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The Temporary Wife: A Forever Love Story (InterMix)

Page 11

by Jeannie Moon

  “I dream about you. Since I first saw you last month, I’ve dreamed about you every night, but no dream prepared me for the reality of you.”

  Meg couldn’t speak, but brought a hand up to Jason’s face, arched her body up, and kissed him. It wasn’t a deep kiss, but one that let him know she was his, and only his.

  The past, the future, their families, the other people in their lives, nothing mattered in this moment but the two of them.

  His lips grazed her lips again, then her jaw and neck, leaving a trail until he reached her breasts. Jason pulled back and smiled as he passed one hand over each nipple and watched them pebble and peak. Then the torture began when his mouth came down and took one in. Meg sucked in a breath at the sensation and held his head as he pulled her into his mouth. It was heaven, pure heaven, with the heat rising in her core and moving out to all parts of her body.

  He switched to the other side and she gasped again, and a little smile flickered in his eyes.

  “Oh, Jason,” she whispered.

  “Not quite a scream, but that’ll do for one.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arms around him, enjoying the lightness she felt in her heart. When was the last time she had laughed with a partner? Maybe when she was sixteen and lying in his arms in the boathouse while he told her bad jokes? Had it been that long?

  He stretched out above her and stroked the hair away from her face. “I love seeing you like this,” he said.

  Meg smiled and kissed him. “How is that? Naked?”

  “No.” He kissed her again, and she felt his hand stroke her damp center. “I love seeing you happy.”

  “Oh, well if you keep doing that, I’m going to be real happy, real soon.”

  “Yeah?” His grin was wicked and grew wider as he slipped first one finger and then another inside her. “I’m counting on it.”

  Meg couldn’t help it; her body ground against him, and the orgasm ripped through her almost immediately. “Oh . . . oh! Oh, my God.”

  She didn’t know how long it took her to settle exactly, but when she did, he was looking at her again, completely pleased with himself. “You get the most amazing look on your face when you come.”

  Meg stretched her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. She felt his erection, hot and smooth against her tummy, and all she wanted was for him to be inside her, moving, putting that look he loved on her face again.

  “You should know,” she said while nibbling his ear, “that I had a checkup and there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m also on the pill.”

  “I’m fine, too,” he said. “But I’ll use protection if you want.”

  “I want to feel you inside me,” she said in his ear. “Just you.”

  Her hands traveled down his smooth back and cupped his rear, urging him forward, and as he nestled between her legs, Meg saw something flicker in his eyes, something familiar, something from long ago that she never thought she’d see again. And as Jason entered her, slowly to allow her to adjust to his size, his face was bliss. Pure bliss.

  They’d been here before, this perfect place where they came together as one and thought of nothing else but each other. The pain of old wounds slipped away, no longer mattered, and as Jason filled her completely, he called her name. And Megan felt bliss of her own.


  Meg stretched when she awoke in Jason’s bed. It was dark outside, and glancing at the clock she saw she’d been asleep for two hours. Sadly, she was alone. When she sat up, everything ached, but it was that lovely ache that came from being on the receiving end of really great sex. Really great sex.

  There was a familiarity and comfort between the two of them that Meg knew she would never have with anyone else. Jason knew her deep down, who she was and who she wanted to be, and that only came when you were with people who knew you when you were young.

  She had worried that making love with him would be awkward or tentative, but it wasn’t. It was fun, playful, and very, very hot—just like it was years ago when they didn’t think about anything but being together. When she didn’t think about anything but being with him. But all the memories were mixed with something new, with maturity and the tenderness that came when you started thinking about your lover and not yourself.

  The anger and hurt flashed for just a moment, and Meg did what she’d been doing for the past few years—she crushed it down. Now, especially, she had to let go of the feelings of anger and sadness she associated with that time in her life and with Jason and his family. Maybe the time together, maybe the intimacy, could help settle things between them. They’d have time to talk it all out, and it was possible, with all that tension diffused, they could go back to being the friends they once were.

  She stretched again, and thought about staying naked in this bed for the rest of the trip. It was like lying on a cloud of silk. Everything was smooth and luxurious, but she missed the feel of Jason’s body. His strong muscles, his smooth skin.

  She looked around the cabin for a T-shirt and found an old one from MIT in his drawer. There was also a plush terry bathrobe that had been left for her. Pulling it on over the T-shirt, Meg ventured out of the stateroom to find Jason.

  Just thinking about him made her girl parts all tingly, and after more orgasms than she could ever remember having in a year, let alone one night, she wanted him again.

  Shaking her head and laughing, Meg thought about herself in the role of nympho after three years of celibacy. He was everything she could want in a lover. Everything she’d never want to give up, but would have to because of their agreement. He didn’t do long-term relationships, because for some reason he’d convinced himself that was best. So she’d enjoy it while she could.

  Wandering through the living area, she saw a light and followed it, finding the galley and Jason sitting at the small table in a pair of baggy sweatpants and nothing else. He had a cup of coffee next to him, his laptop in front of him, and he was totally zoned out.

