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dragon archives 03 - loved by a dragon

Page 3

by Linda K Hopkins

  “You looked like you were having fun.” This time she met his gaze with narrowed eyes. He was definitely taunting her.

  “Tell me,” she said, “how long will you be visiting Storbrook?”

  Once again Max grinned at her, but it was Aaron who answered.

  “As long as he wishes.”

  “I see.” Anna turned to Keira. “When do you wish to start decorating?” she asked. Keira opened her mouth to respond, but before she said anything, Max was speaking again.

  “Why do I get the feeling you wish me gone, Anna?” he asked. Out the corner of her eye, Anna could see both Keira and Aaron look at Max in surprise.

  “I have no idea,” she said. “Just stay well away from me, and I’m sure we will get along famously!”

  Beside her Keira gasped softly.

  Max’s smile widened as he considered Anna. “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. I have no desire to keep company with a shrew!”

  Anna’s eyes narrowed again as she rose to her feet. “And I don’t fancy being burned by a dragon!”

  Max took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them until he stood right before her. “Perhaps, darling, a little burning is exactly what you need! You might even enjoy it!”

  Anna’s pulled her hand back, and it flew through the air to land on Max’s cheek with a resounding slap. He didn’t move, but his expression turned mocking.

  “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Anna gasped, and spinning on her heel, walked away from him and towards the doorway. She had only gone a few steps when she paused, then turning, stalked back to Max, stopping a few inches away as she poked her finger into his chest.

  “Don’t ever calling me ‘darling’ again,” she ground out, then turning once more, marched out of the room. Her legs were trembling as she walked, while her hands shook with rage. The arrogance! The insolence!

  Aaron’s voice rang from the room, his words making Anna stop in the passage to listen. “Max! Just what game do you think you’re playing?”

  “Do you always allow your guests to be treated with such rudeness?” she heard Max respond.

  “She’s a young girl, and you certainly played your part in provoking her,” Aaron said.

  “That is no young girl,” Max said. “That is a young woman who needs to grow up.”

  Anna turned away with a scowl and stalked down the passage in the direction of her room.

  She hastened her flight when she heard footsteps behind her, and Keira called out her name. Anna was already at her chambers when Keira caught up.

  “Anna! Just what do you think you are doing? How can you be so rude?”

  “Me, rude? Did you hear how he was talking to me? That is the most arrogant, conceited man I have ever met!”

  “Max is here as our guest and is a member of Aaron’s clan. No matter how he provokes you, you need to treat him with courtesy. You cannot allow him to goad you into unwomanly behavior, Anna.”

  “Fine,” Anna snapped, before closing the door in Keira’s face. On the other side of the door she heard Keira’s footsteps fade away, and she sunk down on her bed. There was no excuse for her behavior, and she was completely mortified. It was no wonder that Aaron considered her a child when she could not even control her reaction to a stranger. But just the remembrance of his cool arrogance and mocking smile had her grinding her teeth in annoyance. Somehow, she had to remain civil to this rude stranger, but for the life of her, she had no idea how.

  Chapter 6

  Keira made her way slowly back to the solar, wondering at Anna’s response to Max. She knew that Anna could be hot-headed and immature at times, but her reaction to Max was ridiculous. She heard Aaron and Max talking as she approached the room, but the conversation ceased as she crossed the threshold. Max rose and walked over to where she stood.

  “My apologies, Mistress Keira,” he said with an abashed look. “It was my provocation that caused your sister to act as she did.”

  “Thank you,” Keira said with a smile, “but Anna’s behavior was inexcusable. I trust she will behave with more decorum in future.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Max replied with a grin. “Decorum might be rather dull after that spirited performance.”

  “Max,” Aaron said warningly, and Max threw him an amused grin.

  “But I know my boundaries.”

  Supper was served soon after, with Anna seated at the opposite end of the table to Max. The main table, where the master of the estate sat with his wife and guests, was placed on a raised dais at the end of the great hall, overlooking the benches where the servants ate their meal. An occasional laugh or shout rang through the hall over the friendly babble of conversation, but at the main table, Anna sat beside Keira stiff and silent. After a while Keira turned away, ignoring her sister as she leaned forward to talk to Thomas and Max.

