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Soul Mates. The Beginning.

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by Christine Wood

  Soul Mates.

  Book 1: The Beginning.

  Christine Wood

  Copyright © by C Wood 2017

  Any resemblance, to people, events, and places,

  Written within the pages of this book, is purely coincidental.

  As this is a work of total fiction.

  There is some sexual content making it unsuitable for under eighteen readers

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  Feedback is much appreciated good, or bad, be warned I am a hopeless dyslexic who loves to write, so please bear that in mind when reading...


  Christopher Holland:

  I am sitting alone on the hotels plush sofa, watching as the world goes by, well my father’s world anyway. I’m sat waiting patiently for God to return, sat on sofa waiting, and it is where I have been sat for ages too, and I’m pretty sure my backside has moulded perfectly into the comfortable leather section. A sofa which has housed my butt quite comfortably, that it has no complaints, my butt not me, me I have plenty of damned complaints. Mainly that I am all too often left waiting for God to come back and show his face. Why am I surprised though, this is nothing new for me, getting comfy on sectionals? I frown as the ladies in the finery say I look cute and could eat me up and take me home, please do, it has to be better than sitting crowd watching, again. After several hours sat here I wish they would take me home. I have to wonder if he will even remember where he left me this time it wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten he brought me out?

  Right Father, so, where are you? Stop here you said don’t move you said, so I did as I was told and waited. I am unmoved, forgotten, bored and way past tired, so where are you Father? As I wait, I ask the lady for another coke as she passes by me again, she’s been keeping a watchful eye on me and has seen to it that I have remained topped up and fed all night and is mothering me a little, something I’m actually quite grateful to her for. As I watch the last guests leave, the man who has also been keeping me in his eyesight too, comes towards me and is talking to someone on his walkie talky. Great, I’ve now attracted the attention of the hotels security, I’m nine years old of course they’re wondering why I’m here and alone at this time of night.

  God must had felt it was acceptable to leave me here on the couch, at this grown up party whilst he left with his new friend, another lady who lives with us. She’s his latest Boudoir Bunny whatever that means, because she and the others aren’t cute and cuddly like a rabbit. These bunnies change my father from being the bad tempered arrogant man that he is all the time, into a happy man and they make him laugh a lot, which he never does around me. He disappears to his rooms with them and they make noises in there and it’s there where they call him God.

  “Hello young man, are you meant to be here?” He’s kneeling by my side and smiling.

  “Yes Sir I am, I’m on the guest list Christopher Holland, it may be next to Hoyt Holland, my father? He went to discuss business and told me not to move Sir, so I haven’t.” I was always taught to be polite, even when angry. Glenda said I was to use good manners at all times and especially so if I am angry, because she says that ‘manners maketh a man.’

  Glenda is Jefferson’s wife and he is my father’s head of security. She has raised me since I was a baby, she is my loving nanny, Glenda is my mother in all but name, she is all I have known, and like me she didn’t like God very much either, in fact I’d say hate was the only thing that vaguely resembled any emotion where Dad and she were concerned. She often said that his soul was as black as a witch’s tit. I never asked her how she knew a witch’s tit was black, I did however think that she was one for a long time, because she cursed Dad a lot and then he would be sick for days at a time afterwards. The security guy is still here again and my dad still isn’t.

  “Well, the party’s over now and it seems your father may have left without you?”

  “Tell me about it Sir. Still he left me the hotel key, so I guess I should go to my room then?”

  “No, I’m sorry we can’t allow a minor to be left in a hotel room alone.” His eyes stared into mine with what looked like pity, that look I have seen all too many times before…

  “Well Sir that’s fine, I’ll just get my dad’s driver to take me back home and wait for him there I suppose? Thank you for worrying about me, he does this a lot.” Just then Luis Humphries walks by, great could there be any more spectators seeing my humiliation?

  “Chris, good you are still here, are you coming up to our rooms? Mum has said you can spend the night, come on, come and watch the football game and chill for a while. They have just brought my baby sister home from hospital. He’s with me Rogers, you may want to ask Bedford, but Dad and Mum have approved it. Chris often stops with us, as he’s my friend Rogers. You’re new, so you will get used to him being here, we hang out here in New York a lot, come on Chris come up and please meet my sister.” He grabs my arm before I can change my mind. Why not, it beats spending the weekend on my own at home.

  “Thanks Luis, I don’t know where Dad went, but he was drunk and with a couple of blondes when I saw him last.”

  “It’s no problem Mum saw you sat there on her way up to our rooms, but she had her hands full with the baby and was worried about you. She had me come over and rescue you from boredom. Had it not been for the baby I would have been here to sit and room watch and flick peanuts with you, but I was at the hospital. I bet it was a damned sight more interesting drunk watching here, than it was watching and waiting for Bella Pooh to come.”

  “Bella Pooh, you watched who pooh, that’s gross?”

  “I didn’t see anyone literally pooh, my sister Isabella, but I call her Bella Pooh, because that’s all she does, that and cry.”

  “At least you get to spend time with your sister, I get snatched weekend with Smelly Mel.”

