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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

Page 9

by D. D. Goordin

  As Chrissie handed me my cocktail, my attention was at the stage. Listening to the lyrics of the song that the weeknd was singing. I was swaying to the music, getting caught up into the lyrics and the music. I heard the girl beside me saying that the current song he was singing was love in the sky and the last song he would be performing would be Chrissie’s fave.

  The entire room went dark, there were loads of girls screaming, and Chrissie was beside herself knowing that he would be performing wicked games. I remained by the bar as there was a huge crowd in front of us. His voice was certainly soothing.

  His voice had surrounded the entire room, whilst he was singing the verse to wicked games, the whole room was singing along with him. It was such an experience. He closed the show and the fans echoed in a roar. A round of applause filled the room. I checked the time to realise it had just gone past 9pm. Chrissie was downing more and more drinks and buying more for me too. I wasn’t keen to get totally plastered. Just then someone was making their way towards us whom I was certain I had recognised. It was Tom. I am sure Chrissie knew that he would be here too. I glanced in her direction and she practically froze. Oh no, I just hope that Christina wouldn’t make a scene.

  “Look who we have here Nadine.” Chrissie shouts.

  I know that Chrissie has had far too much to drink. Tom looks in my direction. Considering we have never spoken yet it would be rude not to introduce myself to him.

  “I’m Nadine as you must be aware, it’s such a shame that we had to meet in an awkward situation.”

  “Nice to meet you Nadine, just out of curiosity how many drinks did she have?”

  “You guys are making as if I am not here. Christ.”

  “Chrissie I think it would be in your best interest if you sober up.”

  “Nadine, how many drinks did she have?”

  “Tom, I would honestly say a few, but she downs them like water.”

  Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my bag.

  “Could you do me a favour please Tom, keep an eye on her. I just need to answer this.”

  I excuse myself and head out to the entrance of the club. I take my phone out and realise that I have a voice message from an unknown number. I call the voicemail service on my phone to be greeted by a male voice that sounds familiar.

  “Miss Nixon, its Doctor Lawson. I have news. Unfortunately Blake needs to have another operation as he started to bleed internally. After we had removed the bullet we suspect that he could have had another injury that we were not aware off when he first got admitted. Try not to worry. I am sure you would like to be in the know in regards to his progress feel free to give me a call within the next 48 hours. Take care of yourself.”

  The phone went dead. I starred at my phone wishing I had answered it. I had not realised that Tom was standing right behind me that he had made me jump.

  “You ok Nadine? Chrissie was slightly worried. She thought you had disappeared and asked me to check on you.”

  “I am ok, just had to check out this voicemail. It was somewhat urgent.”

  “Chrissie happens to be waiting for you to join her.”

  “Tell her I’ll be there in a bit.”

  I watched Tom walked off. I just hope that Chrissie does not push him away; he seemed like a decent bloke. I couldn’t help feeling confused about Blake. His words spring back to my mind. People are not what they seem and to remain alert. I decide to head back to the bar where I had left Chrissie with Tom. Just as I was heading back, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I stopped and turned around to be faced with Dane, Pc Franco. He gave me a peck on my cheek. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

  “Hope you don’t mind me, I am off duty. What you doing here?”

  I looked at Dane. He looked much more different not in his uniform, much more masculine. He was wearing a leather jacket with jeans. His hair was nicely styled. I was looking at him with awe. What a difference it made. He looked much older when I first saw him at the police station and now he looked younger; returning back to reality I responded back.

  “I decided to come out plus my best friend wanted me to have a good night, pointing to Chrissie.”

  “Ah that’s nice of her. Come here often? Though saying that it’s the first time I have seen you here.”

  “This is the first time I have ever come to Camden believe it or not.”

  “How are you finding it?”

  “It’s lively; this place is much better considering there was a performance by the weeknd, upcoming artists.”

  “It’s pretty awesome. That’s the reason why I come here from time to time. It’s one of my favourite hotspots or places that I hang around.”

