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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

Page 18

by D. D. Goordin


  “If my memory is sharp enough, he looked in his late twenties or even early 30’s; tall fair skinned and had greenish or bluish eyes.”

  I knew instantly the neighbour had confirmed it was Blake who does live there.

  “Are you his friend or family?” the neighbour asked which did caught me off guard ever so slightly.

  “I happen to be his friend.”

  “He never used to get that much company.”

  “Did he not?”

  “He seemed very quiet but such a pleasant person.”

  “Can you recall the last time you did see him?”

  “I am sure I did see him in the morning a few days ago, can’t quite remember if it was 3 or 4 or even 5 days ago.”

  “Thank you for assisting me.” I state.

  “If he does happen to come by, would you like me to pass him a message?”

  “Just tell him that Miss Nixon came by, we met on a few occasions and that I was concerned as I did not hear from him.”

  I could tell the elderly man was returning back to go inside.

  “Thank you again and goodbye.”

  “Goodbye Miss.”

  I did not leave instantly but continued to look at the exterior of his property. I felt comforted somehow that Blake Saunders only lived within a close proximity to where I was. I did not hang about and decided to take the bus back to Holland Park. I glanced at my watch and it was near approaching 4pm. I walked back towards Pembridge Villa and crossed the road. Just then I could feel my phone vibrating in my bag. I quickly opened my bag and grabbed my phone and saw that it was Chrissie who was calling.

  “Nadine!!!” her voice was incredibly loud that people passing by could have surely heard her.


  “I hope you haven’t forgotten that today is the day I will be moving in with you.”

  It had sort of slipped my mind but I couldn’t tell Chrissie that.

  “Of course I remember. What time did you state you’ll be down?”

  “Well I am already at Holland Park tube station.”

  “What?! Really?!”

  “Yeah I only just reached like a few minutes ago. Where are you?”

  “I am just up the road at Westbourne Grove. I’ll be getting on the bus shortly so will see you in 15 minutes.”

  “Ok, try and be here quick.”

  “I will do and Chrissie just wait inside the tube station, I will meet you there.”

  I hung up; I was not keen to divulge so much to Christina on the phone about all the on goings. The last thing I would want is Chrissie to be hurt or even injured. I knew I had to confide in her sooner rather than later.

  I saw the bus approaching and jumped on board not willing to sit down. So much was going through my mind, what would I tell Christina first? The package that was delivered this morning or the fact I had taken a medical report? Or would it be everything regarding Blake Saunders? I had to start somewhere. As soon as I had reached Holland Park I walked to the tube station and was greeted by Christina. We hugged each other.

  “Are you going to tell me what were you doing in Westbourne Grove?”

  “Just had business to attend to why?”

  “Since when did you have business?”

  “I just had to check something out that’s all, Come on you quit with the questions.”

  I grabbed her bag whilst she rolled her luggage.

  “What time did you leave yours then?”

  “I left my old place an hour ago I couldn’t wait to get out of there.”

  We both walk back to mines, once inside Chrissie looks at me.

  “Yes?” I am guessing there is something you happen to tell me or could I be possibly mistaken?

  “No no there’s nothing.”

  “How is your course going? You haven’t even mentioned where you happen to be studying.”

  “Not all universities have the course I was keen to do which is digital security which entails forensics and ethical hacking”

  “I had gathered that.”

  “It’s similar to an open University where I have to attend a centre and a class, trust me it is real interesting.”

  “I think it would be best for you to unpack we can continue this discussion what do you say?”

  I head upstairs with one of Christina’s bag and placed it on the bed in the spare room.

  “Are you going to unpack now?”

  I can hear Christina struggling to bring her luggage.

  “Can you manage or do you need help?”

  “I can manage Nadine, I have near enough reached. I will be definitely unpacking now that’s if you don’t mind.”


  I left Christina do unpack whilst I went to my room and took out my own luggage. I had to pack considering that I would be flying in 24 hours time. I packed most of my casual clothes jeans, t-shirts, cardigans with 3 pairs of shoes. I was so engrossed in packing that I didn’t even hear Chrissie.

  “Ahem what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I was going to tell you that I will be flying to New York City tomorrow. I know it is short notice but I only had found out not that long ago, Daniel was the one who had informed me.”

  “You are kidding right?”

  “Honestly I am not if I was kidding do you think I would be packing at this precise moment?”

  “Hmmm you do have a point, I can’t believe your flying out I wish I was accompanying you.”

  “Trust me I wish you were too Chrissie.”

  “I have to say that I am immensely happy for you, we should go out to a bar or something and have a few drinks. Would you be up for it?”

  “Christina what are you like, we can go to a local bar but I really have no intention of staying out till late considering I will have a flight to catch.”

  “You might as well get ready.”

  “I think I will just go like this I state pointing in what I was already wearing. I can’t be asked to change when we will be going to a either a pub or a local bar.”

