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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

Page 16

by D. D. Goordin

  “I had not thought you were the type to pray.”

  “I guess a part of me still has faith, whenever I have prayed or visited a church I always feel a sense of inner peace. We can go now.”

  I stood up and saw the basin where the holy water was, applying some on me and headed outside.

  “We need to cross the road now, the first jewellers we will be going to will be goldsmiths but remember we have to pretend we are customers, asking questions in regards to certain items of jewellery.”

  “Just follow what I do; I’ll be looking at men’s jewellery whilst I’ll leave you to your own devices to see whether you can be successful looking at female jewellery. Try and remember what was said and the prices of the items. The main role is to know what our other competitors are selling and what price they are selling them at.”

  “It all makes sense. I am glad you’re already giving me the freedom, it’s a way for me to learn and see how I can improve on techniques.”

  “Obviously you won’t have any experience but make as if you’re a buyer like any customer and ask questions. It’s basic. The more information you retain the better it is.”

  We walked in Goldsmiths and I went straight to the women’s section scanning all the items, I saw a peculiar looking item of jewellery which had caught my attention, it was emerald green very similar to Blake’s eyes. It was a type of choker which had emerald green stone encased all around it which was something I had not seen before. The sales assistant had then greet me and asked whether I would like help. I had to remember what Daniel had briefed me on only a few seconds ago, remember you are just another customer.

  “I was just wondering what kind of jewellery that was.” Pointing at the encrusted emerald green stone choker.

  “That happens to be one of our exclusives. It can be worn as a necklace or choker depending on what look you would like to acquire.”

  “How many stones are on there?”

  “Roughly over 200.”

  I could not help but admire it, but then I had remembered I needed to ask for the price.

  “How much is it worth?”

  “Currently selling it at £1,500.”

  “Thank you but if you don’t mind I would like to browse further items.”

  I watched the sales assistant walk away whilst I had approached Daniel to listen in on what he was saying. Just like me he was asking numerous questions about certain items but he wasn’t just talking about one of the items but of a few. Clearly he was a pro at doing this job, I watched him throughout his interaction with the other sales assistant thanking them for all his enquiries and told them that he may be back to purchase those items which I knew he was lying; that was a way of saying thank you for all your time but I won’t be buying anything. I used to see customers like that who would come into the boutique and ask many questions and end up not purchasing anything. I followed suit as he headed out of the jewellers, we had walked further down a few shops just after goldsmiths where he took out his pen and notepad. I noticed him scribbling down all the names of the items he had enquired about with a description of the item and the price. He turned to me just then.

  “Got any information on an item?”

  “Well only one.” I said sheepishly knowing that he was probably expecting more.

  “What was the item?”

  “It was a chocker/necklace.

  “Do you have any description that we can identify it with?”

  “It was encrusted in green emerald stones, plus it happened to be one of their exclusives.”

  “Do you remember how much it was worth?”


  “Well done Nadine, next time try and ask questions on more than one item and make sure to bring a note pad and pen, just in case you need to write reminders. You can just say you wanted to have a rough idea what would be an ideal gift for a loved one and to note down the prices. The sales assistant would not think anything of it as it is a validated reason. Right, we need to get moving, I have to drive to a few warehouses where you can see where we get some of the materials for our jewellery maker to make new items of jewellery. As we crossed the road to go back to Westminster cathedral, we walked passed and headed onto Thirleby road. There were cars parked up and I did not have any clue which one had belonged to Daniel. He took out his car keys directing it at an Audi TT.

  “Don’t just stand there and gawk at it, hop in. We need to make our way to Covent Garden, we shop around for beads and all sorts and this place happens to be the one we get majority of our materials from”

  I had never sat in a sports car before only the other time that I had seemed to recall was in my dream with Blake but that surely did not count. I remained quiet and kept my hands in my lap.

  “You do have a nice car Daniel, very plush if I may say so.”

  “Thank you, many women seem to love the idea of getting with a men who owns a sport car which at first I had not understood why but then it all made sense, they were attracted to powerful men, men whom had status.”

  “That can be debatable. Not all women are into materialistic things.”

  “Would you say you’re one of them women who prefers a man who is loaded and has a fancy car?”

  “Honestly things like that do not matter, if the guy that I am with happens to have it then so be it and even if he didn’t then I would not love him any less.”

  “You certainly are very different Nadine.”

  My mind had clearly switched off, looking out of the window and thinking about the one person who I had wished I was with. I remained quiet throughout the rest of the journey which Daniel had noticed but did not say anything. He probably must be thinking I was either having one of them days or suffering from what women seem to get every month.

  We had reached Hatton Garden to visit some of the jewellers there and again I had just watched how Daniel had interacted with the jewellers. After 25 minutes Daniel was keen to go to Covent Garden. After 30 minutes of driving we had reached Covent Garden where Daniel had parked his car and had to pay.

