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AFFLICTED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 3

by Nicole Fox

  I didn't have a fucking clue.

  Chapter Three


  Fed and I got the girls situated in a spare room upstairs. It wasn't the Ritz, or even the Hilton for that matter, but it at least gave them a place to take their heels off and have a moment of quiet. As I shut the door behind me, they began talking back and forth.

  At least they weren't doing anything crazy, or making too much of a nuisance of themselves. That was good. Otherwise, this would be a hell of a lot more frustrating to handle.

  “Koen,” Fed said as we headed down the hall and started getting the other guys' attention for a meeting, “this whole thing seems wrong, man. We ain't gonna start running girls, are we?”

  “What?” I asked, surprised he even felt he had to ask. “Fuck no, man, we ain't gonna run girls. But, I gotta feeling that Jace chick ain't telling us everything. We gotta figure out what the hell she knows. Meanwhile, we figure out our next move.”

  Fed nodded, seemingly relieved with my response. But, still, I could tell he had misgivings. “You need to be careful about that girl. Think she's got a thing for you, or something.”

  “Or something,” I agreed as we stepped into the meeting room. “But, yeah, I know I need to be careful. But, damn if it ain't been a while. Maybe I could leverage that, though? Get in sweet with her.”

  “Hey man,” Fed said, clapping me on the shoulder, “I get it. Been a while for me, too. But, you gotta pick the right head to think with, right?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I know, I know. But, man, what would it really hurt? We could get the info we need, and I could get my dick wet.” I shrugged. “What's the difference?”

  Fed started to make his case, but the guys coming in shut him down. Good thing, too, because he probably would've made it well enough for me to reconsider.

  “Alright, boys,” I said as the three other officers of the MC came strolling in. Ricky, Spike, and Happy all took a seat around the table. “We gotta problem.”

  I laid out what happened at the hotel earlier in the night, down to the girls we'd been forced to bring back with us. “So, we ain't got that inside deal we wanted. We're gonna have to keep going like we have been if we wanna keep the money rolling in.”

  “Shit, man,” Ricky said as he looked around the meeting room at all of us. “So, we got the Port Authority on our tails, and we still got those the Thunder Riders laying into us.”

  The Port Authority was always going to be a problem, even if we'd gotten Sven on board with us. He was just going to mitigate some of that risk. Same deal with the Thunder Riders, even though our little turncoat would have given us better goods, and therefore better connections with other elements that could help us strengthen our position.

  “More or less,” I admitted. “Back to square one. But, square one ain't exactly the worst place we can be, you know? We're still sitting pretty right where we are.”

  The men scattered around the table, even Fed, grudgingly agreed. We'd been in a hell-of-a-lot worse position before I took over the MC, that was for damned sure.

  “What about these hookers you picked up, man?” Happy asked. He was a skinny little guy, all sinew and gristle and bad prison tattoos, but he was tough and had a good head on his shoulders. If there was anyone I trusted to have my back in a dark alley, it was him. And Fed, of course, but that went without saying.

  “Fed and I were talking,” I said as I looked around the table, my eyes falling on each man and boring a hole in their skulls. “I ain't running girls. No fucking way,” I said with finality.

  A round of head nods.

  “And if anyone in this room wants to get that idea in their head, we can have a conversation in the parking lot out back. Got it?”

  A chorus of agreement went around the table. “Dirty shit,” Ricky said, speaking for them all. “Agreed.”

  “These girls,” I continued, “saw something that we may or may not be related to. We heard their side of the story, but I don't know if it adds up. Fed doesn't think so, and I tend to agree. Now, that said, we gotta keep 'em around ‘til we at least figure out what the fuck happened in that room, and how much our asses are hanging in the wind ‘cause of it.”

  “Got it,” Happy agreed. “Just wanted to make sure, man. Ain't none of us dreaming of getting hooked to that boat, Koen. That shit's just too slimy.”

  “Good,” I said. “Glad we're all in agreement then. Y'all wanna do a vote on holding onto them, then?”

  Everyone looked back and forth between each other, with murmurs of, “Sure, why the fuck not?” going around the table.

  “Keep 'em, and make sure they stay off the streets?” I asked the table.

  “Aye,” we all said, our voice having a weird, harmonious resonance in the small room. The single word had a kind of wonderful, golden finality to it.

  “Good,” I said, nodding once.

  “Good,” a brassy, sensuous voice said from the entryway. All eyes swiveled that way, including my own. Who should be standing there, but Jace. A few inches shorter for lack of heels, but still sexy as ever.

  “Glad y'all made everything official with your little club,” she purred, one hand on a cocked-out hip. “’Cause you better know we're all stuck together now. Unless you got some sort of hooker catch-and-release program y'all run on the side, Benji and I really ain't got nowhere else to go.”

  Fuck my life.

  # # #


  “Besides,” I said, taking a few tentative steps into the room, “Sven said I was supposed to be your girl from tonight on, Boss. Said I was supposed to be a surprise.”