  “I think I’ll do the same.”

  “Instead of going to a bar let’s keep it local and go to the castle surely you must have seen it when we headed out of the tube station.”

  “I think I may have seen it. Shall we head out now or have you got more things to pack?”

  “I think I have packed more or less everything, you ready to leave?”

  “I’m ready, it’s going to be strange not seeing you though Nadine. Let’s not hang around anymore.”

  We both made our way downstairs and grabbed our bags. Both of us had dressed fairly casual. Once we headed out we walked there fairly quickly despite the fact that it had started raining. We had already reached the castle which the pub was called. I hadn’t been here since I had moved to the area and I could tell even Chrissie was admiring the place. Just like any other pub it was similar but there was a buzz which made Chrissie and I both content. I had ordered the drinks first; I had opted for a jack Daniels with coke whilst Chrissie had opted for a glass of white wine. We located a seat in the far corner.

  “I didn’t realise that there was a pub not so far to where you live.”

  “I only had remembered it but even still not once have I been here since the time I have lived in Holland Park.”

  “I will miss you though Nadine, I still can’t fathom that you will be leaving in 24 hours time. Is Daniel going with you?”

  I glance at her and can tell she clearly is thinking of something derogatory.

  “Just for your information Daniel is not coming with me. They believe that I have to learn the ropes through a trial and error process. He has basically thrown me into the deep end.”


  “Yeah, I guess part of me is quite happy that will get to see some new sights. It will definitely be a learning curve for me.”

  “I wish I was going with you though Nadine we would have had so much fun.”

  “That is true, p
art of me is looking forward to it but the other part of me is beyond nervous.”

  Chrissie had bought the next two rounds of drinks and I could feel myself getting tipsy.

  “So Chrissie what has been happening with you?”

  “I don’t know if you would remember me telling you but I decided that I would remain friends with Tom.”

  “I think I can remember something of that sort. I don’t know but I am starting to feel hungry. Shall we make our way back home?”

  “I think that may be for the best, wouldn’t want you to have a hangover especially when you are meant to be flying.”

  We both downed our last drink and headed back home. The rain had subsided thankfully. We quickly had walked back with our arms linked. Once we had got inside, I turned on the lights and decided to rustle up something to eat for the both of us. Chrissie had followed me into the kitchen whilst I was contemplating making pasta or a simple risotto with ham.

  “What do you feel like eating Chrissie?”

  “I was thinking it would have been nice to order a take away as it is our last night together and I was craving for pizza again.”

  “Surely you can’t be pregnant right?”

  “Nadine you must be kidding! I always make sure the guys who I do sleep with straps it up and plus I am on the contraceptive pill.”

  “Even still it is possible for a mishap to happen.”

  “I know, I know. Are you going to order the food or shall I?

  “If you want you can order it.”

  “I would like to order the same deal as last time.”

  “The leaflet should be on the table in the kitchen.”

  Christina made her way to the kitchen to locate the leaflet where we had previously ordered food before.

  “Nadine would you want the same deal?!” she calls out.


  I hear her calling the company and placing the order. I remain in the front room and decide to turn the television on. Just as I was about to sit down on the couch when the door bell rings; surely that cannot be the food that quickly I think to myself. I head to the front door remembering what Dane had mentioned and that was to be careful. I slowly opened the door halfway to see a big bouquet of roses. I opened the door and could see that someone was hiding their face with the roses.

  I cleared my throat.


  “There’s a delivery for Miss Nixon.” I had instantly recognised the voice.

  “Dane?? Is that you?”

  He had slowly moved the bouquet of roses from covering his face.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “I had recognised your voice from this morning.”

  “I was curious to see how you were doing after I mentioned everything, how are you holding up?”

  “I am ok, thank you for your concern.”

  “These roses are for you Nadine no one should have a vendetta against an attractive young lady like you.”

  I was slightly dumbfounded but grateful to Dane’s gesture.

  “I honestly don’t know what to say other than thank you so much.”

  “I wanted to find a way to cheer you up; I am hoping it has worked.”

  I could sense that Chrissie was trying to see who I had been talking to. I glanced back to see her watching with an animated expression on her face.

  “Anyways Nadine, I better get off. I will try and come and check up on you when and if I get time.”

  “Just so you know I will be going to New York for a week, just in case you come here, my flat mate will be the one who’ll be taking care of my place.”

  “New York?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there on business mainly for work. I will give you a call when I get back.”

  “Remember Nadine, be extra vigilant and take care of yourself whilst your there.”

  “I will try too. Thank you again for the roses. He gave me a slightly awkward hug and I somehow had planted a chaste kiss on his cheek. He tensed up.

  “It’s my way of saying thank you for being there for me, especially this morning.”

  Despite the fact he had tensed up, the tension was no longer evident he was simply looking at me and then he had smiled.

  “You know I will be here for you. I can’t stress how much danger you happen to be in right now.”

