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Welcome to New Haven

Page 32

by Dawn Doyle

  Alex walked into the dining room, and his Mom beamed at him.

  “I hear things are progressing between you and Holly.” She said.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “Early days though Mom.” He knew she would be worried about them going further. They were almost eighteen, after all and most kids their age were going further…and beyond. His Mom gave him a look. The look that meant ‘behave,’ or ‘I’m warning you’. Alex knew what she was referring to.

  “We’re not eighteen yet, Mom.” He said as he shook his head a little as he went to set the table. He could hear his Mom and Dev still talking.

  “When’s Holly’s birthday again?” she asked.

  “A week after ours. Mom, don’t worry. They won’t rush anything and you now how much Alex likes her. He said he loves her.”

  “He does?”

  “Yeah, and I’m pretty sure she feels the same way.”

  Alex’s heart skipped a beat at that. He wished it was true. He wanted to tell Holly, but he didn’t want to tell her before she was ready.

  “That’s great honey, but that’s not what I’m worried about.” Said Evie.

  “What then?”

  “I’m worried about becoming a young grandmother.”

  “Ugh! Parents! That’s what her Dad said.” Said Dev and Alex snorted as he heard.

  “Well that’s good to know.” Said Evie as she took the food to the table.

  Chapter 17

  Holly was sitting on the sofa attempting to translate some Spanish conversations. It was difficult, and she was struggling with the different verbs, the masculine and the feminine.

  Her phone beeped from an incoming message, and she smiled when she saw it was Alex/

  A: Hey babe. ;)

  Holly loved the way he called her ‘babe’. His voice lowered when he did, and the hairs on her neck stood on end, sending shivers down her spine.

  H: Hey babe. :)

  A: Whatcha doin?

  H: Attempting some translations. You?

  A: Watching TV. Ben’s coming over soon. How are you doing with your translations?

  H: Not very well. :(

  A: Did your parents say anything to you?

  H: No. :) I told them not to say a word. :D

  A: So they’re not going to kill me? :/

  H: No! XD They like you. They just like to joke around. Very warped sense of humour, as you saw earlier.

  A: That must be tough for you.

  H: That’s the first time they’ve turned it on me. Now

  I’m worried. :

  A: Why?

  H: My Mum and her friend caused a scene in a store with Em. It’s too long to text so I’ll have to tell you tomorrow.

  A: I’ll hold you to that.

  H: Fine by me. ;)

  Holly felt a little awkward and shy. Neither of them had mentioned ‘the kiss’ although Alex had mentioned the aftermath. She wanted to tell him she liked it.

  Alex was trying to think of a way to tell Holly how much he liked their kiss. How did he start that? ‘Oh hey, Holly. I liked kissing you?’ ‘Actually, that’s perfect’. He thought.

  He was just about to type it when he got a message.

  H: I liked kissing you. *0.0*

  Holly had gotten there first, and he was glad. She wasn’t leaving it up to him to say anything.

  A: I liked you kissing me, and I liked kissing you back.


  The blushing text was appropriate as he was blushing. He could feel the heat in his face and his ears.

  H: Well that’s a relief. ;)

  A: Why? Do you plan on kissing me again?

  He chuckled as he sent the text. He most definitely was planning on it.

  H: That’s a possibility. :D

  A: I hope it’s more than a possibility. More like definitely.

  H: Oh well, ok. If you insist.

  A: I do. X

  H: Ok then. X

  Holly’s phone rang before Alex had replied, and she saw it was Dev. She knew what this conversation was about.

  “Hi Dev.” She said as she answered.

  “Hi Hol! Jeez that was sooome kiss! What made you go for it? I said that you were probably tired of being interrupted…”

  Holly let Dev rant on for a little while. She sounded so Happy, and Holly didn’t want to spoil it for her.

  “…And I think it was beautiful and romantic and…ah.” Dev sighed. “Just great, ya know?”

