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The Boss

Page 2

by J. L. Perry

  “Yes, you’re right,” Ethan says to his wife, with a nod of his head. Has he lost his damn mind? “He’ll look after her. He always has.”

  Hello! Is anyone listening to me? This is a bad idea. A huge motherfucking catastrophe.

  Monday comes around way too fast. I always arrive at work early. I use this time to catch up on my emails and prepare for the week ahead. This morning my head hasn’t been in the game. I’m on edge. I haven’t done a damn thing, except pace back and forth.

  I tried my best to stop this, but in the end, I was outvoted, three to one. Whose company is this anyway?

  “Good morning, Mr Williams.”

  Mr Williams? She’s never called me that before. It’s always been Harry or Giant. That’s her comeback for me calling her Shrimp. She’s four-foot-seven, so my six-foot-three frame, towers over hers.

  Spinning around to face the door, I almost swallow my tongue when I see her. She’s wearing a high-waisted tight fitting skirt that stops just above her knees. It hugs her body perfectly. I can see a hint of white lace protruding from underneath her white silk blouse. She looks like an angel. A sinfully, hot as hell angel. The thin red belt around her tiny waist matches her sexy red heels. She’s sex on legs, a walking fucking wet dream.

  I swear I’m holding my breath as my eyes drink her in. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck, and the red rimmed glasses she’s wearing not only frame her beautiful blue eyes perfectly, they turn me the hell on. She has this naughty librarian thing going on and it instantly has my mind going into overdrive. I picture her releasing her long blonde locks from where they’re being held captive, and imagine her shaking her head from side to side as her hair comes loose and cascades down her lean back. I shake my head and suppress a growl as I try to bring my mind out of the gutter and back into reality. What in the hell is wrong with me? Like always, she’s playing the starring role in one of my many fantasies. This shit has to stop.

  When my eyes finally meet hers, I find her smiling. Did she just witness me checking her out? Thank fuck she can’t read minds. I’d be in deep shit if she could. Having her here is going to be harder than I thought.

  Clearing my throat, I tug at the tie around my neck as I take a step closer. I’m suddenly feeling claustrophobic. “You don’t need to call me, Mr Williams, Han.”

  “What did your other Secretaries call you?”

  “Mr Williams,” I chuckle.

  She looks up at me from beneath her glasses and I’m pretty sure my heart just skipped a beat. I could drown in those damn eyes of hers. “Well, Mr Williams it is then.”

  “I’d feel stupid hearing you call me that.”

  “Only in the office,” she replies with a smile. “Outside of here, you’ll still be Giant, my brother’s pesky friend, or just plain old Harry.”

  “Your brother’s pesky friend, hey?” I say, pulling her into a headlock.

  “Yes,” she laughs.

  “Take that back, Shrimp.”

  “Okay. Only mildly pesky . . . and only on occasions.”

  We’re both laughing when I release her. She’s like no other woman I know. Things are so easy around her, just like breathing.

  “So now we’ve got that established, where do you want me to start?” I smile when she eagerly rubs her hands together. I like her enthusiasm.

  “Come, your desk is out here.” The thought of moving her desk into my office, flashes through my mind. That would be asking for trouble; trouble I don’t need.

  Placing my hand on the small of her back, I lead her out to reception. Once she’s seated, I get her to log onto the computer. “I have a conference this afternoon, I’m going to need you to make sure all the files are in order. I’ll also need you to print out copies of my presentation, for them to follow.”

  “That sounds like something I could do.”

  “Click on the Jensen merger file,” I say, leaning forward to point to it on the screen. I inhale a large breath when her fruity, yet flowery, smell invades my senses.

  “Did you just sniff me?”

  “What? No.” Standing to full height, I clear my throat. “Why would I sniff you?” I deadpan. Jesus. I’m starting to look like some kind of sniffing freak. In my defence, she shouldn’t smell so good. I need to get my shit together if I’m going to come out the other end of this unscathed.

  “Okay. No need to get so defensive. I thought I heard you sniff.”

