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The Protectors

Page 1

by April Hollingworth

  Table of Contents


  Praise for April Hollingworth

  The Protectors



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56


  A word from the author…

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  “I’ll never let you go,”

  he informs me as he drags me back toward him. “You are mine and I am yours. End of discussion.”

  “There was a discussion in there somewhere?”

  Flipping me over as easily as if I’m a pancake in a pan, he gives me one more yank so my butt is at the edge of the bed, and his large body is wedged between my legs. Leaning forward, he grasps hold of my chin, keeping my face still, and maintains eye contact with me.

  “No discussion, just a simple fact. You keep trying to run from your feelings, and I’m not letting you anymore,” he growls the words out, practically spitting them in my face. “So you need me, and you’re afraid of the fact. Fair enough. Now let me tell you something, little girl. I need you too.”

  “Little girl?” I manage to sputter out before being harshly interrupted.

  “Yes. You are mine. Your body, mind, and your fucking soul, is mine. Get used to it, sweetheart, because I’m never letting you go.” Next thing I know, his mouth has slammed down on mine. His kiss is one of punishment and domination. There’s no gentleness in it at all.

  Strangely enough, it’s exactly what I need. I need to feel and hear that he’s on this emotional roller-coaster with me. I know he loves me. He’s far from afraid of telling me, unlike me, but seeing this fury and dominance coming from him is spelling out loud and clear what he’s feeling, and it’s like I suddenly know everything is going to be okay.

  Praise for April Hollingworth

  “April Hollingworth has created a fun yet suspenseful story [in DOUBLE MAGICK IN THE FALLS]. I enjoy the unusual takes on the different paranormal beings found in this book. I loved the characters, they were fun and interesting.

  ~Nerd Girl Official


  “Romance. Mystery. Murder. Find it all in DOUBLE MAGICK IN THE FALLS!”

  ~Linda Joyce, author of Bayou Bound


  “In this fabulous book (DOUBLE MAGICK IN THE FALLS) about a witch, we are drawn into a world full of intrigue, murder, magick, and love…action-packed and full of surprises.”

  ~Anne Gonsalves



  paranormal, romantic mystery filled with witches,

  vampires, and shifters…quick pace and snappy

  dialogue…I loved the characters…”

  ~author Christine Elaine Black

  The Protectors


  April Hollingworth

  The Candi Reynolds Series

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  The Protectors

  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by April Hollingworth

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Debbie Taylor

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Mainstream Paranormal Edition, 2017

  Print ISBN 978-1-5092-1472-3

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1473-0

  The Candi Reynolds Series, Book 3

  Published in the United States of America


  I’d like to dedicate this book to you, the reader.

  Thank you for coming on this adventure with me.

  Chapter 1

  I can’t believe we’re going to New Orleans to find others to help us in the coming war against The Protectors. Looking around the room at my friends and fellow warriors, I still feel shocked over the latest events. We’ve been through so much together in such a short amount of time.

  My best friend Jasmine, an Alsatian shifter, had been trapped in her animal form until a few short months ago, when we met werewolf Detective Kheda McKnight and Victor Harlow, vampire most scrumptious, especially with his unique silvery-green eyes that turn vampiric blue when his emotions change, and the first man whom I’ve let into my life and heart.

  The four of us worked together in solving some brutal murders, and in the process, Jasmine and Kheda almost died.

  Then we dragged in the extra help of Jasmine’s and my fellow Sisters in Arms. Necromancer Selene Holden and her twin sister, Nancy, who was a necromancer until she was brought back to life as a zombie.

  Add in Felicity McCormack and Talia Thompson, otherwise known as T.T., who are both talented witches. Werewolf shifter Vivian Dwight and jaguar shifter Jezebel O’Malley, who’s currently in New Orleans with the sexy and persistent bounty hunter Cedrix O’Laughlan.

  Cedrix had followed Jezebel to Ireland so he could drag her back before a warrant went out for her skipping bail. Except things didn’t go quite how he expected, what with him finding out magick and shifters and all things that go bump in the night actually exist, and that he’s a witch too.

  My gaze drifts to the final three people in the room, which brings my thoughts to the strangest thing to happen over the last few months. The visions I was having. Visions that literally took me into the past to see events unfold and gather clues to answers to questions leading to the truth about Vincent, Victor’s vampire brother and best friend. Answers about the Warrioress Daphmire Janna and the fact that I’m descended from both her children, the only one in all the centuries to carry the special double magick. How weird is that?

