Book Read Free

Welcome to New Haven

Page 16

by Dawn Doyle

  “But Alex, how do you know if you don’t take a chance?”

  “No.” He said again.

  Alex wasn’t going to budge on it. He’d finally gotten over a ‘sort of’ communicative hurdle with Holly. There was no way he was going to ruin it, by telling her.

  Oh Holly, by the way, I like you and I think about kissing you, all the time. Somehow, he didn’t think that would go over too well.

  “Look” Dev interrupted his thoughts, “I know you’ve not done this before, and I get it. I totally do. But, I think she should know, maybe just a little bit, how you feel. Maybe I could say ‘I think Alex likes you’ or something like that.”

  “No Dev.” Alex shook his head as he put his books away. “Just leave it alone. I’ll tell her myself when I’m ready.”

  Alex left the room and went upstairs.

  Chapter 10

  The group had met Emily, after school on Monday, when she’d picked her up. Emily had borrowed Holly’s car that day and even though Dev had offered to give Holly a ride, in Alex’s car, Holly had quickly declined. Being in close proximity and in the confines of his car, his smell all around her…she would lose all of her self control, for sure.

  They all seemed to like Emily, especially the girls. Her accent and mannerisms had them laughing, and Holly was happy.

  Monday and Tuesday had gone by without any incidents too. She’d had a few ‘you go girl’ and ‘that was awesome’ comments from what had happened with Delaney. There was also a little chatter around school about Stacey, but Holly was trying her best to ignore it.

  Wednesday was another matter. Tech class was uncomfortable as ever, with Alex and Ben sitting at the back of the class and Holly could feel his eyes on her. Now, of course, that was uncomfortable but only because she’d liked it. Her insides were swirling around, as if liquified, and her core temperature had shot up sending waves of heat through her veins. Her face had flamed knowing he’d been looking at her.

  He either knows something, or he thinks I’m a weirdo for stumbling over my words. Probably wants to know what the hell is wrong with me.

  Holly was attempting to put all of her concentration on the computer screen in front of her, but the rows of coding weren’t making any sense to her, when she had never had trouble with them before.

  Holly had gotten out of class like she was on fire, which she felt as though she was, and made her way to the girl’s bathrooms to splash cold water on her face. It had helped a little but not much, so she sat outside to get some fresh air.

  It was her free period and, as she’d quit her Spanish class, she had nothing to do. Mondays’ free period was spent in the library, as it had been raining, and she hadn’t been bothered by anybody whilst there. Now, it was a nice day, so she got her books and decided to sit outside.

  Holly sat on the ground, by a large oak tree and began looking through her Algebra work for next period.

  “Hey Holly!” she heard, and turned around to see Ben walking towards her.

  “Oh, Hi Ben.” She replied, as her nerves paid attention.

  “Whatcha doing out here?” he asked as he stopped by her.

  “I’m just checking over my Algebra work. I have a free period now.” She said.

  “Yeah, me too. Mind if I join you for a bit?”

  “Um…no.” Holly was slightly taken aback than Ben would want to sit with her.

  “So…” He said. “How are you liking New Haven so far? I mean, apart from Stacey and Delaney that is.”

  “It’s ok” Holly replied.

  “Just Ok?” Ben smiled and he raised an eyebrow. It was as if he knew something she didn’t.”

  “Well it’s a lot different from my last school, in England, but I’m getting used to it.”

  “What’s a typical high school like over there?” He asked as he shifted, making himself comfortable on the ground.

  “Well, they have uniforms in all schools, not just a few. They don’t have free periods, well the ones I know of anyway. The terms, I mean semesters, are spaced differently. The way Mr Lawson has changed the schedules…they’re more like my last school.”

  Holly knew she was rambling on, but Ben seemed genuinely interested in what she was saying.

  “Maths and science classes were modular, meaning the subject is different every term and then we get tested at the end of term. The grade went towards the final score at the end of high school. Science didn’t have an exam but maths did. This only happened from year ten, which is ninth grade here. Our English and literature classes were all-in-one. It was just ‘English’ and the two would be learned simultaneously. I’m not sure about how the other schools worked, but this was what happened in mine. The others would be getting to the point where you would choose your ‘options’ as well as the mandatory stuff.

  Holly finished her long winded ramble and Ben just smiled.


  “Nothing. It’s just that that’s the most I’ve heard you speak since you got here.” Holly felt herself blush.

  “I do talk you know.”

  “I know. Just not as much when we’re all together.” He said with a twitch of his lips.

  “I like to listen.” She said quietly.

  I like to listen to Alex’s voice

  “Uh huh” he replied and Holly scowled.

  “Anyway, your schools sound complicated.” He said.

  “They’re not, actually. They’re simpler. Everything is grouped together, and everybody in the same year is grouped together depending on ability. Plus, we have Primary school and High school. No middle, or junior school.”

  “I guess that’s simpler.” He agreed.

  “It is…So why aren’t you with the other guys?” she asked, hoping it didn’t sound like she was trying to get rid of him. Even though she felt embarrassed at her over explanation of school.