  A fiddle was produced by one of the servants when the meal was done, and the benches were pushed to the walls as the diners rose, eager for an impromptu dance, each grabbing the hand of a partner as they formed a circle. Aaron pulled Keira to her feet and led her into the dance, his hand warm around hers. As they swung around the room, Keira saw Garrick approach Anna, and a moment later, she was being led into the circle, laughing and smiling. Max was left alone at the table, but he did not seem perturbed, and after throwing back the contents of his cup, he rose and interposed himself between two serving maids, who giggled, blushing, as he took their hands.

  A few dances later the fiddle was put away, and the servants laughingly cleared the halls of the remnants of supper and turned to their last duties of the evening. Anna had already slipped from the room, and Keira wished Max a goodnight before leaving the hall, Aaron close on her heels.

  “Do you think Max will behave himself?” Keira asked as they entered their chambers.

  Aaron shrugged. “He knows he will earn my displeasure if he doesn’t.”

  “I wish your displeasure meant as much to Anna,” Keira said with a sigh. “I cannot believe how rude she was!”

  “She’s young. But Max is right – she’s no longer a child, but a young woman. Perhaps Max being around will help her grow up.”

  “You’re not suggesting that Max –”

  “Of course not. But unless she wants to remain in her chambers every day, she will have to learn some restraint and manners in Max’s presence.”

  “Well I hope Max can show some restraint as well,” Keira retorted. “He should not have provoked her the way he did.”

  “No, he shouldn’t have. But he knows that, and I believe he will be more cautious in her presence.”

  “My parents arrive tomorrow. Maybe that will help.”

  “Tomorrow? Then we had better make good use of these few remaining hours before they arrive.” Aaron took a step towards her, his tawny eyes starting to glow slightly. “Of course, there are plenty of places in this pile of stone where we can hide away from prying eyes. A dragon always manages to find a place where he can devour his beautiful victims!”

  “Victims?” Keira said, meeting his gaze in amusement. “And just how many victims do dragons usually hide away?” Aaron bent his head closer to hers.

  “It depends on the dragon, my sweet, but in this case the answer is only one!”

  Keira and Anna spent the following morning decorating the castle with the greenery they had collected the previous day, filling the halls and chambers with the fresh scent of pine as they waited for their parents, Richard and Jenny, to arrive. It was a thirty-mile journey on horseback through the mountains, and the light was already failing by the time they reached Storbrook.

  A light meal soon revived them, and they sat with Keira and Aaron in the solar, where the light of a roaring fire flickered against the stone walls. Anna had also joined the little party, but of Max there was no sign.

  “How are your wounds, Father?” Keira asked. Richard had been accidentally injured a few months earlier when a group of villagers attempted to draw out and injure th
e dragon. The wounds had been the inadvertent result of a villager, not the dragon, and although the wounds were near-fatal, dragon blood had worked wonders in healing the injured man.

  “Completely recovered!” Richard replied. “I owe the dragon my life, and will forever remain in his debt.” He glanced at Aaron as he said the words, but Aaron was already shaking his head.

  “You owe the dragon nothing,” he said, his voice low. “If anything, the dragon failed you by failing to protect your daughter!”

  Richard leaned forward, his reply just as low as he met Aaron’s gaze. “A dragon is not omniscient, son. You did what you could, and for that I am grateful!”

  “How is the reeve?” Keira asked, her voice pulling the two men from their low intercourse. The door of the solar opened, admitting a maid from the kitchen, a tray of sweetmeats weighing down her arms, which she carefully placed on the table before leaving the room.

  “He’s recovering slowly,” Richard replied, “but the nature of his injuries means he will no longer be able to serve as reeve. Lord Warren will appoint a new reeve in the coming months. In the meantime, Edmund is still missing, and the reeve fears his son is dead.” Keira swapped a quick glance with Aaron as she remembered Edmund’s last few moments on earth. He had been killed by the dragon after kidnapping and threatening to kill Anna, and the dragon had ensured that there were no remains to be found.

