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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 18

by Celeste Prater

  “No need to apologize. You didn’t hang up the other two times.”

  “Okay, now you’re freaking me out, Rhia. When did I call you?”

  Rhia chuckled. “Oh, this is too much fun. You drunk dialed me, silly. I had two messages on my answering machine at home. You sounded buzzed off your ass, and it was totally adorable.” She was surprised at the sudden seriousness of his voice.

  “What did I say, Rhia? Tell me.”

  “Well, let’s see. You were stuck in your shirt, you hoped I liked the flowers, you thought I was special, your necklace didn’t like me, and you were sorry for that, you didn’t want me to think bad thoughts, something about dying sooner, and that you weren’t made right. The message ended after you said you were going to try to find my picture.” She purposefully left out his confession of love. That was just way too deep of a topic to bring up for someone who didn’t even remember saying it. She’d save that one for later. Rhia smiled when he let loose a deep, exasperated groan.

  “I know exactly when that happened. Ah, gods! I’m sorry I did that. You must think me a fool.”

  “No, not at all. I thought it was rather flattering.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I assumed you were at Heat Seekers since I heard loud music and a lot of women whooping it up. Of all the willing girls that were probably crawling all over you, your drunken butt chose me. I tried calling back, but I guess Ashley had already used up your allotment of space. And so here we are.”

  The heavily accented voice coming through the phone oozed sexy, virile man and sent chills skittering across her skin.

  “I have a confession, my bellula.”

  Rhia wasn’t even surprised at the shot of tingles traveling her skin and making a direct beeline to her clit. He’d whispered that word across her skin before. She tried to steady her breath.

  “Okay, so confess.” Umm, he was growling now. That shit just did crazy things to her girly parts. She was toast. Fine hairs rose across her skin, as if tuning in to that sensuous sound.

  “I find it very arousing that you think of me in that way. Even when I’m at my worst, you view me in a positive light. I wish you were here with me right now. Do you miss my touch, Rhia?”

  She could barely get her words past a soft whisper. “Yes. Very much.”

  Rhia heard the distinctive rustle of material again and pictured him shifting on the bed. She imagined him sliding a broad hand down his chest, across the ridges of his abs, and resting just above his groin. She grabbed a pillow and released a moan deep into the fabric.

  “Are you in your bed, Rhia?”


  “Will you do something for me?”

  “Of course. Yes.”

  “Turn the TV off and lower the lights.”

  “It’s off and only the bathroom light’s on. It’s dim in here.”

  “Good. Tell me what you’re wearing.”

  The words spewed out of her mouth. She wanted to get to the next part as quickly as possible. “Button down blouse and shorts.”

  “Are you wearing a thong?”

  Her breath hitched.

  “Yes. What are you wearing, Caelius?” A low rumble sounded against her ear.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There’s a thin sheet resting across my hips. Does that turn you on, Rhia?”

  “Yes. So much so that I’m a little lightheaded.”

  “Can you unbutton your shirt with one hand?”


  “Release the first few buttons. Just to the point where the top of your breasts are exposed.”

  “Okay, the first three are undone.”

  “Run your fingers across the top of the mounds. Slowly. I’m going to tell you what I remember when I touched them. Those will be my fingers, sweetness.”

  “Ah, hell, Caelius. I love how you talk to me.”

  “You’re so soft, Rhia. It’s like touching velvet. I can feel the gentle swell and dip of your plush mounds as I travel along your creamy skin. Your flesh is pebbling for me. Are your nipples getting tighter?”

  Geez, it was like his accented voice could be labeled a sex toy. Rhia panted through her answer. “Yes. Yes they are.” She could hear Caelius’s breath increase as well. His voice sounded strained.

  “Does the bra release in the front?”


  “Undo the rest of the buttons and unclip the bra. Leave the shirt on.”

  Rhia moaned when the cool air hit her heated skin and chills skittered across her flesh. She felt decadent with the material of the shirt rubbing softly along her sides.

  “I love hearing those pretty sounds, mellis. Cup one of the mounds for me. I remember how they fill my palms to overflowing. They’re beautiful. Tweak your nipple for me, sweetness. Yes. I heard your gasp. Pull it outward then release it. I want it tight and begging for my tongue.”

