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The Boss

Page 5

by J. L. Perry

  “I think you’re overreacting here. Ethan adores you. He’ll probably be shocked, but I think he’ll get over it.” I sigh as I look down at my lap. He’s going to be more than shocked. I know him well enough to know that. He’s always been protective over her. “Look at me?” she demands. “If that’s what you really want, then okay. I want to be with you, any way I can have you.”

  Relief floods through me. I want to be with her so much. This weekend has given me so much more than I ever thought it would.

  Reaching across the centre console, I pull her into my arms. “I don’t want to lose my friendship with Ethan, but I don’t want to lose you either.”

  “I’m here for as long as you’ll have me,” she says, brushing her lips against mine.

  I want to tell her that’s probably going to be forever, but I don’t.

  I swallow nervously when Michelle enters my office, locking the door behind her. “So,” she says, stalking her way towards me. Quickly bowing my head, I get back to going over the figures in front of me, or pretending to. I’m worried if I look at her long enough she’ll see straight through me. “Ethan was concerned you didn’t come in yesterday afternoon when you dropped Hanna off.”

  “I was tired,” I reply, without making eye contact with her.

  “Really? Why? Did Hanna wear you out?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, when she comes to sit on the side of my desk.

  “Come on, Harrison. Don’t play coy with me.”

  “Don’t you have work to do?” I ask as my eyes quickly dart up to meet hers.

  “You know Hanna and I are close, right. We tell each other everything.” Her words instantly have me on edge. I hope Hanna didn’t tell Michelle what happened between us. I specifically asked her not to when I dropped her off yesterday, and she promised me she wouldn’t.

  “That’s nice,” is all I say, trying to act unaffected by her comment.

  “She was so secretive when she got home. That instantly made me suspicious. That and the fact she was practically giddy.”

  “That’s nice,” I repeat.

  “Something happened, didn’t it? I’m not stupid.” I reach up and loosen my tie when she leans towards me. I suddenly feel like I’m choking under her watchful gaze. “Come on Harrison. We’re family, you can tell me.”

  I’m not telling her jackshit. I trust her, but I don’t want her keeping a secret of this magnitude from her husband. This is huge and can only end badly for everyone involved. I clear my throat before I answer. I hate lying to the people I care about. Actually, I hate lying period. I may be a shrewd business man, but I’ve always prided myself on my honesty.

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  I see her cross her arms over her chest out of the corner of my eye. “Huh,” she says, standing. “I don’t believe you. You can’t even look at me.”

  “I’m trying to crunch these numbers and you’re distracting me. So, if you don’t mind . . .” I flick my hand towards the door.

  “Fine,” she says, turning and leaving in a huff. The second she closes the door behind her, I lean back in my chair, scrubbing my hands over my face. Keeping this a secret isn’t going to be easy. Especially with super sleuth on the case.

  A few minutes later the door to my office opens again. Initially I think it’s Michelle, coming back to interrogate me again. She’s as stubborn as all hell. I know her well; she won’t let this go so easy.

  My grim expression is immediately replaced with a smile when I find my girl standing in the doorway. She looks as beautiful as ever. We texted each other all afternoon after I dropped her at home yesterday, and then she called me before she went to bed. Is it crazy that I missed not having her with me last night? Because I did. I lay awake for hours thinking about her.

  “Good morning, Mr Williams.”

  We agreed last night to keeping things professional at work. I’m already regretting that decision. I’m itching to pull her into my arms.

  “Good morning, Miss Scott.”

  “I brought you a coffee,” she says as she makes her way towards my desk. “I made it just the way you like.”

  She’s wearing black rimmed glasses today. Christ, she looks sexy. And her hair is down, just the way I like it. I want to run my fingers through it.

  She leans forward as she places the mug on my desk, giving me a glimpse of not only her spectacular cleavage, but the pink lace camisole underneath her pink satin blouse. My dick immediately comes to life.

