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The Claiming (The Pack Claims a Mate)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

He’d started the claiming, and now he couldn’t even touch her until it was his turn. Each of his brothers would get their chance before him. For the first time in his life, Tom was jealous of his brothers.

  Turning back into his human form when he was far enough away, he looked up at the moon.

  Minutes passed before he felt the rest of his brothers, his pack behind him.

  “Roy has taken her to the house at the bottom of the lake. We are not allowed to approach until the next moon, and only then will Guy be allowed near her,” Stuart said.

  Tom nodded, feeling the tears close to the surface.

  “You did the right thing,” Joey said, sounding serious for once.

  “I did the right thing? I hate these rules. I shouldn’t be able to walk away,” Tom said.

  “These are our rules, brother,” Guy said. “We have to follow the rules or risk being a wolf forever.”

  He knew the rules better than any of them. What he’d done was instill the insecurity, and now they all had to win Kitty back to their side. A part of himself felt torn from his chest at the distance.

  “We’ll get through this, and we’ll help you,” Mark said.

  “She’s our only hope. I pray that she can forgive me for walking away.” He looked at the moon, wishing he wasn’t cursed the way he was.

  “Roy will explain everything to her. You’ve got nothing to fear.”

  Tom didn’t say anything more. His job as alpha was to secure his mate. He did that, and now it was his curse to wait his turn to claim her.

  As the hours passed, he felt each of his brothers leave his side. The sun was rising and the moon disappearing.

  When he was alone once more, he stared at the same spot where the moon had once stood.

  “No, I can’t stand here not knowing what was happening.” Turning back into his wolf form, he charged toward the house that had been built centuries ago for the claiming. Part of him was fighting with the other part of himself. Tom felt divided into two. There was no real part of him, other than the pain of his situation.

  Tears ran down his face even as a wolf. When he saw the house, he turned back into human form. Hiding behind a tree, he closed his eyes and concentrated on listening to what was going on.

  “Let me hold you,” Roy said.

  “No, he turned his back on me after he’d fucked me.” Kitty sounded angry.

  Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he moved closer.

  “I’m going to explain his strange actions to you if you’ll give me the chance.” Something crashed followed by Roy’s curse.

  “No, this was a bad mistake. I’m never going to be your mate. This was a mistake. I’m not going to accept him or you again.” He heard her sobs, but the scent coming from the house signified her lies. Kitty was hurt, but she wasn’t walking away, or at least he hoped not.

  Tom walked away from the house. This was what he feared would happen. The stupid rules were in place for him to walk away. The belief was that the female would become a stronger mate by growing closer to all of them. He had to be the last guy to mate with her in order to seal the bond rather than break it.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Roy said, alerting him to his brother’s presence.

  “I couldn’t walk away.”

  “I don’t care. This is my time with our mate. I’ll fix everything and so will our brothers. This is not your battle anymore.” Roy’s arms were folded, blocking the view of the house as he stood beside Tom.

  “Maybe if I can talk to her?”

  Roy shook his head. “The claiming has happened. Now it’s my turn to mate her. Back away, Tom, my alpha, and trust me to make this right. She doesn’t understand our ways, and she’s human. Humans are not all used to men fucking them and walking away. Give me my time with her.”

  He stared at his brother and knew Roy spoke the truth. If anyone could get Kitty to listen to reason, he was the man.

  Tom walked away with a little spark in his heart. He’d started the claiming, and now it was up to his brothers to begin the mating.


  Roy watched his brother go and moved back into the house. Kitty was sitting on the sofa watching television. The next month was all his. Her scent calmed his beast.

  He wouldn’t fail his brothers. Looking out of the front door, he saw Tom walking away. This was his brothers’, and his, last chance to remain human or be cursed to be a wolf forever. Closing the door, he walked toward Kitty, sat in front of her and took the remote out of her hand.

  “We’re cursed beings, Kitty. You’re our last chance in more ways than you can believe. Tom is in love with you. My brothers are in love with you, and so am I. You’ve lost your family. Please, help me to keep mine safe,” he said.

  She stared at him.

  “Will you help me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ll help you.”

  Nodding, Roy took her hand within his. The Claiming was over, and now it was time for the mating.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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