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Lucky Charm: A St. Patrick's Day Irish Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance

Page 37

by Eva Luxe

  “Move her,” Paige said. “Although if you wake her up, she might want to crawl into bed with her grandfather.”

  “And I wouldn’t have one problem with that,” my father said, smiling. “The two of you get some rest. I can only imagine how long the drive was for you two.”

  “You’ve made that drive before,” Paige said.

  “But not with a child,” he said, grinning.

  My father walked away and left me with my sweating, naked wife. She had a towel draped around her luscious body her from chest to ankles. I backed her into the room and placed my lips upon hers, and her hands made steady work of the clothes I still had on my back.

  “You smell like a road trip,” she said.

  “I know. It’s gross. I might need to steam off the scent a bit.”

  “And I think I know the perfect place to clean you up at,” she said.

  As I backed my lovely wife into the sauna with our naked bodies pressed together, my father’s proposal rolled around in my head. It was difficult to enjoy this moment while I considered his offer. I didn’t want to take charity. I hadn’t wanted his money before, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to make a habit of taking it now, especially since my father’s money paid for the lavish wedding.

  I reminded myself of how he had said it was my money. He was right, but it still felt like his. Or, rather, like strings that attached me to him.

  But my girls deserved the best, and the truth was, I wasn’t give them the best. I had the opportunity to provide them with more than I was giving them. We had a family car and a motorcycle but we could go for another vehicle, and apparently, we couldn’t even buy Blithe some fucking medicine.

  When we first found the townhouse, it was easy to swing. Between the money I was making with the lumber company— because I still wanted to earn my own way in life and not be some trust fund bum— and the way Paige’s art took off, we were pulling in money we never thought we’d see in our wildest dreams.

  But when tax time came around, we realized we’d been foolish for paying off the house in cash. We’d made some bad money calls, and Blithe’s extracurricular activities became more of a financial handful. I hadn’t been used to managing the money for three people, or even one.

  Back in my single days, I’d barely needed much money but now things were different. Paige had to pull back her painting to focus on raising Blithe so I could keep my job, and it really took a chunk out of the money we were used to pulling in.

  Now, we considered it a good month if all our bills were paid, and we had enough money to make two grocery trips. I really should take more money out of the trust, or let Dad buy us a house.

  My girls deserved the best, no matter what I had to do to give it to them. I didn’t want to be indebted to my father, but I also wanted Paige and Blithe to have security. I wanted Blithe to grow up with her own yard. I wanted Paige to be able to have her own space. I wanted to have a decent cooking space where I could cook my girls the best food I could.

  I could give that to them if I just let my father give me more of his money. My money, I tried to mentally correct myself.

  I had to get used to the fact that it really was my money. Even if my father had been an ass in the past, he’d been doing all he could do in the present to make up for it and he wanted me to have that inheritance.

  That was it. As I rolled my tongue between Paige’s legs and listened to her luscious sounds, I made up my mind. I would fuck her until she passed out, I would hold her in my arms all night long, and then I would wake her up with my cock between her legs.

  Then, we would sit down and talk.

  Chapter 3- Paige

  I could tell something had been on Zach’s mind all day. He woke me up with a rousing session of lovemaking. His naked cock pushed into my pussy with a sense of need and urgency.

  I spread my legs for him and wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders. He picked me up and carried me around the room as he thrust in and out of me.

  “I love you,” I whispered through his long, unkempt hair. Part of my mountain man would always remain rugged and wild, just the way I liked him.

  “I love you too,” he said, as he grabbed my ass and then scraped his fingertips along them as his cock bobbed in and out of my pussy with the rhythm of how he was walking around the room.

  I clenched my pussy tight around his dick as I went along for the amazing ride. His fingertips started leaving red marks on my ass as he pumped harder and harder.

  “I’m going to cum,” he said, and I said, “Me too.”

  I could feel his cum shooting into my pussy as its nerve endings exploded with the friction of his cock rubbing up against my clit while it fucked me. We both moaned together, enjoying the climax.

  He left me breathless before he carried me into the shower, and tended to my needs by washing my hair and holding me close. I was soaking up all the attention, committing everything to memory as I took in the romance of it all. We had quickly lost that between us as Blithe grew up and financial snags popped up along the way, and it was nice to feel connected again.

  Even though I knew something was wrong, Zach acted as everything was great. He was covering it up well. And I wasn’t ready to push the matter, because I just wanted to enjoy our time together.

  I lounged by the hot tub with a drink in my hand while Kent ran around with Blithe. Zach was out working on the car, his shirt tucked into his back pocket as he bent over the hood. I watched his chiseled body work as his hands became covered in oil, and I thought about sinking to my knees right in front of him and sucking him off.

  He looked so hot hunched over the hood of that car, although I was upset that he wasn’t taking any time to himself.

