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Welcome to New Haven

Page 40

by Dawn Doyle

  “Oh.” She said with relief. “I thought I’d done something wrong.” She said quietly.

  “None of that was wrong, babe.” He said, cupping her cheek. He kissed her one more time before he stood and helped her up.

  On the way back home, Holly was dying to know what Alex had said to her, in Spanish. She loved hearing him speak in the language. She just wished she knew what he was saying.

  She tried to remember some of the words she had learnt. She couldn’t figure anything out other than ‘Quiero’ ‘I want’.

  “What did you say to me, before, in Spanish.”

  “I’ll tell you later.” He said with a smirk.

  “No fair.” She pouted and Alex laughed.

  After driving back to her house, hand-in-hand, Alex walked her to the door.

  “You want to know what I said?” He asked, his voice low and sexy.

  “Yes. But, please don’t tell me to use my app. I want you to say it.”

  Alex took a deep breath and slowly released it. He cupped her face and looked, deep, into her eyes. Holly almost melted just from that.

  “I said…” He paused to look over her face. He leaned in closer to whisper to her. “I want you so bad.” And he kissed her as her mouth popped open in surprise.

  The front door opened and there stood Oli.

  “Ahem. It’s good to see you kept your promise.” He smirked.

  “Dad!” complained Holly as he snickered.

  Holly shook her head at him.

  “Dad, will you follow Alex home?” she asked.

  “Of course honey.” He replied. “That’s what I was going to suggest.”

  “Good. Even though she’s… I just don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Ok. I’ll get my car.” Said Oli as he left them to say their goodbyes.

  “Thank you. I had the best time.” She said to Alex.

  “Me too.” He stroked her jawline as he watched her mouth. “I lo…” He paused and then closed his mouth. “See you tomorrow.” He said and then gently pressed his lips to her mouth.

  “Text me when you get home.”

  “I will”

  As Alex drove away with Oli following, Holly went indoors.

  “So…How’d it go?” Her Mum asked, grinning.

  “Definitely cross-eyed and weak kneed” She replied as she went upstairs. “But don’t worry, still intact!” she added with a smile to herself.

  I hope he texts soon.

  Holly was worried about him being on his own incase Stacey had somehow been released and was waiting for him.

  Even with her Dad following him.

  She had to stop herself from over thinking incase she panicked again.

  Everything’s going to be ok.

  Holly went into her room and flung herself back on her bed and sighed before checking her phone.

  She felt amazing.

  She’d never understood the hype of having a boyfriend or partner, whatever. Wouldn’t it be annoying having the other person around all the time? Constantly wanting to touch you.

  Absolutely not!

  Now, Holly knew how it felt and it was just ahhhhhh. She sighed again, but quickly sat up as her phone beeped.

  A: Hi babe. I’ve just gotten home. Currently hiding from


  H: I’m glad you’re home safe. I was worried : Where are you hiding?

  A: In my room, but I had to sneak in.

  H: You know she’ll figure it out that you’re back. :D

  A: Eventually, but I think I may have about 10 minutes left before she comes knocking on my door.

  H: So what do you plan to do with your 10 minutes of freedom?

  A: Cold, cold shower.

  H: Mine’s hot and very soapy.

  A: Agh! Is this your payback?

  H: Oh, my sweet Alex. I haven’t even started. ;)

  A: Now I’m worried. :O

  H: You should be.

  A: I think I need a subzero shower. *0.0*

  H: You have fun with that and I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Xx

  A: I will definitely. Goodnight and sweet dreams for you too. Xx

  H: I always do. ;P xx

  A: Do you dream of me? ;)

  H: Goodnight, Alexandro. XD xx

  A: Goodnight :( xx

  There was no way Holly was going to spill any details of her dreams to Alex. Truthfully, she’d like to recreate those dreams and, out in Five oaks, it could have.

  In that moment with Alex she wanted to and she knew he did to, but it was too soon for both of them regardless of how they felt. They should wait until they were both eighteen. Then, they would be legal adults.

  The state law was sixteen, but even she thought that was too young.

  Maybe if they’d know each other for all that time, but they had only dated once. They’d been a couple for less than twenty-four hours. Hell, they’d only had their first kiss the day before!

  Holly had never known feelings like this and she wondered if she were just getting overwhelmed by them. She took a breath to focus.

  Am I rushing things? Should we cool down for a while? Go slower?

  She asked herself the questions to see how her subconscious would react.

  All she felt was panic.

  Slowdown? Why slowdown? Are you crazy?

  It felt right and so…so… Holly had to swallow hard as she replayed the evenings events at the lakeside. Her mind and body were in agreement. Whatever had happened with Alex, happened and it had felt right. Like it was a normal thing for them.

  Yes! Her mind screamed like Holly was finally catching on to what it had been telling her all along. Hell, she knew it the first day she almost walked into him, but was too confused to realise it.

  “I love Alex.” She said out loud.

  “Well that’s obvious.” Said her Mum from the doorway.

  “Mum!” Holly, said, startled.

  Kim entered the room and sat next to Holly on the bed.

