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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

Page 3

by M. Skye

  Richmond inherited Livingston when he was twenty-seven, and he ran it for years without letting it change him. The first eight years in the business were easy. They had more money than they knew what to do with, but they were still that same loving family who shared dinner and stories every night. They were still lost in perfection until the next year changed everything.

  The next year, Richmond was introduced to some contacts in Paris, and more spread all over Europe, who changed life as they knew it. Soon, his times away from home became more and more frequent. The money tripled, but Helen wondered where it all came from. She began to get more and more suspicious until, one day, she found all she needed to know in his briefcase. There was proof of his plans to cut out several investors and small businesses that helped him get to where he was, practically wiping them out for his own personal gain. She knew it would ruin lives and she couldn’t allow him to follow through with it. When she confronted him about it, things escalated from there. The kids were oblivious to it all until Helen developed a dangerous habit. Helen’s life truly began to spiral until she found a way to cope.

  Cocaine became Helen’s go-to drug. Soon, it was like second nature for her to snort it up her nose. It was like she couldn’t get through the day without it. By the time her children were adults, Helen was far gone, and had been in and out of rehab so many times they got used to her not being around; and, then, she wasn’t. Two days before Kyan’s fourth birthday, Helen Ann Livingston died from a cocaine overdose, leaving her children devastated.

  Two months after the funeral, Janelle was killed in a hit-and-run accident. There were no witnesses, and the authorities investigated, but no one was ever found. Her body was also never recovered from the scene. The first-response team concluded that Janelle wasn’t wearing her seat belt, and she flew out of the car and down the side of the railing into the water below. It was like she disappeared into thin air.

  “Hey,” Miguel snapped, bringing Tyree’s trip down memory lane to an end. “You were somewhere else, I swear. What were you thinking about?”

  “Just the past few years. So much has happened, so much that is unexplained.”

  “You’re talking about Janelle, aren’t you? I think about that every day.”

  “I guess back then I just never knew how much she meant to you. I mean, I knew you two were hooking up, but I never thought you had real feelings for her until after she died. I thought she was just one of many for you.”

  “She wasn’t one of many; she was the one. I just hate I never told her. I think about what I should have done differently every day. I just wish I could have that last day with her back. You know me, I’ve never been in love, so I don’t know how to take it when someone says it to me. She told me she loved me, and I just stood there. She smiled, but I could see that it upset her. I should have said it back.”

  “I know how you feel. Renee says it to me all the time, and I’ve never said it back. I know it hurts her, but I just can’t seem to make myself say it.”

  “You know I don’t get in your business like that, but do you think that maybe you don’t say it back because you’ve tricked yourself into feeling it’s real? I see you with her and, I’ll admit, you seem happy, but it looks like a forced happy. It doesn’t seem genuine.”

  “We don’t lie to each other, right?”


  “And nothing I say here will leave this room, right?”


  Tyree sat back in his chair slowly. “The night of the party, just before Mia called, I was having sex with Renee, and I tried to focus on her, but Mia kept popping into my head. Renee was going all out to get me in the mood, and I got there, but it wasn’t because I wanted her. It was because I was trying to convince myself I didn’t want Mia.”

  “So did you decide you didn’t want her?”

  “I was there after we finished. I was ready to commit to Renee, and then I got the voicemail and my mind was back on Mia. It’s frustrating because she left me. I should be over her, but she’s still in my head. Seeing her today is just going to make it worse, but I have to do this for Kyan. He misses her, and I can’t deny him after everything he’s gone through.”

  “Yeah, he has been through so much these past few years, and being packed up and moved away from his whole family couldn’t have helped. What the hell was she thinking taking him to Paris?”

  “I don’t know, man. It was like she couldn’t get away from here fast enough. I don’t know why she did it. It was like one day she loved me and the next she couldn’t stand the sight of me. I know I messed up when I let Kyan get taken but was it enough for her to leave me like that?”

  “She blamed you.”

  “I know.” Tyree nodded.

  “You were watching Kyan in the park and took your eyes off him for a second. That could have happened to either of you.”

  “I looked everywhere for him, Miguel, but Mia was so pissed at me, there was nothing I could do to change her mind. I chased every dead end thrown my way for six damn months. I still don’t understand it.”

  “None of us do. So, he just went without making a sound?”

  “Not one damn sound; and he doesn’t remember much of anything.”

  “I just don’t get why we never got any requests for money. Taking Kyan could have made someone a very rich person. We’re worth millions.”

  “Right.” Tyree tilted his head. “We’re worth millions, but my wife fell for a man with a regular nine to five. What in the hell does she see in that private investigator anyways?”

  “He brought your son back. He’s nothing, insignificant even, but he brought her everything she was convinced you lost. I love Mia, and I know she loves you, but she isn’t the same woman we used to know. The Mia we grew up with would have never abandoned you or us like she did. You were there for her through all the funerals and when she and Rick got rid of Richmond. There was no way she should have left like that. That’s why I just sat back and let you do your thing with Renee. I don’t think you should marry her, but she was there when Mia wasn’t.”