  I didn't have anything else to lose at this point, and I knew it. Aside from Benji, Tommy had been the one remaining bright spot in my life. But, Sven had went and fucked that up for me, hadn't he? Every time I closed my eyes, I saw my poor baby brother's face, with the blood running from his mouth. Dying, bleeding out, then dead. On a hotel bathroom floor.

  I thought killing a man would tear me up more. I'd been wrong. Sven had bled out in the hallway like a stuck pig, and I'd barely flinched. I'd just numbly wiped the gun down, like they do in the movies, tossed it aside, and ran into the arms of the Boss.

  Of course, the real question was, what was this sexy Koen guy really the boss of? It hadn't been me or Benji, that was for sure. They all seemed completely confused and put off by the two of us, and clearly we'd just dropped unexpectedly in their laps. Must have been that Sven had been running some kind of side deal with us girls, some shifty shit to bring in extra cash.

  Whatever the case, Koen was still the dead Russian's boss. And, owing to that, he was responsible for enabling what had happened. I didn't care if Koen hadn't pulled the trigger himself, if it hadn't been for him, Tommy and Sven wouldn't have been in the same room together.

  I'd fuck him. Hell, I even wanted to fuck him. I'd get him so settled in, so well-screwed, his defenses would be down. Then, when his guard was down, I'd put one between his eyes. After all, killing my first man had been easy. That probably meant killing my second would be even easier.

  Besides, I'd felt his eyes on me all night long, felt the way they traveled up and down my curves when he thought I wasn't looking, or couldn't tell. I could feel the heat coming off him earlier in the car, when I put my hand nearly in his lap. He wanted me in his bed just as badly as I wanted him dead.

  Koen, though, surprised me. He just sat back in his chair, laughing as he shook his head. “My girl? I don't need some hooker gifted to me. Especially not from some dead wannabe Russian gangster.”

  My heart, at least what little I had left of one, sank. Did I just get rejected? Was that my only chance, gone out the window? But, then, I considered my other options. They had to keep me around, didn't they? They'd all said it, and all five of them had voted to keep me and Benji here. Until, of course, they got what they needed from us.

  With my eyes locked on Koen's sexy, pale blue ones, I stalked into the room, rolling my hips with each step
. Even though I was making bedroom eyes at the Boss, I could feel all his underlings shifting their gaze to my slinking body and what it was doing beneath my tight skirt. “Really?” I asked as I stopped next to one of the bikers I hadn't met yet, a short, wiry one with nasty-looking tattoos covering both arms in blackened sleeves. I felt his gaze as he traced my every curve and cranny.

  “Yeah,” Koen said, his voice a little less certain than a moment earlier, a little more breathless sounding, “really.”

  Let's see how he liked this, then. Nothing quite like having what's been given to you taken away, especially in front of your buddies. I put my arm around the shoulders of the skinny little guy next to me, lightly raked my nails across his rock-hard muscles. He was tiny, not much taller than me, but I could tell he could still throw me around the bed like it was nothing.

  “You know,” I said, trying to keep that purr in my voice, “a working girl like me, we develop certain appetites. Big, dirty, nasty appetites.” Which, honestly, was kind of true. I liked my sex hard and rough, with a good, strong man who could make me do what he wanted. I'd slept with lots of guys in my time, more than I could count even at my age, and I'd learned one thing: You know that soft, whimpering kind of fucking, where the guy worships the girl’s feet?

  That ain't my thing.

  “And,” I continued with a flash of teeth, and a tip of tongue running over them, “all your boys seem to really fit my bill, if you take my meaning. Y'all boys know what a girl likes, don't you?”

  Koen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Whether it was because I was getting to him one way, or another, I couldn't tell. He was either nervous in front of his men, at having me so quickly rebound from my earlier advances, or I was getting to him in another, more tangible, way.

  “Now, I don't want you distracting the men,” Koen said, his voice getting a little more stern.

  “Oh,” I said in a low voice, as my free hand slid up front of my top, pulling it up a little at the hem to show a bit of midriff, “I like it when you talk that way, Boss. He always sound like this, boys?”

  The other men, even Fed, chuckled.

  I saw my chance right then, as I moved the smallest fraction of power away from Koen. “How about you, boys?” I continued, going for broke with my hand sliding up under my shirt again, pulling it up a little farther as I smiled as invitingly as I could. “You boys wanna be firm with me, too? Teach me a couple lessons?”

  The three men I hadn't met yet laughed, and one of them even gave a little hoot of enthusiasm.

  I grinned as I went to pull my top off over my head, even though I knew I might have just bitten off more than I could chew.

  Chapter Four


  The air was electric, and my breath was coming short and fast. Jace's eyes burned into mine with an intensity of two suns, even as her lips twisted playfully. She knew what she could do to men, was well aware of what kind of strife and consternation she could cause us.

  One thing was for certain. I wasn't sure exactly what it was about this Jace girl that did it for me. But, she sure was doing something. That much was damned sure.

