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Lassoed By A Dom

Page 5

by Desiree Holt

“So.” Liz sat and patted her lips. “I gather last night was a success?”

  “Oh?” Trish lifted an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

  Liz burst out laughing. “Because if it had been a disaster, you would have been over here at the crack of dawn chewing me out for letting him cart you off after dinner. Right?”

  “Well, yes. I guess.” She forked a small piece of crab and chewed it thoughtfully. “Do you know we actually met before yesterday?”

  “What?” Liz leaned forward. “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “Well, maybe ‘met’ is too finite a word for it. We locked eyes for about ten seconds in Oklahoma. He was still working there, and I was competing, of course. He’d come to the rodeo and walked back to the barns afterwards.”

  “You didn’t talk to each other?”

  Trish shook her head. “I think he wanted to come over and say something to me, but a bunch of people came to the stall where I was brushing Misty and when I looked back he’d disappeared.”

  “That’s it? The whole thing?”

  “That’s it.” Then she leaned forward. “But I’m telling you, Liz. It was the hottest few seconds of my life. Until last night.”

  “That’s so amazing. And I’m glad last night worked out.” She gave Trish a sly look. “So should I assume you’re going to see him again while you’re still here?”

  “He said he’d call me, but I haven’t heard from him today.” She took a swallow of her beer. “And don’t I just sound like I’m in high school. He’ll call when he can. We didn’t make any commitments to each other.”

  “Honey, you’re both busy. He knows you’re just here for a short time. If you both had a great time last night, he’ll call.”

  “Maybe it would be better if he didn’t.” Trish sat back.

  Liz frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  Trish tried to frame her words carefully. “Jake and I have a connection, Liz. We’ve had it since those few seconds in Oklahoma, outrageous as it sounds. Last night only made it reality.”


  “But…I’m out of here in two weeks. I can’t get into a situation where some man is going to try to tie me down and tell me to get off the circuit.”

  Liz’s eyebrows flew up. “And you think Jake would try to do that?”

  Trish shrugged. “I don’t know. And I suppose it’s stupid to even worry about it after one night. But I’m telling you, that connection between us…”

  “What else? I can tell that’s not the only thing.”

  “This is embarrassing.” Trish looked down at her hands. “The sex was incredible…for vanilla, which is not really my favorite flavor.”

  Liz burst out laughing, then pressed her napkin to her mouth. “Sorry. I know that’s not funny.”

  Trish’s lips twisted in a wry grin. “Yeah, I guess it is. It’s just been so long since I discovered I was a sub that, without it, the sex is…missing something. And how do I even bring it up to him? Say, Jake, would you bring your lasso with you so you can tie me up? Blindfold me with your bandana? Spank my ass with your big hand until I’m so hot I could come by myself?”

  Liz grinned, fanning herself with her napkin. “Hot, hot, hot. And I don’t mean to laugh.” She sobered, and a strange expression crossed her face. “Could you tell how he was reacting? Did you feel he wanted to say something but was holding back?”

  “To tell you the truth, I was too busy enjoying myself. Anyway, what if I asked him and discovered he was into D/s? How would that affect us?”

  “It depends on what you want out of this. If you and Jake get too twisted together, you’re right, you might have to make some decisions you don’t want to. Although, you know the offer for you to hire on here as a trainer is always open. I’d love to add you to our staff.” She studied Trish across the table. “You’ll probably win at Grand Nationals this year. Again, that’s three times. When do you think you’ll be ready to get off the road, anyway?”

  “I don’t know. I just—” She flapped a hand in the air. “The whole thing makes me itchy.”

  “My immediate prescription for you is a night at Rawhide. That way you can satisfy your needs without worrying about the emotional aspect of the situation.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Alex and I are going tonight. Come along. I know you’ll find someone to keep you happy, even if he might not take your mind off Jake Keenan.”

  “You’re probably right. What I need is a good session with a strong Dom. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone I remember will be there.”

