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Redeemed: Ruined and Redeemed Duet - Book 2

Page 24

by Johnston, Marie


  That’s the last thing I expect her to say. “You’re quite agreeable today.”

  “I’ve had time to think. You’re not a bad kid. A little rough around the edges, but after the last two men I’ve been with, that’s a good thing.”

  “What do you mean?” Do I want to hear?

  “They were polished so well that they hid the ugliness inside. Dennis tried to change. He really did. But I don’t doubt that if things with the company went south at any point, he would’ve walked over anyone and everyone he could’ve to save himself and London. And I hope, me, but…” She lifts a shoulder. “I’m glad I never had to find out.”

  “Me, too.” I mean it. The way Diana stands by London is more than admirable. It’s what I wish I had growing up.

  She twists toward me and props her arm on the back of the chair. “What I don’t get is how you could call off the hit on Dennis, monitor London like you did, force her to marry you, divorce her, win her back, then let her go.”

  My stare turns incredulous. “She told me she needs time. She hasn’t talked to me for weeks. I can read the signs.” I clench my jaw and look away. “Besides, I knew I was going to lose her once she found out I wanted her dad dead.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  I lift a brow. “I had it all arranged.”

  “What you don’t understand, Jacobi, is that I’m not just anyone. I’m more like you and your friend Kase than anyone we pass on the street. I cut my teeth on drug deals and prostitution. It’s surprising how many of those traits I use to this day running Natural Glow.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’ve negotiated my own body for a lot of money. That’s not how a lot of people in my place learned to do business. How about yours? You think a lot of them grew up protecting themselves from predators who were destroying their parents?”

  Numbly, I shake my head.

  “Our world isn’t like everyone else’s. Calling a hit in our world? Not that far out of reality.” She snorted. “I’m glad Dennis didn’t know Kase’s parents, but then again, he might’ve had his own people for all I know.”

  Her words aren’t a revelation, but it’s certainly a different way of viewing everything that happened.

  She digs in her suitcase. “My point is that you’re not bad. You’re not a killer. You’re not a stalker. I mean, well, not anymore. I bet it’s killing you not knowing what London’s up to. Yet you have the ability to know her every move.”

  I do.

  She tosses papers onto my lap. I recognize them. The NDA and marriage contract. The papers Mr. Turlowitz served London and Diana.

  “You don’t have to go online to find out what she’s been doing.” Diana crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m going to tell you.”

  * * *


  “Another Sunrise Surprise, please.” I should stick to one. I can’t handle four, I remember that. But one barely took the edge off my nerves.

  I arrived late yesterday. It’s not even noon, but I have my meal all planned out. Waiting. Hoping. For what, I don’t know.

  No, I do. It’s a silly hope. He doesn’t even know I’m here. And he won’t be following if he really listened to me.

  What if he does? Does that mean he crossed the line and I have to walk away?

  I shake my head. This trip isn’t a fucking test—for either of us.

  Why don’t you get away?

  When Diana suggested it, I was utterly disappointed. I poured my heart out to her, and she listened. We talked. And then she said I should go on vacation.

  Back to Cabo even. A way to reset the clock, she said. She didn’t encourage me to go after Jacobi, but to take more time for myself and get away from where it was the heaviest.

  Since I’ve been useless at work, I agreed. But now that I’m here, the effort seems pointless. I’m moping here when I could be moping at home.

  Did you mind? Cecelia’s question rings in my ears every time I think about what Jacobi’s done.

  He monitored my life for years before we met.

  Did you mind?

  Well… I didn’t know then. Now I do.

  And I can’t help but feel a little cherished. Guys I dated before wanted to run because I took too much of an interest in their favorite food or sports team and it hurt. Jacobi knows everything about me, and he still wanted me.

  He wanted to kill my dad. And yeah, I really mind that.

  But he didn’t. Because of me.

  Twisted, but my body glows with a comforting warmth when I think about it.

  A shadow falls over me. Adrenaline shoots through my body and my smile is wide before I realize I’m even doing it. I look over.

  My grin vanishes. A tall blond is leaning against the counter. He looks over, his gaze traveling down the same red bikini I wore that first day.

  He lifts his chin toward my empty sunrise surprise. “Can I get you another?”

  I stiffen. “I already ordered another one. Thanks though.” I look away, hoping he’ll get the brush-off.

  I’m not here for a rebound. Unlike the last time, I’m not here for preemptive revenge. I don’t know what I thought I’d find.

  I didn’t know last time and he found me.

  The bartender slides another delicious drink toward me. I’m buzzing from the first and since I don’t need liquid courage to sleep with strangers, I stick to admiring it.

  “You look like a girl in love,” he says.

  I stiffen. Is it that obvious? Am I still in love, even after everything that happened?

  The stranger points to my drink. Oh. He’s making a joke about how I’m gazing at my Sunrise Surprise. I nod numbly. Am I answering him, or thinking about how stupid in love I still am over Jacobi?

  “What’s your name?”

  I should be flattered he keeps trying. I should tell him that I don’t do quick hookups and that if we dated, I’d buy all the shirts he likes and cook his favorite meals and make sure I’m on good terms with all his family. I’d want to talk to him every day, just to check in, and need constant validation that we’re cool, we’re good.

  That I’d send him running.

  And I think about how I didn’t have to do any of that with Jacobi.

  I don’t bother giving the handsome stranger a smile. “I’m sorry. I’m not here to—”

  A wall of heat hits my back. It’s tempting to dive off my barstool and wrap myself in it. But I’m too afraid to turn around.