  “I’m going to be heading back to my best friend now; will see you around Dane.”

  “Nice seeing you too Nadine and take care of yourself.”

  I walked to where Tom and Chrissie was when I last left them.

  “I thought you would’ve joined us much earlier, what took you so long?” Tom inquired.

  “I just bumped into someone I knew. Sorry.”

  “Did I miss anything?”

  “Just that Christina has been downing more drinks.”

  Christina looked out of it.

  “Tom I think it best if you take her home, stay with her if you have to, I honestly do not think she should have any more drinks. Shall I call a cab?”

  “I think that’ll be best, are you going to call a cab for yourself?” Tom asked looking concerned.

  “I will call the cab and try book two, one for you and Chrissie and the other for myself.”

  I asked the bar tender who had served the drinks to Chrissie whether there were any minicabs around, she handed me a card. I headed out the front of the club to dial the number and booked two cabs, one for Chrissie and the other for myself. I felt someone standing close by to me and realised it was Dane.

  “ Who would’ve thought that I would bump into you twice in one night eh?”

  “I have a feeling you may be keeping a watch on me Dane.” I joke.

  “May be I am keeping a look out for you, what time will you be heading home?”

  “I called two cabs; one for my best mate who happens to be so drunk and off her head and the other is for me.”

  “Here take this. It’s my personal number. If ever you need someone to talk to, call me.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “Good night Nadine.”

  I decide to head back to Tom and Chrissie. I spot Chrissie first at the bar, looking glum.

  “What a night, don’t you think Nadz?”

  “Hmm, I must say it was very different coming here compared to going to Westminster.”

  “I am glad you had a good time.”

  “What’s with the glum look Chrissie?”

  “I think I have had so much to drink, I just wish Tom would make up his mind as to whether we are officially an item or not, it would make my life so much easier.”

  “I totally understand, but he seems like a decent guy who happened to be genuinely concerned about you. Don’t knock him off just yet.”

  “I just wish he could make up his mind, so that if he’s not in it for the long haul, I can move on.”

  “Want to know what advice I’ll give you...I think it best if you focus on your future goals, think about going to university. Your life won’t be revolving around Tom.

  “Nadine, I have to say I may just have to follow that advice.”

  I felt a vibration and knew instantly it was my phone.

  “Excuse me for a sec.” I say to Chrissie.

  I answered on the third ring whilst trying to find a quiet corner.


  “Cab for Miss Nixon going to Gatwick?”

  “That is correct. It’s for Christina Moore”

  “I shall be waiting outside the club, with my hazard lights, so that she is aware it’s me.”

  “Thank you.”

  I hang up.

  I make my way back
to Chrissie and could see Tom was talking with her.

  “Don’t mean to interrupt the both of you but just to let you know your cab is already here.”

  “That was fairly quick.” Tom states.

  Chrissie remains silent.

  “Look after her please and Chrissie will you please give me a call tomorrow or drop me a message when you’ve reached.”

  “Will do Nadine.”

  “By the way, the cab is parked up beside the club, his hazards lights should be on. Just mention my name to be on the safe side.”

  We hug each other. I watch her leave with Tom at her side. Hand in hands. I just hope that Chrissie did sort things out with Tom. I glance at my watch, its nearing on 11:30pm. Surely the other cab should be on its way. I decide to wait and head out to the front of the club whereby I call the cab service again. They answer on the forth ring.

  “Hello, Camden cabs, how may I help?”

  “Hello, its Miss Nixon here, I had booked a cab to go to Gatwick which has already arrived and booked another cab to go towards Holland Park. Was just enquiring what time the other cab will be here by at koko in Camden town?”

  “We do apologise for the delay, I shall get another driver to make his way to you. He shall be there in approximately 10 minutes.”

  “Can I take your name?”

  “Miss Nixon”

  “The cab driver will call you once he reaches.”

  I hung up and decide to wait. Shortly after 10 minutes I see a car pull up. I hear my phone ring and knew instantly it had to be my cab. I answer my phone.