  Holly could hear Dev getting emotional.

  “Dev what’s up?” She asked, full of concern.

  “Oh nothing. I’m just happy that you two are finally together. I know it’s not been long since you started, but everyone could see what was happening between you. If you both hadn’t been so stubborn, it could’ve happened sooner, though.” Dev said playfully. “I get why either of you didn’t want me to say anything, but now I’m glad you have each other.” Dev sniffled.

  “Dev, did you say Alex and I are together?”

  “Yes.” She replied. “I know nothing ‘official’ has been said but, come on Hol, you know it makes sense. You do want to be with him…right?”

  “Of course!” Said Holly as if it were strange to suggest otherwise.

  “Alex does too so…there you go.”

  “Don’t tell anybody until anything’s official though, Dev. We haven’t even been on a date yet.” Holly knew that dating wasn’t necessary to begin a relationship. Even in the UK, guys had asked her to be their girlfriend and she didn’t even know their names!

  “I’m sure Alex will think of something.” Dev said suggestively and Holly laughed.

  “Ok. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

  Holly already had a text after she and Dev ended their call.

  A: I Can’t wait.x I need to talk to you about something but I’d rather not text.

  H: Sorry, your sister called and chewed my ear off. What do you want to talk about?

  A: She does that…a lot! Can I call you?

  Holly didn’t reply. Instead, she called Alex.

  “Hey babe.” He answered quietly.

  “Hi babe. What’s up?”

  “I…um…was thinking… well…”

  Holly could hear his nervousness as he blew out a breath.

  “…We could go on a date? Tomorrow?”

  Holly’s stomach flipped.

  “Yes! I mean, yes, I’d like that.” She said as she bounced up and down on the sofa.

  “Great.” Alex sounded relieved.

  “Alex Valencia, are you nervous?” Holly asked playfully.

  Alex laughed.

  “Yeah, actually. I’ve never asked anybody on a date before.” Holly was shocked. She knew he got asked out a lot.


  “Really. Actually, I’ve never been on a date…ever.”

  “Wow.” Was all Holly could say.

  “You sound surprised.” He said as he chuckled.

  “Why haven’t you?”

  “I never wanted to. Until I met you.”

  Holly’s heart pounded in her chest, and she swallowed hard.

  “Have you?” He asked.

  “No. Never.” Alex felt relieved when Holly said that, and he repeated her question to him.


  “I never wanted to either” She replied.

  “Alex!” Dev said as she burst into the hangout room. “I’ve been on the phone with Holly and, well, I kind of said ‘I’m glad you’re finally together’ and even though nothings’ official, I know you want to. I’m pretty sure she does too. So you need to get off your ass and do something. Ask her on a date so you can be official, and I can tell everyone.”

  Alex stared at Dev in surprise, and Holly was silent on the other end of the phone.

  “I am doing something abut it.” He said.

  “When?” Dev asked impatiently.

  “Um…did you get all that Hol?” He asked into the phone.

  “I sure did.” She replied
with a giggle.

  “Holly got that.” He said with a smirk.

  “Oh. Sorry.” Said Dev and she looked embarrassed that Holly had heard her outburst. She made an expression that said ‘oops’. “I’ll…just be out here.” She said as she turned. “Oh. Hi Ben.” She said, as if annoyed, when Ben entered the room.

  “Hey Dev.” He replied, and Alex saw him look Dev up and down as she walked out.

  “Hey man. Qué pasa?”

  “Holly says Hi.” Said Alex as he repeated her greeting for Ben.

  “Heyyy Hollyyyy!” Said Ben loudly with a face splitting grin. “Finally moved up to a full conversation?” He laughed at his own joke.

  Alex frowned, and then he grinned at what Holly told him to tell Ben.

  “What?” Ben asked.

  “Holly said she’s going to tell Emily.”

  “Shit! No! I’m sorry! Please forgive me Holly!” He shouted in a playful beg which had Holly laughing. The sound was music to Alex’s ears.