  “Nope. No sniffing. I definitely didn’t sniff you.” I’m such a damn liar. I so sniffed her.

  “Okay. You didn’t sniff me,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “Relax. Geez. It’s no big deal.”

  “I’ll email you a list of jobs that need doing this morning. After lunch, you’ll need to set up the boardroom for my presentation.”

  With that, I turn and head back into my office. I need distance.

  It’s safer.

  It’s just after one when I stroll back into my office. I have a good twenty minutes before I need to make my way to the conference room for my meeting. Hanna has been on the ball all morning and done everything I asked of her. I spent that time going over the pile of resumes on my desk. The quicker I find a replacement, the better off we’ll all be. Although she’s perfect for the job, and both efficient and diligent. I’m not going to mention how damn beautiful she looks sitting in my reception area. But I can’t have her here.

  I’m surprised when I don’t find Hanna sitting back behind her desk when I enter. I left her in the boardroom when I headed out to lunch, but she was almost finished setting up.

  My office door is open, so I just presume she’s in there. Entering, my eyes scan the room, but I don’t see her. When I hear, “Shit, shit, shit,” coming from my private bathroom, I head in that direction.

  I’m stopped in my tracks the moment I reach the doorway. There stands the object of my every fantasy, bending over the wash basin wearing only that sexy as fuck skirt, and a white lace bra. The sight has my cock jumping in my pants.

  “Hanna,” I say, but it comes out in a strangled groan.

  “Shit.” Spinning around, she faces me. Bad move. Now I have a full-frontal view and as much as I want to look away I can’t. My eyes lock onto her tits, and don’t move. Fuck me. I swear, if I could suffocate myself in her cleavage I’d die a happy man.

  It’s not until I hear her throat clear, that my eyes snap up to her face. Her amused smirk tells me she just witnessed me checking out her rack. I’d have to be blind not to. I’m teetering on the edge of hell here, and if she doesn’t cover up soon I may commit the ultimate sin. I’ve already spent half the morning picturing her bent over my desk.

  I’m surprised that she makes no effort to cover herself, but I on the other hand I stay strong. I will my eyes to remain focused on her face. I’m struggling and, as the seconds tick by, I’m losing all resolve.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I spilt coffee on my blouse. I’m trying to wash it out before the meeting starts, but it’s not budging.” Shoving my hands into the pockets of my pants, I avert my gaze to the ceiling. I can’t trust my eyes not to betray me. “I can’t go into the meeting wearing only this.”

  She’s right, she can’t. I honestly wouldn’t mind, but I’d probably get violent if the others ogled her. Actually, I know I would. That’s not going to help this deal go through.

  Hanna is two years younger than me and Ethan. When we were in high school, I was the one who scared away the guys that were sniffing around. Anyone who showed the slightest bit of interest in her, was on my radar. Ethan thought I was doing it for him, you know, looking after his little sister and all that, but in reality, I was doing it for my own reasons. I didn’t want anyone else to have her. I know that’s wrong when I couldn’t have her either, but I’m selfish like that. Since I don’t have much, I’m protective over what’s mine. Well, she’s mine in my head, in reality she’s not even close.

  “Put this on,” I say, removing my suit ja
cket. “I can’t concentrate when you’re dressed like that.”

  She laughs as she takes it from my hand. “It’s just a bra. It’s not like you haven’t seen me in a bikini before.” Oh, I’ve seen her in a bikini—that’s what started this damn obsession.

  “Just put it on,” I snap.

  “Wow. Easy there, tiger. I’m sure you’ve seen women more scantily dressed before. Actually, I know you have.” My eyes snap to hers when she says that last part. Is it wishful thinking, or did she sound a touch hurt, and possibly bitter, over her knowledge of my previous conquests? It’s no secret I’ve been around, but I’m not a total manwhore. I will call the next day and I’m even capable of dating, just not long term. Without speaking, she does as she’s told. “I can’t wear this jacket to the meeting either.”

  My eyes travel down the length of her body. My jacket is sitting mid-thigh. She looks sexy wearing my clothes, even if she’s practically drowning in it. But she’s right, she can’t wear that. Think Williams, think. Looking down at my watch, I see we have less than a quarter of an hour. There’s no time to buy her a replacement, and I need her in there with me.

