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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Celeste Prater

  “Look what you made me do! You were going so fast I couldn’t keep up. I didn’t know this was a parking lot or I would’ve slowed down. My dad’s going to kill me!”

  Caelius felt her hands land on his biceps, and he cringed. Her fingers dug into his skin while she pleaded her case.

  “I just wanted to apologize to you, Caleb. Are you still mad at me? I didn’t mean to spit on your car. I was just upset. Can you forgive me and start over?”

  Caelius knew in that exact moment that he was not dealing with an intelligent human being. There was something seriously wrong with her, and it had nothing to do with the wreck she’d just had. She was insane. He stared into her wide blue eyes and realized there wasn’t an ounce of comprehension that she’d done this to herself. In her screwed-up mind, all of this was occurring because he’d asked her to have coffee. She was completely oblivious to the severity of her actions. He’d read about this. She’d fixated on him and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Until she moved on to another victim, he’d have to tread carefully.

  Intent on begging for a second chance, Ashley was unaware of Chiron and Nikos gliding up behind her. Their eyelids were peeled wide, and he could see they were preparing to snatch her up. Caelius quickly sent out a mind-call while he continued to pat her lightly on the shoulder.

  No. Don’t touch her. She’s not right in the head. You’ll only escalate her madness. Chiron, call a cab. We need to get her out of here. We’ll deal with the car later. This must happen fast before someone calls the police. The Trejani will not want us involved in this. He watched them back away, and Chiron quickly pulled his phone from his pocket.

  Caelius looked down when Ashley wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I love you, Caleb. Can’t you see that?”

  “Everything will be okay, Ashley. I’m not mad. I’m sorry that I caused you to be upset. I’m not feeling well. Can you forgive me?” She cocked her head and gave him a beaming smile.

  “Of course.”

  Sliding his phone from his back pocket, Caelius held it up for her inspection.

  “Look, give me your phone number, and I’ll call you as soon as I wake up tomorrow. Will that be okay?”

  “Yes, I’d love that. But why can’t I stay with you tonight?”

  “It’s not safe for you here. Someone may call the police and you’ll be arrested. You’ve been drinking, correct?” That got her attention.

  Pushing away from him, she wrapped her arms around her own waist and turned to stare at the car.

  “Shit. You’re right. I can’t go through that again.” She rattled off her number, and Caelius held the phone so she could see him adding it correctly. She wasn’t a total goner as evidenced by her next request.

  “Call me.”

  “I will.”

  “No. Call me now. That way I’ll have your phone number, too.” Trying to school his features from showing he was totally not on board with that option, Caelius nodded.

  “Oh. Yes, I can do that.” He called the number, and she smiled when it rang in her purse. He felt immense relief when a cab pulled up beside them.

  “What’s your address, Ashley? I’ll have your car towed over there.” Opening his phone, he studiously entered the information below her number as she glowed from his continued attention. He gave her his best smile.

  “There. Now I’ll know where to find you. It will arrive before you wake in the morning.” Reaching over, he opened the cab door, rattled off the address to the driver, and handed him a hundred dollar bill. “See that she gets home safely and the rest is yours.”

  “No problem, mister.”

  Caelius felt a light tap to his back, and Ashley slid up next to him.


  He didn’t think it was worth the effort to correct her.

  “Yes, Ashley?”

  “You’re going to pay for the damages, right? I wouldn’t have been here if you had just talked with me tonight. You know that, right?”

  “Yes. You’re absolutely correct. I’ll take care of the repairs. Just get in the cab and leave before someone sees you.”

  “Will you kiss me good-bye?”

  Caelius narrowed his eyes. Now she was pushing him a little too far.

  “I would, Ashley, but I’m not well. I have a cold. I don’t want you to get sick. I can kiss your forehead. Will that be okay?”


  Caelius grunted when she plastered her body against his and rose to her tiptoes. He gave her a quick peck on the forehead and briefly hugged her.

  “Where are your keys?”

  “In the car.”

  “Good. Hurry, now. We don’t want you to be seen.”

