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dragon archives 03 - loved by a dragon

Page 7

by Linda K Hopkins

  “I can travel just as fast on foot,” he declared, “but if my feet grow weary, I will take to the sky.”

  Keira sighed as the trio disappeared from sight beyond the castle walls. Aaron had moved to stand behind her, and he lifted his hands to her shoulders.

  “Max will take care of her,” he said. Keira turned to him with a wry smile.

  “It’s not Anna I’m worried about.” Aaron laughed.

  “Oh, I think Max can take care of himself.” He lifted his hand to Keira’s cheek, and bent down to her ear. “This is the first time we have been alone in months, my sweet.” Keira felt a shiver run through her as his breath tickled her ear. She turned around to face him when footsteps sounded on the cobbled stones as servants went about their duties around them. Aaron pulled away and met Keira’s amused expression before glancing around at the mountains beyond Storbrook. “There’s a cave in the mountains where we could be truly alone,” he said. “Will you come with me? We could spend the night there.”

  “In a cave?”

  “Mmm, yes,” Aaron reached for her hands and pulled her closer once more. “I’ll build a fire, and we can take along a quilt to make the ground more comfortable for you.” He paused and looked into her eyes. “And while we are there, there is something I’ve been wanting to show you.”


  “But I can only show you there.” He grinned down at her as Keira rolled her eyes.

  “A dragon wants to show me something in a cave in the mountains. Should I be scared?”

  “Should a lovely woman be scared when trapped with a dragon in a cave? Absolutely,” he said. “Now let’s go find some provisions and be on our way.”

  The sun had already passed its zenith by the time they set out, and as Aaron flew, it slowly dipped lower in the sky, until it eventually dropped below the horizon, turning the sky from pink to gray to black. The air rushing past Keira was cold, and she shivered as it flowed around her.

  “Not much further,” Aaron said, glancing back at her. Stars were beginning to appear in the sky above them, small pinpoints of light in a sea of darkness, when Aaron started to descend. Keira craned her neck to see where they were going, but the night sky swallowed everything around them, leaving only a looming shadow even darker than the black sky. Unhesitatingly, Aaron headed towards the shadow, slowing as they approached an oppressive wall of rock. As they got closer, Keira could make out a hole in the dark surface, high in the sheer rock face, and it was to this that Aaron headed. Small trees, stunted and twisted, clung tenaciously to the rock around the entrance to the cave, and as he flew by, Aaron grabbed one in his claws, ripping out the shallow roots with ease before landing at the edge of the cave. The darkness within was so complete that as Keira slid off Aaron’s back, she was unable to see her hand in front of her face, and she breathed a sigh of relief when Aaron blew bright, glowing flames onto the branch in his claw, creating a torch that sent the nearby shadows scattering. The cold air struck Keira as she moved from Aaron’s warmth, and she shivered as she looked around the cave, peering into the shadows that the flickering torchlight failed to penetrate.

  “What is this place?” she asked in a whisper, half afraid of monsters lurking in the shadows. There was a flash of light, too brief to do more than dazzle, and Aaron came up behind her, wrapping his warm arms around her shivering shoulders.

  “This, my sweet, is the dragon’s lair,” he said.

  “Oh, so this is where you hide with your grisly meals?” she replied with a laugh, turning within his embrace to look up at him.

  “Exactly so!” he agreed, before dropping his arms and taking her hand. “Come, I’ll show you around.” Tugging her gently, he led her deeper into the darkness. The burning branches were still in his hand, and they cast an eerie glow against the smooth, uneven surfaces. The cavern was vast, widening beyond the entrance and stretching more than a hundred feet into the mountain. Towards the back of the cave columns stretched from floor to ceiling, too high for the light to penetrate. A large ring of stone lay on the floor towards the back of the cave, within which were half-burned logs and a pile of ash. Letting go of her hand, Aaron threw the flaming tree within the stone circle before sending a cascade of flames onto the logs. They sprung to life, chasing away more of the shadows, and Keira stepped closer to capture some of the warmth. This deep into the cave the air was warmer, although slightly stale, and the flickering fire scattered away the last of Keira’s shivers. She tugged open the small satchel that hung over her shoulder, drawing out a quilt which she laid on the ground. A small clay jar followed it, filled with wine, and a loaf of freshly baked bread. She smiled at Aaron as he knelt down on the quilt in front of her. The light of the fire danced across his chest, mimicking the flames Keira knew were burning inside him. She lifted her hand and gently traced her fingers over his skin as his heat warmed her fingers.