  “How did your date go love?” she asked, brushing Holly’s hair back behind her ear.

  Holly sighed happily with a flush across her cheeks.

  “That good ay?” Asked Kim playfully as she nudged Holly with her elbow.

  “Oh we didn’t…you know…” Said Holly as she shook her head and Kim laughed softly.

  “I know love. You’re a smart, sensible girl. I know you’re not going to jump into bed with him after one date. I wouldn’t be making jokes if I thought that. I’d be giving you a lecture instead.”

  “Evie said you probably weren’t serious.”


  “She was there when you phoned me before. Alex heard you and he was in hysterics at my reaction. I explained that you like to make comments.”

  “Well, it’s good that she understands that.” Kim said.

  It was. Evie hadn’t gotten mad, maybe because Holly was embarrassed at what her Mum had said, but she also noticed Evie and Rami didn’t mention anything about ‘being careful’ or ‘safe’. Holly thought that was a bit unusual. Maybe they trusted them, just like her Mum did.

  That made sense.

  “You love Alex, ay? When did you realise that?

  "“I think…” Holly paused. Not knowing how her Mum would react. “…The day I met him.” Holly waited for her Mum’s reaction.

  “Aww. I’m glad you finally realised, love.”

  Holly’s eyes snapped to her Mum.

  “What…you think I didn’t notice? You’ve been in and out of daydream land since you started school.” Kim said as she squeezed Holly’s hand.

  “Yeah…that’s big isn’t it?” She knew she’d made a mistake instantly.

  “Oh, Holly.” Said Kim with a little sigh. “The things I can say to that comment…” and she laughed.

  “For goodness sake Mother!”

  Once Kim had left, Holly showered and went to bed.

  The days events played over in her head, and she went to sleep with a smile on her f
ace as she remembered how it had ended.

  Chapter 21

  The next morning, when Alex woke up, he found that he needed to get rid of yet another tent pole.

  He’d quickly gotten his breakfast before disappearing into his room.

  He’d sent Holly a text, but she hadn’t yet replied. She was probably still in bed.

  Holly in bed

  Oh great, hello hard on! His hormones were making him crazy. Now, he was acting like a normal teenager. Only for one girl, but reacting nonetheless.

  Every thought of Holly…a serious stirring in his pants. A thought of kissing Holly…hard on. Thoughts of him removing Holly’s clothes…Painful. Oh so painful.

  He got to his room and checked his phone. He still had the text screen open.

  A: Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?

  Suddenly his phone beeped. Holly.

  Ow! Come on, dick, it’s just a text for fuck’s sake!

  H: Good morning, handsome. I didn’t sleep much. You?

  Alex frowned. She hadn’t slept? Did she have bad dreams? He didn’t like the thought of Holly losing sleep over Stacey. Maybe she had been thinking about her showing up at Quincy’s.

  He hadn’t dreamt of that.

  He’d had dreams of him and Holly at the lakeside at Five Oaks. They’d been in the position they’d last found themselves in, with him resting between Holly’s thighs. Their hips pressed together and their bodies burning where they touched.

  In his dream, he’d been kissing down her throat to her chest when he suddenly realized they were naked. Holly’s body was hidden from view, as he was above her, kissing her, holding her, her legs wrapped around him. He stroked down her silky skin to her firm behind.

  “Alex, I want you.” She’d whispered in his ear.

  He moved his hips to give Holly what she wanted, as did he, more than anything in that moment. Just as he got himself into position and began to push forward… he woke up.

  “Damn it!” He cursed. Sweat beading across his chest and forehead. His aching body wound tight with need. His now-pulsating erection, painful from his aroused state. He’d had to get up, shower and tend to his ‘problem’ before he could sleep again.

  A: Why couldn’t you sleep?

  H: Wouldn’t you like to know? ;)

  Oh wow! It wasn’t nightmares then. Was she having sexy dreams like he was? Oh how he wanted to find out. He didn’t care if he had to ‘take care’ of himself afterwards, he was getting some details.

  “Oh great. Now I sound like Dev…and Ben.” He said aloud.

  A: Yes I would. 0.0

  H: I don’t think I should tell you. :P

  A: I think you should.

  H: You do?

  A: Yes. I really do.

  H: Well, I had this dream…

  A: And?

  Holly was teasing him. Was this her payback for him getting her into a state from kissing her neck? He needed answers. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he was suddenly desperate fro her to spill every last detail.

  Oh my God, am I a perv?

  No, he couldn’t be. It was only Holly’s details he wanted.

  His girlfriend.

  He wasn’t interested in anything from anybody else.

  Holly replied back…

  H: And…that’s it. I had a dream. :D

  A: That’s all you’re giving me?

  H: Yup. Did you want me to share specifics?

  A: Yes. You know I do. ;)

  H: Hmmm. I’m not sure I should. :

  A: You’re paying me back aren’t you, Miss. Edwards?

  H: Oh no, Mr. Valencia. I haven’t even begun to pay you back. ;)

  Alex loved this flirtatious conversation they had going on. It was only nine-thirty, and his body was already tingling with anticipation of what was to come.

