Book Read Free

The Christmas Star

Page 13

by Donna VanLiere

  “Are you going to have time to get ready yourself?”

  Heddy keeps her head down, shaking it. “Doesn’t matter. Nobody will be looking at me anyway.”

  “Or me!” Stacy says.

  “I’ll look at you, Mom,” Ben says from the kitchen.

  The women burst into laughter. “What in the world is Travis doing right now?” Lauren wonders out loud.

  “Watching TV while eating a bowl of cereal in his boxers,” Stacy says.

  “Dalton went target shooting with his groomsmen on the morning of our wedding and barely made it there on time,” Heddy says to the sleeve. “I was ready to kill that man right on our very own wedding day!”

  The women cackle and Ben peers around the corner to see what all the noise is about. He shrugs and heads back to his sandwich in the kitchen.

  “Were you nervous, Stacy?” Lauren asks as the hairdresser begins to unroll a curler.

  “Of course.”

  “Were you nervous, Heddy?”

  “I was getting married in front of Dalton’s mother. That woman would have made the president nervous.” She looks up from her work. “If you feel it, it’s normal. But you just remember that everybody at your wedding loves you and Travis. Nobody there could scare the president.”

  “I think Miriam could,” Stacy says, snorting. They cackle louder together and Ben sticks his head around the corner once again before sneaking off to find the safety of his dad.

  * * *

  Gloria and Miriam glance up from their work at the gazebo as Dalton honks his car horn, pulling in to a spot. He’s shaking his head as he steps from the vehicle.

  “Why does Dalton’s face look like that, Gloria? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. His face is fine. He’s fine. I’m sure he’s fine,” Gloria says, hoping it’s true.

  “We’ve got problems,” Dalton says when he’s close enough for them to hear.

  “I knew it,” Miriam says. “Your horrible face, Dalton!”

  He looks stricken. “What’s wrong with my face?”

  Miriam throws her arms in the air. “Why do I listen to you, Gloria?”

  Gloria ignores her. “What’s wrong, Dalton?”

  He stops in front of them. “The heat is out at Glory’s Place.” Miriam groans, throwing her arms higher in the air. He holds his hand out to calm her. “I’ve had a couple of guys there for the last hour trying to get it running again. I was hoping to get it taken care of so that it wouldn’t ruin your morning.”

  “By the look on your face I’m assuming that you have come in person to ruin our morning?” Miriam says.

  He nods. “They need a part and of course they can’t get it until late this afternoon or possibly tomorrow morning.”

  “So we’ll freeze at the wedding and the reception! A perfect day, right, Gloria?” Miriam says, her voice icy with sarcasm.

  “Well, thankfully it broke down on the first day of Christmas break and the children are all expected to come to the wedding, so we don’t need to use the building.”

  “The reception, Gloria!” Miriam says, exasperated. “The reception!”

  “Would you hush up with that caterwaulin’ so we can all think?!” Gloria snaps. She looks up into the sky. “How about Carmine’s?”

  “I already have all the food for the reception,” Miriam says, her eyes huge like saucers. “If we went to Carmine’s we’d have to buy greasy pizzas and eat off sticky plastic tablecloths. Besides, they’re always swamped for dinner.”

  “Betty’s?” Dalton offers.

  Gloria shakes her head. “Betty told me on Monday that two of her girls are out with the flu. I couldn’t throw this at her with her being shorthanded this week.” She makes a clicking sound with her tongue. “How about Kirkland’s on the Lake?”

  Miriam moans. “They’re booked months in advance, and again, we already have all the food!”

  Gloria nods her head as if the perfect idea has bolted down from heaven. “We’ll have the reception at my house. Dalton, can you get the decorations moved to my house ASAP?”

  “Gloria! Your house is the size of a bread box,” Miriam says.

  “Then everyone will be nice and cozy,” Gloria says, thinking out loud. “Heddy’s with Lauren and Stacy but call the rest of Stacy’s family. Call my son. And call Amy. Maybe she can help.” Dalton pulls out his phone and begins calling.