  “I can feel the pulse of your heart,” she said.

  “You are the only one it beats for,” he said.

  The fire crackled and sparked as Keira reached for the loaf of bread, and she looked at it thoughtfully.

  “Aaron,” she said, tearing off a chunk of bread and passing it to him, “what makes the fire within you burn?”

  “You,” he said, biting off a piece of the bread. She smacked him playfully.

  “No, really. All fires need fuel, so what fuels the flames within you?”



  “And flesh.”

  “You mean when you go hunting?”

  “Yes. The human food we eat is not enough to feed the flames, which is why we need to hunt as well. The fresh flesh of an animal just slain is needed to keep the fire burning.”

  “And humans.”

  “On occasion, yes. The essence of humanity is captured within human flesh, which is why we need it to sustain ourselves.”

  Keira nodded and reached for the wine, taking a sip before passing it to him. He took the jar and drank, handing it back to her when he was done. Taking her hands in his, he massaged them with his fingers as he looked down at them.

  “Keira,” he said, looking up to meet her gaze, “I told you I want to show you something.” He waited a moment before continuing. “You already know me as a man and as a dragon, but there is something else about me that I want you to know.” He paused as she watched him questioningly. “It may seem strange, but please don’t be afraid. Remember that I would never, ever, do anything that could harm you in any way!”

  Keira nodded slowly. “I’m feeling afraid already.” Aaron pushed himself to his feet and held his hand out to her.

  “I don’t want to burn the quilt,” he said as he pulled her to her feet. She stepped onto the stone as he swept it away with his hand.

  “Burn the quilt? What are you going to do?”

  His fingers plucked at the ties of her gown, and it fell to the floor, followed by the chemise a moment later. “You will understand in a minute. Now stay here, and don’t be afraid!” He took a few steps backwards, placing a short distance between them.

  As she watched, light began to glow beneath the surface of his skin, rippling and shimmering. Keira sucked in her breath as his features grew hazy and indistinct, while his skin stretched thin, turning translucent. She could see the flames beneath his skin, rippling through his form. She held her breath when she saw his skin dissolving, disappearing; and when his form lost its shape, leaving only flickering flames in their wake, she gasped. The flames stretched into the vague shape of a dragon, but without any frame, twisting and wavering through the heights of the cave, before pulling suddenly back into themselves, shrinking down to resemble an indistinct, burning image of a man. A wisp of flame reached out towards her and she shrunk back, but threading through her mind she heard a whisper, carried through the flames: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. I love you.”

  She paused as the words wrapped through her thoughts, unspoken yet clear, and watched as the wisp of flame drew nea
rer. It brushed her cheek, a touch soft and gentle as a warm summer breeze. Her eyes widened in surprise, and the flames before her moved closer, another fiery wisp cupping her other cheek gently. More wisps broke away, scattering the flame into hundreds of glowing tendrils which wound around her, gently brushing against her skin, twisting around her arms and legs, caressing her. Her mouth opened slightly as a light touch brushed against her lips, and she drew in a breath when the flame filled her mouth, warm air swirling against her tongue. She felt her thighs clench as the flames swept over her, stroking every part of her body, the intensity of the touch so strong she could barely stand. She could feel the gentle caress of tendrils against her face, and she leaned into them as they brushed over her neck, sweeping down her shoulders, caressing her back and stroking against her breasts to her stomach. The swirling flames seemed to completely surround her, encasing her in a swirling, fiery eddy, brushing and caressing her skin.

