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Love's Sacrifice

Page 1

by Ancelli




  Kindle Version

  Copyright © Ancelli 2014

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.

  Chapter One

  Shon Blake finally had a weekend alone and decided to go out and have some well-deserved fun. That’s when she spotted Cody on the dance floor. Her heart raced; it had been over thirteen years since she’d seen him.

  “Cody!” Shon shouted over the pulsing music at the upscale nightclub. She tried to get his attention, waving her hands in the air, but he didn’t look her way. The club was crowed as she squeezed between the people on the dance floor, inching closer to him. She paused and ogled his form. Looking at him you could tell he spent way too many hours at the gym. Cody was built like a brick house, solid and strong. The sleeves of his shirt fit too tight around his biceps. He must still be in the Navy, because his blond hair was cut in the typical military style. Cody’s blue eyes finally caught hers, making her nervous. Shon had avoided Cody for so long, but now seeing him in person changed everything. It was time to face her demons.

  They attended boot camp together. Shon had been confused and afraid from the moment she walked through the doors at the Recruit Training Center in Great Lakes, Chicago. It was nothing like she’d imagined the Navy would be. No one warned her about the way the Chiefs and Petty Officers treated you. She came from a place where when people yelled at you, you shouted back. It was Cody who helped her when no one else would, watching out for her whenever he could. When they had down time, he was right next to her, assisting her with little things like polishing her boots. Shon studied him from her position, wondering why a guy like him took time to help her out.

  He’d become her rock, through those eight weeks of hell, always trying to protect her. Shon’s sharp tongue landed her in trouble a few times, and it was Cody who stuck his neck out for her. When they had watch, they would sneak around and see each other after dark. One thing led to another, and her feelings became involved. Shon could admit now, she fell hard for Cody.

  Cody brought out the best in her. Shon learned to keep her mouth shut in certain situations and followed the rules even if she didn’t agree with them. If it wasn’t for that handsome man dancing, she would probably be washing dishes at a fast food restaurant, instead of being a Senior Chief—she owed him her career.

  The night after they graduated Navy boot camp, they obtained a couple of nights off before going to A School. They booked a hotel room and spent every minute of those two days together. What they shared together was pure magic. Shon had never been able get those nights out of her mind. Cody’s kisses, his touches, his Lord-have-mercy body. He still looked the same. She could never forget those baby blue eyes; they were imprinted in her heart.

  His lips lifted into a grin; hopefully, he’d recognized her.

  Shon couldn’t help herself; she felt like a high school girl who had a crush on a football player and finally snared his attention.

  “Cody!” she yelled again. Those two days were the last time Shon saw Cody. They knew it was goodbye, there was no way their relationship would’ve survived, so she decided to break things off as their time together ended. Memories from the morning they said goodbye flashed through her mind. She could see the hurt in his eyes when he kissed her and hugged her tight. They promised to never forget each other and kept in touch through A School. They returned to the real world, and kept communication through School. Cody was going in one direction, and she in another. She knew her mother wouldn’t approve of Cody, for the simple fact that he was white. Shon exhaled, she lived her life for her not her family. She made the decision, and he never once fought her. Slowly, their communications stopped when they each went to different commands on opposite sides of the US.

  Until one day out of the blue, he messaged her on Facebook. She remembered glancing at his Facebook page and seeing him happy with a brunette. Shon didn’t answer back. Instead, she deactivated her account, and to this date, she hadn’t re-activated it. He’d emailed her at work a few times, well more than a few times, and she ignored all of his messages. I did what I did to protect him… She had to remind herself as she watched him.

  Cody’s eyes widened when their gazes collided, and recognition lit his face. His mouth opened slightly, and he touched the young woman’s hand he was dancing with, whispering something in her ear, and then rushed through the crowd.

  “Shon…” Damn, even his voice was sexy over the bass of the music.

  She smiled, examining the magnificent man he’d grown into. Oh Lawd. He was fine with a capital F.

  “Cody,” her voice cracked.

  In one swift move, he stepped forward and wrapped massive arms around her. Shon inhaled and then exhaled his cologne, accepting his embrace. Cody smelled of pure masculinity; spicy, woody, and aromatic.

  Cody slowly pulled back. “Shon, how long has it been?”

  “Thirteen years.” She stared at him.

  He grasped her hand in his. “Come on; let’s talk somewhere a little less noisy.”

  Her nipples hardened. Shon’s body reacted to his simple touch. She followed his lead through the double doors to the back patio.

  There were a few people out on the balcony smoking. Cody stopped mid stride and turned around, observing her. “You look great.” He eyed her body from top to bottom, making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the club. He bit his bottom lip. She knew he undressed her with his eyes.