  “You just never know.” Liz finished the last sip of her beer. “Why don’t we pick you up about nine o’clock?”

  “I can drive myself. That way, if things don’t work out for me, I won’t have to drag you guys out of there early.”

  Liz flipped a hand at her. “Not a problem. I think Alex just needs to work off a little excess energy.” She chuckled softly. “And he wants to do it where the hands can’t hear me scream. An hour should take care of things.”

  Trish frowned. “Or what if I happen to get lucky, hook up with a Dom I know, and I’m not ready to leave then?”

  “Quit making problems where there really aren’t any. We can always hang out in the lounge and visit. If you want to drive by yourself, just say so. I just thought…”

  “No. You’re right. I really don’t want to go alone. And I can’t even say why. So thank you, I’ll be ready at nine.” She winked. “In my best sub outfit.”


  Jake locked the door of his truck and headed for the carved door of Rawhide. He noted the parking lot was unusually full for a Wednesday night. He wondered if many of the people in town for the rodeo—visitors as well as competitors—had requested guess passes. He had long since stopped being amazed at the variety of people he ran into at the dungeons he’d frequented. He could still remember when everything was cloaked in a furtive air and you almost needed hand signals to get in the door. Now, for many people, it had become almost as unremarkable as a night out at any club. The only difference was the activities.

  He hefted the black canvas satchel in his hand. Rawhide provided excellent equipment, and their sterilization methods were second to none. But he’d long ago gotten in the habit of bringing his own toys. The bag contained most of the usual things—handcuffs, blindfolds, toys like that. And he often selected some of the items provided by Rawhide. There were just certain things he favored. His own ropes for example, made especially for him of the finest, softest silk by a company that specialized in Shibari bindings. His floggers were of the most supple leather, the braiding on the handles twisted and wound just so. And the violet wand he carried had attachments he’d chosen very carefully after a lot of experimentation.

  He hoped one of his usual subs might by chance have stopped in and be looking for an intense session because god knew he needed one. A combination of Shibari and the violet wand were at the head of his list. And tonight, instead of keeping on the leather pants he favored for the club until he was ready for the sub to touch him, he planned to strip, give his aching cock plenty of room to swell and thicken during the session. Maybe tonight, as horny as he was, he’d have the sub work her magic with her mouth, sucking him hard until he filled her throat. Then he could recover while he treated her to a combination of Shibari and the violet wand, his favorite type of session.

  He nodded to the man at the door checking people in and headed directly to the lounge. The well-appointed area was about two-thirds filled with people in low tones of conversation, some at the tiny café tables along one wall, some in idle play with their subs, often while they chatted with friends. The lighting in the area was deliberately low, giving people a semblance of privacy even though they were in the gathering area of the club.

  Clint Chavez, leaning against the wall, nodded at him and smiled, even as his eyes never stopped cataloguing everything going on in his club.

  “Good to see you.” He shook Jake’s hand. He
glanced at the bag Jake was holding and grinned. “See you brought your gear. A couple of your favorites are here tonight.”

  “Good. I’m more than ready.”

  “Rough day?”

  “You have no idea, but not in the way you mean. I guess I’ll wander into the lounge.”

  “You should have told me you would be here tonight. I’d have made sure everything was ready for you.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Clint checked his watch. “I’ll have a room ready in just a few minutes if you happen to find a playmate.”

  “I’ll get a cold drink while I’m waiting and scope out the lounge.”

  The main room was fairly large, couches and chairs arranged for both conversation and mild play activities. As he glanced over the crowd, he spotted someone waving at him. Liz Wright, sitting on a curved demi-sofa with Alex. There was another person with them, a woman, with lustrous brown hair and—

  Wait! Holy shit! He swore his heart came to a complete stop in his chest. Was that Trish Barton?

  He tried to move forward, but his feet seemed rooted to the floor and every bit of breath was trapped in his lungs. Was he dreaming? Fantasizing?

