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Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series)

Page 9

by G. Bailey

  “Tell us how you made a group and got into the academy?” Professor Badhur asks as I get to the top of the staircase, and a hand wraps around my mouth at the same time another hand roughly pulls me between two pillars. Henry’s eyes stare into mine as he lowers his hand, our bodies pressed so closely together.

  I want to tell him thank you and ask why he is sneaking around too. But I stay quiet and turn to look at the room I’ve just walked into, trying to ignore how good Henry’s body feels pressed against mine.

  In the centre of the room is a man on the floor, his ankles and wrists wrapped tightly in silver chains, which are attached to the stone ground under him. The man tied up is a vampire with blood coating what is left of his clothes and his teeth bared as he hisses. Professor Badhur lifts a silver cast whip and lashes it swiftly down on the vampire’s stomach.

  “Tell us what we want to know, and you will be able to leave,” he shouts.

  “Never,” the vampire hisses. Professor Louton comes into the light, leaning down and tilting her head to the side before looking to Professor Gabriel.

  “We have been here for hours, as I told you when you just arrived, and nothing has changed. The vampire will not speak,” she states.

  “Is there any possibility of a master vampire being around?” Master Gabriel asks. “We believed all the bloodlines were killed off and what is left of the coven are mated to humans and living normal lives.”

  “Vampires don’t ever work together unless there is a master vampire around. That’s why all the attacks on the wolf packs, the demon academy on earth, and the tales island are so concerning. We assumed we are safe, but if there is a single chance a master vampire is still alive, we must summon the angel army and find the creature,” Professor Badhur says.

  “Thankfully we haven’t suffered as many injuries as the other races. We must be far more prepared in case this happens again. I am suggesting the angel guard be placed around the academy,” Professor Louton says.

  “No, the angel city has its own problems of late, but some angel guards at the academy would not be a bad thing,” Master Gabriel says with a long sigh.

  “Fine. I will start ripping the vampire’s limbs off and see if he will talk. Or he will die, one or the other is acceptable at this point,” Professor Louton calmly suggests.

  “Every angel will fall under his rule. His new queen is born, and the gods will bring death to all those who seek revenge!” the vampire screams, and suddenly Ren is next to him, reaching a hand into his chest. He harshly turns his hand to the side, and the vampire screams and screams before his head rolls to the side and blood pours from his mouth. Disgust and shock fill me as I stare at Ren, my vampire ghost, being a monster.

  I guess I always knew he was a monster, and I just chose to ignore it. I chose to let him get close and to not care about the dangers. Ren turns to me, and he simply winks before fading away as the teachers all stare at the body in shock.

  “Hold on,” Henry whispers in my ear, holding me tight against his body. In seconds his wings surround us, and the world is dipped into pure darkness. When a trickle of light flickers in my eyes, I look up and get locked in Henry’s deep gaze. Sometimes it’s like the embers in his eyes bounce around, sucking you in, making you want to walk through the fire.

  It’s a game, and Henry is always winning.

  He is the king of Angel Academy, and there is nothing the king doesn’t get.

  “Why were you there?”

  His breath blows against my lips in the cold darkness. I don’t know how he is doing this. “We all have our secrets, don’t we, darlin’?”

  “I have a feeling you have far more than I ever could.”

  His thumb lifts up, brushing ever so softly against my bottom lip. “You should forget everything you just saw. It’s not good for you to know anything.”

  “Do you have something to do with the vampire attack?”

  “Why would I?” he pulls away from me, and I suddenly realise we are in the academy gardens.

  “Why didn’t you kill the vampire that was on top of me?” I ask him as he walks away from me, suspicion high in my voice. “You killed the other two but not her. Why would she run away and not attack you? How did you move us here?”

  “Be careful not to accuse the king who just saved your life,” he coldly warns me, and without another word, he flies into the air.

  Chapter 20

  I raise my arms in the air, feeling the heat from the angels dancing around me, the loud music blocking out all of my senses I no longer want to feel. It’s been a week since I saw that vampire die, and Ren hasn’t appeared once. I want to ask him a million questions, and a stupid part of me might even miss him a little bit.