  Shon did a little shake, swaying her hips. “Well, thank you.”

  Cody stepped forward, cupping her face with his calloused hands. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to run into you.” He caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “Are you married?”

  “No,” she blurted. “You?”

  “Naw.” He smirked, giving her his famous smile. “Are you involved with someone?”

  “No, why all the questions?” She stared into his mesmerizing eyes.

  “Because, I want to make sure I’m not overstepping when I do this.” His head descended, and his lips landed on hers, making her moan against her will. The tip of Cody’s tongue parted her lips, seeking entrance into her mouth. Shon opened for him, allowing him access. He led the way, making her follow his lead. She could feel the moisture seep to her panties, and all he’d done was kiss her. Cody’s tongue stroked hers, playing tug of war. She didn’t care there were people watching them. She’d never been kissed like this before, so much need and want. He pulled back, catching his breath and still cupping her face.

  “Shon, I’ve waited to do this for fucking years.” He positioned his forehead on hers.

  She placed her hands over his chest, feeling the beating of his heart. Cody always had a strange affect on her; her libido was going crazy.

  Cody leaned back, staring at her. “Shon, talk to me.”

  She didn’t know what to say as she caressed her swollen lips. “Are you stationed here?” She knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

  “No.” He removed a strand of hair from her face. “I’m in town for thirty days for a command assessment.” His arms circled her waist, pulling her forward. “But I would really like to inspect you instead.” He feathered kisses down her cheek.

  “Would you?�
� She arched an eyebrow.

  “Babe, you don’t even know.” He kissed her again. “I remember the way your body sang to my music.” He stroked her bare skin. “We could make music again and reminisce.”

  “I don’t mind reminiscing.” She touched his powerful bulging arms.

  “Come with me.” Cody’s voice was husky.

  “Really? I haven’t seen you in years, and you just want me to drop my panties for you.” She tried to sound insulted, but her voice trembled, and the words didn’t come out that way; it was more of a rough whisper.

  “Tell me you don’t feel this connection.” He pulled her closer to him, and she felt his erection.

  “I can’t.” Shon had to be honest with him and herself. “It’s more powerful than it was years ago.”

  “Then come with me.” He grasped her palm in his.

  “My car.”

  “I’ll bring you back tomorrow to get it,” he begged.

  “I can follow you there.”

  “I can’t chance you changing your mind.” He squeezed her hand. “Come on.”

  Shon closed her eyes, and sighed. Who was she kidding? She wanted him just as much as he seemed to want her. This was probably a mistake after everything that had happened between them, but it was time for her to get what she wanted for a change. Years ago she gave up the only man she’d ever deeply loved, because she put him first. It was time she laid all the cards on the table and prayed he would forgive her. After all those years, Shon’s body still reacted to his, the love she felt for him years ago never disappeared it just grew stronger with each passing day. “Okay let’s go.”


  Cody couldn’t believe it. After all these years he finally found her, his first and only love. As soon as he met her beautiful brown eyes, his body reacted. His cock had throbbed with anticipation since the moment he glimpsed her luscious full lips. Shon knew how to handle his sex drive. Years before, they’d gone at it all night long. She was the only woman who listened to him, his hopes and dreams. Shon had told him to shoot for the moon, and that’s what he did. He applied for the officer’s program and got accepted. If it wasn’t for Shon, he would probably be tossing French fries at a fast food restaurant. He was a southern boy, raised on a farm. He was used to people running over him; until Shon taught him to stand up for himself, and ever since he’d become a force to be reckoned with. Cody tried to reach out to her multiple times; but she ignored him.

  He couldn’t keep his hands to himself at the moment; he caressed her thigh as he drove to the hotel he was staying at on base. Her skin was so soft, like silk.

  Shon was naturally beautiful; she wore a brush of make-up and a light touch of lipstick. She hadn’t changed much, still as gorgeous as he remembered. The simple white dress with a braided black belt hugged her hourglass figure perfectly, bringing out her chocolate complexion. Her waist was small, but her breast, hips, and ass were sculptured works of art. Her ebony hair was longer now, flowing around her shoulders. She stared at him with those dark brown eyes, framed by full lashes. Her smile always seemed to brighten the room. He loved her button nose, and those full lips. Cody wanted to pull over and continue kissing her.

  Cody glanced at her and then focused back on the road. “You’re more beautiful than I remember.”

  Shon twisted in her seat and faced him. “A few pounds heavier.”

  “It fits you.” He squeezed her knee.

  “Keep talking like that and we might not reach the hotel.” She placed her hand behind his neck, playing with his short hair and giving him goose bumps. Her voice was heaven on earth when she teased him. He never forgot the sweet-honey sound, especially when she moaned his name. Her voice was so smoothing to him.

