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Soul Mates. The Beginning.

Page 18

by Christine Wood

  “Right Dad, Bella much as I love your jovial banter, I have to see Cooper. We have plans to make for tonight. I will see you later I need to change, this stud needs to pull all the stops out for this bachelor party and Dad tell Mum to quit with the guilt trips about grandbabies please, I’m not even thinking that far down the line.”

  “So you are saying that’s never happening, until Bella has one? I suggest you start with the thinking thing son, start looking at least? Try to get one for more than the usual single night would be a start.” We laugh.

  “I’ll get on it right away, it’s not like I haven’t put a great deal of effort into the thing, but nobody comes close to being like Mum.” Oh, smooth Luis, very smooth. Dad agrees as they both leave the apartment laughing. I went to my room for my phone and went to the terrace to make the business call, a call that was far from just a simple business call. The phone rang and only twice.

  “Hello, Christopher?”

  “Hi Bella, it’s so good to hear your voice, I’m really pleased to hear from you, what can I do for you?” Oh, I don’t know, tell me why you’re taking this call on the terrace two rooms to the right of me. I see him but he doesn’t see me.

  “I need to buy a stud horse from you, another Aztec as Gallant only likes Chocolate and don’t please laugh and tell me to feed him something else, Luis has already cracked that joke too many times already. I would like a solid bay, if that’s doable?”

  “Yeah, I have the perfect one for you, he’s called Diablo, don’t let the name fool you, he’s not as devilish as his name sounds, I promise. I will get Kenny to liaise with your stables.” Shit they will know where we are moving to. Oops, I didn’t think.

  “Umm, yes can they liaise with Bedford, he’s sorting all security out and he can pay for it and sort out transport from our end, don’t ask me why but the shit with Gina has made he and Dad a little err, jumpy for some strange reason, there’s a nutter apparently wanting me dead out there?” He sighed and as soon as I said it I wish I hadn’t, but that’s me, snarky and snappy, a bitch whose swooning as he looks towards our balcony, good job I jumped back into my room.

  “I know, and I’m sorry about all that, it’s been a nightmare, a bloody nightmare. I really thought she was in a secure unit, apparently secure there isn’t the same as secure here.” Wow he’s crying, damn that’s so fucking hot.

  “Christopher thank you for the gifts they are beautiful, as is Gallant. I know it’s been a while thanking you, but…”

  “...It’s fine. I upset you I know that, and I am sorry, sorry for lots of things I have done Bella, more than you will ever know.”

  “It’s such a pity you can’t be here I would have saved you a dance or two. Well, I will text you some numbers for you to pass on to Kenny, as I said Bedford would be the one you deal with. I’m off to Germany, so I’m leaving it in his capable hands. Again I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to speak to you, but well you know…”

  “...I know and thanks for the call, I’m always at the end of this number, call me anytime, and I mean that, anytime Bella anytime, horse talk, girl talk, and you know just to talk about anything.” I can see the pain in his face as he stares out at the park. Wow, he’s good looking, and hot damn hot. He is stood in sweats and shirtless, muscular and gorgeous, damn him.

  “Wow… I mean err I have to be going Chris, I have to get ready for the ball tonight. It’s a pity you’re not here I would have loved to dance with you.” I heard the sigh and saw the smile on his face, damn him, he is going to dance with me whether he knows it or not, because I know he will be there. I wonder will I be able to spot him in his mask?

  “I’d like to dance with you Bella and I promise you a dance soon. Look it’s been great hearing your voice again, ring me anytime Bella, I’d like it really like it.”

  “I will. Thank you again for the gifts and my beautiful, expensive over the top necklace.”

  “Umm, glad you like it and so it was expensive, it was nice, and exquisite, that’s why I bought it for you and I think I can afford it.”

  “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, and don’t think of telling me the horse is a gift too. I can afford the fee and will be very angry and will never speak to you again if you don’t accept my money?”

  “It will cost you mega bucks then Monkey Face.”