  I see a smile playing on her lips when I finally peel my eyes away from her chest. She’s a vixen, she’s doing this on purpose. There’s a hint of pink gloss on her luscious full lips, and I want to kiss her so bad right now. When our eyes finally meet, I can see she’s struggling too. The pull between us is strong, even I can see that.

  Our eyes remain locked for the longest time until she finally stands to full height. “What do you need me to do today, boss?”

  Take your clothes off and bend over my desk, is my first thought.

  I clear my throat before I speak. “I’ll email you a list of what I need done in a few minutes.” What I really need is her to leave my office before I cave.

  Not only is it unprofessional of me to carry on this affair at work, it’s dangerous with Michelle hovering around. I can’t risk her finding out. I’m not ready to go public with our relationship yet.

  “Okay, you’re the boss.” To my relief, she turns and starts walking towards the door. I groan when my eyes fixate on that intoxicating little swing in her hips. She’s so damn sexy.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she winks before closing the door behind her. I lean back into my chair, running my fingers through my hair. Fuck. This is going to be so much harder than I thought. Why does everything sound so easy in theory?

  I’ve managed to avoid Hanna for most of the day by locking myself away in my office. I even snuck out and grabbed something to eat while she was on her lunch break, so I wouldn’t have to see her. It’s killing me, but it’s the only way.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I see it’s just after four. The day is almost over. I’m proud of myself for making it this far. I’ve barely been able to concentrate all day.

  The moment I place my phone down on my desk it dings, alerting me that I have a message. Picking it up, I see it’s from Hanna.

  Hanna: Can I see you tonight? I miss you.

  I exhale a large breath. I want to see her, but how? I can’t go to Ethan’s, that’s too risky.

  Me: I miss you, too.

  It’s the truth, I do. Thoughts of her have been consuming me.

  Hanna: Well, can I?

  Me: I’ll be working back tonight. I have to get these figures done.

  Hanna: I can stay back and help you.

  I chuckle to myself at her reply.

  Me: If you do that, I’ll never get any work done.

  Hanna: What about when you’re finished?

  Me: I can’t come to your place, it’s too risky.

  That’s because I’m a fucking coward and don’t want to confront her brother. We’ve been mates for most of my life. He’ll see straight through me. I know it.

  Hanna: I can come to yours . . .

  Me: And what will you tell your brother? You know he’s going to ask.

  Hanna: That I’m going out with friends. I’m an adult, Harry. He has no say in what I do.

  Fuck. I scrub my hand over my face. This is going to get messy, I know it.

  Me: I don’t want you lying to him, Hanna.

  I wait for her reply, but it doesn’t come. I hate that we’re in this position.

  A few minutes later my head snaps up when my office door opens. Of course, it’s her. I don’t want her to feel like I’m giving her the brush off, because I’m not. This is all my fault. I hate the fact that we’re deceiving everyone; it doesn’t sit well with me.

  My eyes follow her every move. I have no idea what she’s going to say or do. Closing the d
oor, she manoeuvres her body in front of it. I hear the lock click as a smile spreads across her face. What’s she up to?

  Her gaze is firmly fixed on me as she saunters towards me. Instead of stopping if front of my desk, she makes her way around to my side. It has me swallowing hard. I’m not used to this, I’m usually the one in control. As much as it makes me feel uneasy, the anticipation of what she’s about to do is also turning me the hell on.

  It’s not until she’s standing beside me, that I notice the pencil in her hand. Christ, is she gonna stab me with it? Maybe I misinterpreted this whole situation.

  “Oops,” she says, purposely dropping the pencil under my desk. I chuckle as I roll my chair back, bending to retrieve it. “Don’t.” She puts her hand on my chest, stopping me. “I’ll get it.”

  The smile on her face grows as she gets down on her knees and crawls under my desk. That’s when I realise I haven’t misinterpreted her visit at all. Well, I fucking hope I haven’t.

  I find it hard to comprehend that the woman of my dreams is on her knees under my desk. I’ve seriously hit the jackpot with this one. The mischief that dances in her eyes has my heart beating out of my chest.