  “She’s with me.”

  My eyes fly wide and my heart slams to a stop. I spin around.


  He looks the same as the last time we were here. A little scruff covering his chin and hand-combed hair. His body’s tense. I might’ve noticed then, but I didn’t know him well enough. I do now. He’s wondering if I’m going to accept him.

  I don’t care one bit if he hacked my accounts and learned I was here. He’s found me. That’s all I care about.

  I throw my arms around him and bury my face in his neck. Jacobi holds me, his strong body creating the perfect cocoon.

  “You came.” I have so much more I want to say, but I stick with that.

  “Diana told me you were here.”

  I lift my head. My vision is watery. I’m trying not to cry, but I missed him. And he found me. Only, he didn’t. “You didn’t know?”

  “You wanted me to quit following you.”

  I rub my face. “But I don’t think I do.”

  He wipes his thumbs across my cheeks. His gaze is soft and he’s looking at me like I’m the most precious jewel in all the world. “What are you saying?”

  “That I love being your obsession.”

  “I love you,” he whispers.

  I kiss him, hard, and pull back. “I love you too. Is that all there is? Is there anything else I should know?”

  “No. You know everything.” The corner of his mouth kicks up. “Everyone does, it seems.”

��Let’s go back to my room.”

  His gaze lands on my drink. “How many of those have you had? You know I don’t take drunk women to bed.”

  No. He takes care of them instead. “I had one while I drove myself crazy wondering if you’d come and if I’d be upset if you did.” My brow crinkles. “Diana talked to you?”

  He nods. “I was often wrong about her. And if anyone but her told me to follow you, I wouldn’t have listened. But I know she only cares about your happiness. I can’t believe she was willing to put me out of my misery.”

  “You’ll like her.” Having the two most important people in the world get along is so important. I had no idea Diana would do this. She probably wanted to vet Jacobi herself before she gave him another chance. I bite my lip. “And I think you’ll like Cecelia, too.”

  “She talked to you again?”

  I grab his hand and tow him out of the cabana. “I have a lot to tell you, but that can wait.”

  “After we talk, I thought we could go dancing.”

  I stop and look up at him. “You really want to?”

  “I know a good place, and an older gentleman who’d love to have a few spins around the floor with you.”

  “Jacobi Dixon. You have a heart of gold.”

  “I’m trying.” He strokes his hand down my face and around my neck. “Last time we were here together, you asked me to ruin you. This time, I’m asking for a chance to redeem myself.”

  Chapter 28


  My bride is being led down the makeshift aisle on my private beach by Diana. Both women are in flowing floral dresses, but my eyes are on London.

  I’ve waited two months for this day. Two since I picked her up in that cabana bar for the second time. Only that time, she knew who I was. She knows everything about me.

  Her white gauzy sundress skims above the sand. Her feet are bare and the wind ruffles her loose hair. I can’t quit smiling and she’s doing the same.

  We say our vows in front of the small gathering. It’s just me and London in front of Mr. Turlowitz. Cannon and Kase are standing by Cecelia and her husband and two kids. London’s birth mother and her family nearly double our crowd. Diana is next to Penni and Holland.

  Shortly after London and I returned from Cabo, both she and Diana corralled me in the courtyard and interrogated me on my mother’s formula and how she got her start in essential oils and natural products.

  With each step of developing their new line of vintage products, they consulted me. During next month’s launch of their new Estelle Dixon line, they’ll unveil a page dedicated to my parents and their contribution to the company. The prototype bag with my mom’s handwritten recipe that London had in Cabo will make its debut then, too.

  I insisted they keep Dennis’s machinations out of it. Natural Glow and its CEOs didn’t need to be rocked with a scandal after everything they’ve been through.

  We say our vows and I don’t mind being sappy in front of everyone.

  London’s pronounced my wife, only this time she’s happy about it. I pick her up for our first kiss as husband and wife—part two.

  I’m not fucking this round up.

  For such a tiny crowd, they make a lot of noise. London’s brothers wolf whistle. We’ve been to their house several times. With each visit, London opens up more to her birth mother. Diana and Cecelia are even on friendly terms, and they’ll stay that way. For London.

  I swing London into my arms. “London Vanderbeek Dixon. You are all mine.”

  She throws her arms around my neck. “I’ve been yours for a long time, Jacobi Dixon.”


  Want to read more rugged heroes while waiting for Cannon and Penni’s story? Check out King’s Crown.

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  About the Author

  Marie Johnston writes paranormal and contemporary romance and has collected several awards in both genres. Before she was a writer, she was a microbiologist. Depending on the situation, she can be oddly unconcerned about germs or weirdly phobic. She’s also a licensed medical technician and has worked as a public health microbiologist and as a lab tech in hospital and clinic labs. Marie’s been a volunteer EMT, a college instructor, a security guard, a phlebotomist, a hotel clerk, and a coffee pourer in a bingo hall. All fodder for a writer!! She has four kids and even more cats.

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  Also by Marie Johnston

  Ruined and Redeemed Duet



  Oil Kings

  King’s Crown

  King’s Ransom

  King’s Treasure

  King’s Country

  King’s Queen

  Like hard-working men who are in control of everything but the one they fall for?

  The Walker Five:

  Conflict of Interest (Book 1)

  Mustang Summer (Book 2)

  Long Hard Fall (Book 3)

  Guilt Ridden (Book 4)

  Mail Order Farmer (Book 5)




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