  “Cab for Miss Nixon, I have already reached and I have parked outside, my hazard lights will be on.”

  Just then I see a similar car with its hazards lights flashing. I head towards the vehicle and open the backseat passenger door.

  “Going to Holland Park Miss?”

  “That’s correct, Holland mews, would you like the postcode?”


  “It’s W11 3sp.”

  “Thank you.”

  The cab driver remained quiet for the rest of the journey, whilst my mind was filled with thoughts of what had took place only a couple of hours ago.

  Chapter 10

  I decided to get my phone out and play back that voice message that I had received from Doctor Lawson. I found it strange how Blake would need to be operated again. I just hope he pulls through. Just spending time with him only a couple of hours ago had made my day. I had not expected our meeting to turn out the way it did. It was the strangest meeting I had ever encountered. But every time I had thought of what he had said about being careful, it sent chills down my spine.

  The car had stopped. I could see there was loads of traffic. I knew we were fairly close to Holland Park.

  “Is there loads of traffic?” I enquired.

  “The problem seems to be road works. It may take much longer.

  I had an idea. And spoke out loud.

  “Would it be easier if you dropped me where Holland Park Tube station is? Surely that can’t be too far.”

  “It’s only a couple of miles away from where we are.”

  “From Holland park tube station, I could walk it home.”

  “Ok, I will drop you on the main road.”

  After 10 minutes the cab had parked up on the main road.

  “Miss Nixon, we have reached.”

  I hand the cab driver the money for the journey. I am thankful that the weather has been calm, just loads of clouds in the night sky. I open the passenger door and step out and thank the cab driver for getting me here despite how long it took due to the road works.

  There’s a light breeze and the wind has picked up. I decide to walk fairly briskly as the roads leading to Holland mews is fairly isolated. As I am walking, I hear a faint sound, like a whistle. I continue to walk faster. As I walk faster, I hear the footsteps even closer behind me. I decide to turn back but there was no one there. Odd. I quicken my pace; thinking of what Blake and Dane had said to be careful. I realise I am only a couple of doors away from my house. Just then I hear the footsteps quickening. The adrenaline is coursing through me. My hands are clammy and somehow manage to retrieve my keys from my bag. I am shaking uncontrollably trying to calm down. The footsteps are nearing so close, just as I have managed to get inside my house. I slam my front door shut. My breathing has become heavy. I am slouched at the front door with my back leaning against it. Who could have been following me and why? Had they been watching my every move?

  I surely need to take heed of both what Blake and Dane had said. The house is silent. I remain where the door is just in case I hear the footsteps pass but there’s nothing. Just then I hear my phone ringing. I check the caller display and see that it’s Chrissie.

  “Hey Nadz, just wanted to let you know I had reached mine not that long ago. Have you reached home yet?

  “Only just reached now, did you manage to sort things out with Tom?”

  “Just about, he’s been taking good care of me.”

  “I told you he was decent.”

  “Nadine, are you ok?”

  I don’t know how Chrissie could sense when something was wrong with me. I guess we both knew each other well.

  “Just a bit shaken up, I sensed that I was being followed.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “I’m being serious. I was walking back and I had heard footsteps behind me. The faster I was walking, the quicker the footsteps got.”

  “Did you turn back?”

  “I did, but the strange thing was that no one was there.”

  “Nadine, please be careful.”

  “I will, any ways I’m going to get me a good nights kip. I will call you tomorrow, good night.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hung up. I decide to stand up and lock the front door. I headed upstairs and kicked off my shoes. I am surprised that I had managed to run in heels. My feet feel sore; I unzip my dress and make my way to the bathroom. I scrub off the rest my make-up and decide to have a quick rinse by having a shower. I stand in the shower, washing off the residue of the night, allowing the water to cleanse my skin. Once I feel refreshed, I grab my towel and dry myself. I feel beyond exhausted, eager to get into bed, I plaster on my pyjamas and tuck myself in bed. After the day I had, so many thoughts were in my mind. It was near impossible to switch off to the world after a few minutes of looking up at the ceiling; I somehow managed to dose off to a blissful sleep.