  Without speaking a word, her hand reaches for the buckle on my belt. Common sense tells me I should stop this before it goes any further, but fuck that. I’m not stopping shit. No fucking way. If she’s doing what I hope she’s about to do, I’ll be able to cross another one of my fantasies about her off my list.

  I growl when she licks her lips and goes to work on the button and zip of my trousers—seriously, she’s too good to be true. “I’ve been thinking about doing this all day,” she says, freeing my cock from my pants. “All day . . .”

  “Hanna,” I breathe as her face inches towards me. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, too.”

  “You have a beautiful cock, Mr Williams.” Her eyes are fixated on my dick as she wraps her hand around its girth, stroking it. Jesus, if she keeps talking like that, this is going to be over before it’s even begun. I groan and thread my fingers into her hair as she swirls her tongue around the crown. “Mmm,” she moans as she takes me deep into her throat. It sends vibrations radiating down the length of my cock.

  I’ve had plenty of blowjobs in my time, but fuck me . . . her mouth . . . it’s amazing. I don’t even want to think where she learnt to suck cock like this. Just the thought of it has my blood pressure rising. She’s far from the sweet and innocent girl I thought she was, but I’m not complaining. I love this side of her.

  “Sweet Jesus,” I growl as she works me over with her mouth, tongue, and her hand. “I’m gonna blow.”

  I try to pull her head back, but she doesn’t budge. My orgasm hits so hard and fast, I don’t even get a chance to protest. She doesn’t stop her assault until she’s milked every last drop from me.

  Sliding my hands under her arms, I drag her up my body. As soon as her face is in reach, I crash my lips against hers. I’ve been dying to taste her all day. I said I wanted to keep things professional at work, but all bets are off now.

  I need her.

  I want her.

  I crave her.

  Picking up the receiver on my desk, I dial one. “Can I see you in my office, Miss Scott?”

  “I’ll be right in, Mr Williams,” she replies, almost breathlessly. She knows as well as I do what this is about. A few moments later she appears in the doorway. “You wanted to see me?” She’d better believe it. She’s all I damn well think about these days.

  I crook my finger and motion her towards my desk. This has now turned into an everyday thing. It’s been ten days since we returned from Queensland, and I’m still yet to face Ethan. He’s been blowing up my phone multiple times a day. We’ve never gone this long without seeing each other. I fucking miss him, but I can’t bring myself to see him face to face. I’m worried that the guilt I’m feeling from sneaking around with his sister behind his back will be my undoing.

  He knows me better than anyone, so he’ll notice. He’s even pulled me up a few times on the phone, saying I sound weird. The walls are closing in and it’s only a matter of time before they crush me and everything I hold dear.

  I push those thoughts out of my mind. I have a more pressing matter to deal with at the moment. “Place your hands on the desk,” I command, rising from my chair and making my way around to her. She does exactly as I ask.

  I hate that this is what’s become of us. Sneaking around like a pair of naughty teenagers. We’re adults for fuck’s sake. I’m falling deeper and deeper with every passing day. She deserves so much more than what I’m currently giving her, so much fucking more. I wish I could take her on dates and home with me in the evenings. I want her pretty face to be the last thing I see before I close my eyes at night and the first thing I see when I open them in the morning. I want to hold her hand when we walk down the street and show the world she’s mine. I want it all with her, which says so much.

  I’ve never wanted any of that until now. She’s enriched me, and my life, in so many ways. I need to grow some damn balls and tell Ethan once and for all.

  I come to a stop behind her, my chest lightly pressing against her back. I can feel her body trembling from the anticipation of what’s to come. The chemistry between us scorching. Like nothing I’ve ever known before. I love the effect I have on her.

  I trail a path with my nose from her shoulder, up and along her neck, coming to a stop at the base of her hair line. Even now she’s mine for keeps. I’m still addicted to her fruity yet flowery scent. I love it.