  Partying with dark angels might not be the best way to get Henry to tell me all his secrets, but it is sure a good step in the right direction of getting his attention.

  It’s been a week since the vampire attacks and one awkward assembly later where Master Gabriel told us all it was a misunderstanding, and now new angel guards are flying around the academy night and day. In my borrowed purple mini dress that Vesnia let me wear, I move my hips and enjoy the music for a long moment. I feel myself relaxing and forgetting the goal, as the more I dance, the more I lose myself in the music around me.

  “That’s enough of the show,” Henry growls in my ear, his arm hooking tightly around my waist, and the next thing I know, he is pulling me out of the room and down the corridor. We get to the stairs, and he drags me up them and pulls a key out of his pocket when we get to the top, never letting me go. He unlocks the door in front of us, pushes it open, and then drags me inside.

  He flips the light switch on as I take in what is clearly his bedroom. A messy double bed is pushed against one wall with at least three deep midnight blue blankets piled on top and dozens of pillows. There are three cabinets, no doubt full of clothes, and on top of them is a mixture of books. One has five snow globes on top of it, and I walk over, forgetting the rest of the room as I stare at the globes. There is one with a yellow heart crystal inside, another with what looks like New York, and the biggest snow globe has a Christmas tree and presents in it, but it’s the last one that is the best. Inside the last one is a carousel with red horses on it, reminding me of my eighth birthday.

  “One year the fair got stuck in our town for an extra few days due to a snowstorm. My mum and dad had said I couldn’t go; they didn’t like things like the fair. They said it was tacky, but I didn’t believe them, and thankfully neither did Riley. He helped me climb out of my window, and we walked three miles to the fair. When we got there, the only ride still open was the carousel, and we rode it once before my parents caught up with us,” I chuckle, remembering how mad they were. “I was grounded for two weeks, and Riley was banned from my home for a month. Totally worth it though.”

  “You really do see him as your best friend,” Henry murmurs as he sits on his bed, stretching his legs out and crossing his arms. “And not as the boy in love with you and who is a jealous fuck.”

  “It’s just teenage hormones, and all this change is making him cling to the past. He is still my best friend, and that’s all he will ever be,” I reply.

  “Good, because he could never be enough for someone like you,” he warns.

  “And what is that meant to mean?”

  “Beautiful, smart, secretive and lost. So fucking lost,” he softly tells me, tilting his head to the side. “And trust me, baby, a boy like that isn’t going to save you. He will ruin you and walk away.”

  My breaths seem to come out laboured as I watch Henry so carefully. “What if I wanted someone else to ruin me?”

  “Careful what you wish for, Kaitlyn,” he warns, his eyes locked with mine as he smoothly stands up and slowly walks right up to me. I’m sure for a second that he is going to kiss me, but he walks by me and opens his door. “Now go back to your room, and don’t come to my parties in dresses like that again. The dumbasses downstairs don’t need a reason to do so
mething stupid.”

  “At least you’re admitting you’re a dumbass,” I seethe, pushing past him and feeling my cheeks burning red. Liking me is really that bad? Bad enough to be considered a stupid decision? Am I really that bad, that unattractive to him?

  “Where you going, newbie?” the “lovely” Jessica drawls, grabbing my arm as I pass her by the front door. “Is the king bored with fucking you yet?”

  “As he did with you, you mean?” I suggest, and I know I’ve hit a nerve as her eyes burn with anger and she shoves me against the front door, pushing her arm against my throat.

  “Henry and I are long term, even when we have breaks to fuck toys like you,” she sneers, leaning in closer. “And that’s all you are, a toy with pretty baby eyes and tuggable blonde hair. I’ve let you off for now, but this is your first official warning. Back. The. Fuck. Off. My. King.”

  I simply smile, even as I struggle with what emotions I’m feeling inside. Henry isn’t mine, and I may like him, but I doubt he likes me. I think he just finds it fun to mess with my emotions like a toy.