  “I have an idea,” I say as I spin around and head back into my office. Heading for the wooden panelling along the back wall, I push on the one that hides my small built-in robe. I always have spare shirts and suits here. There’s been many a time I pulled an all-nighter. That’s why I had a private bathroom installed, so I can shower. My leather couch came equipped with a pull-out sofa bed.

  Removing one of the crisp white shirts from its hanger, I head back into the bathroom. “Put this on.”

  I turn my back, giving her time to get dressed. “I can’t wear this,” she whines a few minutes later. “I look ridiculous.”

  She’s right, she does. Like the jacket, the shirt sits mid-thigh, and the sleeves are so long they cover her hands. “Come here,” I command, and she closes the distance between us. I hold my breath so I’m not tempted to sniff her again. She’s already caught me out twice.

  I set about rolling the sleeves up until they sit just below her elbows. Her breathing becomes rapid and I try not to focus on the rise and fall of her chest. The close proximity of our bodies is too much. “Take your belt off and wrap it around your waist.” When she does, I pull the shirt up and over the belt slightly to help bring up the length. “There,” I say proudly.

  “I still look ridiculous.”

  “No, you don’t, you look hot.” The words are out of my mouth before I even register what I’ve said.

  I hear her gasp. “You think I look hot?” If she was wearing a paper bag, she’d look beautiful to me.

  I can’t even bring myself to look her in the eye. I’m such a coward. My gaze moves down to my watch instead. “Fuck, look at the time. We should get going.”

  Yep, I’m definitely going to hell.

  I’ve managed to hide this obsession I have with her for years. But in a matter of a few short days, I seem to be slipping. It was easy to lust for her from afar, but having her so close, and her intoxicating smell around me, was bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

  I’ve caught her watching me over the past few days. There’s something about the way she looks at me. I’ve never noticed it before; is she lusting over me too? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

  Then there’s the occasional touches. Like this morning. She brought a coffee into my office. It was just the way I like, or maybe it tasted great because she’d made it. After she handed it to me, she reached out and grabbed hold of my bicep. “You have great arms, Mr Williams,” she said. I swear there was a twinkle in her eye as she spoke. What the fuck was that all about? If she’s trying to break me, it’s working.

  I thought I’d hate hearing her call me by my last name, but it’s growing on me fast. I’d like to hear her say it while she’s under me. Fuck me harder, Mr Williams. That would be something.

  I’ve been pouring over the resumes on my desk, but nobody catches my eye. Maybe subconsciously it’s because nobody could replace Hanna. I want her here, but on the other hand I don’t. It’s just too risky. Ethan would kill me if I laid even a finger on his little sister. I don’t want to do anything that will jeopardise our friendship. I’d be lost without it.

  I reach for the receiver on my phone when it buzzes. “There’s a Mr Jenkins, from The Jenkins Corporation, on the line,” Hanna says. “He wants to reschedule his appointment next week.”

  “Fine, put him through. Can you bring in the diary?”

  “Alex, how are you?” I say when I take the call. I look up and smile at Hanna as she enters my office. “Thank you,” I mouth to her when she lays the diary down in front of me. Nodding, she grins as she runs her hand affectionately down my arm. It sends all the blood in my body rushing straight to my cock. Again, with the fucking touching. What is up with that?

  “I’m not so good,” he replies. I clear my throat and try to concentrate on the job at hand. His reply has me instantly on edge. He was supposed to be flying in from Queensland next week, to sign off on the new office block I’ve just finished building for his company. Although my business is based in Sydney, I have my scouts looking for property all over the country. I’d be crazy to limit myself to just here. “I twisted my knee yesterday during a round of golf, and I’ve just gotten back from the doctors. Apparently, I’ve done some ligament damage which will require surgery.”

  “Christ. That’s no good.”