  “It’s very sad,” Jenny said from the cushioned bench where she sat. “You know, his mother, Mary, and I were best friends when she was alive. I’m sure Edmund would have turned out to be quite a fine young man. Mary was such a wonderful woman. So gentle and sweet. Edmund may have made some mistakes, but he was his mother’s son.” Keira and Anna both stared at their mother in disbelief as she made this speech. Although she had no knowledge of what Edmund had done to Anna the night he died, all indications were that he had taken after his father, who was cruel and proud, rather than his mother. Keira opened her mouth to protest, but Aaron grabbed her hand as both he and Richard shook their heads to silence her. Keira slid a glance over to her sister, but Anna seemed intent on examining her feet, her brows drawn together in a scowl.

  “Did you hear that some in the village want your father to become the new reeve?” Jenny continued, oblivious to the heightened tension in the room.

  “No,” Aaron said, glancing at Richard. “I think you would make a splendid reeve. Do you have the favor of Warren?” Although the reeve served the people in the village, it was as the representative of the lord, and it was he who made the appointment.

  “The freemen of the village sent a delegation to His Lordship advocating my appointment, and I believe he will give their proposal due consideration,” Richard said.


  Jenny turned her attention to her daughter. “Keira,” she said, “I understand that you have a visitor here at Storbrook.”

  “Yes,” Keira replied. “Where did you hear that?”

  “Jane Tanner told me. She met him at market.” Next to her Anna harrumphed.

  “Probably strutting through the village, making sure everyone takes notice,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “What’s that, dear?” Jenny asked, but Keira spoke before Anna could respond.

  “Yes, Mother. Max is a distant relative of Aaron’s, and he is staying at Storbrook for the present time.”

  “Really? And how old is he?” she asked, casting a quick glance in Anna’s direction.

  “Oh, um … Aaron?” Keira turned to look at him.

  “I believe he will be joining us any moment, so you can ask him yourself,” Aaron said with a grin. Sure enough, the door to the solar opened once more as the man in question entered the room and all eyes turned to look at him. Moving forward in her chair, Anna straightened her back and lifted her chin, refusing to meet his gaze, which traveled around the room to take in the other occupants.

  “Aaron, Keira, I see you have guests,” Max said.

  “Max, these are my parents, Master and Madame Carver. They will be staying at Storbrook during Christmastide.”

  “I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Madame Carver,” he said with a smile at Jenny. He turned towards Richard. “Master Carver, I believe I saw some of your wares when I stopped at the village market yesterday on my way to Storbrook. I’m sure we will share a very merry Christmas season together. I understand that Keira has organized some wonderful entertainments for her guests. I’m sure,” he added, turning towards Anna, “you will enjoy that, Anna. I think you enjoy entertainments.”

  “Certainly,” Anna said, “when in the midst of genteel company.” Max bowed his head with a mocking smile as Jenny interjected.

  “What could be more genteel than the company of family, Anna? And being the only child in our midst, you are bound to enjoy all the entertainments.”

  Anna’s lips thinned, but she remained silent as she glared at her hands.

  Max helped himself to a sweetmeat on the tray, before taking a seat across from Keira. “What entertainment do you have planned for us, tonight, Keira?”

  “Since my parents are weary from their travels, I thought we could pursue a more sedate activity.” Leaning down, Keira produced a book from beneath her seat. “How about a story?” she said, carefully holding up the precious volume.

  “What story?” Anna asked, leaning forward to see the leather-bound manuscript.

  “Guy of Warwick,” Keira said with a grin in Aaron’s direction as he raised his eyebrows at her.

  “I’ve heard of it,” Jenny said. “What is it about?”

  “Guy of Warwick has to prove his worth in order to marry the woman he loves,” she explained. “To do this, he battles all kinds of horrible and fantastic creatures, like huge boars, giants, and dragons.”

  “He kills dragons?” Anna said with a glance at Max. “It sounds like a fantastic story! Who is going to read for us?”

