paths of blood were slowly beginning to dry, pulling my skin taut, yet I left it rather than coating my hands.

  Fighting against the pain, I crouched in front of Alaya. I swept her hair back behind her ear hesitantly, my hand trembling. Part of me thought she’d order me away, or at least cringe at my touch. After all, I was responsible for her being in the situation. When she leaned into my palm, relief filled me. Cupping her jaw, I angled her head to look at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I think I should be asking you that.” Creases formed between her eyebrows as she studied me. I should have known she wouldn’t miss anything I attempted to hide.

  “Don’t worry about me. It’s only you I’m concerned about right now.”

  She shrugged to the best of her ability with her wrists locked behind her back and glanced off to the side. “I’ll live … hopefully.” She murmured the last word but I caught it and forced her gaze back to mine. “Please tell me you have a plan.”

  “It’ll all work out, I promise. I’m going to get you out of this.”

  “What about you?”

  “I told you not to worry about me. I’m not. My priority is you, and I swear I’ll keep you safe. After that I’ll disappear so you’ll never get pulled into this again.” I swallowed back the ball of emotions lodged in my throat. I hoped to soften the blow, but of course she’d already figured out what I was referring to. She was too smart for her own good.

  “You can’t die on me, Cole.”

  I traced my thumb over her bottom lip, which shook with her words. She remained focused on the floor and her body deflated. My heart broke in two at the sight. I didn’t want to hurt her and that’s all I kept doing.

  With a sigh, I stood up and helped her to her feet. She swayed a little as she did, the stiffness in her joints and lack of movement in her arms knocking her off balance. I kept my grip on her forearms and began leading her over to the Renault. It was an exact replica of the car I’d driven the night of the crash—a deliberate action by Crowley no doubt.

  “Cole, stop. We’re not getting in the car.” She planted her feet solidly on the ground, fully expecting me to disagree with her.

  “No you’re not getting in the car.” I cupped her jaw and she nuzzled my palm with a whimper. Reaching out with my other hand, I pulled her gently into my arms. “You’ll be fine, sweetheart. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” Anything else, I added silently.

  “Please don’t get in the car, Cole.”

  “Wasn’t it you who said you feel most alive when on the edge of death?” Even I’d admit it was a poorly timed joke.

  “This is totally different and you know it. This is actual death, I meant recreational sports!”

  “There’s no difference. This is a sport and it’ll give me a huge adrenaline rush.”

  “It will kill you!” she cried, pain filling her eyes. The tears building tore me to pieces, so much that I went back on my intention to force her to expect the worst.

  “I’m not going to let that happen.”

  I prayed I didn’t actually have to race, but I needed to prepare myself mentally in case. As long as she remained safe nothing else mattered. However, if I had any hope of getting through everything, I needed her support.

  Tilting her head up, I held it in place and stepped so close to her it was impossible for her to avoid my gaze. No matter where she looked I filled her sight, and finally she met my determined stare.

  “I need you, Gingernut. I need your strength to get me through this. That carefree, strong, independent woman I met on the train? I need her right now.” I squeezed her arm gently. “I know I don’t deserve it and I chose wrong, but I’m going to ask the same thing you asked of me. I need you to bet on me to know what I’m doing. I’ll give you anything you want if you bet on me.”

  Her eyes widened, yet she recovered quickly. Surprisingly, she didn’t hesitate with her answer, even if the whisper lacked confidence. “Okay, I’ll bet on you.”

  With her face still in my hands, I closed the gap between us. There was nothing slow about the kiss. My tongue swept across her lips, demanding entrance. When she parted them I moved inside of her, tasting and teasing as she kissed me back with just as much force. I lowered one hand to her waist, squeezing her against me, and ignored my aches. I wanted to make sure every curve, every smell, and every taste imprinted upon my memory.

  When I drew her lip between my teeth she moaned against me. The deep, guttural sound only made me increase my hold on her until no space remained between us.

  “I love you,” I murmured softly against her. I hadn’t meant to let the words slip out, but once again Alaya rendered me unable to censor myself or keep my guards up. As soon as they spilled from my lips I regretted it.

  She ripped herself out of my arms to gape at me and shook her head furiously. Her body turned to stone beneath my fingertips, no doubt tensed to flee if I failed to calm her soon.

  I hooked her chin between my forefinger and thumb to guide her gaze to mine. “Alaya, stop. I’m not asking you to marry me and I’m not expecting children. All I need is you. Whether it means travelling around the world, living out of a backpack, or doing as many crazy things possible, I don’t care. I want you and I’ll take you any way I can have you.”

  The tension in her body eased marginally.

  “I want you too. When I started my trip being on my own didn’t bother me, but I don’t think I could go back to that now. It’s why I can’t lose you,” she said in a breathy rasp.

  It wasn’t exactly an I love you, but I’d take it. At least she no longer tried to pull away from me.

  “I’ll follow you anywhere you want to go, sweethea
rt.” I kissed her forehead, giving her the words she wanted to hear. Nothing would make it easier for her if I did die, so what was the point in trying to soften the blow? She was already aware of the situation.

  “Then you’d better have a plan to get us out of this,” she said sardonically. “Seriously, please tell me you have a plan.”

  I drew back to gaze down at her, and despite the situation the corners of my lips quirked and I chuckled. When the rumble in my chest ignited the pain she’d soothed with her mouth I cut off abruptly and settled for a smile.

  “Trust you to ruin the moment.”

  “I’m serious!” she cried then lowered her voice to a hiss. “Tell me you have a plan.”

  “Can’t you just enjoy the moment? I did just declare my undying love for you.”

  “Cole …” Her voice dropped in warning and I had to fight back the laugh rising in me.

  I dipped my face to hers once more, my mouth hovering over her ear. “There’s a plan. It’s just taking a lot longer than I expected to start.”

  “Did your plan also involve getting beaten up?”

  I was aware of the possibility—more like a certainty—but it hadn’t stopped me hoping I would avoid it. In all honesty, I knew I’d been lucky because Crowley needed me to be able to at least partially drive. Hopefully, Levi would stop all this shit before that happened.

  The door behind us opened and in strode Crowley and Ryder. Behind them a crowd flowed, filing out along the wall.

  “Cosy,” Crowley sneered and I shifted to place Alaya behind me. I made sure to keep my body between them at all times as I tracked their movements. He threw me the keys to one of the cars, deliberately chucking them wide so I had to stretch to catch them. The movement pulled the bruises that were already forming along my ribs, but I ignored the aches and glared at Ryder.


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