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An Ill Wind

Page 28

by Monette Michaels

  Tweeter shook his head violently and sliced a finger across his throat in warning.

  Yeah, what was he thinking? He’d practically accused DJ of not knowing what she was doing. The weather was a bitch, and DJ was pushing the Hawk better than any of the men could. Of all of them, she had the most hours in a Black Hawk and had flown those hours in some of the worst hellholes and climates in the world.

  “Sorry, DJ.” Trey watched the ground, searching for landmarks through the swirling snow. “Just worried.”

  “I get that,” DJ said. “But Fee is smart. She’ll deal until we get there. And when we get there, just how do you want to handle this?”

  “Fly over the parking area so we can get an idea of where Stall is,” Trey said. “If he’s well away from Fee, then we’ll take him down from the air.”

  “Damn straight,” muttered Price who absentmindedly stroked the barrel of his rifle as if it were a much-favored lover.

  “If he has her,” Trey gritted out, “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “What’s going on with her now? Can you hear anything? Any more shots?” Price’s gaze was also fixed on the terrain passing beneath them.

  They were flying so close to the treetops, Trey swore he could smell the pine needles.

  A gust of wind batted at the helicopter causing it to swerve. DJ easily steadied the chopper as she flew into the teeth of the storm.

  Trey couldn’t hear much over the open line. Was she okay? What was going on?

  “Fee?” Trey shouted into the phone.

  “What?” She sounded pissed. “Sort of busy here.” She let out an oomph.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Trey yelled into the phone which he’d piped into the chopper com system.

  “I’m rolling rocks down on him.” She made noises culminating in a shouted aiyeeahh. Her breathing was extremely erratic, and Trey heard pain in her voice as she continued to explain her plan to tumble rocks on the fucker.

  His little doc was damn smart.

  “That’s my woman.” Trey turned to Price and grinned.

  “Way to go, baby sis!” Price shouted.

  Ren laughed and shook his head. “Sounds like something my sprite would do.”

  “Told you Fee was ballsy.” DJ took the chopper into a wide turn and brought it around the last mountain between them and the trail head parking area. “We’re in the valley now. The winds aren’t quite as bad. Tell Fee to keep rolling rocks, we’re almost there.”

  “Fee, we’re close.” As the snow lightened for a split-second, Trey could see the parking area just ahead with Fee’s vehicle and another one blocking it in. “Stay down. We’ve got this.”

  “No rush now, guys. I got this,” Fee shouted. “I did it. He just screamed. He’s down.”

  Trey looked out the cabin window toward the area where Fee had hunkered down. He laughed. “Damn, Price, she did it. Look at all the rocks and snow sliding down from the overlook.”

  Pride, love, and relief demolished the nagging fear and tension that had jabbed at his subconscious like hot pokers since Fee had called from the road.

  Price whooped and high-fived Tweeter. “She did it.”

  “Shall I land?” Just above tree level, DJ swooped over the rock slide area. There was just enough space between the trees to show a man half buried by the snow and rocks. “Or is he still a potential danger?”

  “He’s definitely down,” Tweeter said. “I see him. He’s partially buried. He’s not going anywhere soon. We may even have to life-line him out to the hospital in Grangeville.”

  “Land in the parking area, DJ.” Ren looked at the others, finally settling on Trey. “We’ll approach with caution … do this by the numbers, brother. Stall could still have his gun and use it.”

  Trey’s gut vied with his training. He wanted to rush in and go straight to Fee, but his brother was correct—Stall was still a potential threat.

  Price and Tweeter nodded as DJ said, “Roger that.”

  “Fee, stay where you are, baby,” Trey ordered. “I’ll come get you as soon as we make sure Stall’s no longer a danger.”

  “O-o-okay.” Fee’s voice sounded shaky, not like the kick-ass woman who’d just taken down her stalker. “D-d-did I k-kill him?”

  “Can’t tell yet, sweetheart. But if you did, it was justifiable. He stalked and shot at you.”

  “O-o-kay. Hurry. I’m s-s-o-o-o c-c-cold.” Her teeth chattered audibly over the line. “Hypo-hypothermia is s-s-setting in.”