  “You’re sniffing me again,” she whispers as she leans her head on my shoulder.

  “Never,” I chuckle. I’ll never admit to that. I suck her earlobe into my mouth as my hands glide over her hips before snaking around her torso. “I can’t wait to see what you’re wearing under this sexy as fuck skirt today.”

  Every day she’s worn different lingerie for me. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning each time I unwrap her. I don’t think she has any idea, but she undoes me on so many levels. She’s on my mind from the time I wake, until the time I go to sleep. Even then I dream about her. I’m consumed.

  She lifts one of her hands off the desk, threading it into my hair. Turning her face sidewards, her lips connect with mine. My cock is already rock hard and my need to be inside her little piece of heaven is overwhelming.

  I savour the feeling of her lips against mine briefly, before pulling out of the kiss. I move my hands down her legs, sliding her skirt up until it sits around her waist. A primal growl erupts from deep inside my chest as I take a step back and drink her in. She’s so beautiful. So damn beautiful.

  My eyes travel up the length of her sexy lean legs. Today she’s wearing black stockings that stop mid-thigh. There’s a line of lace around the top that’s connected to a black suspender belt. This woman blows my fucking mind. The tiny black satin panties she’s wearing sit low on her hips. They’re covered in small red hearts, and there’s a tiny red bow that sits in the centre, just above the curve of her luscious arse cheeks. She’s sex on legs. A walking fucking wet dream.

  When my gaze moves further upwards, I find her watching me over her shoulder. There’s a sweet smile on her face. “You like?” she asks.

  “I fucking love,” I reply, stepping forward. My lips crash into hers like a starved man, as my hand slides around her waist, slipping into the front of her panties. Christ, I love that she’s already wet for me.

  She moans into my mouth as my fingers circle her clit. The feelings I have for her are so strong they scare me. I don’t want to lose her, but I’m scared once Ethan finds out that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

  “Harrison,” she whimpers, when I slide two fingers deep inside her. I’ll never tire of hearing her say my name like that. I’ll never tire of her, period.

  “Come for me, beautiful,” I whisper against her ear. I know it won’t take long, she’s powerless to my touch. “That’s it, fuck my fingers, sweetheart.” M
y cock is so hard; it strains painfully against my trousers.

  Like I anticipated, I have her coming undone in a matter of minutes. When her body goes limp, and her legs threaten to give way from underneath her, I use my free hand to hold her upright.

  As soon as she finds her feet again, I drop my hands and take a step backwards before falling to my knees. I nip at her exposed arse cheeks as I unclasp the suspender belt from her stockings. The moment I’m done, I don’t waste any time as I slide her panties slowly down her legs. I’m already unzipping my pants and freeing my cock as I stand. I’m a desperate man. I need to be buried balls deep inside her.

  Using my knee, I spread her legs as far as the panties around her ankles will allow. “Oh God,” she moans as I glide my cock through her wetness. “I love the way you make my body feel, Harry.” She’s the only one I’ve ever gone bareback with, and the only one I ever want to do this with. It feels amazing . . . she feels amazing.

  My fingers dig into her hips as I slide the tip inside and pause. She already has me on the edge. We moan in unison when I push all the way in, filling her completely. Her pussy hugs my dick perfectly. It fits like a glove.

  “Let me take you out to dinner after work, Han,” I whisper into her ear as I slowly pull back before burying myself inside her again. My time with her is so limited and I hate that. I need more, I’ll always need more where she’s concerned.

  I drape my arm around Hanna’s shoulder, pulling her into my side. “Dinner was nice,” she says, smiling up at me. “I wish we could do this more often.”

  So do I.

  She slides her arm around my waist and rests her head on my chest as we stroll back to my car. I chose to take her to a restaurant about a twenty-minute drive from where we live. Purely because I’m a gutless prick and didn’t want to run into anyone that may alert Ethan. Something’s gotta give. I can’t keep going on like this . . . we can’t keep going on like this. The longer it takes for me to confess, the harder it seems to come clean.


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