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dragon archives 03 - loved by a dragon

Page 26

by Linda K Hopkins

  “Yes, it was, actually.”

  “Ah!” Alfred paused in his pacing and turned to look at Aaron. “And I understand that the threat from the dragon has been removed.”

  “You understand correctly.”

  The prince nodded, resuming his pacing before speaking again. “I am most curious to know, Aaron, how this was accomplished.”

  Aaron’s finger was tapping the side of the leg, but his tone was even. “The dragon was killed by another dragon.”

  “Really? Fascinating!” Alfred said.

  Keira shot Aaron a puzzled look, but he was staring at the prince. She saw his nostrils flare as he breathed in deeply.

  “Were you there?” the prince continued.

  “I was.”

  “So you saw the dragon being killed?”

  “I did.”

  Alfred had reached the end of the room and turned back, stopping when he came abreast of Aaron. “You know, Aaron, I heard the most fantastic story recently. Would you like me to share it with you?”

  “If it so pleases Your Highness, I would be delighted,” Aaron replied.

  “Good!” Prince Alfred rubbed his hands together. “A man came to court the other day, requesting an audience with me. Usually I would have someone else deal with a man like this, but he said he had information about a dragon. Or, I should say, dragons.” The prince took a few steps closer. “He said he had been forced to drink dragon’s blood.” The prince stared at Aaron as he spoke, their gazes locking.

  “Interesting,” Aaron said, his tone bland. “I have heard of humans drinking dragon blood, but it doesn’t usually turn out well for the human.”

  “No, it didn’t seem to turn out too well for this human, either, although he fared better than his fellows. He said he was one of eight men who drank dragon blood, but was the only one to escape with his life. The others were killed by another dragon as they traveled from some small island by means of a rowboat. When the dragon attacked, the boat flipped over in the water, trapping the man beneath the hull, thereby saving his life. He said the dragon who gave them his blood controlled them and forced them to do things they did not wish to do.” Alfred paused for a moment, his gaze intent. “But the story gets even more interesting,” he continued. “He also said that dragons can take on the form and manners of man.” Keira saw Aaron’s hand tighten into a fist, but his expression gave nothing away. “They even had a name for the dragon,” the prince continued. “Jack.”

  “Jack? Well, that is a fairly common name.”

  “Yes, indeed.” The prince turned away again. “He spoke about Jack wanting revenge on another dragon – and planning to use that dragon’s wife to exact that revenge.” A small gasp escaped Keira, and Aaron turned to her, his gaze meeting hers as he shook his head.

  “That is an interesting story.”

  “Isn’t it? There is more, however,” the prince continued. “He also mentioned a girl. The girl and her sister, the other dragon’s wife, had been abducted by Jack and taken to some rocky hideout, where they had been locked away. The girl mentioned that her sister was married to the Dragon Master. She also gave the Master a name. What do you suppose it was?”

  “I cannot imagine, Your Highness,” Aaron said tightly.

  The prince smiled. “Can you not? Well it is quite a coincidence, since the Dragon Master apparently shares the same name as you, Aaron.”


  “Yes. And the coincidences continue.” The prince turned to Keira. “Tell me, Lady Drake, what is your sister’s name?”

  Keira drew in a deep breath. “Anna, Your Highness.”

  “Anna! Imagine that! That is the same name as the girl.” The prince took a step towards Aaron, his eyes watching him intently. “Tell me, Aaron Drake, what exactly are you?”

  Aaron returned the prince’s gaze, but remained silent.

  “Do you consider yourself a loyal subject?” the prince asked softly.

  “I believe I have proven my loyalty to you many times over, Alfred,” Aaron replied, his voice just as low. The prince’s brows rose slightly at the informal use of his name.

  “Yes, I cannot doubt your loyalty. It is your subjugation I am wondering about.”

  Aaron gazed down at the prince. “I am subject only to God,” he replied.

  “I am a prince of this realm, and will be king when my father dies. Everything in this land will be under my dominion. Do you consider yourself to be above my rule?”

  “Your rule extends only to the human realm. As you have rightly surmised, that is a realm of which I am not a part.”