  Trey cursed as he recalled what she’d worn to work the night before. Jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt, a light denim jacket, and high-top Keds. The clothing had been fine for the balmy sixty-degree-evening. Overnight a front had come through, dropping the temps and turning the predicted rain into a snowstorm. Not atypical for this time of year, especially at this altitude, but Fee wasn’t used to it and didn’t think to have an extra-warm coat and boots in her vehicle.

  And Trey hadn’t thought to tell her.

  Fuck him. He wasn’t taking very good care of her. He’d have to step up his game. She was too important to him to be so careless of her health and well-being.

  “You guys handle Stall,” Trey ordered as he pulled out a couple of blankets from the survival supplies kept on the chopper. “I’m going straight for Fee. She’s not dressed for this weather.”

  Price nodded. “If the rest of us can’t handle that douchebag piece of shit that my baby sis has already beat up on, then we need to hang up our guns and take up knitting. We’ll let Dan handle Stall’s medical requirements. You get Fee and head straight back to Sanctuary on the chopper with DJ.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Trey waited anxiously for DJ to set the chopper down. When the skids kissed the snow, he opened the cabin door, scooted under the rotors, then ran for the trail.

  Price, Ren, and Tweeter were on his heels.

  As they neared the rock slide, Trey noted movement from the man buried from the lower back down by the rock fall. The man’s gun was within reach.

  Trey approached swiftly with his weapon aimed at Stall’s head. “If you go for that gun, I’m taking you out.” For a split-second, he prayed the fuckwit would go for his gun so he could justify shooting the fucker.

  Blood burbling from his mouth, Stall groaned and flattened his hands on the snow-covered ground. Lower down where his legs were buried the snow had turned pink from his other injuries. “Help me.”

  The pain in the bastard’s voice was obvious. Trey let out a breath and shook his head. “Price?”

  Price moved up next to Trey and said, “I’ve got him covered. Go get Fee.”

  Ren approached Stall from the opposite side, reached down, and grabbed the rifle. “If he has any other weapons on him, doesn’t look as if he can get to them.”

  DJ joined them just as Trey turned to head up the trail. “Guys,” she said. “Dan is heading up the access road now. He’s got an ambulance with him. Trey,” she called after him. “I’ll be in the chopper and be ready to take off as soon you’re on board with Fee.”

  “Roger that.” Trey clambered over the rocks Fee had dislodged, which now covered part of the trail. He picked his way, quickly but carefully, so as not to send any more down on the others. When he hit the clear part of the trail, he practically leapt up it. Before he even made it to the holly bushes marking Cave A-5’s path, Fee shimmied around the bush and stumbled toward him.

  “I-I-I heard you c-coming.” She tried to smile, but it was a puny effort. Weaving slightly, she leaned against a rock as if her legs could no longer held her.

  Moving forward, Trey slid his weapon into his back holster. Unfolding one of the blankets, he wrapped it around her and scooped her into his arms just as she began to crumple. He tucked the blankets more snugly around her trembling body and held her tightly against him, rocking her. He took a second before moving out to bury his face in her cold, damp curls.

  “God, baby, that was too fucking close.” His voice broke, closer t
o tears than he’d ever been in his life. He could’ve lost her.

  “Uh-huh.” Fee buried her cold nose against his throat. “You’re s-s-so warm-m-m.” Her body shivered convulsively.

  “Need to get you home.” Trey turned and carried her down the trail.

  Going down was easier than going up since Stall and the others were away from the rock fall area and Trey didn’t have to worry about loosening any more rocks. When he got past the rock slide, the EMTs were strapping Stall onto a backboard.

  DJ and Dan were waiting for them in the parking lot near the chopper.

  Dan approached. “I need to—”

  “No,” Trey growled at his friend. “Later. She’ll give her statement later. At my place. After she’s been checked over and is warm and rested. Just make sure that fucking douchebag is under lock and key. She’s suffered enough at his hands.”