  “Max,” Keira said, holding the book in his direction, “would you do us the honors? I am quite convinced you would be an excellent reader.” With a grimace in Aaron’s direction, Max took the proffered volume, and opening it to the first page, started to read.

  Anna watched Max closely as he read. He had only delivered a few sentences when he stopped, demanding a cup of wine before continuing. Anna tucked her legs beneath her as she waited, curling her toes to keep them warm. She cradled a goblet of wine in her hand as she listened to the flow of Max’s voice.

  Valiant he was, sooth to say

  And earned great prizes in every play

  As a knight of great valor.

  Out of this land he went his way

  Through many diverse country

  Beyond the sea.

  Max’s voice was soft and lyrical, and she found herself falling under the spell woven by his voice and the adventures of Guy of Warwick. She rejoiced when he returned home to marry the woman he loved, and mourned when he left her to live life as a hermit, unable to carry the weight of his violent past. By the time the story was finished, the fire was low, and everyone seemed to have fallen into a reflective mood. Max gently closed the book and laid it down on a small table, his eyes catching Anna’s as he glanced around the room. She looked away, allowing her gaze to rest on Keira, curled up in Aaron’s arms. Keira turned to Max with a smile.

  “That was wonderful. Thank you, Max. And I was right, you do have a wonderful reading voice!” She glanced around the room. “I believe I am ready to retire, so if you will excuse me –”

  “We will retire as well,” Richard said. “It has been a long day, and I think we are both ready to sleep.” He glanced at Jenny as he spoke, and she nodded, rising to her feet.

  “Yes, goodnight,” she said.

  As the couples exited the room, Anna hastily rose to her feet.

  “Afraid to be alone with me?” Max said as she placed her cup on the table.

  “Certainly not,” she retorted. “However, I prefer my own company to that of rogues such as yourself.

  “Rogue, am I?” He laughed. “I give you leave to retire so you can think of all the nasty names to call me. Of course, it will just reinforce my opinion that you are not only a shrew, but a spoiled brat as well.” Anna glared at him for a moment before lifting her chin in the air.

  “I do not need your leave to retire, Master Brant. And I will not wish you a good night. I hope you have a dreadful night, with horrible dreams and rats running over your toes.” And with as much dignity as she could muster, she turned and swept out of the room, Max’s soft laugh following her down the passage.

  Chapter 7

  Keira shivered. It was the first day of Christmastide, and the bed was cold. She reached out to find her usual source of heat, but Aaron was not there. Eyes springing open she glanced around the room, smiling when she saw Aaron standing at the huge, open window, looking down at the surrounding mountain ranges.

  “Morning,” she said sleepily. Aaron turned and walked over to the bed, sliding down next to her and pulling her close. She snuggled against his chest, immediately feeling far warmer.

  “Good morning, my sweet.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “Just watching the sunrise. The light was catching the snow, and it looked so beautiful.” He smiled. “Not as beautiful as you, but lovely nonetheless.” He turned to look out the window. “Let’s go for a flight before we join the rest of the household.”

  Keira nodded. “Give me a moment to dress in something warmer,” she said as she rose from the bed and headed towards the small antechamber.

  A few moments later she was on Aaron’s broad, scaly back as he launched himself out the window. His hard scales were warm, and Keira leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck as her hair and cloak streamed out behind her. The sun had not completely risen over the mountains, and the early morning light stained the white snow of the mountain peaks a delicate shade of pink. She turned to look at Aaron’s wings, spread wide behind her, and blinked when the sun glanced across their golden surface, sending bright rays scattering into the surrounding air. The wings were massive, stretching at least twelve feet on either side of him, while behind him streamed his tail, sharp spikes standing at attention along the thick, scaly length. She turned back to his neck as a stream of flame curled from his mouth, quickly dissipating in the cold air. He was starting to lose height, and Keira glanced down to see the river curling below them. Where the river curved in a sharp bend the ground beside it was bare of snow, and it was here that Aaron gracefully landed on the ground. He waited for Keira to slide off his back before transforming to his human form in a flash of light that flared for a moment before collapsing back into solid form. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her against his chest.


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