  “Hey,” she said softly. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “Hey.” He pulled off his reading glasses and laid them on the table. “I had to take a call about an hour ago.”

  Meg let her fingers comb through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Didn’t I see an office right off your stateroom?”

  He nodded, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “You were sleeping, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  With a slight shift of position, Meg was now standing between his knees with both Jason’s arms wrapped around her waist. It was a delicious place to be, snug and secure and close to him, but as much as she wanted to stay right here, she heard her stomach rumble and realized she was starving. Leaning in, Meg kissed him, and he took that as an invitation to pull her into his lap.

  “Are you all rested up?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I’m hungry. We missed dinner.”

  “That we did. It’s a good thing my crew is very efficient. It’s all packed up in the fridge. We just have to heat it up.”

  He kissed her again, and again, and Meg melted into him, thinking she should stand and get them both something to eat before they passed out. Sitting in his lap felt perfect, and she didn’t want him to stop kissing her, but it was time for her to exercise some self-control.

  “Jason, I need food. We both do.”

  “Hmmm. Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” With her hands on his chest, she pushed away, even though it killed her to do it. Once she was free, she moved toward the fridge.

  He smiled and winked at her, and Meg had to put another barrier up around her heart, because this man was lethal. With everyone else he was the computer nerd, a rich and gorgeous one to be sure, but that night he was her personal Prince Charming.

  “So,” she said, opening the refrigerator. “What are you hungry for?”


  His grin was positively wolfish, and Meg held up her index finger in warning. “This isn’t funny anymore. I’m growing weak.”

/>   “There’s some seafood pasta in a container in there. How about that?”

  “Perfect. Carbs and protein.”

  “Should give you lots of energy.”

  Meg shook her head. “I’m going to be crippled by the time this trip is over.” Examining the different containers, Meg found the one with the pasta and took it out. “Don’t you dare suggest that I get on a bike after what you’ve done to me.”

  “What I’ve done to you?” Rising and coming toward her, Jason grabbed her hips and moved her against the wall. Once his thighs had her locked in place, he took both her wrists and shackled them with one of his hands, extending her arms over her head.

  Goddamn, she thought. Every inch of her was on fire. Every one. Her core was throbbing, and all she could think about was getting him inside her, but if she let it happen again, she would be crippled and she’d faint from hunger.

  When she looked in his eyes, Meg saw something change. The playfulness, the fun, had left him. Instead, something slipped into Jason’s gaze that she’d seen when they made love earlier, that brought her back to a moonlit night in an open field. In that moment, he wasn’t the billionaire, he was the boy she’d loved all those years ago, the boy who, back then, owned her heart.

  Meg wiggled her hands from his grip and brought them to his face, touching his cheeks. He still owned her heart. And he would, forever, but Meg could never let him know. Never let him in. The cost to herself had been too great last time, and now she had Molly to worry about, as well. This had been an intense month, and the last couple of days showed her how easy it was to lose control of her emotions.

  As long as Jason was so guarded, so unwilling to feel anything, she had to resign herself to the fact that this relationship was finite. Meg would be with him, love him in her own way, but she would never again let herself believe he was forever.


  Jason lay awake, Meg curled against him, wondering what the hell he’d gotten himself into. Their night had been amazing, and Meg was the same as she’d always been—warm, giving, completely open—and he knew the gift she gave of herself was more than he really deserved.

  Tilting his head back, he saw the sun coming up through the stateroom window, and he was fairly sure he’d be able to give her something pretty wonderful if he could get her up and out of bed.

  He gave her a nudge, and she groaned, sniffled, and snuggled into his side. He pushed a huge lock of golden hair off her face and tried again. “Let’s go up on the deck. The sun’s coming up.”

  “It’ll come up tomorrow,” she groaned. “Can we watch then?”

  “No, come on.” He gave her a shove. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

  Meg opened one eye. “You aren’t kidding?”

  “Nope. Want me to carry you?”

  “Don’t joke about that,” she said. “It’s quite possible I can’t walk.”

  She turned away from him and moaned. “I cannot believe you aren’t letting me sleep.”

  “I haven’t slept. I’m okay.”

  Meg snorted. “You are not a normal human.”

  Jason pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and laughed. “Maybe not, but I sure did like spending the night looking at you. Come on!” He gave her rear a nice smack, admiring the pretty flower tattoo that adorned her right cheek.

  “Hey!” she squealed.

  “Get up and put on some clothes or I’m carrying you out there naked.”

  “Jason, I’m tired. Can’t you come back to bed? It’s so nice and warm.”

  “Up,” he said. He was enjoying this. Just having the ability to annoy her so thoroughly was worth it.

  He stood by the doorway, and Meg finally gave in and got out of bed. She rifled through his drawers and pulled on some very baggy pajama pants before wrapping herself in the terry robe from the night before, all while sporting a kissable pout. “This is mean.”

  “No, it’s not. Stop whining.”