  “You are not human?”

  “I am not.”

  “You are a dragon?”

  “I am.”

  “Are you this Dragon Master that the man was talking about?”

  “I am.”

  The prince looked at Aaron speculatively. “You are aware that by knowing your secret, I hold the means to destroy you?”

  Aaron’s eyes flared slightly, and the prince took a hasty step back. Lifting his fist, Aaron opened his hand to show a flame burning in his palm. “I am the most powerful creature on this earth, Your Highness,” Aaron said softly. “I can kill you in a single instant, and burn this fortress to the ground. If humans choose to wage a war against dragons, the earth will soon be emptied of humans. There is very little you can do to kill me.” He closed his fist, extinguishing the flame. “But I have not once tried to harm you, and instead have chosen to help you. I have not placed myself above you, but instead have offered you my loyalty. I will never be subject to you, Alfred, but I do call you my friend. But remember, dragons live very long lives, and we have very long memories. If you reveal to anyone what you know about me or any of my kin, I will destroy you.”

  The prince’s face paled, and Keira saw him swallow hard.

  “Of course, Aaron, I would never seek to harm you. As you say, you have already shown me your loyalty.”

  “Of course,” Aaron replied smoothly.

  The prince glanced over at Keira. “The Lady Drake,” he said to Aaron, “she is … er … is she human?”

  “I am,” Keira replied tightly.

  “She is,” reiterated Aaron, throwing Keira a tight smile. “But do not, for one moment, think she is weak because of that. Apart from the fact that my blood courses through her veins” – the prince paled even more as Keira smiled – “she has the protection of every dragon in this land.”

  “I’m sure she does,” the prince said weakly. “I was just curious.” He walked over to his throne, and sank down on the seat.

  “Quite understandable,” Aaron said. “Is there anything further you wish to discuss?”

  “No, thank you for responding to my summons, Master Drake.”

  “Of course. And I will do so again should the need arise. I remain your friend, Alfred.”

  “Thank you, Aaron.”

  Aaron nodded, and taking Keira by the hand, turned his back on the prince and started towards the door.


  Aaron stopped and turned a questioning glance on the prince.

  “How old are you, exactly?”

  Aaron grinned as he responded. “Let’s just say, I remember the birth of your great-grandfather.”

  The prince’s mouth dropped open as Aaron turned and pulled Keira from the room.

  “That went well,” Keira said with a laugh, but Aaron’s expression was solemn.

  “That depends on your definition of ‘well’. The prince now knows not only that dragons can appear as humans, but that I am their Master. If he gives this knowledge to anyone, the consequences could be dire.”

  “Do you think he will?”

  “He may feel that he should share this knowledge with his advisors. It is regrettable that Max missed that one human; however, there is nothing more to be done. Let’s get away from here.”

  They were nearing the staircase when someone behind them called Aaron’s name. She felt his hand tightening around hers as he
slowly turned around to look at the caller.


  Tugging her hand free of Aaron’s, Keira stared at the beautiful woman whom she had last seen at the ball as she walked towards them.

  “Aaron, I was told you and your wife were here.” She turned with a smile towards Keira. “I had to meet the woman who has made Aaron so happy. He told me he never knew it was possible for him to love anyone the way he loves you.” She glanced at Aaron. “Aaron knows that I care for him, and knowing that he has found someone pleases me a great deal.” She turned back to Keira. “I wish you all the happiness in the world, Mistress.”

  “Thank you,” Keira said with smile. The woman nodded, and turning around with a swish of her gown, walked away without a backward glance. Keira looked at Aaron, who raised his eyebrows at her with a smile. She smiled back, and taking his hand in hers, allowed him to lead her away.