  Just like Jessica claims.

  Jessica moves her arm away when she can see she has won, and I never had to speak a word. I run off the porch and keep walking and walking until I find myself outside Thallon’s cabin.

  I shouldn’t be here.

  But why when I run, do I find myself going to Thallon?

  Without thinking about it too much, I force my shaky legs to the front door and knock two times, waiting for him to answer. No one comes to the door, and I sigh, knowing I should just go back to my room. I turn around just as the door is pulled open, and I turn back to see Thallon in just a low pair of joggers, a shirt in his hand, and his hair is wet, dripping onto his chest. My traitorous eyes follow one drop that slides down a firm peck and further onto his flat, toned stomach before disappearing into his joggers. I gulp and look up, knowing I need to say something.


  “I need a friend, and you’re the only one I seem to run to. I don’t know why that is, but—”

  “You don’t need to explain yourself,” he stops me and stands back, waving a hand at his cabin. “I’m never going to turn you away, so run, jog or walk to me whenever you want.”

  Knowing I’m blushing as that was seriously romantic, I try humour to distract myself. “Is your door open to everyone? Even Master Gabriel?” I chuckle. “I can just imagine you and Master Gabriel having a Netflix and chill night.”

  “I’m not sure Master Gabriel is aware of what movies are,” he says around a chuckle as he tugs his shirt on and steps closer to me. “Sorry I took so long, I was in the shower.”

  “I could have guessed,” I say, reaching up and brushing my fingers through his wet hair. I pause as he looks down at me, his eyes searching mine for permission. I lean up and brush my lips across his, softly to start with, and then I find myself searching for more. His hands grip my hips and pull me harder against his body as he deepens the kiss. I almost whimper when he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

  “You need a friend tonight, not whatever this is becoming,” he softly tells me.

  “I don’t know what this is either,” I admit.

  “We will figure it out, but I’m going to be your friend first tonight. Want a drink and some pasta? I’ve just cooked some, and it’s warm in the pot,” he asks.

  “I wondered what smelt nice,” I answer, stepping away. “I’d love some, thank you.” He kisses my forehead once before heading to the kitchen, and I look at the window for a brief second. I’m sure I see Riley outside, but when I blink, it’s just the trees, and I swear I’m going crazy.

  Maybe that’s exactly what The Angel Academy does to people.

  And their love life, it seems.

  Angel help me as I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.

  “Ayda, do you know all the answers that boys hold?” I ask her, and she neighs at me as I continue brushing her hair. Vesnia pops her head over the stable door.

  “I guessed I would find you in here. Wanna go for a ride?”

  “Where is Professor Nina?” I ask. “Only she asked me to brush the hair of every horse in here, as she thinks riding is pointless for me anymore.” Not that I know what that means. Ayda and I can ride super-fast, and we have been around every bit of the academy. It’s still hard to understand the bond between Ayda and me, but I kinda like to think she is my friend.

  “Half the class have the same orders. I think she is just being lazy,” she whispers to me. “Now come for a ride!”

  “Alright,” I say, and Vesnia winks at me before going off to get her horse, Teagan, ready. After sorting out Ayda’s saddle and reins, I head outside and into the courtyard as I wait for Vesnia to come out. Hearing strange noises, I walk around the back of the stables to see Riley and a light angel kissing against the back of the wall. As they start tugging at clothes, I back away, and as I come back, Vesnia is there, already on Teagan.

  “Why do you look angry?” she asks.

  “Let’s fly, and I will explain,” I reply, jumping onto Ayda’s back. Ayda neighs once before running off through the trees and to the back of the cliff where she jumps off. I used to be scared of this fall, but now I just love the feel of the air against my cheeks until she straightens up and glides across the air. We fly around for a good hour before Vesnia whistles and points at a patch of grass on the other side of the forest by the academy. We both land and tie the horses up before sitting on the edge of the cliff, watching the thick clouds pass by.