  I see him, the man who has captured my heart, Blake. We are embracing each other like long lost lovers, oh there’s that smell again that has engulfed me. To feel his hands wrapped around me felt heavenly, a sensation that after so many years I had not felt; a sense of belonging. I look around to try and locate where we are, seems so familiar that we were on a road. People are passing us by. I feel like I am in a bubble, just Blake and I against the world. He looks at me with those green eyes that have haunted me, and he smiles. If only he knew how that made me feel; always melted my heart every time he had smiled in that way.

  “So Miss Nixon, tell me what would you like to do today?” He whispers in my ear.

  “Erm, can I stay in your arms forever?”

  “Forever is a long time Nadine.” He says with a wicked smile.

  “Can we stay like this for a little longer then?”

  “Mmmm, that can be permitted. But I would prefer to take you somewhere quiet, ideally my house so that I can pamper you.”

  We share a kiss that lingers; I am so lost in the moment whilst my hands are in his hair.

  “I had no idea that you Mr Saunders were into public displays of affection.” I state slightly out of breath.

  “There’s always an element of surprise when you take a chance on me Nadine.”

  “A chance worth taking” I say winking at him. He grabs my hand and leads me to a side road where his car is parked. The roads look familiar but I can’t seem to recall th
e area or where we are. As we walk to the vehicle, I can see that it’s not just any standard car but a Mercedes Slk Amg. The closer I got, the more impressed I was. The exterior was black with tinted windows. I was in awe of the car. My jaw had literally hit the floor. The car was a beast.

  “Well don’t just stand there; I do intend to drive at some point.” I felt his breath beside me, his mouth close to my ear.

  He opened the passenger door for me and I remained rooted to where I was standing. The smell that had emitted from the vehicle was a blend of that smell that had engulfed me and something that of real leather, the car had smelt brand new. The door had opened up not like any other car but the doors had opened upwards.

  I was admiring the car so much to feel a slight nudge behind me.

  “Nadine, would you do me the honours of taking a seat in my car?”


  I had literally felt like I had zoned out. I sat in the seat that was beyond impressive. The interior of the car was red and black. I heard him close the passenger door still in awe of the mechanics of this beauty of a car. I stroked the leather, trailing my touch on the seat. I already was so impressed. I felt a slight breeze as Blake had opened the driver’s door of his car and sat in the driver’s seat.

  “I had not anticipated the reaction, you are awfully quiet.”

  “Honestly Blake, the car is a beauty to behold, it’s a sports car for heaven’s sake and it’s the first sports car I have had the chance to sit in and have a ride in, thanks to you.”

  I was beyond comfortable in Blake’s car and was watching his every move, from him inserting the keys to start up the engine. He looked immensely at ease behind the wheel. The sound that had emanated was powerful. All of a sudden I started to feel warmth from the seat. Blake looked in my direction and smiled.

  “Can you feel that? This car comes with heated seats just in case you happen to get cold.”

  “I am getting more impressed by this sports car of yours. Are you going to give me a clue as to where we are heading?”

  “It’s a surprise, just enjoy the ride.”

  I sat in the seat beside Blake, taking him all in and glancing at his profile. I had the urge touch him but thought against it as I wasn’t keen to distract him especially him driving such a fast car. My hands were kept to my side whilst I was peering out the window watching the world pass us by. The roads were looking awfully familiar, he veered off from the main road, we passed a tube station but due to speed, it was unclear. We reached a quiet road, and the property he stopped right outside was of a detached property which was painted white on the outside and there was a garage with the property which was painted grey. It was an impressive location and fairly subdued. Blake was the first one to step out of his car. I was slightly nervous when opening the passenger door as this car must have been extremely costly and did not want to break anything. I grasped the handle which did resemble the same of the driver door. I was again in awe watching the car door opening upwards. This man was clearly something. I stepped out whilst he closed the passenger door.


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