Book Read Free

Welcome to New Haven

Page 27

by Dawn Doyle

  Alex chuckled and Ben was leaning over trying to read, when he got a text from Dev.

  D: I’m trying to teach Holly Spanish. Quit distracting her!

  A: Sorry. :(

  D: Hmmmmm

  A: I’ve just been told off by my sister.

  H: Me too. She’s so bossy!

  A: XD Text you later?

  H: Yeah.

  A: Cool. X

  H: X

  Alex felt like doing a happy dance. He added a kiss and wondered if Holly would too. She did, and his chest warmed.

  “I’m happy for you man.” Ben said when Alex showed him his messages. “Seriously. I’m glad things are starting to look up.”

  “Thanks, Me too.”

  Me too. Definitely.

  “Hey” Dev said as she walked in the hangout room. Alex and Ben both turned to her.

  “Hey, how’d it go?" Alex asked. He was anxious to hear what had been discussed between the girls. He wasn’t sure Ben should hear it but, as they were best friends, he’d probably end up telling him anyway.

  “It went really well. When we eventually got started.” Dev said as she narrowed her eyes at Alex.

  “Sorry.” He smirked. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Yeah well, I thought you had broken her, earlier.”

  “Broken her?”

  “She was frozen in shock for a while. I’d wondered what you’d said to her. She looked like this…” Dev made a face of shock with her hand over her mouth. “…She was like that for a little while.”

  “Was she pissed?” asked Ben.

  “No, not at all.” Said Dev and Alex saw that she only sideways glanced at him as she spoke.

  Alex was relieved as he’d wondered what Holly was thinking when he sent the text saying ‘that’s a shame’. At first, he’d thought he’d screwed up things by being playfully forward.

  “She was fine actually. Why?” Dev asked, but looked at Alex.

  “I thought I may have upset her with my text. I was just trying to make fun.” He said.

  “Shocked, not upset.” Said Dev. “Especially when you asked whether it scared her off.” She smiled.

  “Yeah. What did she say? Besides what she replied.”

  “Nothing, actually.”


  “Yep. She just smiled and answered your text."

  Alex was glad. He wanted things to go forward with Holly, and he was happy he hadn’t set them back.

  “Well that’s good then.” Said Ben, as he was watching Dev. “Alex, let’s get back to destroying the bad guys.”

  “Graçias.” Alex mouthed to Dev and went back to playing his game.

  As soon as dinner was over, Alex went up to his room to text Holly in private. He hoped she was free so they could chat without being disturbed.

  A: Hey. :)

  H: Hey :)

  A: How did your lesson go?

  H: Difficult. I don’t get it.

  A: Why?

  H: The different ways to say the same word. It changes, and I get mixed up which one to use.

  A: Example?

  H: I read, you read, we read. To me, that would be

  yo leer, usted leer, nosotros leer.

  A: That’s Yo leo, lees and leemos.

  H: Exactly! It’s frustrating. :(

  A: Don’t give up. I’m sure you’ll get it.

  H: I doubt it. How’s your day been?

  A: Kicking bad guy ass with Ben.

  H: Xbox?

  A: How did you know?

  H: I don’t think you or Ben are vigilantes, or super heroes. :D

  A: We could be. :)

  H: I really doubt you guys would be running around in tights. Oh, sorry…’pantyhose’ XD

  A: Ok then, maybe not. XD

  H: I didn’t think so.

  A: Have you spoken to Emily?

  H: Yeah. After I got back from the library. It was 2am for her though, so we didn’t talk long.

  A: How is she?

  H: She still talks about Ryans’ brother. She either really hates him, or she likes him.

  A: She does? They only met for 5 minutes and didn’t she want to punch him the whole time?

  H: Yes, but she’s asked me at least 4 times now if I’ve seen him. Why would I have seen him?

  A: Makes sense.

  Alex liked their conversation very much. It was so freely moving that he wanted to call her instead. That wasn’t possible though.

  Not yet anyway. Not until she was comfortable.

  Alex wanted to push for more information, and Alex decided to get a little more personal.

  A: Do you like Nick?

  H: I don’t know him. Apart from annoying my sister, why?

  A: I was just asking. Lots of girls like him.

  H: Lots of girls like you.

  Alex was taken aback by her message.

  What did that mean? That because girls like Nick it doesn’t mean she does, and that she doesn’t like me?

  Alex wanted to find out exactly what she meant, so he knew he needed to be careful what he asked her.

  A: I guess. But I was asking you.

  H: Asking me what?

  Was Holly just playing with him and making him work for his answers? He had a feeling she was.

  A: If you like Nick.

  H: Why would I like Nick?

  Holly was definitely messing with him! He chuckled as he replied back to her.

  A: Like I said, lots of girls like him. He’s older and has a motorcycle.

  H: Ok. 1. Motorbikes are dangerous, and he wasn’t wearing a helmet. That’s just idiotic. 2. He’s WAY to old for me. 3. Just because he’s decent looking doesn’t make me attracted to him.

