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Resisting the Boss: Office Suspense Romance (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Emelia Blair

  But there isn’t a trace of the good humored lawyer I’m accustomed to. Instead, he has a grim look in his eyes and he murmurs in a low voice, “Don’t say anything till I tell you to. Don’t answer any question and don’t feel scared, no matter what he says.”

  Those words just elevate my heartbeat and I lean back against Jace.

  He puts his hands on my shoulders, and meets my gaze. “You’ll be fine. With Lucas here, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  When Lucas opens the door fully, I see Lana sitting at her desk, her faze calm but her eyes are blazing. Across from her is Detective David, the man who had been hurling accusations at me.

  “Where’s Detective Felix?” I blurt out.

  Jace’s hands tighten on my shoulders in warning but it’s an honest mistake because I much prefer the nicer detective to this crass one who seems to have it out for me and not seeing him there with his partner makes me a little wary.

  Detective David gives me a predatory smile. “He was removed from the case. It’s just you and me now.”

  The way he says this makes me grateful that there are other people in the room. I want to ask why Felix was removed from the case but from the look in the detective’s eyes, I have a feeling I might not like the answer.

  “Why are there so many people here?” Detective David looks at Lucas and Jace.

  They look back at him, unflinchingly.

  He doesn’t seem to have a problem with Lana remaining here. Does that mean he thinks it will be easier to intimidate two women?

  He clearly doesn’t know Lana.

  “I’m Miss Cooper’s legal representation,” Lucas says, smoothly, guiding me to a seat and then placing himself between me and the detective.

  His eyes are shooting daggers at me. “Why does she need a lawyer when she claims to be innocent?” David sneers.

  Lucas gives him his most vague smile. “I was bored.”

  “And what about him?” The detective shoots Jace a look.

  I immediately reach out to grab Jace’s hand and my voice is strong, without a quiver to betray the cold fear racing through my body. “He stays with me.”

  Both Lana and Lucas glance at me, one pleased, the other looks surprised.

  Jace doesn’t say anything, instead curling his hand around mine and the look he shoots me is one of quiet confidence, which makes me feel all sorts of things I don’t have the time to analyze.

  “This isn’t a party. Get rid of him.” The detective is clearly not pleased by being outnumbered.

  I tighten my lips as I reply, “I thought this was an interview. That means I can have anyone I want present here. If I want the whole office to show up, you can’t complain.”

  David glowers at me.

  I lift my chin, telling myself not to be intimidated by him. Jace is right. He has nothing on me. If this man wants to harass me, I’m not going to make it easy for him.

  It’s Lana who speaks up now, her voice cold, “Detective, instead of wasting Miss Cooper’s valuable time, please get on with the questions.”

  David throws a hateful glance towards her.

  I don’t understand where all this is stemming from.

  He turns to me and spits out, “The security tapes were tampered with.”

  My eyes widen, but before I can say anything, Lucas answers on my behalf, his tone neutral, “And your evidence?”

  “Excuse me?” The detective glares at him.

  Lucas doesn’t seem fazed as he smiles, pleasantly. “Surely, you don’t think I would take you for your word if you won’t provide any evidence backing up your claim?”

  “I don’t need to show you the evidence,” David snarls. “And besides, Hashem told me that this little bitch was out to ruin his life. Her and her boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend?” I echo.

  Lucas glances at me and then up at Jace before his confused expression clears. “He’s talking about Jace.”

  I open my mouth to refute the statement, half-heartedly, but the way Jace tightens his hand on my shoulder has me snapping my mouth shut.

  “He harassed my intern, made derogatory remarks about her, traumatized her,” Jace says, his tone sharp. “Would you rather I just let him do that?”

  David’s face turns red with anger. “That’s just your word against his.”

  “And mine,” I add, my hand clenching around Jace’s.

  “Of course, you’ll lie to—”

  “I also witnessed the exchange,” Lana says, calmly. “Which was why I terminated Mr. Jameson’s contract effective immediately.” She leans forward. “You should also make a note, Detective, that Hashem Jameson was being investigated by the company for a list of harassment incidents. Coming after our intern and an employee like this is pointless.”

  David’s eyes are seething as they look at Lana.

  I get a feeling that he wants nothing more than to reach across the desk and put his hands around her neck to throttle her. “A man dies and all you can do is slander his character! How do I know you’re not making this up?” David demands.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Lana waves off his accusation, “Of course we have evidence.”

  “You’ve been breathing down mine and Halley’s neck ever since the accident,” Jace sounds angry. “A man like Hashem has a number of enemies. This is starting to seem more and more like a personal grudge than a proper investigation.”

  “I agree.” Lucas is giving the detective a pleasant look.

  The room is thick with David’s fury, but before he can say anything, the door opens and in walks Kendall, followed by Caleb Starr.

  I’ve never actually met Kendall’s husband but I’ve heard a lot about him, and right now as I watch him walk in, his face is cold and withdrawn, his frame exuding confidence and power, I know that everything I’ve heard about him is true.

  He looks like a very dangerous man.

  “Detective David, I assume.” Caleb looks down his nose at the detective whose face has turned white. “Is there a reason you’re harassing my employees and my brother-in-law?”