  “I’m not stupid enough to believe I love Renee like I loved Mia but, honestly, I shouldn’t feel this for her anymore. Mia broke me more than anyone ever has. She broke me down and then took my son. I should hate that woman with everything in me, but I don’t. The love I feel is just as strong as it ever was. She’s still everything to me even though I don’t want her to be.”

  “That’s the thing with love: you can’t choose who you fall for. So what are you going to do about Mia? She will be here today, and you have to face the feelings at some point.”

  “I’m going to pick her up. We will discuss what to do about our son and, after that, I’m staying my distance. I can’t get sucked into wanting to be near her again.”

  “What if you can’t help it? I know you want to do what’s right, and you want to protect yourself, but what if you can’t? What if you’re supposed to be with her?”

  “I’m not; it’s pretty clear. We shared a fantasy. In real life, we’re two people who don’t work.”

  “I can’t pretend to know what advice to give you, but I will tell you this: if you have a chance, a real chance, don’t let it slip by. You both messed up, but you also have time to fix it.”

  “My chance is with Renee. I have to try to make this work. She deserves someone who is all in, and I want to be that man. Mia is my past.”

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want, I’ll stand behind you. If not, I’m still behind you.”

  “Thanks for your support.”

  “Anytime.” He stood to leave. “Well, I have to go, but keep me posted about those papers. It’s probably nothing, but I just wanted to be sure.”

  “I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  Tyree watched as Miguel left the room, and he picked up the papers once again. For some reason, Richmond’s name was on documents formulated this year. There was no way Mia or Rick had given him any control over the comp
any, so it had to be a mistake.

  There had been so much confusion because of that man. At one point, Tyree was suspicious that Richmond had intentionally put his family in danger just to cover his own ass. He had investigated him for months before he dismissed the notions. It was all around the time Kyan was taken and, when that happened, Kyan became his only focus. All that mattered then was finding his son.

  After Kyan had gone missing, Tyree began to receive leads on where to find him, and he went out to follow them. The clues led him all the way to Europe and then they all fell flat. There were several men who seemed willing to help, which made him hopeful, but after the first meeting, he was never able to make contact again. Tyree concluded after days of trying to reach them that they were only sent out as a distraction and he went on to pursue other things, all of which ended up being dead ends.

  Tyree sat working for hours until he heard a throat being cleared, and he looked up to find Asha. When he acknowledged her, she smiled and made her way inside, finding refuge in the same chair Miguel had vacated hours earlier. When she smiled nervously, he figured out what her visit was going to entail.

  Taking a deep breath, Tyree dropped the paperwork in his hands and focused in on her. “Hey, sis.”

  “Hey. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I’m actually about to leave here soon to get Kyan and then pick up Mia.”

  “Yeah, I know. How are you with all of that? I mean, how are things with Renee and how is she taking it?”

  “Renee is cool. She’s putting on a good face, and I’m just doing what’s best for my son. She understands that.”

  “Yeah, but how do you feel about seeing her again? Are you really okay?”

  “Asha, you don’t have to worry about me. Sometimes it feels like you’re the big sister and I’m the little brother. You worry too much, baby sis. We will all be fine.”

  “It’s my job to worry when your heart is on the line. I just want you to be careful.”

  “I will, I promise.” He stood and walked to stand in front of her, pulling her from the chair. “Mia can’t hurt me anymore. That part of us is gone. This is just us finally doing what’s right as parents, nothing more.” He released her and ran his hand down her cheek. “Now, I have to go, but remember what I said. I’ll be okay, and she can’t break me.” As he walked out the door, watching Asha’s unconvinced stare, he tried to make himself believe the lies he had just told. Mia held all the power; she probably always would.

  Chapter Five

  “Daddy, which one is she coming out of?” Kyan asked excitedly. They were sitting in the airport waiting for Mia. Well, Tyree was sitting; Kyan was bouncing off the walls, unable to sit still. He was so excited, and Tyree was dreading it. He had tried so hard to put on a good face and be the mature adult he claimed to be, but every minute that passed brought on a new sense of anxiety and anger. He was anxious because it had been so long, and angry for the exact same reason. Had she not packed up and left, they wouldn’t have to do this whole song and dance with their son.

  After leaving Asha, Tyree had made his way over to Rick’s and picked Kyan up. When Tyree was at work, Kyan always stayed with Cassandra. When Kyan saw him, he flew into his arms with a gift he and Cassandra bought for Mia. Tyree only wished he shared half his excitement.

  Tyree fiddled with his fingers as Kyan went on and on about his plans for them once Mia arrived. He was listing so many things that involved them acting like a happy family, and Tyree didn’t have the heart to tell him none of it would come true. He and Mia both agreed that once she got there, they would sit Kyan down and explain to him that they would never be what they once were. He needed to understand that they had all moved on. Mia was with Jake, and Tyree was going to marry Renee. He had to know what this all meant.