  Ashley scrambled into the cab and waved at him from the back window until the vehicle was out of sight.

  Dropping his chin to his chest, Caelius tried to get his bearings. Son of a bitch! How could a simple invitation of coffee trigger something that outrageous? Shaking his head, he turned around and looked at two very confused males standing next to his car. Chiron held his phone up.

  “I heard her give the address, so I called Alerio. He’s got the keys to Cato’s tow truck, and he’s coming to pick it up. A regular service would report this to the police. He promised not to tell Petrus. We’ll get our asses reamed for not being more diligent.”

  Nodding, Caelius loped across the courtyard and up the stairs. Fifteen minutes later, he was showered, packed, and stuffing the duffel in the trunk. He looked up when he heard Chiron and Nikos pounding down their stairwell with bags slung over their shoulders. They’d arrived in time to watch Alerio hooking Ashley’s car to the lift. He was attached, throwing a quick wave, and hauling ass out of the parking lot before Caelius could get his seatbelt snapped into place.

  Amazed none of the neighbors had wandered outside during the fiasco, Caelius made quick time out of the lot as well. They drove for several long, silent moments before Nikos spoke up. His voice was low and shaky.

  “Damn, Caelius. I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life. She could’ve killed you. My heart will not quit racing. I’m almost afraid to touch any more necks. I’ve never seen a female act like that. What if there are more of them? She’s going to be pissed when she realizes you’re gone.”

  Before he could respond, his phone rattled in the cup holder. It was Ashley. Nope. He was done with all of that. Convictions in place, he glanced to his friends.

  “Turn the volume down on the phones, and keep your barriers up. No more drama. I’m sick of it. Chiron, check periodically with Alerio to see if they’ve found the emperor. That’s the only news we need to hear. We’re fully-grown males and shouldn’t have to answer to anyone or report on our whereabouts. Understood?”

  Heads nodding, every phone was silenced and barriers slipped into place. Caelius gestured to the glove compartment.

  “Get the locations out and program them into the navigation system, Nikos. I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

  Caelius looked out the rearview mirror and watched the twinkling lights of Austin fade into the distance. He hoped that over the next three weeks the memory of Rhia would do so as well. If not, he was doomed.

  Chapter 13

  Present day

  Ulixes drew the curtains aside and glanced out over the palace gardens. He’d paced the guestroom for the last three hours and was tired of staring at the marbled floors. The beauty of the lush vegetation and multi-colored flowers should have given him some measure of peace, yet he still felt ill at ease. If anything, he should at least have a smile on his face and lightness in his heart upon learning that the emperor’s mate had returned to Insedivertus. Tana had been whisked away to meet with him the moment she’d stepped back on the planet. They belonged together, and he had no doubt that Lucien would convince her to stay.

  Placing his forehead against the warm pane of glass, Ulixes knew he should stop fooling himself. It was quite evident why his emotions were bobbling around wit
h no discernable place to call home—Kallon was back. The second he’d seen the doctor entering the palace’s expansive foyer, his heart had flipped inside his chest. Instead of warmly greeting the male, he’d hidden like a coward behind a marble column and listened as he conversed politely with Drusus and Lina. Hell, how had that tactic been any different from what I’ve done since they pulled me from Glaxon 8? Avoidance appeared to be the only way he could think straight, and even then it was tenuous.

  Cringing, Ulixes remembered the curt greeting at the ship’s clinic doors that had started the spiral into this ever-increasing bleak mood. Kallon had looked so happy to see him, but he’d made sure to leave the doctor with nothing but confusion afterward. How could he explain that he’d felt soiled? Not just his external shell, but deep into his very soul? Hell, he’d made dodging an art form the minute he’d fled from the examination room. How much more of a coward can I become? It was apparent that he carried a major flaw in his character, and it had all begun with Basilius.