  “I suppose it could be worse, but it’s been me, Mum and Dad for so long, I now have to share. Let’s get you upstairs, there’s a pizza with our name on it.”

  “There’s no need for your mum to do this you know? I can hike myself three blocks up and go home I have staff to cater to my every whim. Why we even needed a suite here is stupid, we only live down the block?”

  “I know, I think it’s hilarious but my dad said it was because it was free and your dad likes free stuff. Humour my mum please, you know she likes to mother us and as she said, she won’t be getting to see you as much soon, not when we leave for boarding school. Mum wants me to go to normal school here, but because they go everywhere all the time I have to board, it has been decided. I think they should have hired me a tutor, until I go to high school, it would have been much better for me.”

  “Oh, so I won’t be seeing you as much then?”

  “Nope sorry partner, its boarding school for the next five years for me, but after that Dad says we are stopping put in London when Bella is five, so she can go to normal school, then her and I get to go to school and college in one place. We will be based there then, besides he is missing Rachel too and that’s where she lives.”

  “How is the wicked step sister?”

  “Still a bitch, but Dad loves her, what can I say, love is blind? Here we are.” We are in their private rooms and I am mother hugged to death by Maria, his mum.

  “Good you brought Christopher to stop, how are
you Christopher? We saw that your father left you again, really he is...”

  “…A drunken waste of an excuse for a parent? I know and Glenda will be mad when she finds out. I can get Gran to come for me but I think she’s with my Aunt Luisa in Mexico and they live in the back of beyond. I can call her home and get a message to her. Glenda is away seeing her sick sister with Jefferson, or I would have been home long ago had either of them been here.”

  “Well until you contact her you are stopping here with us. I will send word to your father’s people that you are here. Luis needs some boy company because his sister is driving him potty with her crying and poopy dirty nappies.” She goes to the bassinet and takes out the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, she smells so nice, like baby powder and not very poop like at all. I peer at this pink thing in her blanket. Why does Luis not like her, she is cute.

  “This is Luis’s baby sister, she is called Isabella and she was born four days ago, what do you think?”

  “She is so cute and she has my birthday too, she’s my sort of twin sister. Oh she grabbed my finger that’s so sweet, can I hold her Maria?” I know she is little and fragile, but as I’m made to sit Maria gently passes her over and I smile down at her. I shake in case I drop her, but she is so beautiful I just sit and stare and as she hears a door slam she jerks and her little arms jump from her chest and she cries as she does, so I shush her.

  “Shush Bella, shush I’m here shush don’t cry, I am Christopher and will look out for you, always.” She grabs my finger and cries. Luis comes back and gives me the ‘I told you so look’.

  “She does that a lot and gives me a headache apparently, she will stop sometime soon.” After what seems like a long time, Maria takes her and declares she needs a feed and her bottom changing…


  I am woken from my wonderful dream as the plane hits an air pocket and I bounce in my seat, that was a great dream I was having, and one that made me feel like it all happened yesterday. I then wish it was yesterday when I last saw them, alas it’s been ages since I have. I do this reminiscing thing every time I think of them, wishing that I’d done things differently, you know wish I’d been in touch more with my twin sister, well more than I had been at least? Remembering them again makes my drunk ass smile, I day dream about her and her family a lot, but stupidly I have let the relationship I had with them slide as the years rolled by. That was a very nice week to have at their hotel suite. I was part of a family, unfortunately not one of my own. I am really tired and need to sleep, but I don’t know if I can? I close my eyes and try again and to be honest I didn’t have to try too hard...

  I remembered again being part of their happy family, for a while at least. I’d often wished and hoped they’d adopt me, alas they couldn’t. I think they tried to, but God was a petty bastard, he didn’t want me but he didn’t want anyone else having me either, even my grandmother tried many ways to get me too and failed. I remember another great time spent with them and settle back into my reminiscing. Bella was about four I think, or perhaps nearly five? She was due to start school and they were moving, so Dad had allowed me to stop there with them as a favour to Maria, he really did it because it really meant he could go to Monte Carlo and the French Riviera without me for two whole weeks. I was thirteen and an angry teenager and he was still a womanising drunken idiot.

  I was taken to their suite in New York, and smiled as Bella grabbed my arms as soon as I landed in their living room, where the rugs had been pulled back and a dance floor had been made, she immediately asked me for a dance, before I could say no she climbed on my feet, as she had been doing with her father, who was teaching her to dance like a Princess, using his socked feet to glide with her around the floor. She did the same with me and he smiled and rubbed his feet, mocking me.

  “Pweeze, can you dance with me Prince Cwisstofer?” Her front teeth were missing and as she asked she hid her face, she was still really shy.

  “Your wish is my command Princess Isabella.” We had a little dance and as I bowed, when the song finished, she said “fanks you” and disappeared to her room, Maria was watching and smiling, she has a beautiful mum smile.

  “At least your toes were saved Luis, she can and will bother Chris for a while if you’re lucky? Here have a soda Chris and there are cookies on a plate, if Bella hasn’t squirreled them away in her room, she may give you a couple if she has.” Maria passed Luis and me a coke, her smile was beautiful, her dark hair was exactly like Bella’s and so where her eyes, so shiny and the deepest shade of green. She was and is so warm and mothering Luis and Bella were both so lucky to have such nice and caring parents, I was so envious of the two of them.