  Tyree was in his own world until he heard Kyan yelp. Tyree watched, frozen, as Kyan ran toward the gorgeous woman making her way to them. She looked just as beautiful as she had the last time he saw her. Her succulent chocolate skin was glowing under the bright lights, and her long, dark hair was cascading down her back in a long, straight flow. She was wearing the most beautiful dress, and she almost looked like she wasn’t as stressed as she truly was.

  When she looked up at him, she flashed him a light smile and, for a second, he saw a glimmer of happiness in her bright hazel eyes. Looking at him, her dimples, those dimples that made him cave about almost anything, were on full display. He knew he was in trouble when every attempt he made to tear his eyes away failed. She still had a hold on him.

  When Kyan threw his arms around her, she dropped down to lift him, holding him close as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. Tyree could tell she had missed their son as much as he missed her. Turning his head, somehow feeling like he wasn’t welcome at the moment, Tyree was ready to excuse himself until she walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Her touch caused shivers that only she could, and he turned slowly. One glance into her hazel eyes melted the anger he once felt and replaced it with joy he never thought possible again.

  Mia smiled subtly, and they stared at each other for the longest time until Kyan broke the silence. “Mama, are you staying with us at Daddy’s house?”

  Mia and Tyree looked at each other and, before she could answer, he slid a hand on her shoulder and pulled her to him. “Son, we actually have a better idea. Your mom is staying in the old house, and you’re going to stay the night with her there. She wants to have you all to herself because she missed you so much.”

  Kyan’s eyes lit up as the idea registered with him; and then his excitement quickly dissipated when he realized Tyree wasn’t staying. “What about you, Daddy? Can you stay with us?”

  Mia looked at him with panic in her eyes. He knew she wasn’t prepared to have that talk with their son in the middle of the airport. She was beginning to shuffle nervously until Tyree spoke up and shocked her beyond measure.

  “Sure, I’ll stay.”

  After grabbing Mia’s bags, they headed to the car in silence. Once Kyan was strapped into the back seat, Tyree walked Mia to her door, and she halted him, placing her hand on his chest. She inhaled sharply and looked him in the eyes before beginning her statement. “Ty, you don’t have to agree to this. I know what I’m here to do, and we don’t have to give him false hope. This trip was for us to set everything straight. I don’t want to confuse him even more.”

  “One night, Mia. After two years, I think he deserves one night before we break his heart. I was only going to stay until he fell asleep and then I was going to sneak out. When he wakes up, just tell him I already went to work.”

  “You promise that’s all it is? You’re going to leave when he goes to sleep, right?”

  “Yes.” He shifted back, feeling the anger rebuilding in him. “I’ll leave the minute he falls asleep. You don’t have to worry about me. I know exactly what this is between us. It’s nothing more than an act for our son.”

  Mia looked a little taken aback by his harsh tone, and she leaned closer to the car. He figured she knew he would be upset, but he never expected to display the anger present in his eyes right now. She had to be wondering how in the hell he had the nerve to be upset because she felt he was the one who messed everything up.

  This whole ordeal was all his fault, in her eyes, and she would never forget it. She would always blame him for what happened to their family. Now that he had let her see his real feelings, he knew her trip would go much smoother. There would be no distraction or temptation for him. Just the cold, hard truth. They were over, and there was no changing that.

  Tyree drove to the mansion in silence as Mia and Kyan interacted the whole way. When the car stopped, Kyan jumped out and leaped into his mother’s arms. She hugged him close and carried him all the way to the porch of their old house.

  Mia and Tyree once lived on the grounds in a house Rick had built for them as a wedding gift. The house was a spacious six-bedroom, two-story house that sat on its own portion of land with a whit
e fence separating it from the mansion. Rick had the fence built as a joke because Mia always went on about having a house with a white picket fence.

  Tyree watched as Mia sat Kyan down on the porch and inhaled a deep breath. She hadn’t been there in so long, it had to be painful for her to experience it all over again. Tyree saw her hesitancy, and he pulled Kyan by the hand, swinging the door open.

  Once he walked inside, he saw the place still looked lived in, like they had never left, and it all hit him harder than expected. It was exactly as it was the last time he was there. He hadn’t been there since the day she moved away. When all the painful memories came rushing back, he sank down on the couch, trying to catch his breath.

  Kyan walked over and placed his small hands on his father’s lap. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

  Tyree quickly gathered his feelings and looked down at his son’s worried expression. “Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I’m just happy to be here right now.”

  “With me and Mama?”

  Tyree looked down at Kyan and then back to Mia, who was still standing on the porch. “Yeah, with you and your mom.”

  When Tyree looked over to her, he could tell Mia was drowning in the memories and nightmares she had of that place. He thought with the time that had passed she had gotten over it, but the wounds seemed still as fresh as they had ever been. After two years, all the things she had tried to block out appeared to have come flooding back. Watching her expression closer, he moved Kyan aside and walked over to her.

  “Ky, go to your room. Give me and your mom some time to talk.”

  Kyan sprinted upstairs, and Tyree pulled Mia to him, wrapping his arms around her trembling form.


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