  “We won’t be here for that long but I was keen to show you one of our suppliers and then I was thinking we could have lunch.”


  We had entered a shop called beadworks where there were various materials that had made beads. I remember how Chrissie and I had to sell some beaded bracelets and had known that some of them had been probably made here. Daniel had introduced me to a few workers and had told them it was a flying visit as I was new to the team. We had not been there for not even 10 minutes and already he was heading out.

  “I don’t know about you but I could murder something right about now. I am absolutely famished. I hope you don’t mind but there’s a place I always love to eat from. They’re called bite. It’s a nice place to eat American food, mainly burgers.”

  “I have not had a burger in ages but in all fairness I was keen to having something small.”

  “I am sure they may do chicken salad. Let’s go and have a look.”

  We walked further down where Daniel had evidently spotted the place. Clearly he must have been a regular customer at this restaurant. Daniel had taken a seat and I had sat apposite from him, I glanced at the menu and was more than happy enough to have a chicken salad whilst Daniel had ordered a burger with fat chips. The smell of this place did surely make my stomach rumble. The food had arrived and I was amazed to see how fast Daniel had eaten his meal whilst I was still eating my salad. I could not finish the rest of it as it had been very filling. But that had to be one of the best chicken salads I had tasted. Daniel had kept the conversation fairly light, telling me about his experiences to all the places he has managed to travel to. I must have slightly lost interest in whatever he was telling me and I had heard him announced that there was one last place we had to go before we called it a day. We went back to his car. There was silence and I had to say something before it had felt awkward.

  “Thank you for the lunch and showing me the ropes.
I am grateful that you allowed me the freedom to try and do this job with a trial and error technique whilst we were at Goldsmiths.”

  “Don’t be silly Nadine, it’s nothing honestly it has been a pleasure to work alongside you and finally talking with you.”

  I was away with my thoughts as Daniel was driving to the next location.

  “I just have to quickly get something at this shop called venusrox, they stock clear energy crystals. Don’t ask why just that the top managers would like to change the decor at the boutique in Gatwick. If you would like you can join me or alternatively you can wait, it’s down to you.”

  “I don’t mind waiting, as it is I am feeling slightly exhausted.”

  “Ok will be back in a few ticks.”

  I heard Daniel locked the car door as he disappeared in the shop and noticed that we were in Notting hill. Somehow I had felt that I had already visited this place before. My eyes kept on wondering and I was left alone with my thoughts. My head was in my hands when Daniel had got back to his car.

  “You ok?” he had startled me.

  “I am just slightly tired.” I lied.

  “It’s already nearing 5pm so technically that’s it for today.”

  As he started his car to drive back, something had caught my eye whilst I was looking out the window. It couldn’t have been him? Could it? There was a man who had an uncanny resemblance to Blake. Without thinking I bolted from Daniel’s car slamming his car door shut behind me, whilst he was still driving. I had lost my balance and had scraped my knee but I could not lose sight of Blake.

  Chapter 16

  “Wait!!! I screamed.

  “Blake!!!!!” The guy had vanished from my sight and I was still hobbling. My knees had started to ache. I was in tears, and the pain returned back with a vengeance. I had not noticed that Daniel had parked his car in an instant and that he was somehow beside me.

  “What the hell was that all about Nadine?! You could have seriously injured yourself or even worse.”

  I was stuttering, I could not phrase a sentence together.

  “I thought I had seen him.” Tears were streaming down my face.

  “Who?” Daniel had a look of concern.

  “Someone I love had disappeared, I thought I had seen him but the man who had an uncanny resemblance; I lost sight of him.”

  I couldn’t stop the tears everything that I had learned over the past few days was catching up with me.

  “Please just get back in the car Nadine I’ll drop you home right at this instance.”

  I could not even argue back, Daniel had grabbed me by the waist leading me to his car.

  “I would feel more at ease dropping you home Nadine, you are not in the right frame of mind especially with what you just had done by hauling yourself out of this car like someone had stretched you out like a boomerang. I had not realised how fast you could move. If there was a way to describe it you were running at the speed of lightning. What is your address?”

  “Holland Park, Holland mews W11 3SP.”

  “It’s only 15 minutes from here, it shouldn’t take me long to get to yours.”

  “I am sorry for giving you a heart attack Daniel, my behaviour was clearly irrational.”

  “Surely whoever he is must mean a hell of a lot to you; it’s understandable when you have fallen really hard for someone.”

  “It’s not that but I have this fear that he has been harmed in some way. I can’t even explain it, one minute he was there and the next, gone.”

  Without even realising I was babbling whilst I had noticed Daniel had parked up on my street.

  “Nadine, surely there must be an explanation, clearly you seem so distressed. On top of that before you had bolted out of my car I was on the verge of telling you something.”

  I waited and listened.