  I don’t understand why David seems so scared of Caleb.

  “I was just following up—”

  “Your chief says you took a personal leave. Is this what you do on your free days, Detective?”

  David falls silent, his face tight with anger. “I’m following a lead.”

  “A lead that your partner dismissed a week ago.” Caleb takes a step forward, his voice quietly menacing, “I think it’s best you leave, Detective, before I have you thrown out. Jace, take Miss Cooper and get out. The detective has no more questions for you.”

  Jace helps me to my feet and we walk out.

  The ruthless look on Caleb’s face is one that I will never forget.

  This is the kind of family and backing Jace has?

  When we take the elevator downstairs, I still. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s nearly lunchtime.” Jace hasn’t let go of my hand and mine is still wrapped tightly around his. “We’re taking an early lunch.”

  I fall silent all the way to the little Chinese place around the corner. It’s only once we’ve been handed the menus and left alone that I find my voice, “Your—Caleb is scary.”

  Jace studies me. “He’s very protective of his family.”

  He’s no longer holding my hand and I miss the warmth of his touch.

  He mistakes the desolate look on my face for something else and reassures me. “Detective David won’t be bothering you anymore. Don’t worry.”

  “I- It’s not that.” I flex my hand, not understanding why I feel so relieved that he’s no longer angry with me. “I just…?” I raise my head to meet his gaze head on, my own a little shaken. “Why have you been so mad at me for the past week?”

  When he freezes and I see something akin to guilt enter his eyes, I feel the need to press, “Did I do something?”

  “No!” He almost shouts.

  His tone makes me jump in my seat. “Then w
hat is it?”

  Jace runs his hands through his hair, ruining his carefully styled look. He looks agitated. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Is there a problem with my work?” Why does he look so wretched?

  “Of course not,” he mutters. “Everything you do is perfect.”

  Now, I’m starting to get annoyed. “Then, what is it?! Ever since I moved into the cubicle, you’ve started acting like a deranged stalker. You glare at every man who talks to me and you’re a jerk to me and you’re acting as if you’re my…” My sentence trails off as the word that comes to my mind makes me freeze, and I recall the way he stopped me from denying David’s claim.

  My boyfriend.

  No, that can’t be.

  I stare at my boss, who’s looking flushed and actively avoiding my gaze.

  I swallow my words and something like hope blooms in my chest. “Are you… jealous?”

  He scowls at me and opens his mouth as if to deny it. But then closes it and just scowls even harder. “So, what if I am?”

  He had once told me he didn’t date because he didn’t have the time for a woman in his life.

  Does that mean that Jace is just as inexperienced as I am when it comes to dating and such?

  I’m conflicted because he had been very clear about his current position on his love life. His words had cut me deep and I had put on a nonchalant front, but seeing him like this, so clearly frustrated, it’s somewhat a balm on my wounded pride. I’m not going to deny that I find my boss very attractive or that despite his surly temperament, I’m drawn to the kindness he hides like a prickly hedgehog, afraid of letting people see inside his hard shell.

  Being around Jace has changed me in small ways. I feel like I’m more serious now, more focused on my future. I have always been very flippant about what to do in life, but seeing the way he’s so dedicated and earnest, I can’t help but admire him and want to be more like him.

  Maybe that’s why it was easy for me to stake a step back and reevaluate my clothing style. It has always reflected my inner child. Now, as I want to be more mature and want to start reaching out and be more than what I am, I was so willing to make a change in my life.

  I started off with despising my overachiever of a boss but at some point down the line, the hate turned to a reluctant admiration and that admiration turned to want. However, I’m not going to assume anything when it comes to Jace Hunter.

  So, I start slowly, testing the waters, “If you’re jealous, does that mean that you like me?”

  “I…” It’s like on the tip of his tongue to deny it but he swallows his words, “Do you think I make a fool out of myself over just anybody?”

  His words strike me and his behavior over these past few weeks becomes clearer. I shrug. “I wouldn’t know.”

  He gives me a warning look that tells me he’s at his limit and I should stop testing him.

  So I drop the pretense, “You said you weren’t looking for a relationship. Is that still true?” My heart is pounding wildly against my ribcage, as I hold my breath, waiting for his answer.

  He studies me for a long moment before responding, quietly, “I clearly never imagined you walking into my life.”

  “Is that an insult?” I ask, curiously.

  He grimaces. “No. Look, before you, yes, I wasn’t looking for a relationship. Now, if you want to give this a go, I wouldn’t say no.”

  “Way to make a girl feel wanted,” I mutter and then I say aloud, “You’re really bad at this.”

  He glares at me. “Well, what do you expect? It’s not like I go around picking up girls.”

  “Well, I don’t have a ton of experience myself but at least I’m not asking a girl out by growling at her!”

  He purses his lips. “Fine. Alright. Have dinner with me tonight.”

  When I stare at him, blandly, he adds, “Please?”

  Jace asked me on a date!

  I’m trying to hide my glee behind this casually indifferent mask but it’s slipping bit by bit.

  Then he says, testily, “Well, are you going to answer me or not?”