  “Alex has Art, Kyle and Ryan have wood shop. I’m all alone.” He said as he wiped an imaginary tear away.”

  “Until Algebra.”

  “Yep. So what are you going to do until then?” He asked.

  Holly just pointed to her books.

  “I guess I’ll leave you to it then. Catch you later babes.” He said as he stood.

  “See ya”

  As Ben walked away, Holly blew out a relieved breath. Ben was a good guy but he was also Alex’s best friend and that was dangerous for her. If she gave anything away she was sure he would tell him.

  I can’t have that embarrassment. Things would get a lot more awkward than they already are.

  Holly sent Dev a text, letting her know that Ben had stopped by, asking her questions about school before she continued checking through her Algebra work. She was glad she didn’t have that class with the others. It gave her some space to think and concentrate on her work.

  “Yeah like that makes any difference.” She snorted.

  “Hey Hol!” Said the girls as they met outside class on their way to lunch.

  “Hi. How did your lesson go?” she asked Dev.

  “It was great actually. Thanks to you, I understood what was going on…finally!”

  “Oh I’m glad! You’ve been doing really well.” Holly said as she smiled, proud of Dev for improving her work. “So what’s going on girlies?” Holly asked Kayla and Riss as they got to their table.

  “Well, my Mom said that I could have a few friends over for a little pool party.” Riss said with a huge grin. “I wanted to wait until we were all together before I mentioned anything. I want you guys to come, obviously, and I’m going to invite the guys over too.”

  “Oh my God, that’s going to be so awesome!” squealed Dev.

  Oh shit.

  Holly felt the colour drain from her face.

  I need to get out of this

  “Um…I think Emily’s planning something for us to do this weekend.” She said.

  “Oh Emily can totally come too.” Said Riss. “She’s so much fun, we’ll have a great time!”

  Oh no!

nbsp; Holly didn’t want to let her friends down, but she didn’t want to go near a pool.

  “I suppose I could ask her.” She said finally.

  “Yay!” Dev clapped her hands together excitedly.

  “Hey girls!” Kyle shouted as the guys got to the table. They sat down close together and left only one space left for Alex to sit, right between Ben and Holly. Alex wasn’t sure, but it seemed as though the guys had left that space on purpose.

  Alex sat down and noticed Holly’s hands curl slightly into fists, her shoulders hunched a little, and her knee bounced.

  “Hi boys” the girls said in unison, except for Holly.

  “What’s happening?” asked Ryan.

  “I’m having a pool party on Saturday, well more like a pool hangout, and you guys are invited if you want to come, Riss piped up.

  “Count me in.” Said Kyle

  “Me too” Ryan and Ben said together.

  “Cool, sounds good” Alex said as he glanced to Holly. He didn’t think she would be going, and he thought he saw fear in her eyes as she glanced to Riss.

  “Who else is going? Anyone from school?” Ben asked Riss.

  “No. Just us. I wouldn’t want anybody else going anyway.” Alex looked back to Holly as Riss continued talking. “Holly and Em will be coming too if Em hasn’t planned anything.” She added.

  “That lady scares me.” Ryan said with a shudder.

  Emily, Holly’s sister seemed ok when they’d met her in the parking lot on Monday. Alex could tell that she was fiercely protective of her little sister and glared at any guy looking her way.

  He’d liked her immediately.

  Her accent was thicker than Holly’s, but he could still understand her.

  Just about.

  “Good. Maybe you’ll behave yourself” Dev said with a little smirk.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” Ryan said as he looked at Holly, which got Alex’s full attention.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behavior.” He said as he held his fingers up in a scout’s honor.

  “So…Holly…” Ben said as Ryan’s mischief became the topic of conversation. “…How did your revision go before class?”

  Alex’s head snapped toward Ben. Ben smiled back at him.

  “Fine.” She muttered. Alex glared at Ben.

  “Oh, I forgot to mention. Holly and I hung out for a little while during free period.” He said as he popped a fry in his mouth.

  “You did?” Alex tried to sound indifferent instead of growling at his best friend.

  “Oh yeah. We talked about how schools In the UK are different to ours…very educational.” Ben added for effect. Holly had gone beet red and carried on picking at her lunch, her knee still bouncing up and down.

  Alex clenched his jaw and saw Dev attempting to distract Kayla and Riss by talking about the pool hang out. Ben sucked his lips between his teeth to stop a laugh from escaping and Alex just narrowed his eyes at him. He knew his friend was just trying to get a rise out of him. He wasn’t going to take the bait though. Not in front of the girls, and especially not in front of Holly.

  Alex shook his head with a movement so small it was barely noticeable. Kyle and Ryan had sat by watching the drama with avid interest, by his reaction, they knew not to say anything.

  “Dude looks like he’s going to punch Ben.” Alex heard Kyle whisper to Ryan.

  Ryan smirked and nodded.

  Luckily, Dev had the girls too engrossed in their plans to notice.

  “So I’ll make a sweet fruit punch.” Said Kayla as they were planning food and drinks.

  “I love your fruit punch!” Said Riss.

