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Welcome to New Haven

Page 78

by Dawn Doyle

  “It’s ok.” Holly stroked his cheek. “So did I.”

  A second passed and then Rami walked past Alex’s room. He paused when he saw the door open and them sitting on the bed, silent.

  “Everything ok?” He asked with a slight frown.

  “Yeah, thanks Dad. We were just getting ready to go back to Holly’s.”

  “Ok, well, don’t forget to say goodbye before you leave”

  Alex and Holly looked at each other when Rami continued past the room, and both blew out a breath.

  “That was close.” Alex smiled.

  “Could’ve been closer if we’d shut the door.” Holly said as her eyes roamed over Alex again.

  He groaned as if in pain.

  “Damn, don’t talk like that. I’m trying to calm down, and you being so fucking hot is not helping, babe.” He said as he tried to calm his breathing.

  Sitting right next to Holly, their faces so close together, was only hindering his recovery.

  He pressed his forehead to hers and cupped her jaw. Holly held onto his forearms, keeping him in place, not letting him go. He lightly kissed her before releasing his hold.

  He stood, holding his hands out to pull Holly up too and bringing her into his arms. Holly buried her face into his chest. Their height difference had her fitting into his pecs, which he knew she loved.

  “Are you ready to go, babe?” Holly nodded, and he picked up his bag, taking Holly’s hand, and leading her downstairs.

  There was no need to check the back seat of the car because Alex had parked in the garage and had locked the car doors.

  Holly knew there wouldn’t be any chance of Stacey coming after them again, but her mind kept going back to the moment Stacey had appeared in her car.

  Sure, she would get over it, but while it was still fresh her stomach turned at the thought.

  Alex’s hand tightened around hers and Holly knew he was aware of what was going on in her mind.

  The flashbacks, whilst they were playing cards, were terrifying.

  One minute she would be looking at her hand of cards and suddenly, images of Alex’s photographs, cut and mutilated would pop into her head. Then there was the gun, the vial of sedative and Stacey’s crazy face.

  “Almost there babe.” Alex’s voice was soothing as he reassured her.

  Holly leant her head against his shoulder for the rest of the journey. Just being that bit closer to Alex had settled her. Even at home, Alex staying in her bed, kept the nightmares away.

  It had only been twice, but waking up next to him felt amazing. She wouldn’t mind having that everyday. It hadn’t felt strange, which was strange in itself. It was if that was where he was meant to be. Next to her, with her, not just almost naked in her bed.

  Almost naked…

  His marble cut abs, there for her to trace with her fingertips.

  His broad, solid chest she liked to stroke.

  His sculpted arms holding her.

  His powerful, firm legs entwined with hers. Not forgetting his arse. Oh God, his perfect arse!


  “Hmm?” She answered, lost in her Alex fog.

  “We’re here.” Holly could practically hear Alex smiling as she slowly came to.

  “What are you thinking about?” He asked, but Holly knew she would’ve had a heated expression on her face telling him exactly what was going on in her head.

  “You.” Was her smiling answer.

  Alex licked his lips as Holly watched his pupils dilate. She cheekily bit on her lip as they went into the house.

  Kim came out to greet them and, as expected, cast a worried glance over her daughter.

  “I’ve just made coffee. Do you want some?” Kim asked them.

  “Yeah, thanks.” They both replied and walked through to the kitchen.

  As Kim poured coffee, she asked about dinner, and Alex’s parents. Holly felt like her Mum was just trying to check she was Ok without asking her directly. She thought this because she knew her Mum had been speaking with Evie on the phone.

  “Mum…” Kim paused as Holly interrupted her. “I’m fine.” Holly smiled as Kim released a breath and then hugged Holly again.

  “My baby girl.” She said, quietly, rocking them side to side. Holly enveloped in her arms. Kim slowly released her, and Holly saw her Mum’s eyes had misted.