  “Argh don’t call me Monkey Face again, ever. I will kick your backside if you do it again, I didn’t like it way back in the day and I don’t like it now.”

  “I forgot exactly why you don’t like monkeys, please Bella tell me again why?” He was damn well laughing, because he knew why.

  “Christopher, you know why, because of that bloody monkey on Venice Beach, the one you and Luis made me have a picture taken with, it bit my ear, grabbed my hair, pulled out the bow and crapped on me, it went manic, and was bloody well horrid and frightening. So yeah, I just love monkeys and yeah pulled a face, it hurt my ear, and my hair loss was all down to you two and that cute and wonderful Capuchin, which was in fact, a drugged up bloody weird arsed monster monkey and you two just stood there and laughed at me.” He was laughing at me again and my heart swooned, yes swooned, his smile melted my damn heart. “Christopher stop it laughing at me, please, it was a horrid day for me and you two should have helped get the pesky thing off me, not just stand there laughing at me. Thank God there are no photos, the man taking them was worried about the merciless midget running off down the beach, not my blooded ear and wet knickers, oh hell I forgot I weed in them too, oh the humiliation, kill me now.”

  “Okay, hands up it was funny from our side, not so from yours, but your face was a picture, it really was Bella, so no Monkey Face again?”

  “No, and I’m going to start having nightmares about rabid primates now, you idiot thanks for that. I have to be going Christopher, it was nice speaking to you, it’s like you’re so close.” I laughed as I stared at him through the window.

  “Bye Bella it was nice, have a great night and I hope you have a memorable night.”

  “Put your phone down first, please?”

  “I want to keep speaking to you Bella.”

  “I have to get ready, and talking to you isn’t doing that.”

  “Send me a picture then, I’d like to see what you look like Bella and then I will agree to put the phone down.”

  “Deal, I will send you a picture and will keep in touch. Bye Christopher, I promise to keep in touch.”

  “Bye Bella…” The phone went dead, and I would normally be sad, but knowing he is in fact only doors away softened the blow. That was a nice conversation, easy and funny. I still have feelings for him, but I have seen a side of him he doesn’t know I have seen, the condoms on the floor in his room, the things he gets up to with Luis, the life he leads, the women he sees…

  I need a rest, tonight will be a long old slog, I wonder too when Christopher will make his presence known? I sleep for a while, my siesta in readiness for the long night ahead. I wake up refreshed and happy, grinning like a mad woman. The madness starts when Jack turns up, he looks charming and Mum is all over him, I laugh as he camps around as the hairdresser is here and the makeup people. Such an over kill.

  “Bella, do you think we can we talk?”

  “What do you want Jack?”

  “I well…” Luis and Dad came into my room, and I laugh as Luis gives me a monkey mask.

  “Luis if you think I am wearing that think again. Where’s the proper one?”

  “This is the one Dad had me pick up? Why do you not like it? Monkey mask for our Monkey Face.”

  “Dad, Luis this is not funny I’m not going so that’s simple then. Dad really, Luis yes but not you Dad?” Dad gave me a hug.

  “Christopher spoke to me whilst you were asleep, about the horse, good thinking about telling him we would sort out the delivery, or they would have had the new stables address. He wanted to gift you the horse and I told him no, it had to be a sale or you would never talk to him.”

sp; “You spoke to Christopher then?” He laughed and then looked over at Jack.

  “What are you doing up here Jack? Get yourself down stairs and join the party, whilst my daughter is getting ready. I will join you in a minute.” Jack murmured he was going. What was Dad playing at? He liked Jack yesterday, what had happened to change that?

  “I did, and he said it was nice hearing from you, and that the horse has been bought and paid for by you. Luis, please do me a huge favour son and take Jack down, we will see you soon. I need a quick word with your sister.” Luis took Jack down with him, umm are we having the birds and bees talk? Dad has that look of embarrassment on his face.

  “If that boy is gay, then Luis is too. Bella, he was seen chatting to one of the chambermaids on the way up, he took her number too.” I knew it.

  “I had my doubts, but how did you figure it out Dad?”