  At first, I thought it was those curves, and that soft, unblemished skin beneath her shirt. Then, I considered that it was the way she swayed a little to the barely-heard beat coming from the club below us, as she began to strip for me and the boys.

  Whatever it was, I was as eager as the rest of the guys to see her lithe body stripped down to nothing. Even with just the lusty display in front of me, I was well on my way to being hard as a rock. This woman wanted to spend the night in my bed, but I'd turned her down. Now, I realized, she was willing to fuck every man in my MC to show me what I was missing.

  That was when I realized, as she laughingly slapped Happy's hands away from her, that it was her brassiness that really got me going. Her boldness, her spunk, even that filthy mouth of hers.

  But, as much as I liked it, I couldn't have her just hanging around, messing with my boys. Clearly, she could, and easily.

  Then there was the fact that, if I took her up on the offer, I'd get a nice bed warmer out of this deal. A woman who was used to paying her way with fucking, a woman who was experienced. Not some club girl who'd get all attached once I dragged her back to my room the second time around. A woman like Jace would know the score from the get go.

  Of course, a woman like Jace, I could learn to care about. She had a backbone, clearly, and wouldn't back down from anything. A woman like that, she could grow to be my equal, even, inside of bed and out.

  A thought flashed through my mind, of her riding down the highway on the back of my bike, of us in my bed, the covers and sheet twisted around our legs as I gave it to her hard and fast, of what her lips would feel like when they were wrapped around my cock, how her hair would feel in my hand as I yanked her head back.

  Damn if it hadn't been a long time, though, since I'd had any kind of companionship. Since I became top dog in this pile, Fed was really my only friend. Every other guy here, brother or not, I had to keep one eye on him. Shit, between my piece of shit dad, and the years I'd been here, I couldn't have told you the last time I'd been at ease with someone. Been more than lonely, even in a room full of people.

  “Alright,” I said forcefully, my hand raised for Jace to stop her dance. Her top was gone, revealing just a lacy red bra, and she was about to straddle Happy, a smile playing on her lips and a laugh tumbling out of her throat.

  Clearly, she'd been getting into this.

  But, still, she came to a stop at the sound of my voice. All the guys, even Fed, groaned at the interruption.

  “I get it,” I said. “You need dick. Now get off Happy and go wait back in the room.”

  She threw her hair back over a shoulder with a flick of her neck, still giving me that wide smile of hers. “One last thing,” she said, her eyes flashing with victory.

  I rolled my eyes, my anger finally getting to me. This woman was already becoming more trouble than she was worth, far as I could see. “Fine,” I snapped. “What the fuck else?”

  “Benji's off limits.”

  # # #


  The men around me, and the guy below me in particular, groaned in protest as I went to stand and grab my top from where I'd dropped it on the floor. “She'll cook, she'll clean, she'll do whatever. But she ain't a whore no more, and she ain't gonna fuck every Tom, Dick, and Harry to pay her rent. Got it?”

  Koen shook his head, his eyes ablaze at my having thwarted him again.

  I just couldn't help it. Something inside me wanted to keep pushing him, and pushing him, and pushing him.

  His jaw worked as he ground his teeth. “Fine,” he growled. “Meeting's over, guys. Get out of here and go have a drink or something.”

  But, his eyes were burning with something else, too. I had this fucker right where I wanted him. He'd do anything to get me in bed, now, and then I could put my plan into action.

  All the guys groaned and got up to leave. Happy got up and put a hand around my waist, pulling me in for a hug before I had a chance to pull my shirt back on. His hands were rough on my soft skin, but he was surprisingly gentle.

  I giggled and hugged him back, even kissed him on the cheek. “Sorry your boss is a party pooper,” I said with a grin.

  “Koen's okay,” Happy said, slapping my ass, producing a playful squeal from me.

  Of course, the squeal was more acting than anything else. I'd been in this game long enough that I knew what certain kinds of men wanted.

  “Even me?” Fed asked as he got up from the table.

  Koen nodded. “Close the door behind you, too,” he said as his buddy got up to leave.

  I could tell from the way they interacted, both now and earlier, that they were actually friends. Koen and the rest of the guys, though, were more associates than anything else. Even if he was head of their little gang, he was wary of them. Not Fed, though. They were like me and Benji, buds till the end. If I ever tried anything on
Koen with Fed around, the biker would kill me without a moment's hesitation. I knew it the same way I knew up was up, and down was down.

  So, I'd just have to do it when Koen was alone, maybe while he lying in bed, asleep.

  Fed left, shut the door behind him.

  “No,” Koen said, his voice still harsh as I went to pull my top back over my head. It had actually started to get a little cool in the meeting room, especially considering I was just standing there in my bra and a short skirt, and I'd wanted to cover up a little.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Come here first,” he said, pushing his chair back and away from the table. I knew what that meant. He wanted to see how talented these lips of mine really were.


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