  “I’ll let you go and hangout with Ben.” She said. “See you tomorrow."


  Alex glared at Ben with a pursed smile. He couldn’t help but smile. He was going on a date with Holly the next day!

  “So…what’s going on with Holly?” asked Ben. Alex filled him in on the events over the past few hours.

  “Holy shit! She just walked over and made out with you?!” Ben was surprised. “Was there tongue?” He asked quietly, leaning closer.

  “Dude!” Said Alex. “Seriously man, you’re like Dev.”

  “Yeah yeah, answer the question.” Ben said, waving his hand in dismissal.

  “Ok…’Dev’” Alex said. “Yes.”

  “Oh my God!” Ben laughed. “You’re first kiss! Did her parents freak out”

  “No they didn’t. They sorta disappeared and then her Dad kinda hinted that that was enough.”

  “Then what?”

  Alex continued his story, right up until the moment Ben had walked in. Which reminded him…

  “Oh, and don’t think I didn’t notice you checking out my sister.” He said accusingly.

  “No I didn’t.”

  “I saw you, Ben.”

  “She looked good. I can’t help noticing that.” Ben said in defense.

  “What happened to…’she’s like a sister to me?’” Said Alex, imitating Ben’s voice.

  Ben rolled his eyes at him.

  “Like a sister. But she isn’t. My brain knows that. Anyway, it’s a none issue so don’t sweat it.”

  “Hmmmm.” Said Alex as he narrowed his eyes at Ben.

  “Besides…we fight like brother and sister.” Ben added with a frown.

  Alex knew something was going on, but neither Ben or Dev were saying anything.

  “So where are you going on your first date?” Ben asked, changing the subject.

  “I don’t know yet. I was going to try to figure that out tonight.”

  Alex’s car was already there when Holly got to school. Her stomach was full of butterflies, and now her heart was going double time in her chest. After last night’s dreams of Alex, she was already feeling a little hot down south.

  They’d been kissing each other when all of a sudden they’d been removing each others’ clothes, and hands were exploring a lot more than they should have. She had to stop herself recalling the intimate details; otherwise, she’d never make it through the day without embarrassing herself.

  As she walked towards the building, Alex and Dev were waiting at the entrance. Holly stopped walking and stared at Alex.

  He had on a pair of dark blue faded jeans that sat oh-so-perfect on his hips and a royal blue v-neck T-shirt that had college type artwork on the front in white. He was leaning his shoulder against one of the pillars, his arms folded, showing his perfectly sculpted biceps. His hair was his usual mussed up style with strands falling to his eyes.

  He was a flawless specimen of maleness. Not that she’d known anyone that way but still…

  Alex was watching her, and his sexy smile spread more widely with the realisation of what was happening to her. He licked his lower lip and moved away from the pillar. He began to walk towards her as she managed to find the ability to move her feet again. Dev was watching them as Riss and Kayla arrived.

  “What’s going on?” Holly heard Riss ask.

  “Watch.” Said Dev.

  As they closed the gap between them, Alex cupped Holly’s face with his hands, his lips parting. He tilted her head back and brought their mouths together in a deep kiss. He could hear a few people saying ‘oh my God!’ and some whistles.

  He felt Holly’s hand fist in the front of his T-shirt as their tongues glided over each other. Alex pulled away sooner than he would have liked, but they were at school after all. They’d only kissed for a few seconds, but it was enough to get him worked up.

  “Hi babe.” He whispered as he looked into her eyes.

  “Hhhhhh.” Said Holly as she let out a shaky breath. She swallowed and then found her voice. “Hi babe.” She replied as Alex ran his thumbs across her cheekbones.

  He slowly removed his hands from her face and then took her hand in his. When they turned to go into the building, they noticed everybody had stopped to stare at them.

  “Everyone’s staring.” Holly whispered.