  “It’s early and cold, and I’m sore.”

  Jason couldn’t take it anymore and scooped her into his arms, because he knew she was going to love this. Happily, she didn’t object and cuddled against him. His whole body warmed from the contact. No other woman got him as hot as Meg. That she was a little crazy was another issue altogether. If nothing else, the next year wouldn’t be boring.

  He couldn’t deny that he liked her. She wasn’t easy, but she was smart to the core, understanding things that flew by the very bookish people he often associated with. She had plenty of knowledge, but Meg had a sense about people that put her ahead of all the intellectuals he knew.

  He loved talking to her because of it. It had always been that way. She’d flown through her honors and AP classes in school, although she was hapless with math. Meg was the person he always wanted to talk to about a problem. She knew how to deal with people, with situations.

  When the custody issue came up, he knew she’d try to work out the problem, but this was a time she’d come up short unless she had some help. He knew it killed her that she wasn’t able to do this on her own, but he’d protect her if it was the last thing he did. His parents wouldn’t be allowed to hurt her again.

  Getting to the forward deck, he deposited his lovely bundle on a chaise made for two and covered them with a blanket he’d grabbed on their way through the living room.

  Again, she curled into him, closing her eyes and taking advantage of his body heat. It gave Jason the chance to look at her in the new morning light. Her skin, reflecting the rosy light, seemed almost translucent, and her long lashes lay dark across her cheeks. She was peaceful, and that was something he didn’t ever see in Meg. She was always on alert, always a mass of kinetic energy. To see her relaxed and calm made him feel even more protective.

  Did he give that to her? Had she just resigned herself to her life for the next year? When they separated, would he be taking it away again?

  He held her while she rested. Then, as expected, a familiar whistling sound came from the starboard side of the boat. Meg’s eyes flew open and looked up at him.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “You could go check.”

  Flinging back the blanket, Meg made her way to the rail. He heard her gasp.

  “Oh, my God. This is incredible.”

  He stood next to her, leaning into the rail and seeing the pod of dolphins playing alongside the yacht and enjoying the wake. Her face was pure joy, and when she turned that smile on him, Jason would have moved a mountain for her.

  “Thank you for this. For making me get up to see them.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t want to miss it. It’s pretty spectacular.”

  “Are they always here?”

  “Pretty much. This type of dolphin is very social.”

  “I wish I had my camera.”

  “Yeah?” He walked back to the chaise, reached under, and pulled out a small camera bag with a bow. “This should work for you.”

  She took the bag, and the light in her eyes flashed and settled on him, asking him without words what this was all about.

  Jason didn’t speak, but instead took the camera from the bag and handed it to her. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a small point-and-shoot with a decent telephoto that she could keep in her purse. But something in Meg’s bearing told him he’d hit a home run. He’d bought a multimillion-dollar house, which she’d probably end up with in the divorce, and she was happy, but she got all misty over a simple camera.

  Taking some quick shots of the dolphins, she was all smiles.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re thanking me now? Half an hour ago you were cursing me for dragging you out of a warm bed.”

  “I was, but this was worth it. And I love my camera.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Meg dropped her head on his shoulder, and they watched in silence as the dolphins fell back and disappeared behind them in the boat’s wake.

  “Will they be around tomorrow?”

“Maybe. We might also see some seals. Almost a guarantee at the Cape.”

  “That’s so cool.”

  If it was possible, she burrowed closer, and Jason left a kiss on her head. There was nothing sexual at all about what they were doing right then, but it was so incredibly intimate. Everything about them the past couple of days was that way, in and out of bed. And Jason didn’t know what to do. Harper’s warnings kept ringing in his head, but everything about being with Meg felt so right.

  While they were eating last night in the kitchen, he told her all about the work he was doing for his company. She wanted to know everything and asked a lot of questions about Owen and Nate. For the first time, she didn’t seem bitter, but genuinely curious about their friendship.

  He took her hand, and it was like squeezing an ice cube. “You’re freezing. Let’s get you inside.”

  “I like it here. You’re nice and warm.”

  Looking down, he shook his head. “It’s too cold. You’ve got practically nothing on under the robe, and your feet are bare.”

  He took her hand and pulled her toward the cabin. “A hot shower is what you need.”

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him right on the mouth. “Are you taking that shower with me?”

  Kissing her again, Jason gave her a little push through the door. “You bet.”


  Meg wondered if there was some law regarding a person being too happy. Because if there was, she’d be in trouble. After a stop at Cape Cod and a day in Nantucket, Meg and Jason spent the end of their trip in the little coastal town of Boothbay Harbor, Maine. They’d spent two whole days walking around town and exploring the area, enjoying the cool fall weather and great food. They left the boat on their last night, staying instead at a gorgeous waterfront inn in an area known as Spruce Point.

  The main building was a big, white house with green shutters and a massive front porch that looked out on the bay, and Meg resolved that this wasn’t the last time she would come here. There was something special here, and she felt like she belonged.


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