  “But what shall we have for food? I could get my Mom to make us some stuff, but you’ll have to tell me what Emily likes.” She said to Holly.

  “You don’t need to worry about her. Emily’s a human bin, she likes almost everything.”

  The girls cracked up at that, and Holly smiled.

  “We could order something in.” Added Kayla.

  “What do you like?” Alex quietly said to Holly. He’d been waiting for an excuse to talk to her all through lunch. She turned her head and looked right into his eyes, and his breath caught.

  Christ! She’s beautiful.

  ”Erm…” she swallowed and glanced to his mouth before looking back up to his eyes.

  “Sorry, what?” she asked.

  He could see her cheeks flush again, and he was about to repeat his question when he was interrupted.

  “Pizza! We all like that!” Kayla said and the all agreed.

  Holly had quickly turned her head to Kayla and didn’t look back at him.

  For Fuck’s sake!

  He really couldn’t catch a break.

  Phys.Ed was next, and the guys changed and walked into the gym. Ryan and Kyle began their warm ups, and Alex pulled away so they were alone.

  “What the fuck was that dude?”

  “What do you mean?” Ben feigned innocence and Alex wasn’t falling for his crap.

  “You know what.” Alex growled. “That thing with Holly. Hanging out with her, and you didn’t tell me!” He whisper shouted.

  “I didn’t think I needed to, bro.” Ben said with a huge grin. “Wait…are you…jealous?”

  “No!” Alex said defensively. “I’m not jealous.” He sulked.

  “Dude you should see your face! You are so jealous!” Ben continued to chuckle as Alex glared at him.

  “There’s no need to be though…She’s not going to take me away from you.” And he bit his lip to stop another fit of laughter.

  “What?! Go fuck yourself, Ben.” Alex was so close to punching his so-called ‘best friend’ in the face.

  “I’m so awesome; I would if I could.” Ben added with a wink.

  “Dude, you’re disturbed.”

  “I don’t deny it. Nah, seriously though…I saw her sitting down and I went over to say ‘Hi’. I asked her about school, just to test her…”

  “Test her?” What would he be testing her about?

  “Yeah. To see whether she would hold a full conversation with me, and dude…she did.”

  “What are you getting at Ben? You’re really starting to piss me off.”

  “You don’t see?” Ben looked at Alex with a confused expression, as if wondering how Alex could be so blind. Alex shook his head, no. “She’s only quiet with you. Like she’s suddenly shy and nervous when you’re there.” He said as he pointed at Alex.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Man you’re so delusional; you don’t see what’s right in front of your face.” Ben rubbed a hand over his face, annoyed that Alex wasn’t ‘getting it’.

  “And what’s that?”

  “Dude…I think she likes you. Like likes you.”

  Alex’s heart stopped and then pounded furiously in his chest. Did Holly like him?

  “You think so?” He asked as his pulse soared.

  “Well if she doesn’t, then the only other explanation is a severe dislike and I’m positive that’s not the case.”

  “What should I do?” Alex asked as his stomach was doing flip-flops at Ben’s Epiphany/statement.

  “I’d just talk to her, bro, like her shyness isn’t an issue. Make her feel more comfortable around you. Just telling her you like her might freak her out a bit. I mean, she’s a bag of nerves around you.”

  “Since when did you become so wise?”

  “Hey, I have my moments.” Ben replied with a smile.

  “Thanks, man.”


  Alex didn’t feel like punching Ben anymore. He did what he did to make sure his theory was right, and if it were, and Holly did like him… He couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He and Ben joined Ryan and Kyle for their workout.

  They’d been training for almost twenty minutes when Alex got up to get a drink. He got to the water station and turned to look out of the window. He froze as he saw Holly running track. The fences had been taken down, and now he had a clea
r view.

  “Dude, what are you…?” Ben paused mid-sentence when he saw what Alex was staring at.

  “Shouldn’t she be in the pool?”

  “She ran track for her last school. She must be continuing here.” Alex knew why she was running, but he wasn’t going to tell Ben, or anybody else. If Holly hadn’t told them, then it was obvious she didn’t want them to know.

  “Oh.” Ben said, interrupting his thoughts. “I guess there’s something to look at during gym.”

  Alex turned and scowled at Ben who snorted a laugh.

  “Dude, I’m just saying…”

  “Well don’t.” Alex spat through gritted teeth. “I wonder if I should tell Dev what you said.”

  “What?!” Ben seemed shocked at what Alex had said to him.

  “Yeah…Dev. I’ve seen how you look at her.” Alex said, raising his eyebrows.

  “Come on, man, she’s like a sister to me.”

  “Just you remember that. And don’t be eyeing up Holly either.” He added, with a warning tone.

  “Oh my God” Ben shook his head. “Alex, I don’t look at Holly that way. She’s cool and all, but that’s it. Besides, I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “I know. Shit, sorry man. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I see somebody trying it on, and I get so pissed. The guys that have asked her out…I wanted to tear their fucking heads off!” Alex ran his hands over his face and looked out at Holly again. “This is so fucked up.” He whispered.

  “Totally man. But, I think there maybe more to it than that.”


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