  “I know I know, thank you again Dane.”

  I watched him leave and I knew instantly I would get the third degree by Chrissie who had probably witness everything. I had the roses in my hand and they were fragrant. I watched Dane leave and closed the door to find Chrissie with her hand on her hips eyeing me suspiciously.

  “Who was that?”

  “I don’t know what you’re on about.”

  “Ahem the bouquet of roses that happen to be in your hand, they could not have magically appeared out of nowhere.”

  “I don’t know what you’re on about Chrissie.”

  “Can’t you see you are holding a bouquet of roses?”

  “Yes what about them?”

  “Who gave you them?”

  I was being as difficult as I could to wind up Christina as I knew she would ask 101 questions.

  “Well if you must know, he happens to be a good friend and a police officer.”

  “What? Wait? What did you just say?”

  “I said he is a good friend and he happens to be a police officer.”

  “A police officer? From where?”

  “Chrissie he’s a police officer whom I met on that fateful night, he has been keeping an eye out on me.”

  “Keeping an eye on you eh?”

  “You heard and no it surely is not the way you happen to be thinking, clearly your mind seems to be in the gutter.”

  “When have you known my mind not to be in the gutter?”

  “Hmm funny when you ask that, I honestly don’t think there has been a time whereby it wasn’t. Have you already ordered the food Chrissie?”

  “I know exactly what you are trying to do and for your information I have, the food should be on the way but seriously those bouquet of roses are giving of a sweet smelling fragrance. You best put them in a vase before they dry out.”

  I walked right past Christina knowing very well she was still eyeing me suspiciously purely because I had not mentioned much about Dane. There wasn’t much to say about Dane, in fact I had been honest whether Chrissie chose to believe it or not, knowing her she clearly was thinking there was more to the story. I could hear her following behind me and knew she was not going to give up with her intrusive questions. As I looked through the kitchen cupboards I noticed an old vase which was rarely used. It’s not every day someone hands you roses. I added water in the vase and propped the roses in them. Just at that precise moment we could hear someone knocking the front door and knew it had to be the food. I followed behind Christina who had opened the door, instantly the aroma of a pizza was overwhelming. I took the pizza box in the living room whilst Christina handed the money to the delivery driver. I decided to turn the television on. Chrissie had joined me placing the bottle of wine also.

  “I didn’t realise you also got a bottle of wine too.”

  “Surely with me there happens to be an element of surprise. Wait there let me get another DVD, I brought my collection.”

  I remained waiting despite my hands were itching to open the pizza box. After a few minutes Chrissie was back in the living room putting on a DVD whereby she had shielded the movie.

  “I can’t believe you waited for me to come down. You could’ve at least had a slice of pizza without me.”

  “It may sound silly but I thought I would rather wait for you, surely you should know what I am like.”

  Christina opened the pizza box which to my surprise I realised to see she had ordered the Mexicana when normally her favourite was meat feast. The film had started rolling and again I had known it had to be another classic, sleepless in Seattle. I had not watched this film since I was a little girl when my parents were still a
live. Most of the pizza was already gone and half the bottle of wine had disappeared, I was amazed how hungry we both were considering not that long ago we had just gotten back from the pub. For once Chrissie remained silent and had not mentioned anything about Dane which I was thankful for. Maybe it was the alcohol that was finally kicking in. The film had finally come to an end which made me smile.

  “I always seem to lose myself in this film.”

  “Same here, it’s so romantic how after so long the two main characters meet.”

  “Can you imagine if that’s how things turned out with Blake?”

  I near enough coughed out the rest of the wine that I was about to swallow. I remained silent.

  “What happened? Why so silent? Did I say something wrong?”

  I tried not to allow myself to break down especially in front of Chrissie. My eyes had started to water. I had to try and remain strong.

  “It’s nothing honestly.”

  I did not sound convincing even to myself.

  “Nadine, I know when something is bothering you, the silence is a clear give away. You know you can confide me.”

  “Honestly it is a long story it’s not so simple to explain things.”

  “Try me Nadine come on I have always understood you.”

  “Well here goes remember when I told you how I was going to visit him?”

  “Are you meaning that time you got to see him and ended up locking lips with him?”

  Just hearing Chrissie mentioning that brought back the memory of when we kissed and instinctively I had touched my lips like I had just experienced that. I could see her looking at me.

  “There was another time after we had shared that intimate moment together. Remember when I had overslept for over 24 hours and you happened to be worried? Does that ring any bells?”

  “Oh you meant when I happened to have called you like over 20 times?”

  “Yeah, you knew how determined I was to see him again at the hospital right. Did I mention the fact that when I saw him last at the hospital I wrote down my number on a tissue.”

  “Erm, I think you failed to mention that but go on.”

  “Well remember when we had worked our last shift and someone had bumped into me and I kept on mentioning how I had recognised him from the hospital.”


  “Well a part of me felt that it was the doctor.”


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