  “Hey, Jake?” He felt a hand touch his elbow, and Clint Chavez’s low voice pierced his fog. “I think the Wrights are trying to get your attention? Something wrong?”

  “Uh, no. Nothing at all.” In fact, maybe something was right. “Just startled for a minute.”

  “Okay. Just checking.”

  Jake moved forward as if walking through water, his step sluggish, until he reached the place where Alex and Liz were sitting.

  And Trish.

  She looked up as he stopped in front of them, and he wondered if the shock on her face was mirrored on his own. Especially when he saw the outfit she was wearing—a short leather skirt with matching halter and strappy shoes with needle heels. An outfit much like many subs wore. He knew he should say something, but he just couldn’t seem to make his mouth work.


  I’m dreaming, that’s the only explanation for this.

  Trish couldn’t drag her eyes away from the man standing in front of her. Was she really looking at Jake Keenan? Here? At Rawhide? And carrying what she knew to be a gear bag many Doms brought with them? She blinked, wondering if he’d disappear, but no, there he was. And in a long sleeved black collared shirt and soft leather pants that outlined his very enflamed cock. At once her nipples peaked and tingled, and the crotch of her thong was soaked with her juices.

  Jake’s nostrils flared, as if he could smell the suddenly rich perfume of her musk.

  “Well.” One corner of his mouth kicked up in a hungry grin. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  Trish finally unstuck her tongue from the roof of her mouth. “For me, too. Do you play here a lot?”

  “I’m a gold card member.”

  Her eyes widened. Gold Card members were considered the elite of the membership. A private room was always made available for them, and whatever they wanted the club made sure they had.

  “Wow.” She slid her tongue over her lower lip.

  “Well.” Jake’s eyes raked over her. “Too bad you didn’t tell me last night.”

  “I could say the same. Although I’d hardly say the evening was wasted.” She turned to look at Liz who was watching the exchange with obvious amusement. “And you, my friend, you never mentioned a word when we had lunch today. Did you know Jake would be here tonight?”

  Liz shook her head. “No, but I hoped. I didn’t say anything just in case.”

  Trish heard Alex chuckle.

  “My wife has a devious mind. I may have to punish her for this.” He stroked her arm.

  “If you believe it’s necessary, Sir.” Liz shifted slightly.

  “And you?” Jake’s smoky voice sent heat coursing through Trish’s body. “Should you be punished for withholding this information from me?”

  “Perhaps. If it pleases you.” How easily she had slipped into sub mode with him. She shivered with anticipation.

  “Oh, I think it more than pleases me. Did you drive by yourself?”

  “No.” She nodded at the Wrights. “I came with Alex and Liz.”

  “They won’t need to wait for you. I’ll be taking you home.”


  “Arguing with your Master?” There was a hint of amusement in his tone.

  She lowered her gaze. “No, Sir. Thank you for offering to take me home.”

  “Clint just signaled that my room is ready.” He touched her arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Enjoy yourselves,” Liz called as Trish rose and followed Jake.

  “Oh, we will.” Jake winked. “No doubt about it.”

  Clint handed Jake a key card as they passed him. In seconds, they moved down the short hallway, and Jake opened a door. Trish stood obediently, eyes downcast, hands behind her back while he closed and locked the door and set his bag on a small table. She heard him moving around the room, the sound of his feet soft on the thick carpeting. Then he was back in front of her.

  “I’d say we wasted an entire night because we weren’t honest with each other,” he told her. “But I know how difficult it is to bring this subject up to someone you’ve just met in a non-D/s environment.”

  “Yes, Sir.” God, how good it was to address him by the honorific. She felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

  “So I’m going to take that into consideration.” He stroked a fingertip down the length of one arm and across the upper swell of her breasts. “Do you believe in Fate?”

  If she hadn’t before, she did now. “Yes, Sir. I do.”