  “Let them. They’ll get used to it soon enough.” And he winked at her as she grinned. His words implied that there would be a lot more kissing to come, and Holly was already buzzing with anticipation.

  “Holy fuck that was hot!” Said Kayla as Holly and Alex walked up the steps.

  “When did this happen?” asked Riss, wide eyed.

  “Yesterday.” Said Dev.

  “Awwww!” Chorused the girls as Alex and Holly passed a tender look to each other.

  “You guys look so awesome together.” Said Kayla.

  “Told ya.” Said Dev as she bumped her elbow against Holly’s.

  “See you in class.” Alex said, and he gave Holly a gentle kiss before he left for homeroom. They kept hold of each others’ hand, only letting go when they could no longer reach. He looked back and flashed his killer smile as he turned the corner.

  Holly felt empty immediately. The way she usually felt when Alex wasn’t there.

  As she and Dev waked into their homeroom, they heard Stacey and Cerise talking.

  “I saw it. They were sucking face and, from where I was standing, they looked seriously into each other.” She was about to say something else when she saw Holly and Dev.

  Stacey snarled at them.

  “Yeah? Well when he realises how fucking lame she is, he’ll drop her like a fucking rock.”

  Holly clenched her jaw and Dev put her hand over hers.

  “I’m guessing she hasn’t put out yet. Guys that hot like to fuck and leave. Does she really think there’ll be a happy ever after?” Stacey started to laugh.

  Cerise wasn’t laughing this time. She started to speak, keeping her voice low, but Holly could still hear her.

  “Stacey, I think it’s obvious Alex is into her. Everybody can see that and, if the rumours are true, Alex won’t sleep with anyone anyway.” Holly and Dev looked at each other when Cerise said that.

  “Good boy” Dev mouthed.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Stacey said. More of a statement than a question.

  “What? I’m just saying you should leave the thing you have for Alex alone.” Cerise said but Stacey wasn’t listening.

  “He won’t sleep with anyone? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Stacey screeched. “Nobody knows how true that is. Just because he hasn’t fucked anybody at this school, doesn’t mean he hasn’t fucked anybody anywhere else!” Stacey then turned her attention to Holly. “He’s probably got a few little ‘Holly’s’ on the go, just waiting to stick his dick into.” She laughed.

  Holly’s fists were clenched so hard; her nails were digging into her palms.

  “Stace, come on.” Said Cerise in an a
ttempt to stop her ‘friend’ from going overboard.

  Too late.

  “No. Let her carry on.” Said Holly as she turned. “She’s just showing everybody how pathetic she is. Stacey, do us all a favour and fuck off. Nobody wants to hear your jealous rants. In fact, they’re just boring.” She said.

  Stacey’s eyes were raging.

  “You think you’ve got him, but you haven’t. Believe me when I say this…Alex is mine and the sooner he realises that, the better.”

  Holly stood and Dev quickly stopped her lunging for Stacey.

  Her skin prickled, and a shiver ran down her spine.

  “Stacey, get out of your insane dreamworld and into reality. He’s never liked you and never will. Holly’s his girlfriend whether you like it or not!” Dev said.

  “Girlfriend?” squealed Stacey with a venomous look in her eyes. Her face contorting with madness.

  “Yeah, that’s right.” Said a voice from behind Holly.


  She quickly turned to see him.

  “Hey babe. Are you ok?” He said as he brushed her cheek with his fingertips.

  Holly was surprised to see him there, but she was even happier that he was. He pulled her towards him with his other hand, keeping his arm around her waist.

  “Yeah. She for some reason, thinks that you are hers.” She said, and Alex laughed coldly.

  “Well that’s never gonna happen.” He said. “I belong to you.” He leaned down and as he kissed her, the class erupted in a chorus of ‘Wooooh’s’ and ‘Awwww’s’.

  “You’re gonna pay for this, bitch” spat Stacey, and Alex growled. Cerise started to walk away from her.


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