  “Ah, Caelius. That feels so good.”

  “Do the other. Now.”

  Back arching from the intensity of the feeling and his continued encouragement, Rhia didn’t care that the loud groans filling the room were hers. She wanted him to hear her, wanted him to know how easily he commanded her body. Her clit throbbed as his voice lowered even further.

  “Take the shorts off, Rhia. Leave the thong in place. Do it now.”

  Shit! Could he be more fucking sexy? She loved this domineering, matured Caelius. Her breath was labored and she barely got the word out.

  “It’s gone.”

  “Tell me the color of the material. I want to envision it on your body.”

  “Black.” He moaned in her ear, and tingles shot up her spine.

  “If it were in my hand, I would raise it to my face and smell your scent. My cock throbs at the thought. You have me so hard. Raise your knees and put your feet flat on the bed. Spread your legs, but not too wide. Are you open for me now?”


  Caelius practically purred out his next instruction.

  “Touch your skin, precious. Run your fingers softly down the inside of your thighs. Don’t touch your mound. I’ll know it if you do, Rhia. Be a good girl for me. Anticipate my touch.”

  Fuck! Rhia felt a flood of moisture release between her legs. She wanted to jump up from the bed, run across the courtyard, and pound on his door so he could release this building pressure in her core. The image of him sweeping her into his arms and driving her into the mattress pounded into her brain until his husky voice pulled her from the spell.

  “Run the tip of your finger along the edge of the material, baby. Slowly. My eyes are closed, so I can imagine how close you are to that which I desire. Reach under the material and touch your soft lips, baby. Umm, that’s it. Now drag your fingers over the material covering that luscious mound. Tease yourself for me. My mouth waters just knowing that only thin material separates you from me.”

  The banked fire swelled and spread across her skin. That delicious, deep accent swirled against her ear, and her hips undulated against the bed.

  “Are you wet and throbbing for me, my bellula?”

  Damn! Did he have a direct link to her body? “Yes, Caelius. I want you so badly, I hurt.”

  “Umm. You have my cock so hard, the slightest movement of the sheet threatens to release my seed. Take the thong off and spread your legs for me. I crave your taste and cannot have it. Let me enjoy the sounds of your cries as you touch yourself.”

  Rhia scrambled to remove the thong, almost ripping it in her haste. She released a harsh breath. “Talk to me, Caelius. Tell me what you want.”

  “Dip your fingers inside that fiery heat, my foemina. Pull those juices out and swirl it against your bud. Can you feel the fire? Close your eyes, sweetness. Feel me lifting your thighs to lie across my shoulders and my hands gripping your luscious ass as I keep you in place. The heat of my tongue is traveling through your honey and burying itself deep inside you. I feel your flesh fluttering and throbbing for me. Ah, I hear your sweet moans. That’s it, baby. Slip two
fingers inside. I’m watching you, Rhia. Your fingers are glistening with your juices, and I want to take them into my mouth and taste you. Let the palm of your hand rub against your clit as you slide them in and out, karus. So beautiful.”

  Writhing on the bed, Rhia dug her heels into the mattress and groaned to the ceiling. “Yes, yes. I’m burning, Caelius.”

  “Ah, you should see this, mellis. The tip of my cock has fought his way from the sheets at the sound of your voice. He’s weeping in anticipation of feeling your muscles grip him tightly. Do you know how much I want to be inside of you right now?”

  Rhia was barely able to pant out her response. “Oh, god. It’s too much. I’m going to come. I’m going to come. It feels so good.” She startled at his growled answer.

  “No. Not yet. Pull your fingers from your body. Wait for me. We come together. Hold back, baby.”

  Rhia heard Caelius suck the breath between his teeth, followed by an agonized groan. “I’ve taken myself in hand, and I’m so close. I’m rolling my thumb across the tip, and it feels like a trail of liquid heat. Every time I think of your fingers near your sweet pussy, he kicks in my hand. I’m rising over you now. Spread your legs wider, baby. Let me in. Umm, you’re so tight and slick. Just like I remember. Now, Rhia. Rub your clit for me. I want to feel you melt around my aching cock.”