  “You say the word, and I will pull over right now.” Cody meant it. He needed her tonight like he’d never wanted anything else.

  Shon chuckled. “I was kidding.” Her laughter intoxicated him. “What have you been up to?”

  “Nothing much.” He turned toward the base.

  “Good evening, Sir,” the young guard at the gate said.

  Cody showed his ID, and the young man saluted him, allowing them accesses into the military installation.

  “Really!” Shon arched an eyebrow. “Where are you stationed at?”

  He didn’t want to talk about their jobs; he wanted to get to know his first love all over again. “The military is the last thing on my mind.” He glanced over at her as he parked the car in the assigned space.

  “You’re right.” She tickled his neck with her fingers. “Did you ever get married?” Shon gazed at him.

  “No.” He turned off the ignition and pulled out the keys. “I’ve never met the one.” He turned, watching her. “Honestly, I believe I might have met her long time ago, but I let her go without knowing it.” Her fingers paused at his shoulders, and Shon eyes lit up. “You?”

  She pulled her hand back, grabbing her purse. “Yes, but it didn’t work out.”

  “What happened?”

  “He cheated when I was deployed.” Shon turned and placed her hand on the door handle, about to open it, when he stopped her.

  Cody caressed her leg. “Babe, I’m sorry to hear. A woman like you doesn’t deserve that.”

  “I sure didn’t.” Shon lips turned from a frown to a smile. She shift his hand off her leg.

  “Wait, I’ll get the door.” He exited the vehicle, ran to her side, opened the door, and then helped her out.

  “Always a gentleman,” she sang.

  “You know it.” He clutched her hand in his, and they walked up to the hotel. The glass doors slid apart, and they stepped in, walking into the lobby and over to the elevators. As soon as they opened, he walked her backward against the metal surface and caged her in as he held on to the bars behind her. The doors slid shut.

  “Why didn’t you call me back or answer my emails and messages?” Cody needed to know; they’d wasted years, and he needed to know why.

  Shon couldn’t look him in the eyes. “I was going through some things. I needed time to sort them out.”

  “I gave you time, Shony.” He gently swiped his finger against her lips. “I reached out to you multiple times. I gave you all the time you needed.”

  “Cody, can we please not talk about this now?” He could barely hear her.

  “Is it because I’m not what your family wanted?” He gazed at her expression, making him chuckle.

  “Hell no.” She entwined their fingers. “I never saw color. My family can’t tell me who to love.”

  “Then why didn’t you reach out to me?” Cody gently squeezed her fingers.

  “Please, let it go, at least for tonight,” she softly voiced.

  “Fine.” He lifted her hand and sucked on each finger one by one. “You still taste good.”

  “Oh God!” Shon pulled his face down and devoured his mouth, discovering every crease, tasting of peppermint. He groaned into her mouth; she was driving him crazy. His erection became painful behind his zipper and begged to be released.

  The elevator doors opened, and Shon jumped to the side, out of his embrace. He could see the embarrassment on her cheeks; they were a shade darker. He always found it amusing that she would blush when she was embarrassed. An elderly couple entered, glaring at them in disgust.

  Cody wrapped his arms around her shoulder and kissed her neck.

  “There’s a room for that type of nonsense,” the older white woman voiced.

  Shon pegged the lady with a dirty stare, but he could tell she held back her feelings. Her nose flared. She used to react the same way in boot camp. Cody stepped in front of Shon. “Excuse me, Ma’am, but what we do is no one’s business.” The elevator doors opened on his floor. “Have a great night, because we’re about to.” He winked at the elderly woman, leaving her with her mouth agape. He took Shon's hand in his and stepped out.

  Shon smiled and giggled. “I see I rubbed off on you.”

  They strolled down the hallway to his room. Cody
tugged out his wallet, grabbed the key card, and swiped it. A bright green light flashed. He pushed the door open, and Shon passed by him, swaying her hips from side to side. Yes… He didn’t know how much he missed her until now. To new beginnings, he thought as he closed the door.

  Chapter Two

  Shon walked in, the hotel rooms on base were all the same, simple. A king size bed sat in the middle of the room with a TV in front of a dresser, a kitchenette to the far right in the corner, and a table with two chairs squeezed in the left of the room. Shon twisted and met Cody’s gaze as he stepped forward, pulling the door shut behind him. Cody stare fell, and his gaze crept up her body. She could see the imprint of his erection. His eyes were a shade darker, like a lion watching its prey. Shon’s heart raced, she was ready to tear off his clothes by the way he peered at her.


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