  Dan frowned and looked at Fee who’d burrowed into Trey. “Go on. Take your woman home. I’ll be by tomorrow.” He shot a narrow-eyed glance at Stall who was now being loaded into the ambulance with one of Dan’s deputies going along for the ride to Grangeville. “The fucker will be in lock-down at the hospital. He’s not going anywhere.”

  Fee turned her face up. “Maybe I should check…”

  Trey cut off the rest of her offer by brushing his lips over hers. “Fuck no, baby. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  “But Trey…” Fee protested.

  “No.” He tucked her head back against his shoulder and turned toward the chopper’s open cabin door and climbed inside with her still in his arms.

  DJ got in, sat in the pilot’s seat, and then looked at them over her shoulder. She snickered. “Give it up, Fee. Trey’s alpha-protective streak has taken about all it can handle. You didn’t even let him take the badass down. So, you need to give in on this one.”

  “O-o-okay,” Fee mumbled against his throat. “I didn’t really want to anyway, but just thought I should offer.” She licked the pulse throbbing in his neck, then scraped it with her teeth.

  Her voice sounded stronger now and she wasn’t shaking as much. “You warmer, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah. But … I know how to get even warmer.” She looked up, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

  “How’s that?” He rubbed his cheek over her hair.

  “Hot tub. You and me.” She patted his chest. “I think we can warm me up faster that way.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Trey kissed the tip of her nose. “But only after Lacey and Pia check you over.”

  Fee looked at him for several long seconds, then nodded. “Okay. You need that.” She yawned. “So tired.”

  She snuggled closer to his body, her muscles relaxing and her breathing evening out. And just that fast she’d gone to sleep.

  “Yeah,” Trey muttered under his breath, “I need that.” He secured his harness over both of them and put headphones on them both. “Take us home, DJ.”

  “Roger that.” DJ looked Fee over with affection and concern on her expressive face. “Post-adrenaline drop hit her hard. Not sure she’ll have the energy for those hot tub plans.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his cheek over the top of Fee’s curls. “But there’s always later.”

  There’d be lots of time later. Fee was his to protect. His to love. His to keep.


  Hours later, Trey’s house

  Trey groaned and his cock jerked as Fee twined her tongue around his heavily veined shaft. When she applied suction and just a hint of teeth, he jolted awake.

  “Baby?” His voice was husky with sleep and arousal. “Whatcha doing?”

  Letting his cock slip out of her mouth, she smiled and looked up his long, muscled torso from her position between his legs and smiled. “What do you think I’m doing?”

  She stroked his erection. He was so thick she could barely get her fingers to meet around it. “I’m claiming my man.”

  His lips curved. “God, I love you.” He threaded his fingers through her curls and cupped the back of her head. “Baby”—he tugged on her hair gently—“you should’ve woken me up.”

  Fee tucked a stray curl around her ear with one hand while she kept her grip on his cock with the other. She gave him a sultry, slumberous look. “I just did.” She rubbed her flushed cheek over his hairy, muscled thigh as she stroked his erection. “You taste all salty and earthy.” Turning, she kissed his leg. “I like it.”

  Trey covered her hand on his erection and gently pulled it off.

  “Trey!” Her little pout made him smile.

  “Patience, baby. You can have him back in a bit. Just need to check in with you first.”

  Then he sat up and hooked his hands under her arms, then pulled her onto his lap with an ease that never ceased to amaze her. He was so strong.

  Cuddling her, he urged her head to his shoulder. His cock twitched against her naked bottom. She snickered and imagined his hard-on bitching at the loss of her mouth.

  “I liked having your cock in my mouth.” She nipped his jaw.

  “How long have you been awake?” he asked.

  “Not long.” She grinned. “I woke up, and there was this beautiful hard-on just begging to be sucked. So I did. I bet myself I could make you come before you woke up. I guess I lost.”

  The fact she’d had the confidence to take what she wanted, what she needed from Trey, proved she’d come a long way in a short time. The only reason she had come so far, so fast was due to Trey. He’d fostered her new-found assurance with his patient, and as she now knew, loving pursuit of her.

