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Laken's Surrender (Haven)

Page 10

by Roberts, Laylah

  Eli shook his head at his brother. “If there was any way of doing this without endangering her, we would take it. But there isn’t. We know there is no way Laken could do this without you there. You would be watching over her the entire time.”

  Duncan started to breathe again. He didn’t like this. Not one bit. If he could think of another way, he would take it.

  “Duncan, there’s something else you should know,” Jake spoke up. “The profiler believes that this guy let Laken get away on purpose.”


  Eli looked up at him with sympathetic eyes. “He’s strong and smart. He let her get away on purpose for some reason. Possibly because he feels something more for her than the others, or possibly because he knows her.”

  Double fuck.


  Laken stared over at Duncan as the men around him laughed at something Colin said. Colin was often joking around. But not even he could bring a smile to Duncan’s face.

  What the hell was wrong with him?

  His gaze caught hers and she smiled. He’d watched her a lot over the last two days. He seemed almost obsessed. He wanted to know where she was all the time. When he was off duty he spent almost every moment with her. He checked in with her constantly when she was at work.

  The night he’d been called into work something had happened. Something had changed. It was as though they’d taken one step forward and now two steps back. He hadn’t slept with her since that night. Oh, he’d been in her bed, but he hadn’t touched her sexually.

  It was frustrating as hell and she was close to kicking his ass. When he returned to her apartment the other night, he had been subdued. He’d been very quiet, just holding her the whole night. She didn’t think he slept at all. The one time she’d woken up, he’d soothed her with soft words until she fell back asleep. He’d looked like hell the next morning.

  In fact, he’d looked like hell ever since. Was it something she’d done?

  Dirty fuckhole. I’m going to make it so no one else wants you. You’re mine.

  “Laken? Are you okay?”

  She glanced up to see Lila and Savannah looking at her in concern. Glancing over, she saw Duncan watching her. She shook her head at him and smiled. She was okay.

  Kind of.

  “I’m fine. Sorry. What were we talking about?” she asked.

  Lila frowned at her. “What were you thinking about? You had a funny look on your face. Like you were scared.” Lila glanced over at Duncan suspiciously. “Is everything okay between the two of you?” Her voice indicated there would be trouble if it wasn’t. Laken’s lips twitched at the thought of tiny Lila taking on Duncan.

  “Everything is fine between us.”

  The look Lila shot her said she knew she was lying. Laken sighed.

  “Well, okay, there is something going on. He’s acting odd.”

  “He watches you a lot,” Savannah said thoughtfully, looking at the man in question, “but not in a weird way. He’s protective, I think. Like just now, when he saw you looking upset. Logan sometimes watches me that way, as though he can sense when I need him.” She smiled. “So did Duncan wallop on your butt for going to Saxon’s without him?” she asked.

  “Gavin told me if I ever go there again he’s going to use this new paddle he brought online.” Lila wrinkled her nose.

  “You got off easy,” Savannah said. “Logan couldn’t even wait until we got home to spank me. He climbed in the backseat with me, then half-way home he got Max to pull over, drew me over his lap and… well, I didn’t sit comfortably for the rest of the ride home. I really wish they would fix those potholes on our driveway,” she said with a grimace.

  “Oh, Savannah, I’m sorry,” Laken said guiltily. She reached across to squeeze the curvy blonde’s hand.

  “Oh don’t be.” Savi grinned. “Although my guys said I can never go back there, they took me home and gave me such a good time that I forgot all about the sting in my butt.” She winked and Laken couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I’m surprised Duncan didn’t spank you,” she added. “Marlee Robins said he threatened to spank her one day when he caught her trying to climb that old oak out by her house to get her cat.”

  “What?” Laken exclaimed, jealousy surging through her.

  “Relax, honey,” Lila told her. “Marlee Robins has a doting husband, who probably warmed her butt when he got home and heard the story. Still, Duncan is definitely a possessive guy; I bet he didn’t like you going there without him. And wasn’t that the point? To get his attention?”

  Laken blushed a bit. “Yeah, I guess so. But he’s also stubborn as hell; I can’t seem to get it through that thick head of his that I’m not going to break with a firm touch.”

  Lila snorted. “Well, I know you’re not fragile. Although you do look as though a stiff wind would knock you over, have you thought about eating once in a while?”

  Laken rolled her eyes. “I eat. Don’t be dramatic.”

  “Well, sometimes men don’t see what we do,” Savi told her. “Make him see how strong you are.”

  “How, though? Every time I try to talk to him, he changes the topic.”

  “Oh, not through talking,” Lila said. “You have to do something to get through to him. Shock him. Make it so totally obvious what you want so he can’t ignore you.”

  Make him see. She guessed she could do that.

  “Food’s ready, ladies,” Trace said with a wink at his fiancé as he placed a huge platter of steaks on the table.

  “I’ll go get the salads,” Lila said, jumping up.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Trace told her, grabbing hold of her shoulder to stop her. “The others are getting them. You sit.”

  Laken looked over with a smile as the other guys walked over to the outdoor table, arms laden with salads, drinks, plates and cutlery. Duncan sat next to her, crowding close. She bit back a small sigh of pleasure. He sent her a small wink, and then proceeded to fill both of their plates.