  “I’d say it’s Fate that brought us together. That brief contact in Oklahoma? I knew then there was something special in store for us. I just didn’t know what or when.” He walked slowly around her body, running the flat of his hand over the curve of her ass, sliding his fingers beneath the hem of her micro skirt and grunting in satisfaction when he came into contact with the bare skin of her buttocks.

  “Permission to speak?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. I want to make sure we get everything on the table.” He paused. “This time.”

  Trish hid a smile. She wanted the same thing. “I felt the same way that day. I was sorry when I looked again and you were gone. And now here we are.”

  “Yes.” He was in front of her again. “And here we are. So. First things first. Safe word.”


  “Misty? Is there a special meaning to it?”

  “Yes, Sir. It’s the name of my horse.”

  He actually chuckled a little. “Fine. Misty it is. Now. Something you should know. Two of the things I favor are Shibari and the violet wand, usually in conjunction with each other. I need to know now if you have a problem with either of those.”

  She wanted to tell him she wouldn’t have a problem with anything he wanted to do, but she just shook her head. “No, Sir. No problem.”

  “Excellent. So we’ll begin. Remove your clothing and place it on the chair over there. Then come to stand beneath the hook in the ceiling.”

  Trish did as he asked, the soaked crotch of her thong rubbing against her slick thighs as she tugged it off. He’d take one look at that and know exactly how aroused she was. That was fine with her. Jake Keenan pushed her buttons when she’d thought he was pure vanilla. Now? She wanted him to know exactly how much he turned her on. They might only have two weeks together, but she planned to enjoy every minute of those fourteen days.

  Chapter Four

  Jake really wanted to drag tonight out as long as possible. The shock of discovering Trish Barton was into D/s still reverberated through him. Could he possibly get any luckier? He was torn between asking her what types of play turned her on the most and saying the hell with it and just pulling her into his own preferences. If only he’d known she was going to be here and had a chance to ask Clint about her. His palm itched to spank that gorgeous ass for not letting him know t
he night before, but then he hadn’t exactly been forthcoming, either.

  He had brought only his favorite toys with him, expecting to find a familiar sub to spend time with. Rawhide, of course, had several he could use, but he always preferred his own. There were any number of other activities that would arouse both of them to incredible heights, but Jake was a fatalist. He always believed things happened the way they were supposed to so he would keep to his original plan. Tonight, he was going to stick with the things he enjoyed the most, the things he’d brought with him, and show her how much pleasure they could bring to her.

  Jake unzipped his satchel and removed the long coil of blue silken cord, letting the soft rope glide through his fingers. He watched Trish through narrowed eyes, his cock already pulsing against his fly as his gaze took in the lines and curves of her figure, the rosy tips of her breasts, the sable-colored hair defining her pussy. As he moved closer to her, he could smell the rich perfume of her musk, and his gaze caught the slickness of her inner thighs. His balls ached as her scent invaded his body.

  She stared at the length of rope.

  “You know what they say about cowboys and their ropes,” he told her. “We learn how to hogtie women by roping and hogtying cattle.” He cupped her chin. “Have any other cowboys hogtied you, subbie? Used Shibari with you before?”

  She nodded. “Yes, they have.” She gave him a teasing smile. “I liked it.” Then her face sobered. “But not too much. It’s a very good form of punishment when a sub has misbehaved.”

  Jake almost laughed out loud. He was beginning to think he and this woman were made for each other, and that kind of thinking could be dangerous. At least until they both figured out where this was heading and ironed out a few glitches. “Good. Then you know the knots on the rope are placed for maximum pressure effect and the sub is restrained in a way as to give her Master free access to every part of her.”

  “I do.” She wet her lower lip. “Sir.”

  “Very good.”

  From the first time he’d seen a Shibari demonstration, he’d been fascinated with it and spent time studying the intricacies with an expert. The more he played with it, the more he became addicted to it and all the possibilities it presented. He could hardly wait to see Trish in the intricate net he’d create for her.


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