  Miriam’s hands haven’t stopped fluttering since Dalton arrived. “You have wrapping paper and unwrapped presents everywhere, Gloria! And you left that cake mess in the kitchen and that ridiculous calendar! Oh, that’s priceless hanging on the wall! Today it said, It’s colder than a well-digger’s butt! Who wants to read that at a wedding reception? Is your house even clean?”

  Gloria puts a hand on her hip and squares off in front of Miriam. “It’s not a laboratory like your home, Miriam, but it’s not a toxic-waste dump either! You know what else my calendar says? It says, The madder I get, the thicker my Southern accent gets!” Her accent gets soupy thick. “So listen up! Either you zip the British snobbery and help make this day perfect for Lauren and Travis or it’ll be a month of Sundays before you’re welcome in my home again!”

  Miriam’s mouth hangs open for several moments before she begins to snicker; she and Gloria grasp each other’s hands and laugh together. “Head to your house and I will finish here,” Miriam says, wiping tears from her eyes. “I’ll come just as soon as we finish.” She squeezes Gloria’s hand. “And the day will be beautiful and perfect!” Gloria wraps her up in one of those bear hugs she’s famous for. “It’s been a long time since you’ve thrown one of those hissy fits.”

  “Well, at least it wasn’t a conniption fit,” Gloria says, walking away.

  “What does a conniption fit mean?”

  “Run for your life!”


  At three fifteen, the final wedding guests arrive bundled up in winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and Ben hands them each a blanket and ushers them to their seats. At three thirty, all eyes around the gazebo watch as Lauren, Stacy, and Dalton ride past them in a horse-drawn carriage before stopping in front of the gazebo. Dalton first helps Stacy to the ground before extending his hand to Lauren. Gloria’s eyes fill at the sight of her. “Heddy! The skirt and jacket are just beautiful,” she says, wiping her eyes. “You worked magic over that old fabric.”

  Heddy shakes her head. “I didn’t do much. It’s who wears it that makes it beautiful,” she says, making Gloria smile through her tears, remembering the girl she was so many years ago, walking down a church aisle toward Walt.

  Dalton crooks his arm for Lauren. “Travis is a blessed man,” he says.

  “Don’t make me cry, Dalton. I’m wearing fake eyelashes and I don’t know if they stay on through tears!”

  He throws his head back, laughing. “They look beautiful. You look beautiful. Are you ready?” She nods and squeezes his arm as Stacy leads them, walking toward the gazebo. When Lauren sees Travis, her stomach flutters as he rocks back and forth on his feet. If it’s cold, she doesn’t notice. If the wind is blowing, she doesn’t seem to mind. She reaches her hand out when she sees Gloria and Marshall, Miriam, and Heddy, and they reach for her, squeezing her arm or hand as she passes.

  “You’re stunning,” Miriam says, her eyes gleaming.

  “Just gorgeous,” Gloria says, blowing her a kiss.

  Stacy walks up the stairs of the gazebo and takes her place opposite Gabe, smiling at him. When Dalton and Lauren reach the top, she turns and waves at the children from Glory’s Place, and Maddie and the other children wave and applaud. Maddie grabs hold of Amy’s hand and they smile at Gabe, who looks striking in his dark suit.

  “Who gives this woman away?” Pastor James asks.

  “I am proud to say that I do, along with her entire family at Glory’s Place,” Dalton says, leaning over to kiss Lauren’s forehead. He walks her over to Travis and Travis steps beside her. “She’s all yours, Travis. Take great
care of her.” Travis shakes his hand and Dalton pats him on the shoulder before taking his seat next to Heddy.

  The kids from Glory’s Place file out of their seats and line up on the gazebo stairs as the music to “When God Made You” begins to pour through the speakers. Lauren and Travis can’t help smiling at the lyrics: But now that I have found you I believe / That a miracle has come.

  Gabe catches Amy’s eye and they smile. Gloria, Miriam, and Heddy each wipe their eyes, and as the children sing the chorus, tears fill Lauren’s eyes.

  The children wave at Lauren when the song finishes and she looks up, trying to keep the tears from falling and ruining her makeup. Pastor James speaks briefly before saying, “Lauren, a year ago this town took you in, but today I need to ask you, do you take this man to be your husband?”

  She laughs and says, “I do!” loudly enough for all to hear.