  “Really, I’m fine, Mum. Much better than yesterday.” Holly said, referring to her anxious outburst in the morning, after thoughts of Alex leaving her alone.

  “Oh, babe, I’m so glad.” Kim wiped her eyes.

  “There she is.” Oli said the from the doorway. Holly was, again, pulled in for a tight hug. “How are you doing baby girl?” Oli asked in an upbeat tone and Holly was glad.

  “I’m great, Dad. Thanks.”

  Oli turned and hugged Alex. Actually hugged him! Judging by the look on Alex’s face, he was just as surprised.

  “Alex, good to see you, son. How’s things?”

  “Um, great, thanks.” He said. Still taken aback by Oli’s actions.

  “Excellent!” Oli beamed. He gently kissed Kim before taking her hand, leading her to the couch.

  Holly’s parents asked whether they wanted to watch TV with them, but Alex said he had something to show Holly first. She was anxious to see what it was.

  They sat at the dining table, and Alex got out his drawings and his new pad and pencils Holly had bought him. He’d promised her he would show her the pictures he’d drawn of her.

  Somehow they’d not managed to get around to it.

  Holly was gob smacked when she saw Alex’s artwork. He’d memorised her details and drawn her, at home, each drawing as flawless as the last. She saw the one that he was drawing, on the photo, shown at his and Dev’s party.

  “Wow, Alex, these are fantastic!” She said in awe.

  “Thanks, babe.” He replied and kissed her temple.

  Alex, as he’d already told her, had been watching her from the moment they’d met.

  Holly’s smile couldn’t get any bigger.

  “You’re so talented.” She gushed and saw Alex blush from her compliments. Holly wrapped her arms around him.

  “You’re truly amazing. Do you know that?” Holly looked him in the eyes. Eyes she always got lost in.

  “Thank you.” He blushed again.

  “You are, you know. You’re an amazingly wonderful person. Unbelievably talented, kind, smart, and being absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous is a plus too.” Alex laughed when Holly added on the ‘gorgeous’ part. She meant it though. Holly felt so blessed to have him in her life and for him to want her as much too… it was phenomenal.

  “You are too, babe. I’ve never met anyone like you. Insanely smart, funny, generous, and, yes I’m going there too, the most beautiful and…” He lowered his voice, “…Sexiest creature on the planet that makes it extremely difficult for me to walk straight.” Alex chuckled when Holly’s eyes widened.

  Holly pulled him closer and kissed him, hard.

  She felt his arms tighten around her, his fingers splayed across her back. She tangled her fingers in his hair. Sucking his lower lip, Holly ran her tongue over the edge and then released. Kissing him some more.

  “Ahem.” Oli cleared his throat from across the room. Maybe their kiss was getting a little hot. Ok, a lot hot.

  “Thanks.” Oli said as they pulled apart. “Let’s keep this a family show.” He snickered. Kim giggled too and winked at them.

  Once they’d calmed. Alex began to draw a picture for Holly. It was unreal how fast Alex could draw and with so much detail. In about ten minutes, he’d drawn a daffodil.

  It’s just like a black and white photo.

  “Oh my God, thank you!” She squealed. “I’ll get this framed.”

  “You’re welcome.” He said, shyly.

  Kim and Oli moved over to the table to look at what Alex had drawn. A fresh round of ‘amazing’ and ‘unbelievable’ comments were said and Alex looked a little embarrassed at the atte

  After a short while, they tidied the things away and had watched TV with her parents. Kim was pleased they were there, but they had to behave themselves which proved extremely difficult!

  Holly had yawned through most of the episode of ‘American Horror Story’ so they decided to head upstairs.

  Holly and Alex showered, separately, and had gotten into bed. They talked about Holly’s birthday the next day.

  Even though Holly was feeling almost back to her usual self, some of the excitement had been taken away. Before, if she’d know Em and her Nan were visiting, she would’ve been beside herself with joy to see them. Now, though, she was more apprehensive about it, even though she was still looking forward to seeing them again. She didn’t want the whole ordeal to be on everyone’s minds, depressing them when the day should be a happy occasion.

