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Bet On Me

Page 20

by Mia Hoddell

  Cole shook his head and we walked up the steps in silence. When we reached the door I waited for him to fumble with his keys from the bag he’d brought with him. The sight reminded me I needed to call Dalton and explain—as well as get him to hold all of my belongings until I could return to Germany—but that could wait.

  “This is it.” Cole opened the door and gestured around the place as we entered. It was safe to say it looked nothing like I’d imagined. In fact, it appeared as if he only moved in days before. Apart from the TV, sofa, table, and a few appliances in the kitchen the rest of the house was bare.

  “Did you get robbed or something?”

  He chuckled, only it sounded strained. “When you fake your own death you have to leave everything behind. It would have been too noticeable for me to keep all of my belongings so Levi got rid of it all for me like you normally would.” He stepped into the small kitchen and brought out two glasses of water. “Sorry I don’t have anything else.”

  I nodded and moved over to his sofa. Collapsing against it, I patted the seat beside me, wanting to curl up next to him.

  God, I’m becoming domestic. And the weird thing was I liked it.

  “Sure, make yourself at home, Gingernut,” he said, feigning sarcasm. Two could play at that game.

  I gazed up at him innocently. “Why? Would you rather me somewhere else? Your bed maybe?”

  He choked on the water he’d just taken a sip of and he couldn’t even bang on his chest to try and clear it because of the bruises. Instead his hand flapped uselessly in mid-air.

  “You’re really trying to kill me, aren’t you?” He placed the glass on the wooden floor and sat next to me. Lifting his arm, I nestled into the crook and leaned against his good side.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I smirked at him.

  “Yeah right.” He kissed the side of my temple, his chest rumbling beneath my ear.

  “Can I ask you a question now everything’s out in the open and sorted?” I pulled away slightly, curling my legs up beneath me. The movement caused the red rings around my wrists to become visible so tugging my sleeves down I hid them to avoid Cole seeing them. It hadn’t escaped my notice how he stared at them with guilt.

  “Uh oh, that’s your serious face.”

  “No, it’s nothing bad. I was just wondering where all of your money came from in the end. You said it was inheritance, but I have a feeling there’s more to it.”

  “It was everything Aaron made under Crowley. Levi managed to get it to me when the police searched Aaron’s home for anything to be used against Crowley. He shouldn’t have, but he knew Aaron would rather me have it. And seeing how I couldn’t access any of my accounts it became my fresh start. Technically, I didn’t lie when I called it an inheritance.”

  I nodded and bit down on my lip. It still felt weird to know he was once part of that life, even if it was only to help his brother.

  Neither of us spoke for a while after that. Words weren’t needed. I think we were both processing what had really happened over the last few hours. We hadn’t been given time to digest everything since it began and it was finally hitting me what I went through … how close I came to dying.

  I mean, someone actually held us at friggin’ gunpoint earlier.

  “What are you thinking about?” His finger traced the lip I bit down on.

  “Everything that’s happened. I’m still processing.”

  “I really am sorry for everything. I know how much you wanted to see the markets and because of me you missed it all … and you know, almost died,” he stuttered again, regret washing his face. It wasn’t what I wanted from my statement. I hadn’t said it to make him feel bad.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. The markets are there every year and there’s still a month left of them. Also, you couldn’t help the fact Crowley is a psycho. You came for me, that’s what’s important. Even if you did lose your looks in the process,” I teased, and pointed at the gash above his eye, which would no doubt leave a scar.

  “Hey, I’ll be as good as new in a week or so. Then you can go back to staring at my handsome face for as long as you want.”

  “Uh huh …” I hummed, leaning forward to close the gap between us. Pressing my lips gently to his, I murmured against his mouth, “You weren’t that good looking. Don’t go getting ahead of yourself, Hazel.”

  “I’ll let that one slide and blame the head injury, sweetheart,” he said back against my lips. The way his deep voice vibrated over my mouth sent goose bumps shooting over my body and caused my skin to prickle.

  “What if I don’t want you to let it slide?” I barely finished getting the words out when Cole lifted me on to him so I straddled his lap.

  Drawing me closer, his arms circled my back and pinned me against him. “Are you sure about that?” he asked, his lips millimetres from mine. I could feel every breath caressing my skin, see nothing but him. I was so close I could count every eyelash framing his hazel eyes.

  “I’m sure.” My words came out as a hoarse rasp. “In fact, I think it’s about time you made good on our bet … because unlike you, I chose right.”

  “Alaya, no. We’ve just been through hell.”

  “I’m fine. If you can handle it with all your bruises, I’m good.” I pouted. “I’m a live-in-the-moment girl, remember?”

  He thought about it for a second and then his lips curved up at the corners and a finger traced along my spine. It had me arching further against him and sent molten lava through my veins. “What was your prize again?”

  “You said I get anything I want.” I crept closer, our noses grazing.

  “So … what do you want?” He swallowed, the words coming out in a hoarse choke. Our lips were about to touch when I stood abruptly. He didn’t even have time to cover his disappointment when I took his hand in mine.