  Crying out at the surge of fire from the first brush against the distended flesh, Rhia shoved two fingers inside and arched her back. It wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel his thickness opening her wide. “Hurry, Caelius. I want to hear you. Please talk to me.” Rhia could picture his sculpted lips stretched tight against his teeth as he pumped that fat cock with his broad fist.

  “Move your hips, sweetness. Feel my flesh gliding against yours. I’m deep inside you, pushing harder and deeper. I can feel our bellies touching as you lift to meet me. My hands are buried in your hair as I kiss along your throat. Feel my breath caressing your ear as I tell you all the things I’m going to do to you. You’re burning me up, baby.”

  Lost to the moment, Rhia cried out to him. “Now, Caelius. Fuck me harder. Can you feel my nails dragging across your back? Come with me, Caelius. I’m right there. Right there. Now.”

  His strangled shout shoved her into the abyss. Fire tore through her pussy, and her muscles locked tight around her fingers. Back arching from the bed, his name burst from her lips as a benediction to the stars hovering above them. Her vision was bathed in white, and she felt as if she rose away from her body. His grunts of completion echoed from the phone lying on the bed next to her ear as she fought for air. An image of his cum landing across the ridges of his abs and dripping down the long muscles beside his hips sent violent tremors through her core. Gradually, she drifted into awareness and realized their breath was coming in harsh stutters until finally fading into softs pants of relief.

  Scrabbling for the phone with boneless arms, Rhia lifted it to her ear.

  “Caelius?” There was a moment of silence, and she strained to see through the darkness, as if her vision could locate his elusive emotions. She had to strain hard to finally understand his softly spoken words.

  “My heart is yours, Rhia. Forever yours. Forgive me, sweetness.”

  Chapter 21

  Kallon felt his boots hit the carpet and glanced up. Home. Even though the tent walls blocked what he knew waited on the other side, he could already feel Insedivertus reaching out to set him straight. If only it could do the same with his emotions. Nodding to the sentries minding their posts, he pushed through the tent flap, inhaled the fragrant air, and squinted against the brilliance of the sun. Releasing his held breath, he opened his mind and called out to Eryx.

  My friend, are you available? The response was immediate.

  Kallon. I’m surprised to hear from you. Is something amiss?

  No. I heard that Ulixes has returned. I’d hoped to catch him before he left again for Protonecis. I…I was curious as to how Bellator is taking to his position as King. Oh…and I may need to stop by the hospital for some additional supplies. He heard Eryx’s soft chuckles and was disconcerted at the heat flaming his face.

  No need to feed me excuses, amici. I know you’re here for Ulixes. It appears you two are the only ones that aren’t aware of the care you have for each other. The male already gave his report to Lucien. Tana tried to get him to stay for midday meal, but he insisted on returning to Earth. If you hurry, you may catch him at the exit vortex. I’ll send a transport for you.

  Kallon felt lightheaded. Adrenaline surged through his veins at the thought that he was as close as a thousand meters to his love. Thank you, Eryx. Give the emperor and our new empress my regards. Tell them that I will return for the festival next week. He couldn’t help the smile at Eryx’s departing words.

  Certainly, I’ll relay that to them. Now quit fucking around, and go get your mate, Kallon. And then he was gone.

  Kallon narrowed his eyes and stared at the transport in the distance. He knew it was approaching at max speed, but it felt like it dawdled over the lush terrain. Time stood still as his brain prepared to look Ulixes in the eye once more. Was he coming back to Earth for him? Could it be that simple? Kallon immediately corralled his wayward thoughts. No. It wouldn’t do to allow his emotions to get carried away. Perhaps it was nothing more than Ulixes tiring of the politics and simply wanting to return to his friends.

  Knowing that staring at the vehicle wouldn’t make it arrive any sooner, Kallon glanced over to the Great Plains. He smiled when he spotted Tana’s herd of horses gathered around a yushta tree. Its thin, yellow limbs were outstretched and stroking the flanks of every animal that passed by. The snorting and low whinnying of the beautiful creatures sounded pleasant as it drifted across the grasses. They were thoroughly enjoying the attention of the curious tree. Perhaps they were even conversing with it.