  Where she should be planning to go out with Alex, Dev and their friends, she just wanted to stay at home.

  The girls had said how eager they were to give her their gifts, and the guys had joked about Holly being the baby of the group, and the last of them to become an adult.

  “Hey beautiful.” Alex said into her ear as he cuddled her. “Try to get some rest.” He softly pecked her lips before tangling their legs together.

  Holly awoke to the sound of the garage door lifting and her parents driving away. She glanced at the clock. Twelve twenty-five am.

  “Hey, you ok babe?” Alex whispered as he stroked her hair. The noise must have woken him too.

  “Yeah. Just the garage door woke me.” Holly turned on her side to face Alex and lifted her thigh over his.

  He stroked a finger down her cheek, following its path with his eyes.

  Holly pressed her palm to his chest and rubbed up to his shoulders and down again. She sighed as the feel of his warm, tight skin sent tingles up her arms. Holly moved in further and kissed his chest, her hands stroking down over his abs.

  “Holly” Alex groaned. His hands running up her back. One reaching the back of her head, fingers through her hair.

  She moaned as she kissed up his chest, to his collarbone, and into the base of his throat. Causing him to hiss.

  “Fuck, babe!” He breathed as her tongue licked the hollow in his neck. Holly moaned in pleasure as she reached around to grip Alex’s firm arse.

  As she pulled back, Alex took her mouth, passionately, tasting her, sucking her lips, his tongue exploring.

  Alex shifted and carefully rolled Holly onto her back, settling between her thighs. He rested on his elbows, either side of her and held her head in his hands as he deepened their kiss.

  Holly felt her entire body quiver as he moved over her. She ran her hands up his back and his muscles tensed beneath them. She was breathing heavily as Alex pulled away and began kissing along her jaw to under her ear. Her fingers pressed harder into his flesh with the wave of heat surging between her legs.

  Alex let out a low growl when her legs tightened against his thighs. Holly felt Alex’s hot breath against her ear.

  “Quiero tocarte.” He whispered.

  Holly took in a quick breath and whimpered as she bit down on her lip. He said he wanted to touch her. She wanted him to, so much.

  He kissed her neck, softly. His luscious lips deliciously torturing her skin as he continued kissing down to her shoulder. His hands releasing her head, allowing him access.

  He reached her collarbone and with just the very tip of his tongue, Holly felt him lick across to the hollow in her throat, sending shivers through her body. Her legs squeezed him, and her fingers gripped his hair. Her back arched slightly, involuntarily, as Alex continued his decent down to her chest.

  Holly’s body was on fire from his kisses alone, but she wanted more. She needed more. One of his hands stroked down her side to her waist, his fingers tightening, moaning as he caressed her skin.

  “Oh God!” She squeaked. Alex released his grip before moving to her rear.

  “You’re so fucking sexy.” He growled against her skin.

  Her heart rate increased, arousal pumping through her veins as he spoke in that tone. Low and so damn hot.

  “Fuck!” She cried as a powerful jolt hit her core. Alex hadn’t done much to her and she was already hurting.

  Holly wanted to get closer to him. To feel his skin against her skin.

  No barriers, no restrictions.

  Alex’s hand drifted back up towards her hip and under her vest; his fingers spread out across her stomach.

  His hand continued up, caressing her flesh until he found her right breast.

  “Holy shit.” His voice sounded strained as he cupped his hand around her, feeling that she was bare under her top. He’d gotten that surprise after she’d showered following their gardening. He hadn’t hesitated this time, knowing she didn’t wear a bra under her PJ’s.

  Alex lightly kneaded her, and Holly gasped as the sensations caused her eyes to flutter.

  “Ahhh.” She breathed out, and Alex planted an open mouthed kiss on her neck.

  He lifted his head, shifted his weight up so that he was above her, and took he mouth hard.