  How could he ever trust his own judgment again? For two years he’d believed every word coming from Basilius’s mouth. How easily he’d fallen in love with someone that had absolutely no regard for life other than his own. How was it possible to become that clueless? He knew the move to separate himself from Basilius was his first step to recovery of his pride and self-worth, but that progress had shattered the second Basilius had taken that knife for him. That truth was as evident as his trembling hands.

  Ulixes cringed and shoved away from the beautiful gardens now standing in opposition to his memories. The brutal slaying of the Dar Kan continued to plague his mind. It wasn’t that he’d killed another, it was the mindless stabbing and flaying that left him shivering with horror. The blue bastard had been long dead, but he was unable to stop the need to make him disappear. Had he still been in love with Basilius? Was that what caused him to act in such a horrific manner? Shouldn’t he have been happy to see that the mad king’s reign of terror had ended? How sick was it that those feelings could have remained buried in his heart? Basilius lying on the ground while pleading for forgiveness would mar his dreams for years. Those parting words of love had done nothing more than confuse him and render him helpless. Squeezing his lids tight, Ulixes silently screamed for the image of Basilius’s fixed, lifeless gray eyes to go away.

  Pressing his back against the wall, Ulixes thought of the feelings that had rushed into his chest upon his first glimpse of Kallon the night they’d taken Luna from the hospital. Every moment he’d spent with him had been refreshing and pure. Was it really love that he’d been feeling before he’d boarded the Athenian, or was it a way to bury what he’d felt for Basilius? Tana’s revelation that Kallon loved him had been received with mixed feelings. The one thing he’d long craved was now questionable. He didn’t need to sully Kallon’s life with this overfilled baggage of self-loathing, confusion, and unworthiness. Frustrated, Ulixes ran a shaking hand through his hair.

  No, that exceptional male needed someone that knew his own mind and could love him back without second guesses or thoughts stained with ugliness—and it wasn’t him. Their time together would remain precious and cherished. He’d taint it no further. Perhaps one day he’d have enough courage to relay this to Kallon so the interest in those beautiful green eyes would fade and look elsewhere. There was no other choice. It was the right thing to do.

  Shouting his frustration to the ceiling, Ulixes willed his mind to stop playing the scenes over and over until he was left bereft and dizzy. They flooded his brain at any given moment, and he had great difficulty keeping them at bay. Sleep eluded him, and when it did come, it was immediately disturbed with the sounds of battle and those last whispered words. He needed to focus on his next steps. Perhaps if he had another goal he could fill his mind and squash the intrusion that plagued him. It’s obvious that I need something else to think about. He pushed away from the wall and strode quickly across the room. His skin crawled as if the shadows had remained attached to his back.

  Good thoughts, I must think of happier thoughts to chase away the bad ones. Bellator had finally agreed to take the throne, so there was no need for him to linger on Insedivertus any longer. His time for convincing was done. The male would lead the Protonecians to better times, and that’s what mattered. Perhaps he’d visit one day to find the planet lush with new vegetation and the citizens happy with their lot in life. It was time for him to regenerate as well.

  Ulixes knew he should get back to Earth and surround himself with his friends in order to forget this incident had ever happened. He would train with the warriors and take a larger role in guarding them at the club. Perhaps he might even learn to dance as they did. Kallon would be busy with his clinics, and their paths would seldom cross. One more meal and he could request that he be taken back immediately. Yes, that would be the optimal course. Settled with his plan and feeling somewhat lighter, Ulixes swung the bedroom door wide and halted.

  Bellator stood frozen in front of him with his fist raised, as if he was in the process of knocking. His handsome face broke into a wide smile and he lowered his arm. Ulixes found it extremely difficult to look into familiar gray eyes. It was unnerving.

  “Ah, Ulixes. What good timing. Were you leaving for the midday meal?”

  At his quick nod, Bellator stepped back and allowed him to exit the room.

  “Good. I’ll join you. I was about to go there myself. Wait, if you don’t mind, may I ask you a question?”

  Pulling the door shut, Ulixes narrowed his eyes. What could possibly be left to say between them?

  “I guess it depends on what you ask. Go ahead. If I don’t like what you’re saying, I can always decline to answer.”