  He’d often wondered how the Earth animal would acclimate to the new environment. Lucien had ordered them to be taken home at the first sign of any stress. However, in the short amount of time they’d been here, he could tell that they were extremely healthy. In fact, their coats appeared sleeker and their muscles more defined. They were thriving on what Insedivertus was providing. The sound of the transport drew his attention away from the tranquil scene. He smiled when the pilot released the door and turned in his seat.

  “Keos! I thought you were to take time off. What are you doing playing transport driver? Did you get bored that fast?” Keos laughed and shook his head.

  “No. I was leaving to visit my uncle, so Eryx asked if I would swing by and take you to the exit site. You would’ve had to wait longer for the regular transport to come back. It dropped Sotarios off so he could prepare the helicopter and then returned to collect Ulixes. Eryx said he hasn’t been gone long from the palace.”

  Relaxing back in the seat, Kallon tried to settle his nerves the closer they came to the exit site. “Keos, did you see Ulixes when he arrived?” At his nod, Kallon leaned forward. “How did he look to you? I mean his demeanor. Did he seem okay?”

  Keos shrugged. “I guess so. He didn’t appear as uptight as when he’d left with Bellator. I actually saw him smile. Well, a small one anyway. He did look tired. I guess the Protonecis visit took a lot of his time. We’re here. Take care, Kallon. I’ll see you at the upcoming festival?”

  “Definitely. Thanks for bringing me over. Later, Keos.” Kallon leapt from the transport, ran into the tent, and looked over to the sentry.

  “Was Ulixes here already?”

  “Yes. He just stepped in.”

  Kallon took a deep breath, smiled, and dove into the vortex. The initial contact with the guts of the beast always left him a little rattled, but it never failed to smooth out within a matter of seconds. Kallon instantly knew that he’d been inches behind Ulixes. He had no eyes to see and no skin to feel, yet he recognized the essence that began to slide next to him. Powerful, vibrant bands of energy weaved in and out of his essence. It was fighting him, trying to back away
, yet inexplicably reaching out as if crying for a connection. Pain, grief, confusion, and an overwhelming sadness struck Kallon’s core with such might, he almost scattered from the rush.

  Refusing to allow Ulixes to drift even further away, Kallon strengthened his resolve and willed himself to blanket the disturbed energy. Together they rolled and twisted as he analyzed what he’d captured. Unspoken words teased against his mind and finally revealed the trauma buried deep in Ulixes’s psyche—unworthy, soiled, degenerate, and unloved.

  The male was caught up in the unforgiving grip of hiding his true self for years, confusion as to what real love looked like, and trauma from the time spent on Glaxon 8. He felt broken and irreparable. He held it close inside for fear of it ever releasing and tarnishing those around him. If he could, Kallon would have screamed to the sky for the unjustness of this wonderful creature’s undeserved torment. He called forth every ounce of the love he felt, begged it to chase away the darkness and replace it with hope. The pain from the realization of what this male endured felt heavy, cloying, and breath-stealing.

  No, no, no, not yet! Let me hold him a while longer. I can fix this. The vortex had no soul, no compassion, or a single drop of empathy. Its solitary purpose was to send any captured object on a short journey, and this the mindless, swirling tube accomplished with all due haste.

  Kallon heard the air rush out of Ulixes’s lungs and join his own as they slammed onto the hard Earth. He felt strong arms tighten around him as they rolled away from the entrance. Even caught up in the hell of his own mind, the worthy male instinctively sought to protect. When they came to their final resting spot, Kallon looked down and realized one hand was clasping the back of Ulixes’s neck as they lay in a twist of legs and limbs. His hair was mussed and the brightness of the moon bathed his features in a soft glow.

  Staring down at the exquisitely handsome face of the one he loved, Kallon wondered what he would see when those lids lifted and connected with his. Long moments passed as their chests heaved in unison to gather much needed air. Kallon felt a slight pressure to his lower back as Ulixes’s fingers gripped his T-shirt. The tremble in those broad hands was evident. All too soon, the clasp released, and his arms fell to the side.


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