  And if that wasn’t strange enough, we rescued Janna’s and Vincent’s ten-year-old daughter Roísín; who was kidnapped by Vincent’s mother and sold to huma
ns working for The Protectors. To say these past few weeks have flown by is laughable. It has been bizarre, gritty, and at times darn embarrassing. Yet it has also been exhilarating, intriguing, and one hell of an eye opener.

  Which brings us to the here and now, an abandoned house we commandeered for our safe house.

  The house was spelled to hide our presence and the room that holds the book of prophecies we searched so hard for. Anyone looking at it would see nothing more than an old and empty house.

  Looking around, I can’t help feeling a sense of excitement wash through me.

  “Come on, Candi, we best gather our stuff together and head for the airport.” Victor traces his fingers along my face, down my neck, over my shoulder, and down my arm until he can link his fingers with me. He gives my fingers a gentle squeeze before pulling me away from the book of Prophecies.

  As everyone turns to exit the room, I suddenly pause and look over my shoulder, but not at the book. We’ve already copied everything we need from it. Instead, my gaze rests on the wall which holds a huge family tree. My family tree, to be exact; for some reason, I can’t leave it behind.

  I loosen my fingers from Victor’s, walk back, reach up, and unpin the family tree. I’m surprised to realize it’s made from the softest leather. A moment later, Victor helps me carefully roll it up. Once done, we follow the others through the hidden door, which looks like part of the wall when viewed from the other side, and head back downstairs.

  With a final look around, I whisper, “Hide once more.” I watch as all furniture flickers out of view leaving the house looking empty, yet the feeling of it being full remains.


  “We need to spell the weapons,” mutters Felicity, to me as we hurry into the airport.

  “Shit, okay, hold up a sec, guys,” I call out to the others, making our large group pause. They hurry back to where Felicity and I wait. Before any of them can ask questions, we quickly start spelling the weapons so they will be invisible to all types of detection, both human and electronic. The third witch in our group, T.T, quickly joins in, making the process more efficient and quicker.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she informs everyone once the spells are in place.

  We hurry to security, walk through without any hassles, and then hurry to catch our plane. Well, to be more exact, Janna’s plane, as she not only owns it, she’s also the pilot. Seriously cool.

  Once we’re all on board and our luggage is stowed away, I grab a seat and Victor sits beside me. Roísín sits across from me and graces me with a shy smile. Ever since her rescue yesterday, she’s been staying close to me. I find it confusing as I’ve had no previous dealings with children. To be honest, I have no idea what to say to her.

  “So, umm, you okay?” I tentatively ask. After all, she has just gone through six months of God only knows what at the hands of the humans holding her. I’m just grateful she wasn’t with the other supernaturals being held captive and tortured.

  “I’m good, thanks to you.”

  “Ugh umm.” I tilt my head sideways and look at her, unsure what to say. I let my gaze slide sideways toward the vampire beside me who watches this interaction with a smile.

  “You saved me, came for me, and took me away from them. If it wasn’t for you…”

  Leaning forward, I make sure she’s looking me directly in the eye. “Look, kid, your parents are the ones who saved you, never stopped searching for you. They love you so much. I hope you know that.” It’s only because I’m staring her in the eyes I see the flash of longing and hope flicker, before being squished. Her bottom lip trembles slightly before she determinedly stops even that slight telltale of emotion.

  “How can I know for sure they love me?” she whispers so quietly I almost don’t hear her words. I’m thankful I did hear them.

  “Because they do love you, more than anything in the world. Your being kidnapped almost tore them apart. They had one clue, and they never stopped chasing after it. Never stopped looking for you. They love you so much,” I inform the now silently crying girl.

  I feel my hand being picked up, fingers entwined, and a reassuring pressure of a squeeze. I’ll take that as meaning I did well with my reassuring.

  Chapter 2

  The flight is thankfully uneventful. I watch as Roísín sits quietly in her seat except to now and again turn her head toward the cockpit where both her parents sit.

  Finally, after four and a half hours of flying, she asks the question she obviously wants to know.

  “I know my mum is the pilot and has to fly the plane, but why does my dad have to be in there too. Why can’t he be out here with me?”

  “Oh, sweetie, your father is the copilot. Both your parents are needed in the cockpit to fly the plane.”

  “Oh, so he’s not hiding?”

  “No, he most certainly isn’t.”

  “It’s just that they kept telling me they love me so much and how sorry they were for me being taken. They said how much they’ve missed me, and yet…”

  “Would you like to see them?”