  He tipped up her chin with one long finger and kissed her lightly on the mouth. “When I come, sweetheart, I want to be inside you.” He tapped the tip of his finger on her nose. “But first, I need to know—how are you feeling? After all, it was only hours ago you were fighting for your life.”

  The man petted her as if he had to touch her. He was also driving her crazy since he was avoiding all the good parts. The big tease.

  Fee teethed his lower lip. “I’m fine.” She yawned and looked around. “What time is it?”

  He looked at his watch. “It’s just short of five o’clock.”

  Running her fingers through his chest hair, she snuggled into his shoulder. “I slept for almost six hours. Man, I never nap that long.”

  Trey kissed her forehead. “Running from danger and shoving rocks on the bad guy took it out of you. You needed the sleep.”

  After DJ had flown them back to Sanctuary, Lacey and Pia had checked Fee over. Her injuries had been light, mostly bruises on her shoulder and aches and pains in her lower body from shoving rocks on Stall. Other than those, she’d been diagnosed as slightly hypothermic and exhausted.

  After Lacey and Pia had left, Trey had carried her into the shower and helped her clean up. Once he had her all tucked in bed, he’d spoon fed her some hot oatmeal. She was fairly sure she’d been half asleep even then. The fact he’d crawled into bed with her made her heart turn to mush. He was so protective of her.

  She could tell he’d been scared for her and was mad at himself that he hadn’t been there to take care of Stall for her. He needed to get over it.

  “Stop worrying about me.” Fee leaned her head back and looked him in the eyes. “I handled it. Nothing that happened today was due to any lack of care on your part. We had all the bases covered and the safety measures put into place worked.” She touched his forearm and rubbed it lightly with her fingers. “Stop frowning.”

  He captured her fingers and kissed them, then took her hand to his chest and held it over his heart. “You being in danger is totally unacceptable. I should’ve—”

  She placed a finger on his lips. “Trey, love, you can’t anticipate everything. Shit happens.” Her lips quirked into a teasing smile. “But I understand you alpha types get all bent out of shape when your women are in danger.”

  He captured her fingers and kissed the tips. “We alpha types are supposed to protect our women.”

you did.” She leaned up and nipped his jaw. “Knowing you were on your way gave me the strength to do what I had to do to stay out of his hands.”

  “You did good, baby. But I plan to take better care of you in the future.”

  “You already take good care of me, Trey.”

  “I’ll take better care,” he repeated, a firm note in his voice. “Hungry?” He smoothed some hair off her forehead and then twined the curls around his fingers as if her hair fascinated him.

  “Changing the subject?” she arched a brow.

  “Yep.” He kissed her firmly, then leaned his forehead against hers. “So, do you want to eat? I can fix us something, and we can eat it in bed.”

  Okay, yeah, she could eat, but what she really wanted was to make love with Trey and sometime tonight get his dick back in her mouth. She wiggled on his lap. His cock jerked and pulsed against her sensitive bottom. If he admitted it, he wanted that, too.

  What had the girls told her? To ask for what she wanted, right?

  “Well—” She pulled her hand from his and walked her fingers over to his nipple and traced it with one finger. “What I’d like to do is make love with you. Then I’ll fix the one-week anniversary dinner I had planned. Then I want to suck your cock.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.

  Trey stared at her for several long seconds, then nodded. His green eyes glowed with love and desire.

  “Okay…” He shifted and got out of bed with Fee still cuddled in his arms. “Considering all your bruises, I want you on top … and in the hot tub.”

  Holding her against him with one arm, Trey snagged a fur throw and covered her with it. Then he strode out of the bedroom and crossed the great room toward the folding patio doors.

  The tub cover was already off, so he must’ve prepared it earlier for warming her up and she’d fallen asleep as he fed her. God, the jets and hot water would feel good on her sore muscles and joints.

  Fee shivered against him. “It’s cold outside.”

  “You’ll be hot soon.” He pulled open the door. “Would I let you be cold?”

  “No.” She looked at the grey sky and smiled. She loved snow if she wasn’t being chased by bad guys in it. “It’s snowing again. Big fluffy flakes.”


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