  By the time he was done, her plate was overflowing with her favorite salads and choice cuts of meat.

  “Duncan, you don’t seriously think I can eat this much, do you?”

  He stared down at her plate, then shrugged. “Do the best you can.”

  She barely managed a third of the plate before pushing it away. Laken watched Colin give Lila a kiss on her forehead. Max had pulled Savannah onto his lap and was rubbing her back.

  Both her friends looked utterly content. That’s what she wanted.

  Duncan pulled her under his arm as he carried on a conversation with Logan. Laken snuggled in happily. He cared about her. She just had to get him to open up about what was bothering him.

  Chapter Ten

  Laken pulled out of her parent’s driveway. She’d needed this, to see her dads and relax in their unconditional love. It felt good to get away from the shop and spend some time with them.

  She didn’t get out here often enough. She’d been so caught up in making a success of her store that she’d almost forgotten the people she loved.

  Her phone rang and she reached across to grab it out of the glove box. She’d left it in there, wanting a bit of peace and quiet for a while. Ricky had called her twice yesterday and she just wasn’t up to dealing with him.

  Although she hadn’t meant to stay so long, it was five already. The phone stopped ringing before she could answer it. She frowned as she saw ten missed calls. One from Lila, one from an unknown number—probably Ricky—and eight from Duncan.

  Oh shit.

  Had he not seen her note?

  Pulling over, she called him back.

  “Laken, are you all right?” His frantic voice hit her, surprising her by the level of fear in his voice.

  “I’m fine. Didn’t you find my note?”

  “Note? No. Where have you been?”

  “I’ve just left my dads’ place,” she explained. “I left a note in the kitchen for you.” She’d given him a key since he was there so often.

/>   “I haven’t been there,” he replied. “Damn it, Laken, why didn’t you call me?”

  “You were at work,” she replied calmly. He almost sounded out of control.

  “I’m coming to get you,” he said abruptly. “I don’t like you driving out there alone.”

  “Duncan, you’re acting strange. I’ve driven out here thousands of times. What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” he said too quickly. “But I told you to let me know when you left the store. Plus, you’re supposed to have your cell on you, why didn’t you answer it?”

  She did feel a bit guilty about that. She hadn’t meant to scare him.

  “I left it in the car. Sorry.”

  “Go back to your dads and wait for me.”

  “I will not,” she said hotly. “If you’re not going to tell me what’s wrong, then I’m not going to comply with your ridiculous orders.”

  She hung up and threw the phone over onto the passenger seat, ignoring it when it rang again.

  Foolish man. She was tired of him hiding whatever was going on. If they were going to be in a relationship then he had to learn to share with her.

  A few miles down the road, her car started to sputter, shaking.

  “No, no, no.”

  A faint burning smell hit her nostrils and she glanced at the temperature gauge. Overheated. Damn it. Pulling over to the side of the road, she turned the car off, resting her forehead on the steering wheel.

  No need to call anyone, Duncan should be here any second.

  She popped open the hood, then undoing her seatbelt, grabbed her handbag and phone and climbed out. She raised the hood just as Duncan pulled up. He slammed his door, then ran over to her.

  “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay?” He grabbed her shoulders, turning her towards him as he ran his gaze over her.

  “I’m fine. It just overheated. Do you have any water?”

  Duncan stared at her coldly, then at the car. “Get in my truck.”

  “But it just needs to cool down—” she started to protest, despite knowing it was a losing argument.

  Duncan gave her a dark look and she found herself moving toward his truck before she thought about it. Duncan locked up her car and followed her as he spoke on his phone.

  “Thanks, Matt,” he said as he entered his truck before shutting off his phone.

  “Matt’s going to come get it?” she asked. Matt Simpson was the local mechanic. She winced, wondering how she was going to pay that bill.

  Duncan nodded.

  The drive home was mainly silent, with Laken glancing over at Duncan every so often. What was his problem? She wasn’t his prisoner. Duncan had never been so controlling before.

  Duncan pulled up to her apartment, then climbed out, coming around to open her door.

  “Inside. Now,” he growled.

  Oh crap. She knew that tone. Much as she wanted to defy him, she found herself turning and climbing the stairs to her apartment.

  “Wait here until I check the place over,” he ordered, reaching past her to unlock the door.

  With a sigh of exasperation she waited until he’d stepped into the small apartment, then followed him. He was being ridiculous. Like someone was really going to be waiting inside her apartment.

  Duncan returned, his face turning thunderous as he found her in the small kitchenette, waving her note around.

  “See! Here it is,” she told him.

  His gaze darkened, becoming harder. He pointed at the sofa in the living area. “Sit.”

  Swallowing the lump of worry that had formed in her throat, she sat.

  “Did I not just tell you to wait outside?” he asked in a surprisingly calm voice, considering the tenseness of his body.

  “Yes, but don’t you think you’re overreacting just a bit? I get that you’re a cop and that you see lots of crap, but the likelihood of anyone hiding in my apartment, waiting to attack me is pretty low, don’t you think?”