  Guiding him off the sofa, I led him into his bedroom. I crawled on to the bed and lay back. He followed my actions until he settled between my legs and supported himself over my body. He stared down at me with lust-filled eyes, his lips parted as his gaze wandered down my body.

  I lifted my arms, circling his neck and twining my fingers in the short, soft hair I found there. I pulled him down slowly until his lips slanted over mine.

  He kissed me softly, stoking the fire within me. With slow, sensual strokes his tongue traced my lips then entered my mouth. He varied the pressure, moving from forceful to barely applying feather-light touches until I moaned into his mouth.

  His hand wandered over my body, caressing every curve as it skirted the waistband of my jeans. I sucked in a sharp breath when he dipped his hand under my shirt, moving it up higher and leaving a fiery trail wherever he went.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, biting down on my lip.

  “What do you want, Alaya?” he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

  “You. Only you.”

  * * *

  I lay on Cole’s bare chest, careful of where I placed my head. He ran his fingers gently through the tips of my hair, fanning it out across his chest while being mindful of my bump. I let out a contended sigh, a satisfied smile gracing my face.

  The covers were pulled up around us, yet Cole’s warmth kept most of the chills at bay. Curled up against his side, I never wanted to move. I used to think living meant constantly being on the go and searching for the next adventure. However, Cole made me realise the smaller things in life mattered too. I couldn’t describe or imagine a more perfect moment from my life than the one I was in.

  It wasn’t exerting—well, not anymore—or filled with adrenaline, and it didn’t chance death. It had been just the two of us and it topped all of them.

  I was still nowhere near ready to consider a family or marriage—if ever—but Cole opened my eyes to the prospect that sometimes there were things worth hanging around for, or at least taking with you. It was all well and good having as many adventures as possible, but I wanted someone to share them

  Cole was that person.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, his chest rumbling beneath me.

  I lifted my head, resting on my chin so I could look at him. Before I could flick the strand of hair from my eyes he pushed it back behind my ear, making sure his finger lingered on my jaw.

  “Do you still want to follow me now you’re not running from anything? I understand if you don’t and you want to stay here and get your life back.”

  Lifting his head to meet mine, he gave me a quick kiss then fell back against the pillow. “I told you earlier. I’ll follow you anywhere, sweetheart.”



  Seven Months Later

  July 5th, Italy

  “You’re crazy!” Cole cried and I laughed at him.

  We stood on a metal platform high up in the Lucanian Dolomites. The platform had been built right into the sandstone rocks that surrounded us on three sides. The rocks stuck out from the side of the mountain in huge spikes, only small bits of greenery breaking up the grey surfaces every now and then. Above and in front of us the empty blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see until it blended with the deep green mountain peaks opposite us. Terracotta roofs of one of the villages below us were just about visible, the roads and paths carving up the mountains. In a moment we were going to be sailing towards them on a single piece of wire at eighty miles per hour.

  “You already knew that when you agreed to follow me around the world.” We’d remained in London for a few weeks—Dalton’s orders seeing as he wanted to check up on me and demanded it as payment for not telling Rose or my parents. However, as soon as we were both fit enough we’d headed straight back to Germany.

  I managed to catch the last few days of the markets and we spent Christmas in the hotel eating leftover pizza out of the box. It wasn’t traditional, but it was perfect for us. Dalton even agreed to give Cole the same deal as me for a reason I still struggled to figure out.

  After remaining in Germany until the end of January, we then hit Spain until June. We made it to Italy a few weeks ago.

  While we kept up with Crowley and Ryder’s case through the news and Levi, we mostly put it behind us. Levi had sworn they wouldn’t get away with anything and they’d been refused bail until their trial, which started next month. It meant we’d have to take a break from our adventures to testify, although we agreed not to think about that until we got the call. Instead we threw our energy into our travels and I’d kept this activity a secret for a reason. I wanted to see Cole’s reaction when I forced him to the top of a mountain to shoot down it on a zip wire. And so far no part of me regretted it.

  “This takes it to a whole new level.” He gesticulated wildly at the piece of wire and the harness hanging from it.

  “You’ll enjoy it.” Closing the gap between us, I wrapped my arms around his waist. My head lay right over his heart and automatically his arms wound back around me to hold me in place.

  “I think you need to sweeten the deal a little.”

  With a giggle, I craned my neck up to gaze at him. As soon as my head tilted back far enough, his lips melded with mine.

  When we separated I said, “If you get to the bottom without squealing like a girl I’ll let you pick the next country.”

  Dalton had finally taken me up on my idea to expand his hotel chain. For the last few months he’d been scouring Thailand and Vietnam for the perfect locations. He finally found them and they were opening at the start of next year. Because we’d almost covered Europe—Cole still wanted to head back to Cornwall to see where I used to live and I wanted to return to France—the deal meant giving up the chance to go and see the new places as soon as I wanted.