  “Do you think that would be okay?” Uncertainty laces her voice, even as a hesitant smile pulls at the corner of her mouth.

  “I don’t think they’d mind at all,” I reply. Unbuckling my belt, I hold my hand out for Roísín’s. A moment later, her smaller hand curls into mine, and I marvel at the difference in our sizes.

  Together, we cross to the cockpit and ease open the door. We stay for just a couple of minutes, yet enough time for Roísín to be comforted by her parents, and reassured once more of how much they love her. Upon returning to our seats, I watch as tension eases out of her little body, and a slight smile filled with hope flickers and then stays on her face. Poor kid. Though thankfully, I do believe she is beginning to realize her parents do love her. Hopefully, she will be okay.

  “How do you know them, my parents?”

  “Well, as it happens, Victor and your father grew up together. They have been estranged for a long, long time.”

  “Oh. And they just asked for your help?”

  “Well, the thing is, we were there when they found out what your grandmother had done. We offered to help. Your parents were happy to accept our help.”

  “Oh, and then you found out we were related to each other. Are you my aunty?”

  “Eh, no, to be honest, I think you are mine in a very, very distant way.” I chuckle thinking just how many generations between her siblings and me there are.

  “Does that mean I can tell you what to do?”

  “No, it certainly does not.”

  I watch as she twists her mouth from side to side as she considers what she has learned.

  “Okay. If I need you…will you help me?”

  “If I can, I will. You do know, though, your parents will protect you.”

  Uncertainty flashes across her face, once more her eyes flicker toward the cockpit door before coming back to meet mine.

  “How can I be certain? They let my grandmother take me away from them already. They might let her again.”

  “Oh, sweetie, they didn’t let her take you away, and won’t let anyone else either. They truly do love you very much.”

  For some reason, I’m not sure why, my words seem to sooth her. For the rest of the flight, she eases back into her chair and rests, until finally she drifts off to sleep.

  An hour later, we’ve finally arrived in New Orleans, and Roísín is carried from the plane, still sleeping, cradled in her father’s arms.

  Chapter 3

  Getting off the plane, I’m rather delighted to find it is quite warm. Entering the terminal building, we quickly go through customs. Sadly, Roísín must be woken up, bless her. She looks exhausted and can hardly keep her eyes open. We’re met on the other side by Jezebel and Cedrix.

  As a group, we hurry out of the airport and climb into a minivan Cedrix hired. Once Roísín’s safely belted in between her parents, she cuddles up to Vincent, and I notice her hand linking with Janna’s. Se
cure in her parents’ embrace, she promptly falls asleep. Vincent pulls her closer to him and presses a gentle kiss on the top of her head. When he looks up, his gaze zeros straight toward Janna’s. “She’s finally safe,” he whispers, as if he is only now allowing himself to believe it.

  I turn away, leaving them to enjoy their moment of contentment. Climbing into my seat, I buckle up before asking the question I’ve been dying to ask.

  “Jezebel, how did it go? I’m assuming you signed in on time as you’re here.”

  “You were right. If I’d gone to Montana with you, I would have gotten myself thrown in jail for skipping bail,” she grumbles.

  “I wouldn’t have let that happen,” Cedrix growls from the driver’s seat, causing everyone to pause in what they’re doing and to turn and stare at him.

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “No, I told you, I’ll look out for you.”

  Hmmm, sounds like something interesting happened between them. I wonder what? We were only separated for three days. What the hell could have happened to make such a huge difference?

  “I know, I just…thank you, I appreciate it,” Jezebel replies, making me come out of my thoughts and zero back in on the conversation.

  “So, what exactly did you two get up to while we were gone?” I casually ask.

  I get an amused look from Victor, so I assume I wasn’t as smooth and casual as I thought, especially with the snorts of laughter coming from behind me.

  Turning around in my seat, I stare at the others before flashing them a cheeky grin. “Are any of you honestly going to say you aren’t curious?”

  “Hell, no, I’m dying to know what happened too,” chuckles Vivian from her seat. “I just would have tried to ask in a less obvious way.”

  “I thought I did,” I mutter in reply, only to have everyone burst out laughing.

  “A sledgehammer would have been less obvious,” Cedrix informs me with a deep chuckle.

  I half think I should be offended, on principle, except he’s probably right.

  “Sooo, what did you get up to then?” I ask again, on receiving no answer except a wry look for my trouble. I let out a huff. “Ugh, fine, be that way, don’t tell, see if I care. Where are we going?” I peer out the window at the beautiful old houses coming into view. I want to get out and explore everywhere.


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