  He tangled his tongue with hers and Holly sucked, circling her tongue around his. Alex growled louder, the sound reverberating through his chest. The carnal sounds only heightening her arousal.

  “Alex.” She said in a shaky breath.

  “You turn me on so much, babe.” He whispered against her lips.


  “Mi chica mala.” He said, bringing his other hand under her vest to cup her left breast too.

  Holly cried out when Alex brushed his thumbs over her hard nipples. Her back arched up and her hands flew from Alex’s solid back and fisted in the sheet.

  Her core was throbbing with need, and she was in pain.

  She wanted Alex to touch her, to ease her.

  Alex kissed her again, and she managed to uncurl her fists to run her hands over his incredible body. Her fingertips stroked up his spine, over his shoulder blades and to his neck. She carried on the journey over his chest and down his upper arms, squeezing his flexed biceps before running her hands down his forearms. She reached the hem of her vest, as Alex broke their kiss, looking her in the eyes.

  The love in his eyes made hers tear up.

  “Baby?” He asked, his expression concerned.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, my precious girl.”

  Alex released her breasts, still watching her eyes. He took hold of the hem of her vest and slowly pulled up. Holly nodded, and she lifted her upper half up of the bed so Alex could remove it.

  His mouth hung open, and his eyes widened as he threw her top to the floor.

  “Hhhh. Oh…My…” He took a deep, deep breath. “Santo mierda!” He whisper shouted, his eyes roaming over her naked torso. He leant on one elbow to support himself above her, her other hand running lazily over her stomach and up to her now-uncovered breasts.

  “Eres tan perfecta.” He said, quietly, sending goosebumps over her skin. She didn’t get time to answer because Alex brought his head down and kissed her breast.

  Holly mewled as the sensations made her legs quiver.

  Alex resumed the kneading of Holly’s large orbs and gently pinched her nipple with his finger and thumb. She barely opened her mouth to take a breath when she felt his hot, wet tongue across her hard tip before he closed his mouth around it, and sucked.

  Holly’s hands grasped Alex’s head, gripping his hair.

  “Oh, Oh, God!” She panted.

  Her heart was pounding so hard; she thought it would burst through her chest. Her core producing so much heat she could set fire to the bed.

  She couldn’t take anymore without screaming out.

  Holly was trying to stay quiet whilst Alex was exploring her body. Turning her on, setting her alight, making her cry out in sweet agony.

  Her aching parts begged for relief.

  She wanted it.

  She wanted Alex to give it to her.r />
  He released her sensitive nipple and showed the same attention to the other.

  He kissed up her neck and stilled, breathing heavy, perspiration on his skin.

  Holly could feel his heart thundering in his chest against her.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” She asked.

  She had a feeling he was trying to calm himself. They’d gone further than ever and, considering their inexperience, it was a lot to handle at once. It was if they’d been building up to that moment. Getting to a point where they reached their limit, only to surpass it the next time.

  Alex lifted his head and smiled.

  “Absolutely nothing.” He replied in that ‘take me now’ tone and sinfully sexy glint in his eye. He leant down and sucked her bottom lip, running the tip of his tongue along the edge, sending, if it were even possible, more electricity to shoot to her already painful centre.

  “Alex.” She said, her voice breathy and urgent. Her hands gliding down his back, digging her fingers into his hard muscles, making him growl.

  Holly carried on with her decent until she reached the waistband of his PJ pants. She pushed underneath and inside the band of his underwear, grabbing his bare arse. His muscles tight and round.

  As she gripped, his hips pushed into hers and she felt a long, hard bulge against her.

  “Oh fuck! Holly!” He said between gritted teeth.

  Holly licked her lips as she squeezed his arse a second time.

  “Baby, I’ll burst if you keep that up.” He groaned.

  She removed a hand and held his head, bringing his lips to hers. She lifted her legs up and kicked the covers away and wrapped them around the backs of his thighs, his hard on hitting her centre again.


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