  “I will not take risks with your safety, Laken. And I will not allow you to, either. Did you not agree to tell me if you were going anywhere?”

  “I left you a note,” she protested as his eyes drilled into hers. “I’m not sure why I even agreed to that. I was feeling suffocated. I just wanted to see my dads.”

  “I would have taken you if you’d waited for me.”

  “I don’t need you to escort me, Duncan. I don’t get why I need to check in with you constantly. What the hell is going on?”

  He wouldn’t meet her gaze. “Do I not tell you if I’m going to be home late?”


  He ran his hand over his hair, blowing out his breath. She could see the stress on his face. He’d really been worried. “I’m sorry you’ve been feeling smothered, but I was really worried. I want your promise that you will keep your cell on you at all times.”

  “I will. I’m sorry. I just wanted some peace and quiet.”

  He sat, pulling her onto his lap, rocking her slightly. “I know I’ve been a bit overbearing lately. I just want you safe.”

  “I know.”

  She stared down at her hands. “It seems like you’ve been kind of obsessive about safety lately. Mine, in particular.”

  He let his head drop back, closing his eyes. There were dark patches underneath. He looked exhausted and stressed.

  Well, it was now or never, she guessed. Taking a deep breath, she slid off his lap and drawing off her t-shirt and bra, she slid onto her knees in front of him. Keeping her gaze down, although she longed to peek, she placed her hands palm up on her thighs and straightened her back.

  There was a long, silent pause and she couldn’t hold back a shudder.

  “Look at me, Laken,” Duncan said.

  She glanced up to see compassion and heat in his eyes.

  “Baby, you don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do, Sir.” Her voice shook slightly. “This is what I want.”

  “You’re shaking,” he pointed out.

  “I’m nervous that you’re going to reject me,” she admitted.

  “Oh, sugar.” Leaning down, he cupped her cheek. “Why would you worry about that?”

  Somehow, it was almost easier for her to speak to him in this position. It should have made her feel vulnerable, being naked on the floor while he sat above her, fully clothed. But this position had always made her feel safe and secure—because she was handing herself over to him, to his care and protection.

  “You’ve drawn away from me,” she told him. “Something happened the other night. You haven’t had sex with me since. I thought we’d talked things through, but instead of taking command in the bedroom, you’ve pulled away from me entirely.”

  He leaned back, staring at her thoughtfully. “You need more time.”

  “I’ve had three years.”

  “Three years in which you never took another Dom, never went to a club. I bet you never even let Ricky tie you up.”

  Her gaze skittered away.

  “Laken, look at me.” His voice was firm.

  She glanced up at him. “I need this. I couldn’t do this with anyone else. I never wanted anyone else, but with you I feel safe. I like giving myself over to you. I trust you. The other night when you started to take charge I felt so at peace. Please, Duncan.”

  “Maybe it’s me who’s not quite ready.” He ran his hand over his eyes.

  God, how selfish she’d been. She had only thought of her own needs, not his.

  Standing, she climbed into his lap, holding him close.

  “It’s okay, we don’t need to do anything right now.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It’s really something you want? Despite everything that happened to you?”

  “I’m not saying I’m ready to get out the floggers and paddles, but I want to hand myself over to you during sex. I trust you, Duncan.”

  “We will take this very slowly, sugar. We’ll ease into things, re-explore what we used to love and see what we now both enjoy. Okay?�

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you.” He rubbed her back soothingly, his body still tense.

  “Will you tell me what’s been troubling you, Sir?”

  He sighed. “Not tonight, sugar. Let’s leave tonight for ourselves. Tomorrow, we’ll talk.”

  She nodded. They sat for a long moment before he stood.

  “Undress me,” he ordered quietly. He held out a hand to help her up. With hands that shook slightly she lifted off his t-shirt. She placed her hand against his chest.

  “What was your order, baby?” he said in a low voice.

  She drew her hand back with a small smile. “Sorry, Sir, you’re just so beautiful.”

  He smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkling. God, she loved it when he smiled. His eyes lit up with warmth, turning a deep, chocolate brown.

  She undid his belt, helping him out of his jeans and underwear until he was as naked as she was. Tough, strong, muscular, his chest had a splash of dark hair that travelled down to his stomach. A scar ran along his collar bone, another one on his upper thigh. He looked like a mighty warrior, dominant, in charge.

  His cock stood up, thick and firm, and she reached out a hand to touch him, pulling it back at the last moment.

  Duncan chuckled and ran the tips of his fingers over her face. “Stand very still, sugar,” he told her in a low croon.

  Sugar and spice.

  He moved his fingers down over her chest, brushing the tips around her breasts, around and around, moving closer to her nipples. Just as he reached her areolas, he pulled his fingers away, drawing them over her neck and shoulders.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned, leaning forward slightly.

  “Uh-uh.” He stepped back a bit, looking at her sternly. “What did I say?”

  “Sorry, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

  He walked behind her. “Naughty girl,” he told her, grasping her hair in his hand and tugging lightly.

  Dirty bitch. I’m going to ruin you.

  “Easy, Laken. Take a breath. Come on, now. Nice and slow.”


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