  By the time the sun began to set, I could see Blithe’s little eyes drooping shut. Kent was rocking her in a leather recliner as Zach held me close to his side. We were finishing up a movie we decided to watch after the dinner Kent’s chef cooked us, and it was obvious how tired they both were.

  “Did Blithe get a nap today?” I asked.

  “I can’t remember,” Kent said, grinning. “But I don’t think so.”

  “Well, I think it’s time for me to tuck her in,” I said.

  “Want me to do it?” Kent asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got it. I promise.”

  I picked up the half-asleep girl from his lap and cradled her against me. I made my way up the stairs. Zach’s eyes followed me, and I could tell he was debating something.

  He and his father had been secretive about their conversation in the hallway our first night here, and I was starting to get worried that something was wrong.

  Was something wrong with Kent?

  It was about time I put Blithe to bed and got to the bottom of things.

  Chapter 4- Paige

  It appeared that Blithe had other plans in mind, though. She was an intelligent, precocious girl who seemed wiser than her years.


  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “Did you know my mommy?”

  Blithe’s question caught me off-guard as I laid her down in her plush princess bed.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Just wondering,” Blithe said.

  “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” I asked.


  “Even why you asked that question,” I said.

  Her beautiful blue eyes fluttered up to me, pulling me in as she sighed and heaved her little shoulders. I was in the process of adopting her, and I couldn’t believe that I’d actually have a child of my own. It wasn’t something I’d planned on, but nothing in life ever is. I was very happy to be becoming a mom even though it was a completely different way than I had ever dreamed possible.

  “I’m really happy you’ve been here.”

  “Well, I’m happy I’ve been here, too,” I said.

  “Daddy’s really happy with you, and I think you’re awesome. I just wondered if you knew my mommy so you could tell
me stories or something.”

  My heart sank at her explanation, even though I knew she was trying to pay me a compliment.

  “You wanna know what I do know about your mother?” I asked.


  “I know she had to be a wonderful woman in order to raise a daughter like you,” I said.

  “You think so?” Blithe asked.

  I nodded. “I know she must’ve been strong because she went through childbirth. And she raised you on her own for a little while, which takes a lot of mental fortitude.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “It’s like physical strength, but with your brain,” I said.

  “So, her mind was strong.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “Your mother was strong physically, strong with her brain, and very smart.”

  “How do you know she was smart?” she asked.

  “Because you’re smart, and you know you don’t get that from your father.”

  Blithe giggled as she wiggled down into the covers. “Paige?”


  “Could I get one of these canopy things for my bed at home?” she asked.

  “If you get one at home, then this one won’t be as special,” I said.

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Well, sometimes things are special and fun because we don’t always get to do them. Like going to the movies or going to a waterpark. If you did them all the time and it became part of your routine, the special would be ruined.”

  “Are you sure that’s how that works?” she asked.

  “Think about it this way: remember when you first time you went to the park?” I asked.

  “I think so, yeah.”

  “How did you feel about it?”

  “It was awesome!”

  “Now, think about the last time we went to the park,” I said. “How did you feel then?”

  “Cold,” she said.

  “What else?” I asked.

  “Weird,” she said.

  “Why weird?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. The swinging just wasn’t fun, I guess.”

  “That’s because you go all the time. The special wore off because you do it so much. I bet if you took a two-week break from the park, swinging would be fun again.”

  “Two weeks?!”

  “You don’t have to,” I said, giggling. “It’s just an illustration.”

  “A what?”

  “An example,” I said. “But that’s why this canopy is so special. Because your grandpa got it for you and you don’t see it every day. If we got you one for the house, then Grandpa’s wouldn’t be special anymore.”

  I saw understanding roll across her features, but it sank my stomach. I wanted to get her one. I wanted to get her whatever she asked for, but finances were tight right now, and I had yet to sit down and make another budget for us.

  Zach had no idea that Kent had to give me money last week to pay for Blithe’s medicine when she was sick, and he sure as hell didn’t know that Kent was the one paying for the gas to get us to and from his house. He was always saying he didn’t want us to have to rely on his father but I also wasn’t sure how we’d make it with the small amounts he allowed himself to take from the trust.

  He’d be sick with guilt and infuriated at our current circumstances if he knew. And this was something I was going to have to rectify.

  Chapter 5- Paige

  “I love you, Paige.”

  I smiled down upon Blithe as her eyes finally closed. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  I bent over to press a kiss to her forehead before I turned on her night light, turned off her regular light, and closed her door.

  I wanted to join the boys back downstairs, but I didn’t feel like it anymore. My mind was back on our finances again, and I was resisting the urge to check our bank account. I slumped into our room and closed the door behind me. I began taking off my clothes to get into the sauna. Or maybe the shower. Or maybe a nice, hot bath.

  Anything to take my mind off what I wanted to do, which was sit down right that moment and draw up a budget.

  “What a sight.”

  My skin prickled at the sound of Zach’s voice.

  I turned around and grinned. “Fancy another sauna trip? Or a bath?”

  “A bath sounds wonderful,” he said. “I’ll go draw it.”