  A: Well if this isn’t payback, tell me about your dream.

  H: You really want to know?

  A: Tell me.

  H: I dreamt of Five Oaks, the lake, the blanket.

  Alex swallowed hard. It sounded like the dream he had. If she had the same type of dream as he then he may just burst in his pants.

  A: And what happened then?

  H: You really are nosey, aren’t you? I shouldn’t be sharing my secrets.:P

  A: I won’t tell. I promise.

  H: Not even Ben?

  A: Definitely not!

  H: And Dev?

  A: Nope.

  H: I’ll tell you in person then. :D

  A: Oh my God! When will I see you?

  Alex couldn’t wait. He wanted to see her again anyway, and he wanted to know about her dreams.

  H: Come downstairs.

  A: Downstairs?

  H: My Mum just dropped me. I’m outside. XD

  Alex, along with his unwanted friend, ran down the stairs and opened the front door, just in time to see Holly walking up the path.

  Her long hair in a loose braid over her shoulder, a loose fitting, black, batwing style top that Dev also loved. The shoulders wide set so that it fell down on one side, showing a pink vest strap.

  She wore dark denim leggings that showed off the shapely contour of her legs. Her top covers her sexy, firm, butt but he knew exactly how it looked, and felt, in her skinny jeans the night before.

  She also wore her black, girly, biker boots reached to her calves.

  She looked so sexy; Alex was stunned.

  Holly smiled at him as she walked closer.

  “Hi babe.” She said in a breathy tone and then bit her lower lip.

  “Uhhh…Hi…” He swallowed “…babe.”

  As Holly reached him, she got up really close as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her. She tilted her head and kissed him.

  His arms found her, and he pulled her tight as their tongues greeted each other too. Holly unwrapped her arms and stroked her hands over his shoulders and down his chest.

  "Mmm.” She moaned as he gently pulled away from their kiss.

  Alex pressed his forehead to hers.

  “I missed you.” He whispered.

  “I missed you too.” She replied, and Alex released her to take her hand, leading her into the house.

  He shut the door and checked the lock.

  “Why are you here so early…not that I’m complaining. If I had my way, you would have sta…anyway.”

  Holly could see his cheeks flush.

  “I didn’t know you were coming over.” He rambled.

  Holly tried to stop herself from grinning at his outburst.

  So he wanted me to stay over? Interesting.

  The thought of staying with Alex, in his bed, caused a wanting to flow through her, to her ‘area’.

  “Algebra…remember?” She said, stopping her wayward thoughts in their tracks.

  “Oh…yeah.” He said as Dev came running through to the hallway.

  “Hol!” she squealed as she hugged her so tight she could barely breathe.

  “Hello to you too, Dev.” She chuckled.

  “Oh my God! You have to tell me about last night. He…” Dev gave Alex a pointed glare “…wouldn’t tell me anything except you went to Five Oaks.”

  Holly looked to Alex as he flushed again.

  She knew what that meant.

  It meant he was thinking about happened on the blanket by the lake.

  She needed to plan out how she was going to repay him for getting her so turned on she had to beg him to stop. She’d had a few thoughts, but they’d just led to her becoming aroused again. That was supposed to happen, however, but she wanted to get Alex to the point of surrender before her.

  “We hung out by the lake.” Said Holly as Dev dragged her along, linking their arms, but Holly wouldn’t let go of Alex’s hand.

  “Hung out? Yeah, whatever. And for over two hours you did what exactly?” Dev asked with an accusing tone.

  Holly and Alex looked at each other before she said…

  “We talked. You know, said some words. Th
at sorta thing.”

  Dev gasped in mock horror.

  “Holly! I. Am. Your. Best. Friend! And you are denying me your first date details? How could you?! Think of the unnecessary stress you’re putting me under.”

  Dev was holding her hand to her chest as if in pain, but trying not to laugh. “I’ve been waiting and waiting to hear some juicy deets and now…I have none. I have been pushed away, abandoned and alone. Left to rot with all the other BFF’s whom like me, were refused the glorious, informative, and very descriptive events of the first date.” Dev had the back of her hand to her forehead like a Diva.

  Holly and Alex burst out laughing. Then Dev joined in.

  “No, seriously, you’re not going to spill?”

  Alex rolled his eyes.

  “Ok I’m going to get the books whilst you two share.” He said. Before he turned to retrieve their books, Alex cupped Holly’s cheek and softly kissed her full lips.

  “Awww!” Said Dev with a little pout.

  As soon as Alex went upstairs, Dev quickly led Holly into the dining room.

  “Ok quick…tell all.” She said like there was a serious urgency for the information Holly had that Dev needed, to live.

  “Um well, we did talk and…we kissed. A lot.”

  “Ooh! What else?” Dev had her hands clasped in front of herself, eyes wide and grinning with anticipation of the details to come.

  “That’s it really.”

  “Oh come on! You mean to tell me you spent over two hours with my brother, in a quiet secluded area, and you just sucked face?”


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