  “I may not be gay myself, but gay men do look at Luis all the time, which he likes a little too much for my concern, I do worry about him a little though, you know about him being gay? Well that’s fine if he is, really it is, but he didn’t even look at Luis that’s all I’m saying. Did you not notice it was you he was looking at? I didn’t notice, not until Preston said she overheard him on the phone, arguing with a girl about money, so we did a check. Do you keep in touch with your old friends in London?”

  “No, not as much as I should why Daddy?”

  “I’m sorry to do this but we uncovered some things, which I need you to hear Bella. Do you remember the Susan you went to school with?”

  “Derr yes… She was my best friend at high school, and I’m taking over her identity at uni why? I haven’t been in touch, well not since I went to college why, and please don’t worry about Luis being gay, he isn’t far from it, he’s a sleep with a woman guy only. What about Susan?”

  “She has recently had his baby. So to get the facts, I sent Nora around to ask about her.” Our housekeeper in London is a good woman who I loved, as did Susan. “Her sister has asked Nora to look into getting his new address here yesterday, when I asked her to go around and see to Susan’s more pressing needs. He knows about the baby and has run away from his responsibilities with his mother, to start a fresh here.” Oh poor Susan.

  “Really, I knew they went out on a few dates in school, and they went to the end of school dance together. He really ran away from his responsibilities like that?”

  “He did, and now she needs money and help, her sister looks after both her and her new niece, since their mother died and they are struggling.”

  “Have you got his address?”

  “Yes Bedford got it, and I have wired money to her account, which she didn’t want to take, but after much persuasion I managed to get her to accept it on her sister’s behalf.”

  “Why did she not ask me for money I could have helped her?”

  “She felt stupid, Bella, being pregnant and believing he would stick by her as he promised. She thought his problems accepting the child were just because he was afraid, but running here she knew he was ashamed and he is not at all what’s best for their little girl.”

  “Dad who knows about this, who besides me, you and of course Bedford knows he has a child?”

  “Just us, I don’t know what is game is, but keep him at arm’s length Bella.”

  “Oh I guess I can do that, but he is going to pay for being a pervy bastard and being a lousy parent and a delinquent dad and for upsetting Susan. I swear he will pay for that, and don’t worry Daddy, he is never getting that close after tonight, and I’m going to enjoy sorting him out even more now.”

  “Bella, keep away from him.”

  “Daddy I can handle him and please don’t worry, I will sort out that creep. Can Susan live in the flat, in the basement of the Fulham house, or even Luis’s old flat?”

  “She moved in yesterday, both her and her sister. In return, they will be taking over from Nora, who is going to Spain to look after us. They both will be living rent free, which means she can go back to college and Susan’s sister, Hannah is going to look after the house and tend to us when we are there, she will get to look after the baby and earn a better wage.”

  “Daddy you are the best father in the world. I will face time her. I’ve been a bad friend.”

  “She would like that, but let her tell you about Kiera, and what Jack has and hasn’t done, she will tell you when she is ready, don’t jump straight in.”

  “I won’t Daddy and thank you, for helping her and looking out for me.”

  “My pleasure, you my baby girl, are my life and I will do anything to look after you anything.” I cried, as I was hugged tightly. “Get dressed and look pretty for the camera and your guests and here little girl is the real mask I bought you, you really are still afraid of monkeys?”

  “I think I always will be. They really do frighten me.” I opened the box, and removed the layers of tissue, and removed the very pretty mask, wow the golden face piece is surrounded by the beautiful peacock feathers which are nestled amongst the black ostrich feathers, it looks stunning, the jewels shine and the emerald in the centre of the masks gold forehead is amazing, and I cry again.

  “Daddy this is so beautiful, so, so pretty and so, so nice oh Daddy thank you.”

  “My pleasure little girl now get dressed, Preston and your mum will be here to walk you down, and stay close to Preston please?”