  He placed a kiss on my bare shoulder, and I sighed at his touch. No matter what kind of shit we found ourselves in and no matter what kind of stressors fell into our lap, Zach always had that effect on me. His touch was calming, his lips were soothing, and his voice could rip me away from my world and throw me into his, where it was just the two of us indulging in each other’s bodies without a care.

  The sweet sound of water running pulled me from my thoughts, and I discarded the rest of my clothes.

  “I’m waiting,” Zach said.

  I stepped into the bathroom and saw him already in the tub. It was filling up over his beautiful body, and bubbles already popped against his skin. I inched my way into the bath, and he spread his legs for me, his dick already growing as I laid against him. His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close, and soon, his lips were nibbling at my ear.

  “You’re not wasting any time, are you?” I asked.

  “I have something I want to ask you first,” Zach said.

  “You can ask me anything,” I said. “You know that.”

  “My father wants to watch Blithe tomorrow night so we can have some free time.”

  “Doesn’t he do that every night whenever we come up?” I asked.

  “I was thinking maybe I could take you out.”

  “Zachary Harte, are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Only if you’ll say yes.”

  His lips peppered my shoulder with kisses, and I raised my foot up to shut the water off.

  “Under one condition,” I said.

  “Name it.”

  I turned around in his lap and straddled him. His cock jumped at my warmth as I locked my arms around his neck. His eyes were growing dark with lust as I brought my lips to his, encompassing them in a kiss.

  “You have to talk to me about what’s on your mind,” I said.

  His eyes opened quickly, and he pulled back from my touch. I settled into his lap and locked my eyes with him, reading his every move.

  “I know something’s been up,” I said. “And whatever it is, we’ll get through it, okay? I just want you to talk with me. I want us to have a good time, and we can’t with whatever it is that’s bothering you.”

  “Well, I’d intended to talk with you anyway,” he said. “I just hate that it’s spoiling our moment right now.”

  “Nothing’s spoiling anything. I just want to make sure we still keep these lines of communication open. I know things have been hard for us lately, and I want you to know that I’m here to support you. I’m not here for you to protect me.”

  “That’s part of my job as your husband and as Blithe’s father. To protect my girls.”

  “From harm, yes, but not from everything,” I said.

  He nodded. “That’s fine. We can talk about it over dinner tomorrow, but that means you have to talk with me, too.”

  My blood ran cold as I slowly sank into the water.

  He knew. I wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did. I could only assume Kent told him something, and it made my stomach curl. Was he angry? He didn’t look angry. Was he sad? He didn’t look sad.

  My eyes studied his for a long time before I laid my forehead against his.

  “I promise,” I said.

  “Good. Now, where were we?”

  His hands snaked up my back, and a shiver ran down my spine.

  “Oh. I remember,” he said. “I think we were right about here.”

  His lips descended onto my ear, and he began muttering filthy things that made my pussy drip. Things like “It’s a good thing you’re in the bath tub because you’re my dirty girl and I need to clean yo
u up. But first I’m going to dirty up that pussy of yours really good.”

  He entered me and I rode him while straddling him.

  “I love how tight you fill up my pussy,” I told him.

  “I love how tight your little pussy is,” he said.

  I looked down to watch him going in and out of me, as I rode him up and down. He began sucking on my nipple and I felt an orgasm coming on so strong that I had to grip the edges of the tub.

  “I’m coming,” I called out, moaning as he bit my nipple a little bit while grabbing hard onto my ass. “I’m coming and it feels amazing.”

  “Cum all over my cock,” he said, as he increased his rhythm. “And get ready to be cleaned up. Because I’m about to put something really sticky inside you.”

  He came, groaning and saying my name over and over. “Paige. Paige. Paige.”

  Then he turned on water through the shower head and aimed it right at my pussy.

  “And now I’m going to clean you up.”

  The water pressure felt so good that I began to immediately cum again. I spread my legs open wide so he could keep aiming the water in the right place.

  “That’s so hot,” he said, taking in my pussy with his eyes as he continued to blast the water at me.

  “Oh, my God,” I said, my pussy spasming while he watched. “It feels so good. I can’t even take it anymore.”

  Finally, he turned off the water and I collapsed onto his strong body, completely spent from the strength of the orgasms he’d just given me. And completely happy with the knowledge that no matter what was going on between us, we would be okay.

  “I love you, Zach,” I said breathlessly.

  His eyes fluttered up to meet mine. “I love you, too, Paige. Never forget that.”

  “I couldn’t even if I wanted to,” I admitted. “And I sure don’t want to.”

  Chapter 6- Zach

  I was getting ready in the mirror for my dinner with Paige. I could hear Blithe giggling above us as my father chased her around.

  They had been in that playroom all day, sliding into the ball pit and drawing pictures on the walls. I gave Paige the space to do whatever she wanted for the day, and then she kicked me out so she could get ready. I loved it when she did that.


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