  “Not good enough.” He grinned down at me, his eyes shining deviously. I’d come to know the expression well and I suddenly regretted the whole idea.

  “What do you want?” I gulped.

  “I think you know.”

  I did, and I’d successfully avoided his wish for the last seven months. I knew betting on everything would come back to bite me in the ass one day.

  “You’ll have to tell me.”

  He lowered his head so his lips hovered right next to my ear. He nipped at the tip, eliciting a mewl from me. His voice dropped to a whisper and his deep tone sent my stomach into a nervous dive again. “If I get to the bottom without squealing like a girl—as you so eloquently put it—then you will perform the routine you first created in Germany. I want you in the skimpy babydoll and panties you promised, and I want to watch you dance for me.”

  Why does it sound so much hotter when he says it? I inhaled sharply, my breath catching in my throat. When it returned, it came in short rasps. I struggled to form a sentence in response and thankfully he spoke again, saving me from making a fool of myself.

  “If I do squeal, then I’ll strip for you.”

  How could a girl turn that down?

  I swallowed, pretending to consider it for a second. “Fine, you’re on.”

  “Be prepared to lose, sweetheart.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pulled myself from his arms. We both stepped towards the men waiting for us and within a minute we were strapped into the harnesses—lying on our stomachs and facing the direction we’d be travelling so we could see everything in front and below us. It was named Flight of the Angel for a reason.

  The men edged us towards the end of the platform by our feet so that we hung over the massive drop. The wire disappeared into the landscape so only the trail of red and white plastic lanterns revealed the path we were about to follow.

  “Ready?” I turned to Cole with a grin and jabbed him in the side. Not expecting my action, he let out a yelp and jumped. The harness prevented him from moving too far and I barked a laugh.

  “Seriously? That was way too easy!”

  “That doesn’t count, we haven’t even started yet.”

  “Fine, but you’ll scream.”

  The men behind us began the countdown and the butterflies intensified in my stomach, only not from nerves this time. The anticipation had me bouncing in my harness, eager to begin the mile long slide down the mountain. I wanted to soar again, to experience the wind on my face and the feeling of weightlessness.

  As soon as the men hit zero they let go. Instantly, we began to slide, the wheels above us turning and picking up speed with every metre. When we cleared the safety zone in which we had to keep our arms tucked in I threw mine out wide and shouted. At the same time Cole did the same thing.

  We were flying.

  We were free.

  I uprooted my whole life in search of what everyone had told me was unattainable and I found it. I’d even gone one better and found someone to share it with.

  I had no idea where our travels would take us after we’d stayed in every one of Dalton’s hotels, but that was a long way away. For now we answered to no one, lived everyday as we wanted, and we had a ton of adventures lined up. Cole even squealed, much to my excitement.

  ~ THE END ~


  If you enjoyed Bet On Me and would like to read more from Cole and Alaya, I’ve written a bonus scene. To claim it, all you have to do is leave a review on your favourite retailer and fill in this form. I will then send you your bonus scene!


  A lot of people helped me in the creation of Bet On Me. This has been one of my favourite novels to date and I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for Alaya and Cole. I’m so thankful to everyone who has helped me shape this book to bring the best possible version to life.

  First, and foremost, to my family. Whether it’s to talk me down off a ledge when things don’t go to plan or to celebrate when things go right, you guys are always there. I love you all so much.

  Secondly, to Kirsty. Thank you for beta reading, answering any question I sent your way, giving me your honest opinion, proof reading, and for volunteering as my PA. I can’t tell you how much your friendship and help means to me.<
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  Thirdly, to Lauren. Thank you for helping me work out the kinks in this story and always being available to beta read.

  To my brilliant editor, Melissa. Thank you for making my manuscript all shiny and sparkly.

  To Cass and Keren, thank you for proof reading and helping me find any last minute errors.

  To all of the authors I’ve met in person or online. You are a great support system and people I can turn to for help. There are too many of you to name individually, but you guys get me.

  To all of the bloggers who share and promote my books. I would love to name you all, but there are so many of you and I don’t want to leave someone out. I can’t put into words how much your help means to me. I appreciate every single thing you do for me. You guys are amazing, thank you.

  And finally, to my readers. Thank you for taking a chance on my work, sticking with me, and supporting me. Without you I couldn’t live my dream and it means so much to me that you’re actually reading my books.


  #1 Amazon bestselling author Mia Hoddell lives in the UK with her family and two cats. She spends most of her time writing or reading, loves anything romantic, and has an overactive imagination that keeps her up until the early hours of the morning.

  Mia has written over ten titles including her Seasons of Change series, the Chequered Flag series, the Elemental Killers series, and her standalone novels False Finder and Not Enough.

  Her favourite genres are contemporary romance or romantic suspense, and with an ever growing list of ideas she is trying to keep up with the speed at which her imagination generates them. She also designs book covers and banners on her website M Designs.

  For more information on new releases, giveaways, ARCs, exclusive content, and more sign up to Mia’s newsletter.

  or connect with her via:

  Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter, Goodreads


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