  She closed her eyes as her senses erupted, a moan escaping her mouth as the intensity threatened to overwhelm her. A growl threaded through her mind a moment before the flames suddenly withdrew, pulling away from her and leaving in their wake an astounding sense of desolation. She opened her eyes to see the flames coalesce before her, pulling back into one large blaze before shaping into a human frame. The flames pulled inward, as sinew and skin materialized around the inferno. Even as Aaron’s form returned, his entire being seemed alight, flames held at bay by the physical elements of his body. Wings of burning flame swept the air behind him, churning the air into swirling eddies around the cave. His eyes were pure white, his hair like spun gold, while beneath the layer of skin, flames rippled and swirled. He stepped towards Keira, pulling her into his arms, his touch light and feathery, but when his lips descended onto hers, his kiss was all-consuming, born of a passion that was wild and savage, and she responded with equal fervor, clinging to him as though drowning. Her knees finally gave way beneath her, but he caught her in his arms, lowering her to the ground beneath him as they grasped each other, their desire demanding immediate fulfillment. It was fast, intense and explosive, leaving them both gasping in each other’s arms, their hearts racing in unison. Aaron rolled onto his side, pulling Keira with him, his hand caressing her face as they gazed at each other in wonder. His eyes were no longer white, but glowing flames, while beneath his skin slight ripples showed that he had not fully returned to his human form.

  “How?” she breathed.

  “I’m born of fire,” he said. She lay in his arms silently for another few moments.

  “Can all dragons do that?” she finally asked.

  “No,” he said. “At least, I don’t think so.”

  “But –”

  “Shh,” he said. “I’ll tell you later. Right now I just want to hold you.” They lay silently for another few moments, until Keira spoke again.

  “I could hear you. In my mind,” she said.

  “Mmm. That’s because we are connected. Not just because we have shared each other’s blood, but because you are a part of me.”

  “I felt like I was being consumed. I didn’t know where I ended and you began.”

  “Being like that – I can feel everything so much more than usual. Things are smoother, or rougher. Softer, or harder. But being with you was the most intense thing I have ever felt. Every part of you seemed to become me. I could feel everything about you – every hair, the soft skin of your eyelids, the warmth of your tongue.” Keira blushed. “Your lips were so soft, and you looked so beautiful. I wanted to wrap myself around you and never let go, but then – I wanted even more. I wanted to feel you holding me too, a man of substance, not wisps of flame. And when I held you, it was the most incredible feeling in the world.” They lay in silence for another few minutes.

  “How is it that you didn’t burn me?” Keira asked. She could feel Aaron smile into her hair.

  “The first time it happened, I burned everything in sight. But after a few times I discovered I could control the heat – I could make myself burn warmer or cooler. It took a long time, but eventually I was able to burn no hotter than a stone heated by the sun.”

  “But the quilt?”

  Aaron laughed. “There’s a limit to my self-control, my sweet. I knew I would be focused on you, and thought I shouldn’t add any further risk.”

  Keira lay in silence for another few moments. “When did it first happen?”

  “So many questions! I will tell you everything, but right now I need to hunt. Changing like that leaves me completely empty, in desperate need of –”


  “Yes.” He paused. “Will you be all right if I leave you alone for a short while? I won’t go too far, but I do need to eat, or I may not have the strength to stand in the morning.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she said. “As long as you get that fire going again.”

  “That I can manage,” said Aaron, getting to his feet and heading over to the ring of stones, where a few embers still glowed. Keira sat up as he threw a stream of flames from his fingers, making the fire roar back to life. He picked up the quilt and wrapped it around himself for a moment, then headed over to Keira and draped it over her shoulders. It was warm from his skin, and she snuggled herself deeper into its folds.