  “I will, I swear I will. Right I can’t wait, you’d better leave let me get ready.” He leaves, and the team quaff and buff me to perfection. As I slip on the luxurious black gown I sigh, this is way better than my red one from my shity sixteenth. It’s a Jason Lu gown and stunning floor length gown, in plain black silk, but the fit hugged my slender frame, and fell to the floor in long, silky, sexy sweeping lines and it really accentuates my long legs, it’s a pain being five foot eight, and in my heels, I’m over six foot tall. Model legs and body to match, apparently, I’d be a natural and be able to make good money, or so the agent who saw the fashion show told me, though that one fashion catwalk show I did, was the only one I did, no thanks, I like food and would hate being told what to do and when to do it. Preston came in with Mum in tow.

  “Isabella Maria Humphries, you look stunning such a shame we have to cover your pretty face with this mask, here let me put it on, Julie help me on with it, please?”

  “Mum yours is so pretty too, white feathers like my black ostrich ones, Dad has great contacts. What happened to yours, did it moult Preston, why did you not get a posh one too?”

  “Bella, I hate having this on, but I’m your best friend tonight and I have to blend, I don’t want to spend the night fluffing feathers out of my eye sight and interfering with my line of sight.”

  “Fair enough, but that dress is pretty and you look normal for a change.”

  “Thank you, I think? Are you ready? Here’s your bag Bella, it comes complete with phone, panic button and pepper spray.”

  “Is there room for my lip gloss?”

  “Just enough room, follow me closely, you’re not being presented and you’re just there to mingle.”

  “Good, mingle and no fancy schmancy presentation and posh dances.” We made our way down the corridor to the lifts and as we get there Preston lets them know we are coming by speaking down her top.

  “No sleeves for the mic?” She shook her head.

  “There’s hardly any damned dress let alone sleeves.” As we headed down, I took a deep breath, and as the doors opened, we were ushered into the great room, which was lavishly decorated and beautiful.

  Everyone has on masks, and though some people can be recognised from their hair and particular build. I can’t see Chris, but I do see Luis, who is stood with Cameron and Jack. You’re going down Jack. I make my way to them, and feel so sexy and I love it. I’m also feeling happy, nervous and excited about seeing Chris, my eyes are looking for him, and for the reveal, waiting for the moment when my sexy arsed man decides to make his presence known, and I finally get my da
mn dance and remind him of a certain promise, meanwhile it’s time to sort out the letch Jack. Luis is heading towards us.

  “Hello, you look very nice tonight ladies, how’s the party going?” Thanks Cameron. I smile and say nothing.

  “Wow Sis, you look stunning, really stunning.”

  “It’s in the genes I have good ones apparently? Is there anyone I should see before they all disappear to your bachelor party Cameron?” Luis smiles as he watches me searching out the room.

  “No Bella, the gangs all here most are in the bar, dance with your big brother please?” So when is Chris going to surprise me, I wonder? We dance and I look around the room.

  “Umm I suppose so, is Cooper in the bar too?” Hint, hint, brother dear, where is he?

  “He had to take a call he’s still in his room, he will be here when he can and he donated a van load of kid’s toys to the children’s ward, along with a spanking new television and Blue Ray player for their television room, with a box full of children’s films, he’s such a great guy.”

  “He did? That was really sweet of him I really have to thank him for that.” He grinned like a mad man, and my eyes scanned the room as we danced.

  “Excuse me Humph old man, can I have a dance now, I have a bit of a party of my own to be getting to?” Cameron begged, as he tapped Luis on the shoulder. “Jack wants to dance he has stuff that’s troubling him. He’s damn confused about his love life he’s just a mixed up moron if you ask me.” I dance with Cameron, thankfully he has changed.

  “Yeah definitely, I’ll save a dance for him. I promised I would talk to him, fancy him being gay. He was as straight as a dye when he was in school I wonder what made him come out all of a sudden?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t know him that well, they have only just moved here? I only found out Dad had married her when they rolled up with the moron three weeks ago. I wouldn’t have him down as gay either, but I don’t suppose they all camp around in dresses, or do they?” I laughed, no definitely not, nor do they do what Jack is doing and pretend they are to get in a girls bed and knickers.


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