  “Yes!” I blurt out, enthusiastically before groaning at myself. This had been going so well and here I am acting like a teenager being asked to prom.

  However, when his eyes crinkle in a smile, I don’t regret it.

  Before I can get too pleased, he narrows his eyes, “This means you can’t go out with those two guys from accounting.”

  I settle happily in my seat. ”They weren’t my type to begin with.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Jace relaxes. “What is your type then?”

  I look at the complimentary fish crackers placed on the table and pick one up, idly. “I don’t know. I guess it’s you.”

  This, apparently, was the right thing to say because throughout lunch, he looks ridiculously smug.

  Jace doesn’t show up to my desk the rest of the day.

  I feel both relieved and a little despondent. I realize I didn’t quite hate his hovering.

  The people around me are quite nice but none of them are my boss.

  However, not having to worry about his constant presence also lets me focus on the things happening in my life right now.

  I don’t know why this detective is so focused on me. I barely knew Hashem Jameson. And then the matter with Mom’s car. Since the car has reappeared, will the investigation into her disappearance be reopened? Where has the car been all this time?

  Is Mom still alive?

  Has she been looking out for me?

  Uncle Raymond told me not to hold onto false hope. His face had been firm when I had talked to him but his voice had cracked in grief. All these years and he still hadn’t recovered from Mom’s disappearance.

  I tap the pencil against my desk, agitated.

  But I don’t want to let it go.

  If there is even a glimmer of chance that Mom is alive and well, I want to see her. I want to confront her and ask her where she’s been all this time. Why she never came back. Why she left me.

  My fingers tighten around the pencil. I just want to see her.

  My eyes are burning and I close them, forcing the tears back.

  Hearing the scrape of a chair, I look up to see everyone has left. Sighing, I pack up my things and make my way to Jace’s office.

  Opening the door, I see him leaning against the edge of his desk, his whole appearance now mussed up after a day at the office. Frankly speaking, I prefer him like this, all sexy and ruffled up. His hair has reverted to those natural curls with the number of times he’s run his fingers through them.

  He looks up when I open the door and peek in, and when his frown transforms into a small smile, I bite my lower lip as my nipples tighten at the way his lips curve.

  Why is he so damn sexy?

  “Are you done?” I close the door behind me and lean against it, my hands flat on the wood, suddenly feeling incredibly shy.

  He studies me in silence, a strange gleam in his eyes.

  When he straightens up and puts the file he’s reading on the table, my heartbeat goes erratic.

  “Nearly so,” he murmurs, his eyes never leaving mine.

  How can he look so calm when he was so out of it this afternoon?

  “Why are you standing there?”He’s smirking now as if he knows something I don’t.

  I fidget, ultimately crossing my arms over my chest, “Just waiting.”

  He pauses for a heartbeat and then, “Come here.”

  There is no mistaking the command in his voice and for a moment I’m tempted to tell him to go shove it, but my feet are moving of their own volition, unable to resist the masterful tone he uses, and I cover the distance between us till I’m standing in front of him.

  Now what?

  I’m trying to calm myself down as well, afraid that he’ll realize how eager I am and yet, terrified.

  When he puts his hands on my waist, the skin under my clothes on those spots burn.

  He tugs me closer, smirking, as
if he can read every thought in my head and it amuses him.

  Defiance makes me maintain eye contact with him.

  He grins, tugging me closer till I’m pressed against him. “Where do you want to go for dinner?”

  His question throws me off. I was expecting him to maybe kiss me like he had before. Trapped in his hold, his hard body against mine, it’s getting really hard to think.

  Was he always like this?

  But I refuse to give in to whatever he’s doing so I try to regain control only to feel his hand slide down to settle on my hip in a possessive hold.

  I’ve never had a man touch me like this, and considering the man in question is Jace, only makes it harder for me to focus. “Pizza!” I declare if only to escape his grip.

  “All right,” he says, calmly. Then he immediately whirls me around so quickly that my breath catches. Now my back is pressed against his front and his legs are entwined with mine to prevent me from escaping. Once I’m completely trapped, he proceeds to pick up the file he had been looking at and flips it open, calmly reading through it, “I have to finish this first. Give me a few minutes.” He’s wrapped around me as if this is the norm. His chin is resting on my shoulder.

  I’m completely still, not even daring to breathe. I can feel every inch of where he’s touching me and I have to fight the urge to whimper as my pussy clenches. “Jace,” I’m proud of the way my voice doesn’t waver.

  “Hmm?” His breath is hot against my neck.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Reading,” he replies, innocently.

  “Like this?”

  “You smell nice.”

  My cheeks immediately flare up at his words and I can feel his chuckle vibrate through my body. Embarrassed, I shoot him a suspicious look, my heart trembling at how close his face is to mine as he meets my gaze. “Are you sure you don’t have any experience dating?”

  “Completely. But I never said I was a virgin, Halley.”

  I freeze at his words. I suddenly realize how much trouble I’m in.



  Seeing Halley surrounded by men has had me on edge for this past week.

  I never thought I would be the jealous type but how can I not be—when the woman I can’t get out of my head is the most oblivious little airhead I have ever seen.


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