  Bellator chuckled. “See, this is exactly why I’m here. You never blurt out the first thing on your mind and when you do speak, it always includes some prepared thought. I need someone like you in my court, Ulixes. Would you consider coming home and being my second-in-command? I trust you. What you did when Basilius revealed his true self took tremendous courage. I need this.”

  Ulixes felt his stomach drop. He’d been right. Bellator had hinted this very need to Lucien while they’d hunted upon the mountain. He was prepared with his answer.

  “I don’t think that’s wise. I’ve renounced my citizenship. I’m Insedi now.”

  Bellator raised his brows and shrugged. “It matters not. Come with me for just a little while and help me through the transition. I’ll not demand a decision from you on the permanency. Just long enough to get my feet beneath me. You know the court well. I crave your advice and wisdom. I see the hesitation in your eyes. Is there something here that keeps you locked to this planet, besides your loyalty to the emperor?”

  An image of Kallon flew into his mind. Would this be the optimal way to ensure that the doctor had a chance to forget him? Would his absence from Earth guarantee he had an opportunity to forget as well? Unsure if his return to Protonecis would escalate his horrors or help to settle the guilt, Ulixes gave him the truth.

  “No. There’s nothing here that would keep me. Let me think upon this. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

  “Good. I can settle for a consideration. Thank you. Now, let’s get to our meal.”

  Ulixes rounded the corner of the hallway and hesitated in his stride. A deliciously rich, masculine scent lingered in the vestibule and wrapped around his shoulders like an embrace. The subtle cinnamon and spice fragrance let him know that Kallon had recently passed this way. Glancing around, he saw nothing at either end of the main corridor, or the one leading to the other guest quarters. Shaking his head at how quickly his heart rate had escalated, he caught up with Bellator. How in the hell was he going to withstand the draw that male had on him when he could falter so easily from a simple smell?

  * * * *

  Eyes scanning the dining hall, Ulixes felt his emotions war between relief and disappointment when he confirmed Kallon wasn’t present. He smiled warmly at the two much-loved couples waving h
im over to the table. Lina had a huge grin on her face as Drusus stroked her hair, and Severus stared lovingly at Cassie as she practically bounced in her chair with excitement.

  “Yay, I have someone else to share my news with! Sit, sit! Oh! Hey, Kallon! Glad you made it. Now I don’t have to repeat myself.”

  Ulixes felt his muscles seize just as his butt hit the cushioned chair. Bellator slid into the seat next to him and began loading his plate with food. Blinking rapidly, Ulixes couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away from the excruciatingly handsome doctor as he rounded the table and stood next to Severus’s chair.

  No matter how many times he’d laid eyes on this male, he couldn’t stop himself from enjoying the sight. He may not be as large as the other warriors, but he certainly didn’t lack in virility. It was always a pleasure to allow his gaze to take in the beautiful, long, blond braid swinging across his broad back, the strong jaw, wide shoulders, narrow waist, thick thighs, and the most spectacular green eyes he’d ever seen. They just drew you in and locked you down tight—just like they were doing to him right now.

  Ulixes felt his cock expand and press insistently against his jeans. Draping his napkin across his lap, he hoped that Bellator was too engrossed in his food to have noticed. Kallon pulled the chair out, plopped onto the seat, and gave him a shy smile.

  Tearing his eyes away from the one thing that could bring him to his knees, Ulixes forced them over to Cassie, now holding her left hand up while fluttering her fingers. A brilliant jewel glimmered on the one next to her pinky.

  “Yep! It’s an engagement ring. Now that all of us girls have one, we’ve decided to get married at the same time. Luna said we could have it at her house. The garden out back is spectacular.”

  Ulixes cleared his throat and tried to get his shit together.

  “That’s a very beautiful ring and wonderful news. When will the nuptials take place?”

  Cassie beamed and stroked Severus’s arm. “Thank you, Ulixes. We’re thinking about next spring. Lina and I are going to be so busy with the mall we thought it best to let things die down a bit before we got engrossed in something new.”


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