  “Thank you, I like Bella she’s quiet and keeps herself to herself, my sister is a pain, and she is joined at my hip when she’s here. Ask Luis, she nearly killed him paint balling the other week, he felt her pain.”

  “I saw the bruises she really is a wild child, though knowing Luis he deserved them. Where is Melissa?” Luis smirks.

  “Back home, she starts her fourth new school soon, so her mum had her go back for the uniform fittings.”

  “Expelled again, what for this time?” Maria laughs, as I tell the tale of my fiery half-sister Melissa.

  “She did a roof top protest to free the rabbits in the science labs, after she’d set free the frogs, toads and rats, she is an animal rights activist this week, next week it will be a new cause, but whatever it is it will cost her mum a fortune and will involve another school move.”

  “She is bat shit crazy Mum, she’s like a boy who wears dresses and is a bully and a freak…”

  “Now Luis that’s Chris’s sister you’re talking about, be nice.”

  “Yeah well she is. My arse and my nethers are still bruised she went all manic on my knackers Mum.”

  “Luis Yannis Theodore Humphries. What have I told you about that potty mouth of yours?” Oops Luis got the full name treatment and I laugh. This is why I like it here, the boring conversations involving everyone, my faux family do normal happy things, they talk and laugh at each other and with each other, but the conversations are just family stuff about normal everyday family things, and I’m included in their talks and their family activities, whilst I am here.

  “Sorry Mum, but they did hurt. What do I call them then, because you moaned when I gave it and them, I mean my nethers you know their correct name the other day, you know my penis and scrotum?” He is doing it to make her blush and she does.

  “Umm, yes, well, enough of that now, eat your cookies I have dinner to prepare.” She was red as a tomato. I look towards the kitchen area again and the little body of Bella is perched on the breakfast bar and is now eating Mac and cheese, she is giving me the stare with those eyes. She is really cute, with her raven black curls and green demon eyes, she is quiet and shy too. I smile and wave, but she only sticks out her tongue and runs to her room. That’s the last I will see of her for a while. My stay with the Humphries lasted another fourteen wonderful days, Gran came to collect me and it was with a great sadness that I said goodbye to my faux family. Hugh was stood with his arm over my shoulder.

  “We will no doubt see you at the next conference, if you’re there?” No doubt you will, I thought.

  “I may be, but I don’t know for sure? Dad was on about moving to Vegas full time and living in the hotel there it’s easier than here in New York for him. He’s selling the mausoleum he calls home, so I don’t know? He just tells us we’re going and I follow.” Hugh gives me a manly hug.

  “Well our door is always open to you Chris. Kathleen make sure you look after your grandson, this one he’s a really good kid.”

  “I know and one my son-in-law forgets he has, thank you for keeping him safe, I just wish he’d let me have Christopher, he needs his father like a fish needs a bike.” They laugh as Bella runs in, smiles, gives my legs a hug and goes back to her room, as I said she’s a cute and shy kid.

  “Right Christopher, the car and Jefferso
n are here, let’s go see your arse of a Papa and see if he’s brought you anything nice back this time, I wonder if he got married again?” I give her the look, Dad doesn’t do marriage he does Boudoir Bunnies and that’s it. I wave at the family I wished I was part of and headed back home, I don’t know why I bother, because it’s just a stopping point before I am packed off back to school. There was no sight of my father that time, he never came out of his room, so I had two very nice days with Gran instead, she helped me ready my trunk and get my uniform, he never even bothered asking was I home! Like I cared whether I saw him or not. My father was an ass of a man and had no rights to call himself my father, all we did was share the same DNA, unfortunately.

  Bella and Luis were taken to London a few weeks later so that Bella could start her education and me? I carried on with my life at my private boarding school. Our friendship and family time was a little lapsed, what with differing countries and work getting in the way, I grew up and didn’t get to see them much again, but that was the last time I was happy with them. I wrote to Luis and called him the odd time, but that was the days before emails and mobiles. Snail mail ruled the waves and phone calls often went unanswered.

  I toss and I turn and wake up as I think of them. Fuck me, I feel guilty because I didn’t make the effort to see the Humphries as a family unit again for quite a while, schools and my sister got in the way, though I’d see Hugh for coffee and there were a lot of quick hello goodbyes at airports and in hotel lobbies, but that was the last summer I spent being part of being a proper family. I sit up and reminisce these are not only dreams but are the things that have shaped me, things I grabbed inspiration from and things that fired my brain into overdrive. Things my father did to make me hate him and made me vow to be a better man than him, something some areas of my life could do with more improving upon. I loved the Humphries family and hated Hoyt Holland, he gave me no reason to love him, and so I didn’t. He was a man and still is a man I do not wish to know. He is my father in name only. If I am ever going to be a father, I will be just like Hugh and be the best. My children will come first and every time too, they will not be abandoned for others to raise as I was.


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