  “Due to just joining the team, the bosses thought it best that you got to travel to New York and by the sounds of it, I was in total agreement.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Serious, you’ll be there for a week. I think you do need the little vacation but remember what I had told you if ever you visit jewellers there make sure to ask all the relevant questions. Our bosses believe that you need to be confident and they do give you experiences like this, we call it trial and error probation. Trust me it would be in your favour; I had learned so much when I done the same thing only last year.”

  I did not know what to say, my mind had officially went blank.

  “Thank you Daniel.”

  “You don’t need to be thanking me.”

  “I meant thank you for dropping me home and calming me down, as you can see I had been a wreck not that long ago.”

  “You really don’t need to, everyone goes through rough times in their lives and sometimes it does help to talk to someone.”

  “I appreciate that you were there for me.”

  “Anyways before I leave I have been given your itinerary which has your e-ticket plus all the paper work, keep them safe as you’ll need them so that they issue a boarding pass to get on the flight.”

  I hesitantly grasped it not quite believing it. I checked the details and my name was there with the flight number and the time it would be departing at 8pm.I had thought that that he had been joking but the flight number was printed with BA 183. I had worked long enough in the airport to know that I would be flying with British Airways.

  “By the way when you fly out with the company you’ll always be in first class and we always travel by British Airways most of the time.” He winked just then.

  I checked which airport I was departing from and when I checked the initials; LHR was printed and instantly I had known that I would be flying out from London Heathrow. I could not believe I was flying to New York, I had always wanted to travel and finally I had the chance. I was beyond happy and hugged Daniel who clearly had not been expecting it

  “This is certainly the last thing I would not have seen coming.”

  “Just drop me a message when you get to Heathrow and also be aware that you will be flying out from Terminal 5. Make sure you message me also when you reach New York by the way all the accommodation is paid for; if you turn over the page it should state which hotel you’ll be staying at.”

  I turned over the page seeing the name of the hotel which I had not heard off. It had stated Crowne Plaza in Times Square. This was all too surreal. Daniel had seen my expression on my face.

  “Surprised much?”

  “I am, just that I have never ever been abroad and I have never stayed at any hotels. Have you stayed at this hotel?” Pointing at the name on the itinerary.

  “Crowne plaza? Yeah they made me stay at the same hotel. Trust me its slap bang right in the centre of Times Square. Be sure to check out all the shops and visit the statue of liberty and of course don’t forget the main reason why you will be going there which is to do more research and get more ideas on jewellery designs.”

  “I certainly won’t forget. Thank you once again for demonstrating what needs to be done and just thank you in general.”

  “Any time Nadine.”

  I opened the front passenger door and stepped out; I had felt an excruciating pain remembering that I had took a fall. Daniel had already come over to help me out of his car. I was slightly embarrassed by the way I had behaved and was hoping that Daniel would not think anything of it. Once I had straightened up, I wished him a good bye and watched him drive. It was starting to get dark and I could hear the wind rustling the trees. I was still hobbling and got to the front door of my house. I turned on the lights all around my house, my leg was still aching and I had no idea how bad I may have injured myself. I closed the door firmly behind me. I had to walk up the steps one by one leading to my bedroom to get my pyjamas, I had felt immensely drained. All I wanted was to have another soak in the bath. I quickly stripped off my suit and walked slowly to the bathroom. I glanced down at my leg and realised it had turned blue. Clearly I had i
njured myself and with the impact that I had fallen out of Daniels car, the impact had not been as bad as I had thought it would be, thankfully it was only a bruise. I mixed hot water with cold and filled the bath and added bath salts to relax in. I could not believe I was flying to New York in 48 hours, the pain had eased in my leg but I was still going to take a few painkillers just in case once I had got out of the bath. I took my time to get out and could hear the branches rattling against the bath window which had made me jump. I rinsed the bath whilst I had wrapped a towel around me. I had to hobble back to my bedroom where I slipped back into my pyjamas. As I headed slowly back downstairs to the kitchen to cook something, I could not help but think that maybe Blake was still alive. I had to stop dwelling on it as nothing would be of any benefit, I just wished that I had got to see him one last time and what was eating at me, was not knowing nothing about him, other than the fact Doctor Lawson had drugged him up to such a point where he may have killed him. I decided to boil pasta and add tuna. I was not keen to cook a lot and ate the food piping hot. I took a few pain killers and headed back upstairs to rest. Today was much different than my usual routine and not seeing Chrissie. It was like we were telepathic as my phone had started to ring and knew it was none other than her. I answered her call.

  “Nadine, how are you?”

  “I am well thanks, how are you Chrissie?”

  “I am ok too, did you miss me by any chance or were you happy to be working with Mr hottie?”

  “Honestly, I missed not working with you, but it was a nice change.”

  “I thought I’d call up to let you know that I will be moving in with you and will be there by tomorrow late at night. Sorry for the notifying you so late but the landlord here have decided to get another tenant and told me that I have 24 hours to move elsewhere and thought why not move in with you.”


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