  “I won’t be long,” he promised. She nodded, and a moment later he flung himself off the ledge, transforming in midair. It was immediately colder in the cave, and Keira scooted over to the fire, resting her back against one of the stone pillars. Her gown and chemise were lying on the ground and she pulled them on. Her eyes were starting to grow heavy when the dragon returned a short while later, a hunk of meat clasped in his claw as he towered over her.

  “What is that?” Keira asked, eyeing it suspiciously.


  “And what exactly is it?”

  Aaron blew out a flame-lit sigh. “It’s venison. Do you really think I would bring you something else?” Ripping off a small piece of meat, Aaron seared it with his breath, then held it out her. “Come, eat!” She took the meat from his claw and took a small bite. It actually tasted pretty good, and her stomach rumbled in response, making her realize just how hungry she was. Aaron pulled off more pieces for her, searing each one before handing them over. By the time she had had enough, there was none left, and when she licked the juices off her fingers, Aaron raised his bony eyebrows in amusement. He settled himself down on the cave floor, his legs tucked beneath him as he stretched out his long neck along the ground. Keira watched him for a moment before picking up the quilt and settling herself down next to him, leaning her weight against his side. He pulled his tail up around her as he turned to look at her.

  “Do you mind sleeping with a dragon, my sweet? If I make another change, even to my human form, I will need to hunt again, and I would rather be here with you.”

  Keira nodded. “Tell me about the time you first changed,” she said.

  “The first time was right here, in this cave, after my parents were killed. I think it was my rage that first sparked the change, but after that I could make it happen at will.”

  “But other dragons cannot do this?”

  “I’ve heard tales of dragons being able to become one with the flame, but until it happened to me, I thought they were just stories. I don’t know of any other dragons with the ability.”

  “Did you live in this cave?” she asked, glancing around the shadows.

  “Yes. After my parents died. I lived here for a few decades, always the dragon. And I never returned to the village.”


  “Not until that first time you saw me.”

  Keira smiled. The first time she had seen Aaron was as a dragon. The villagers had been terrified, but she had been fascinated by the beautiful beast that had sailed through the sky, wings outspread. But she knew Aaron was referring to the first time she had seen him in his human form, strolling through the village market where she tended her father’s stall of wooden tableware. She closed her e
yes and leaned her head back against the solid form behind her.

  “I’m glad you came into the village,” she said.

  He pulled his tail tighter around her. “So am I,” he said.

  Chapter 15

  The sun was starting to rise when Keira awoke. Long fingers of light were reaching into the cave, slowly probing the dark depths. She was lying on the quilt, her back pressed against the hard, warm scales of her husband. He had wrapped his long body around her in a protective circle, his head close to hers and his tail stretching around her to his neck. His clothes had been folded beneath her head to serve as a pillow, and her hand was intertwined with his claws. She could feel them pressing against her skin as she awoke. Hard and strong. She opened her eyes slowly to see him watching her, his golden eyes meeting hers and holding them. Sparks flew from his nostrils as she reached out her hand to stroke his face, running her fingers over the hard, scaly ridges of his eyebrows and across the top of his skull, gently stroking the smooth horns that rose from the top of his head.

  “I love you,” she said. He lifted a claw and ran it carefully down the length of her cheek, his eyes glowing as he watched her.

  “And I love you,” he breathed softly. His warm breath washed over her, and she shivered, remembering how she had been wrapped in flames the night before. She gazed at him for a long moment before placing a kiss at the corner of his mouth. His forked dragon tongue flicked out briefly, caressing her fingers, and she drew in her breath, before slowly pushing herself away and turning to look out of the cave.

  Rising to her feet, Keira walked over to the entrance to look at the snow-covered peaks that lay below them. For as far as she could see, mountains rose from a sea of cloud, the bare rock purple in the morning light, while the faint blush of dawn stained the peaks in oranges and pinks. Aaron rose up behind her and moved to where she stood at the cave edge, his long neck stretching out from the entrance of the cave. As she turned to look at him, she saw his body freeze, suddenly alert. His eyes blazed slightly as he sniffed the air, and when he looked down, she followed his glance to see the trees far below rustling with movement.


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