  Chapter 46

  Anna remained at Drake Manor when Aaron and Keira left for Dracomere. Spring gave way to summer, and she spent the days with the children, sometimes teaching them their letters, and sometimes exploring the great estate with them in the warm summer sun. Owain had a splendid library, and Anna would pass the evenings reading, or playing games with the others. Once Cathryn and Favian had invited Anna to travel with them into the city, and she traveled with Cathryn on Favian’s broad back. They had stayed the night, and in the evening they went to a play at the newly built theater near the river. It was exciting to watch the players act out the story on a stage built just for them, with benches for the audience to sit on, and Anna had felt sorry for the actors when a few people in the audience threw rotten vegetables at them because they did not approve of the performance.

  Midsummer came and went, and the days were already growing shorter before they received news that Aaron and Keira would be back at Drake Manor in another week. Anna sat in the grass watching Bronwyn as she twirled around.

  “Aunty Anna! Look at me!”

  “I see you,” Anna replied with a laugh.

  “Aunty Anna? When is Uncle Aaron coming back? And Aunty Keira?”

  “Uncle Aaron and Aunty Keira will be back in two days. Do you know what day that is?”

  Bronwyn thought for a while.

  “Friday,” she finally said.


  “Aunty Anna?”


  “Will you stay here when Aunty Keira goes to Storbrook?”

  “No, Bron, I need to go home too.”

  “But why? Why can’t you stay here?”

  Anna wrapped her arms around the little girl and pulled her close.

  “Because Storbrook is my home.”

  “But this could be your home.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to leave you and your brother, but I will visit whenever I can. All right?”

  Anna could see the ‘no’ forming on Bronwyn’s lips, and she placed her finger over her mouth.

  “I won’t forget about you, I promise. But I do have to go.”

  Bronwyn stared at her for a moment, then dropped her head.

  “All right,” she whispered.

  Anna hugged her tightly, before gently pushing her to arm’s length. “Let’s get the grass out of your hair before your mother sees what a ragamuffin you have become!” Bronwyn giggled as Anna bent to her task.

  It was high noon when Aaron and Keira arrived on Friday, the sun glinting off Aaron’s back as he glided down to the wide swath of lawn before the house. More than six months had passed since Anna had last seen Keira, and she rushed over to her sister with outstretched arms.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” Anna said. “How are you?”

  “Very well. Dracomere is the most wonderful place, and Aaron took such great care of me.” Keira threw a quick look at Aaron, whose fiery gaze seemed to burn even brighter. “I have much to tell you, but the first thing is, I’m with child.”

  “With child?” Anna threw her arms around Keira once more. “That’s wonderful!”

  “It is very early yet, but I’m confident that all will be well. Aaron has been forcing me to drink his blood every day. He thinks it may be twins.”

  “Twins?” Anna turned to look at the dragon once more. “How does he know?”

  “He can hear the heartbeats, and he’s certain there are two.” Keira turned a loving smile on the dragon. “Time will tell if he is right.” She turned back to Anna. “It is lovely to be back at Drake Manor, but I am looking forward to returning to Storbrook soon. Are you ready to go back?”

  “Yes,” Anna said, nodding. She glanced around, taking in the house, the gardens, and the woods in the distance. She saw the children chasing after a duck, and watched them fondly for a moment, before turning her gaze back to Keira. “I’m ready,” she said. “Let’s go home.”


  Dear Reader,

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  Would you like to learn more about Aaron’s history? Head over to my website, www.lindakhopkins, and sign up to receive free short stories about some of the dragons (available only to subscribers), the opportunity to receive new titles free in exchange for an honest review and regular updates.

  Happy reading!

  Linda K. Hopkins


  As always, I must thank my friends and family for the incredible support and encouragement you have given me. Special thanks goes to Belinda, Tara and Vickie for reading through my draft manuscript – I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the time you gave to read and provide excellent feedback. Thank you! Thanks must also go to my editor, Matthew Godden, who continues to encourage me, and to the creative guys at Ebook Cover Design for my cover. And as always, thank you to Claye, Kristin and Bethany for your support and encouragement.

  About the Author

  Linda K. Hopkins lives in Calgary, Canada with her husband and two daughters. Head over to her website,, to learn more about the author. Be sure to sign up for updates and free content available only to subscribers. You can also follow her on Facebook at

  By Linda K. Hopkins

  Bound by a Dragon

  Pursued by a Dragon




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