  When Lauren stumbled upon Grandon one year ago she never imagined this day. She never dreamed of people adopting her as one of their own or of having anyone in her life who would think of her as family. She never thought she could love anyone as she loves Travis or that anyone could love her in a way that makes her feel safe and complete. She never imagined that she could love her work and feel excited each morning as she faced a new day. The thought of God pulling her up out of her pit seemed impossible a year ago, but Gloria says that “pulling up and out” is easy for God. We just have to reach up. She’s so grateful that she did reach up, and her smile stretches up to the sky as Travis squeezes her hand.

  * * *

  Gloria’s house swells with guests. They have to find places to sit, on the fireplace hearth and even the stairs, but no one complains. The finger foods that Miriam had catered for the reception are a big hit and, thankfully, provide easy cleanup. She and Amy each stay busy walking through the house, acting as makeshift waitresses, refreshing drinks and taking dirty dishes.

  “I’m so sorry you couldn’t have your reception at Glory’s Place,” Gloria says, hugging Lauren.

  “I’ve always loved your house, Miss Glory! I actually wanted to have it here but I just didn’t have the nerve to ask you.”

  Gloria throws her arms over her head. “Are you kidding? You can ask me anything, anytime. As long as I have breath in my body I will do anything for you.”

  “Just be sure you stay on her good side and she doesn’t throw a conniption fit,” Miriam says, eavesdropping.

  Lauren glances at Gloria, puzzled. “What does that mean?”

  “Run for your life!” Miriam says, making Gloria laugh. Miriam holds on to Lauren’s arm and directs Travis to stand next to her as she gathers the children from Glory’s Place to the center of the floor. “Excuse me, everyone,” she says, clapping her hands together. “Stacy has been working with the children on a surprise wedding gift for our happy couple.”

  Lauren’s mouth opens wide as the children assemble in front of her and Travis. “What have you been up to?” she says, making them laugh.

  Stacy directs Miriam to press play on the CD player and music for “I Got You Babe” fills the living room. The kids who remember, correctly use gestures to act out the song, while others are always a gesture or two behind, making Lauren and Travis smile. While Miriam switches CDs the children say in unison, “Congratulations, Lauren and Travis. We love you and will miss you while you’re gone!”

  “I’ll miss you too,” Lauren says.

  “Gotta be honest,” Travis says. “I won’t.” The guests laugh as music for the Monkees’ “I’m a Believer” begins. Lauren and Travis begin to dance and the guests follow suit, turning Gloria’s living room into a makeshift dance floor.

  On the final note, Lauren raises her arms and yells, “That was the best wedding present ever!”

  Miriam quiets the guests, saying, “It is time to present Mr. and Mrs. Mabrey as they have their first dance together as man and wife.” Travis grabs Lauren’s hands as people clear the “dance floor.” Miriam pushes play on the CD recording of Garth Brooks singing “To Make You Feel My Love.” Halfway through the song the children from Glory’s Place begin to giggle.

  “How long is this?” Jace says out loud.

  “This is so boring!” Brianna says, her knees nearly buckling from the boredom of it all.

  “Our songs were soooo much better,” Evan says, rolling his eyes.

  Travis and Lauren begin to laugh as the children comment one after the other about the length of the song, the sheer drudgery of watching two people slow dance, and how one child’s pants are too tight and he’s ready to go home.

  “When do we get to dance with her?” Luke asks, tapping Travis on the back. “You said she’d come back to us, remember?”

  Travis looks over his shoulder at him. “I thought I’d at least have her to myself this one day.” The guests boom with laughter as Luke shakes his head and steps in to dance with Lauren. Not to be left alone, Travis reaches for Maddie’s hand and lifts her up to finish the dance with him.

  “You are bringing her back, right, Mr. T.?” Maddie asks as he dances her around the living room.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” he says. “There’s no way I could keep Lauren away from you kids.”

  Miriam plays upbeat music so all the kids can dance with Travis and Lauren, and Amy rests her head on Gabe’s shoulder, watching them. “What a difference a year can make in somebody’s life,” she says.

  “A year?” Gabe says. “What a difference a few weeks make!” He kisses her forehead and steps to Maddie, bowing to ask for a dance. He lifts her onto his feet and dances her around the room as Amy watches, beaming. This reception is perfectly loud and boisterous and the opposite of what Miriam had in mind, but she also can’t help smiling as she watches.