  “Riley was kissing a girl behind the stables,” I tell her. “And still he acts like I’m doing something wrong by liking other guys.”

  “I think Riley is clinging onto you because you are the only bit of home he has here. I’d do the same, but maybe not as bad,” she suggests, and I think about it for a moment. Even if what Vesnia suspects is true, he still needs to stop acting like I’m his childhood toy that he doesn’t want to give away. I’ve never been his, and I never will be, I’m sure of that. I knew deep in my heart as I saw him kissing that light angel…because I felt nothing, nothing like jealousy or heartbreak.

  If I saw Henry, Thallon or even Ren the ghost kissing someone…I don’t know how I would feel.

  Okay, I do.


  I clear my throat, trying to distract myself. “What is your home like?”

  “We had a small two-bedroomed house, and everyone knew everyone else in our town. I actually loved my upbringing,” she tells me. “I miss pizza though. We used to handmake it every weekend and have a family board game night.”

  “I can play board games, and we could sneak into the kitchens to find stuff to make a pizza on Sunday. No one is in there then,” I suggest, wanting to make her feel more at home than I can tell she isn’t feeling right now. It might not be much, but it will be fun.

  “Where are we going to get board games though?” she asks with a big smile that lights up her whole face.

  Thinking back to the board games I saw in Thallon’s house, I smile. “I know just the place and a third player while we are at it.”

  “Another boy?” she asks, and as I nod, we both laugh. I rest my head on Vesnia’s shoulder, and she whispers to me.

  “Thank you for being my family when I needed it more than I realised.”

  I smile, knowing Ves is slowly becoming part of my family anyway. I couldn’t imagine my life without my crazy red-haired friend. “Always.”

  Chapter 21

  Tugging the heavy book into my lap, I rest back against the bark of a tall tree in the academy gardens. I have to pull my knees up to hold the weight of the book as I turn the page over from the pregnant woman to the next image. This is one of an almost naked man sitting on a throne with three women on their knees in front of him. Each of the women has different coloured, long dresses on, but the interesting part is how they all have their heads tilted to the side, and on their neck is a bite mark that drips blood down in a line to their ch
ests. Each of the women is extremely beautiful and different from each other. I glance back to the man in his throne, no crown to be seen to name him a king. I turn over the next page, hearing the wind picking up speed as it blows my blonde hair off my own neck.

  The next painting makes me nearly drop the book in horror. The floor of the room is made of bodies and blood, littered together until you can’t see the floor. Broken parts of the wall behind them hang in tatters, and right in the middle of the ruined, death-filled room is two people kissing. The man is the same one as the previous image, but the woman is new. She has fiery red hair and a very naked body that is covered in blood as much as the man’s clothes are. They kiss like there aren’t bodies all around them, like there isn’t pain or death.

  It’s just them, screw the fallen world.

  “What are you reading, Katy?” Riley asks, dropping down next to me. I slam the book shut and smile at him.

  “Nothing interesting,” I harshly answer. I’m still pretty pissed at him.

  “More secrets, huh? Do your new friends know about your ghost seeing skills?” he asks, and it almost seems a cruel question. Like they couldn’t be my friends if they didn’t know my biggest secret, and that’s not the case.

  “No one but you, and you know that. I don’t think The Angel Academy wants a ghost seeing angel,” I admit, feeling a little more than on edge with how he looks at me. A little part of me wishes Riley didn’t know at this point.

  “Have you had any trouble with ghosts here?” he asks, eyeing the book, and I cover it the best I can with my arms.

  “Nope, this place is clear,” I say, leaving out any mention of Ren, who has all but disappeared recently anyway. That should be seen as a good thing, considering he can apparently kill people, but damn do I miss him.

  “What do you remember about the crash?” he asks, and I pause. We haven’t talked about the crash at all, and I’m not sure how to bring up how sorry I am that it happened. I was driving, so it was my fault for looking away, even for a second. I know the angels say the crash was predestined and so was everyone else’s accidents, but maybe I could have saved us if I were looking.


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