  Alex was happy. Girls swooned over Nick and his bike. He was the cool older brother of Ryan. Slightly dangerous, because he didn’t wear a helmet on his bike, and that seemed to attract a lot of female attention. Especially those too young to know better. Luckily Dev hadn’t paid him much attention and thought he was an idiot too.

  A: Who are you attracted to then?

  H: Who said I was?

  Alex was desperately trying to find out if Holly definitely was attracted to him. Thinking about it from Ben’s, and the other’s view, she was. He would feel better for knowing for sure.

  A: Nobody. I was just wondering.

  H: You’re nosey. :)

  A: Just curious. :)

  H: Kind of similar, don’t you think?

  A: That’s a possibility. :D

  H: You’re funny.

  A: You’re beautiful.

  Alex held his thumb over the ’send’ button. Should he send the message? Would it make her happy or will she show him the way to the ‘friend zone’?

  Ben was right. He didn’t want to be shot down with a ‘thanks; you’re a good friend’. But, did he want to risk it? Had Ben ever told Dev that she looks beautiful? He didn’t think so. Sometimes he’s said she looks ‘pretty’ or ‘nice’.

  Yes. Alex was going to send it. So he did.

  Alex really hoped he hadn’t just screwed everything up. Besides, if she only saw him as a friend, which he didn’t think she did, wouldn’t she have ‘friend zoned’ him already? The wait for her reply was agonizing. It had been…fifteen seconds.

  “What have I done?” He whispered to himself.

  “What have you done?” Alex turned round to see Dev standing in his doorway.


  “It didn’t sound like nothing.” She said coming into the room and sitting on Alex’s bed.

  “I was texting Holly.” He said, his voice sounding weak and pathetic.

  “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve just…uh…”


  “I might have told her she’s beautiful.”

  “What?! Let me see let me see!” Dev squealed and she snatched Alex’s phone.

  “Hey give it back!” He said.

  “Oh who am I going to tell,
Alex?” she asked. “I’m guessing there are no pervy deets in here, so it’s safe?”

  “Of course!” He replied his voice raising slightly. “It’s a private conversation. If Holly wants you to know, then she can tell you. Now, give it back.” Dev was swapping hands and Alex reached for his phone, retrieving it with ease.

  “Ok seriously now Alex.“ She said as she sat down again. “Tell me what happened.”

  “I’ll show you but…” He paused.

  “But what?” Dev asked impatiently.

  “If I’ve messed up, I want you to help me fix it.”

  How he didn’t know, but he would try. Holly hadn’t texted back, and he was getting worried.

  “Of course! But, I doubt you messed anything up.” She smiled knowingly.

  Dev was certainly hiding something. She knew a lot more than she was telling him. ‘Girl code’.

  “Holly has told you something, hasn’t she?” Alex narrowed his eyes at Dev.

  “You have a code, Holly and I have a code. So I’m not obligated to say.” She said with her nose up in the air. “Now, gimmee.” Dev held out her hand for Alex’s phone.

  “Holly hasn’t replied, so I don’t know what’s going to happen now.”

  “She’s probably still reeling from shock” chuckled Dev.

  Alex showed Dev the conversation on his phone.

  “Yeah Holly’s frustrated with the phrases…” Dev said as she read. “You seriously thought she liked Nick?” she asked incredulously.

  “I was just asking.” He said sheepishly.

  “Or fishing.” She said and he smiled guiltily. “Why would you be funny?” she asked as she read further.

  “Just something in tech class and Alex briefly mentioned the conversation and Dev nodded. “So…What do you think?” Alex was getting more nervous. So nervous he was sweating.

  “I don’t think you need to fix anything” Dev said as she smiled warmly at Alex.

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  Dev opened her mouth to speak when Alex’s phone beeped. They both looked at each other, and his heart started to double beat in his chest.

  “Well open it!” Dev squealed.

  Alex swiped the screen to open the message.

  H: Graçias. :)

  Alex frowned a little when he read it. A single word to say thanks.

  “What did she say?” Dev asked as she bounced up and down as she sat.

  “She said graçias.” His phone beeped again, and his frown instantly turned upside down. His smile couldn’t get any bigger.

  “Oh my God, Alex. The suspense is killing me!” Dev exclaimed.

  “I think she likes me.” He said as he turned to Dev.

  Dev gasped as she reached for the phone in his hand.

  “Agh let me see!”

  H: Eres también. :)

  Dev made an excited, high pitched squeal.

  “Ow my ears Dev!” Alex said as he laughed at his sister bouncing up and down in joy.

  “She said you are too! That’s really, really great Alex.”

  “You don’t think she’s just being polite?”

  Dev rolled her eyes and groaned.

  “Alex, she replied in Spanish, that means she put some thought into it. Besides, how many girls fall over themselves saying ‘oh my God, Alex is soooo hot’!” She said in a stereotypical high school girl voice.

  “Yeah well Holly’s not like that.”

  “Exactly. She thinks you’re good looking but isn’t obvious about it.”

  “That’s a good thing…right?” Alex just wanted to be one hundred percent sure about Holly’s feelings. He’d never done anything like that before, and he was nervous, if not a little scared.