  To Miriam’s dismay, during the cutting of the cake, the bride and groom each shove cake pieces in the other’s face, making her grimace and the guests cheer, but she’s ready with hand wipes to clean up the mess so the cake can be cut up and distributed to the guests according to her time chart of events.

  Two hours later, many of the guests leave before Lauren and Travis open their gifts. The generosity begins to overwhelm Lauren and she waves her hand in front of her face, attempting to hold back the tears. “You didn’t have much on your wedding registry at the store,” Marshall says. “So I had Judy and some of the other women at the store beef it up with everything you need to start a home. And I’m happy to report that everything was purchased.”

  “I don’t know what…” She stops, looking at the boxed set of dishes in her hand. “You didn’t have to do…”

  “We wanted to, babe,” Gloria says.

  Lauren begins to cry and Dalton yells out, “Watch out, everybody! She’s got fake eyelashes on!” Lauren throws a wad of wrapping paper at him.

  As the music, food, and party continue, Gabe and Travis carry the gifts upstairs to keep in Gloria’s spare room until Travis and Lauren return from their honeymoon. As they stack the last of the gifts on the floor, Gabe realizes that the time is nearing for Travis and Lauren to leave and he extends his hand. “Congratulations again! You both will be very happy.”

  “And so will you,” Travis says. Gabe isn’t following him. “You and Amy.” Gabe shifts on his feet, sticking his hands inside his pockets. “I see it, Gabe. Everybody sees it. You love her.”

  Gabe smiles. “I know.”

  “And she loves you.”

  Gabe nods. “She does. I never thought it could happen again. But she does.” They walk out of the bedroom and keep their voices low as they walk down the stairs, where Amy and Maddie are looking up at them. Travis turns to whisper something to Gabe and Amy notices a small smile lift Gabe’s face.

  “What was that all about?” she asks when he reaches the bottom step.

  “We just finished taking the gifts up to the room,” Gabe says.

  “What was Travis whispering? Are you two up to something?”

  Maddie looks up at Gabe, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, wh
at were you whispering? I’m never allowed to whisper in class. It’s rude.”

  “Maybe it’s a secret and we’re not supposed to know,” Amy says to Maddie.

  “A secret?” Miriam says, gathering dishes from the living room. “Tell me! I love secrets.”

  “We can’t tell you,” Maddie says. “It’s Mr. G.’s secret.”

  Travis watches Gabe’s face and laughs. “You started this!” Gabe says, shaking his head.

  “What did he start?” Lauren says, walking near to hug Travis from behind.

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Miriam says. “It appears a mystery surrounds your husband and Gabe.”

  The room has grown smaller as Gloria and Marshall, Dalton and Heddy, Stacy and her family, Gabe’s parents, and others gather close. “What’s happening?” Gloria asks.

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Miriam says. “Whatever it is, it’s not on my time chart!”

  Travis bends forward, chuckling, almost sorry that he has put Gabe in this position. “Sorry, everybody. I just made an observation and said something off-the-cuff to Gabe. I didn’t mean to get him in hot water.”

  “What did you say?” Lauren asks.

  Travis looks at Gabe, wondering if he has permission to say it, but Gabe’s eyes are on the floor.

  Gabe waves his hand to keep Travis from saying anything else. He looks at Amy. “He said, ‘What are you waiting for? You know you want Amy as your wife. Why don’t you ask her?’”


  Amy gasps as Gabe reaches for her hand and Maddie’s eyes widen. “I’m not worthy to have you as my wife again, Amy. I know that. I’m not worthy of the happiness you bring me, or worthy of the way you make me feel by just entering a room that I’m in. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but somehow I’m standing here with the possibility of you in my life forever and I can only see that as God’s favor.” Tears flow over Amy’s hand and she laughs as Gabe gets down on one knee. “Amy Denison, I’m not the man I was. I hope you know that.” She nods, laughing through the tears. “And I promise you that I will try to be a better man every day of my life with you. I promise that I will be the husband you’ve prayed for.” He pauses and she puts her other hand on top of his. “Would you be my wife again?”


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