  “It’s certainly not what I need as we prepare to move the company to our new building. That’s why I’m calling, I’m not going to be able to make it to Sydney next week.” Fuck. I have all the papers ready to go. All I need is his damn signature. “My doc says I’ll be out of action for a few weeks at least.” I’m pulled from my thoughts momentarily as my eyes move to Hanna as she leaves the room. The intoxicating swing of her hips has me hypnotised. “Are you still there?”

  “Yes. Sorry, I’m still here,” I say. I see a smile play on Hanna’s lips as she turns to close the door of my office as she leaves. Did she purposely put on that little show? I’m confused. Is she openly flirting with me now, or is it just my overactive imagination. Either way, it’s messing with my damn head.

  “Fuck,” I mumble to myself as I place my suitcase in the trunk of my car. Is the universe fucking with me or what? I thought spending my days, from nine to five, with Hanna was bad enough, now we’re jetting off to Queensland for the weekend so I can get this contract signed.

  I don’t even know why I invited her along. I made up some bullshit about needing her to assist me. It was a total lie. How hard is it to drive to your client’s house and get him to sign a piece of paper? Actually, I don’t even need to drive because Alex is sending a car to my hotel to pick me up. I guess I like torturing myself, because I didn’t even hesitate in asking her, the words just fell out of my mouth. What’s even worse, she said yes without even thinking about it. Silly girl. If she knew the kind of thoughts I have about her, she’d be running in the other direction.

  I rest my head on the steering wheel when I pull into Ethan’s driveway. Hanna is staying here with her brother because her parents are away on an eight-week tour of Europe. We’re flying out at 10.45am. The flight will only take just over an hour, so we’ll be there around lunch time. Alex has invited us over to his place for dinner tonight, so we can sign the contract while we’re there.

  I take a few deep breaths and try to calm the erratic beating of my heart before I exit the car. I’m not sure how Ethan is going to react to the news of his little sister coming away with me. Yes, it’s work related, but he of all people knows my history with women. If he’s not concerned about this weekend, then he should be.

  “Hey,” I say to him as I enter the house. He extends his arm from where he’s sitting on the sofa, and I fist bump him before taking the seat beside him.

  “So, what’s the go with this weekend?”

  I shrug, trying my best to act cool. “What do you mean?
It’s business.”

  “The way Hanna was carrying on when she got home from work last night, you’d think you two were going on a romantic getaway, or some shit. She spent the entire morning shopping with my wife, looking for new clothes to take away with her.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “It’s not a romantic getaway, is it?” he asks. I bow my head when he looks at me sceptically.

  “What? Fuck no.” Although it’s the truth, I still feel like I’m lying to my best friend? “Women just do shit like that . . . you know what they’re like. Any excuse to shop.”

  “You’re right,” he chuckles. “Make sure you keep an eye on her while you’re in Queensland.”

  “I will.”

  “You’re not sharing a room, are you?”

  “No. Definitely not.” That would be suicidal on my part. “I had Shrimp make all the arrangements.”

  “Good, because even though I love you like a brother, it would pain me to have to kick your arse if you touched her.”

  I exhale a large breath and pinch the bridge of my nose. “She’s safe with me.” Is she safe with me? How come I don’t even believe my own words?

  I settle back into the sofa as an awkward silence falls over us. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I get the feeling Ethan sees straight through my lies. It must be my guilty conscience, because I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t let this go any further if he doubted what I was saying.

  A few minutes later the girls enter the room. I sit forward in my seat when Hanna comes into view. Fuck, I’m a goner. She looks breathtaking. Her long blonde locks are falling across her shoulders and down her back. She’s added some loose curls today, which I love. What I wouldn’t give to run my fingers through it. It’s something I’ve thought about doing for years. Without even touching it I know it’s soft. I can tell. There’s even a touch of makeup on her pretty face, which I’ve only ever seen her wear once, and that was at Ethan and Michelle’s wedding.

  I’m grinning as my eyes roam down her body. She’s wearing an off the shoulder white top that accentuates her perfect rack, and there’s a sheer tan scarf hanging loosely around her neck. She’s paired it with dark, skin tight, denim jeans and long, brown knee-length boots.


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