  “Alex, you’re so clueless.” Dev chuckled.

  “That’s what Ben said.”

  Alex was thinking what to send back to Holly. He’d not answered yet, and he didn’t want to leave it too long.

  “So…Can I tell her now?” Dev asked.

  “Tell her what?”

  “That you like her, dumbass!”

  “Oh! I guess so.”

  “Yay! She squealed and hugged Alex hard.

  “Need to breathe Dev.” He said as his ribs were straining under the pressure of Dev’s vice grip. “Just don’t tell her everything.” He said when Dev loosened her death grip.

  “Oh sure. I won’t tell her about the stuff from when you first met.” Dev grinned as she referred to the state Alex had himself in when they first met. “I’ll let you tell her that.” She winked. “I’ll let you carry on chatting.”

  “Thanks Dev.” Alex said as Dev walked out of the door.

  “Anytime!” she called back, and he swiped the screen.

  A: Thank you. ;) Sorry for the delay. Dev was here.

  H: I assume I should expect a message from her?

  A: Yeah. Sorry. :( Are you mad?

  H: Not at all.

  A: Are you sure?

  H: Yep. Dev’s my best friend.

  A: She’d just ask you anyway. She has a way of getting info.

  H: She sure does. XD What are you doing now?

  A: Just lying on my bed. You?

  Alex suddenly felt really turned on but, then again that was his constant state around Holly. Even when texting. Just knowing it was her on the other end of the phone was enough.

  Football, tennis, baseball…

  The ‘beep’ broke his thoughts.

  H: Same here. Just about to get in the shower though.

  What the fuck?! Is she deliberately trying to give me a heart attack?

  The thought of Holly stripping down…Alex closed his eyes tight, breathed deeply and let it out slowly.

  A: Me too, but now it’s a cold shower.

  Should I have said that? Why didn’t I think before I sent it?

  Alex groaned as he lay back with his arm across his eyes. The message was sent so there was nothing he could do about it now. He just hoped Holly wouldn’t be mad at him for it.

  He’d never met anybody like her before. He’d never entertained that kind of conversation with anyone. Alex didn’t act like a ‘normal’ teenage boy, wanting to ‘screw anything in a skirt’. He knew that. His parents had taught him better than that. He’d promised them.

  Alex remembered the conversation when he and Dev had turned fourteen, and shuddered when his phone beeped again.

  H: ?!! :o You did not just say that!

  A: I really did. ;)

  H: I would say I’m shocked, but I’m too…shocked.

  A: Are you angry?

  H: Stop thinking I’m mad or upset. You would have known by now if I was. :)

  A: Oh yeah. Good point. You can be scary. XD

  H: Hey!

  A: Haha! XD

  H: Oh you think you’re funny?

  A: Yes. Yes I do.

  H: I can be really funny too.

  A: Oh really?

  H: Oh yes.

  A: Ok. Now I’m intrigued.

  H: Sorry, I have to go. Time for my hot, soapy shower. :P CU2moro@school. Xx

  A: :o CU2moro. Xx

  Definitely cold shower! Extra freezing!

  Holly was sitting in her room, so red faced, she thought she could set fire to the place.

  “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I said that!” She whispered to herself and started giggling.

  She lay back and thought about Alex’s text telling her she’s ‘beautiful’. Her face broke into a huge grin, and her chest swelled as she sighed. It had taken her a while to translate ‘you are too’ because she sat staring at her phone rereading her message over and over again.

  Holly laughed.

  “Emily’s going to go mental!”

  Her big sister always thought of Holly as naïve, delicate, little flower. Unless she was pissed off that is.

  Holly’s thoughts were broken when her phone started to ring. Dev.

  “Hi Dev.” She said as she answered.

  “Holly! Oh my God! I can’t believe it!” Dev s
quealed so loud Holly had to hold the phone away from her ear.

  “I was expecting this call a while ago.”

  “I called as soon as I heard Alex’s shower turn on. You two…oh it’s great, Hol!”

  “What do you mean, Dev? What did Alex tell you?” she asked.

  “After some persuasion, he showed me your texts to each other. I left after you had said ‘you are too’, nicely done by the way.”

  Holly was relieved Dev didn’t know what had come after that. Her lady parts were aching just thinking about Alex in the shower…naked.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for soooo long!”


  “Don’t zone out on me, Hol. I’m releasing this tension here.”

  “Sorry Dev.” Holly chuckled. “Carry on.”

  “Ok, so, finally Alex has said I can tell you stuff.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Shh Hol, I’m getting there! Anyway, Alex likes you! He’s liked you since you started school, and a lot it seems. Ahhh I feel better now. Phew!”

  Holly heard Dev blow out a breath of relief and she dropped back on her bed as the words sank in that Alex had liked her since the first day.

  “Better?” she asked Dev.

  “Oh yeah. Better. So how do you feel knowing that?”

  “Actually…” Said Holly as her body screamed with joy. “I feel relieved that I know, but a little sad too.”

  Dev didn’t give her time to explain when she cut in.

  “Why the hell would you feel sad? Alex is great!” Dev said in defense.


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