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Mustang Hollywood: A standalone, small town, enemies-to-lovers romance (Mustang Ranch Book 3)

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by Eva Haining

  Mustang Hollywood


  Eva Haining



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22









  EDITING: Booktique Editing

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or, if an actual place, are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  She will rue the day she sold me out…

  I’ve wasted the last two years of my life being arm candy for the princess of Hollywood—the great Cecelia Bain. But, I’m the goddamn KING!

  Dumb enough to buy into the idea of relationships in Hollywood, I’ve become just another statistic in the cutthroat LA dating scene. Cece wanted the notoriety of sleeping with a movie star, red carpet royalty, J.J. Savage, not Jasper, the guy who likes to watch old movies in sweats and enjoy the quiet hum of privacy when he can get it. It’s not a mistake I’ll make again.

  She threw me to the wolves without a care for how it would affect my career. Now, she reaps the spoils of war while directors distance themselves from the brand I’ve spent a decade pouring my heart and soul into.

  Acting is the love of my life, and suddenly, I’m left standing alone at the prom watching her dance with another lover.

  I’ve been exiled to a one-horse town with a cast of B-list celebrities to pay penance for my crimes, and I’m already losing my mind. I’ve been here one day, and I’m craving civilization. I grew up in LA. Everything about her lures you in—the sights, sounds, weather, and above all else, the possibilities. A mecca for dreamers of all kinds, the City of Angels opens her arms in welcome to those with the will to try.

  I’m hoping this movie will restore me to my place on the throne as America’s beloved J.J. Savage. If not…

  Failure isn’t an option. Everything’s riding on this one small production in the middle of nowhere. I need to pull off my best performance yet and win back my female fans.

  Let’s hope Kingsbury Falls is where I find redemption.

  Chapter One


  I’ve always dreamed of being in movies, and it’s finally happening. Just a walk-on part, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

  Never in my wildest dreams did I think Hollywood would come to Kingsbury Falls. I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’ve starred in every school and local production since I was four. Now I get to experience my first real paid acting role. I’m going to be on the same set as J.J. freaking Savage! He’s gorgeous, but that doesn’t matter to me. I just want to be in a movie with his name attached to it. I don’t even know if I’ll be in one of his scenes, but I sure would be honored to meet a real-life movie star. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, for crying out loud!

  I know next to nothing about the other folks in the cast, but whoever is playing his love interest is in for a treat. He has a delicious smile, and when he licks his lips on screen, oh my Lord, I could just die.

  I can’t decide what to wear for my first day on the set.

  It takes an hour and my entire closet to settle on my favorite denim skirt and a plaid shirt tied up in the front. Grabbing my lucky boots, and with one last check in the mirror, I head out the door. Filming begins on Mustang Ranch at eight o’clock sharp. Maddox and A.B., the owners, are like family to me, so hopefully, it will calm the swarm of butterflies in my stomach to be on familiar ground. My horse is saddled and ready—there’s no use taking my car, especially when it’s going to be busier than a mosquito in a blood bank. I’m lucky enough to have a paddock and a small stable at the back of my property for Jessabelle to roam, but I called Mad last night and asked if Belle could rest in their stables while I work. His girls love my horse, so I know she’ll be well taken care of.

  It’s a rare, fresh morning here in Kingsbury Falls. The temperature is low with humidity chomping at the bit, but the sweet cool air is victorious if only for a short while. Grass and bluebonnets span as far as the eye can see, the scent of a new beginning enveloping me as I ride toward my future.

  As predicted, the ranch looks like the carnival just arrived—cars and vans covering every inch of the driveway. People are swarming like flies, and electricity crackles in the air—a palpable force. I slowly guide Jessabelle through the crowds and over to the stables where Maddox and Jax are seeking refuge.

  “Why did we agree to this? We don’t need the money. This is going to be unbearable.” I’ve never seen Mad look so serious, and I feel like I’m intruding.

  “Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt. Is it still okay for me to leave this handful with y’all?” I give her neck a gentle stroke to calm myself more than her.

  “Hey, Maisie. Of course. You’re the only thing that makes this whole circus worthwhile. You’ll remember us when you’re a big Hollywood star, right?” I can’t help but laugh. Maddox is the most famous person ever to have come from Kingsbury Falls, a rodeo legend.

  “I don’t believe you, but thanks for saying it. I’d love to be as famous as you one day, but I doubt the director will even notice me. I’m just a small-town extra.” Jax strides over to help me down from the saddle—he’s all kinds of dreamy and head over heels in love with his wife, but he still makes me blush.

  “You don’t want to be like him. He’s a knucklehead who got lucky!” He winks and cracks a wry smile in Mad’s direction. “You’ve got real talent, Maisie Bryant. You’re going to be a star. It’s all about confidence. Fake it till you make it. Now, go get ’em!” He hugs me and takes the reins. I turn to Mad for reassurance.

  “We’ll take good care of Belle. You can do this, gir
l. I’ve got faith in you. Go and show those LA idiots just how big small-town can be.” I take a deep breath smoothing my hands down over my skirt and step out into the circus.

  The noise is overwhelming—men and women with headsets shouting and herding crowds of people like cattle. I’m jostled and tossed until I find a small opening next to a huge trailer with the words, ‘J.J. Savage’ emblazoned on the side. My stomach somersaults at the surreal reality I’m faced with. It looks bigger than my house. Slipping my camera out of my pocket, I snap a quick picture. I want to be able to look back at this and remember it actually happened. Before I get a chance to take the picture, the door swings open, and an angry man comes flying down the steps.

  “What the hell are you doing? This is a set, not a freakshow. You shouldn’t be back here. Looking for a stupid shot of the cheating actor to sell the tabloids? Well, you’re shit out of luck.” Oh, my God! It’s J.J. Savage in the flesh. I want to say something to explain that I only wanted a snap of his name on the door for myself, but I’m dumbstruck. He’s so much more handsome in person, even though he’s scaring the crap out of me with all his yelling.

  He snatches my camera, tossing it into the field behind us. “That’s what I think about silly little farm girls. And, who the hell still uses a camera? Get an iPhone like the rest of civilization!” Something inside me bubbles over. I’m no longer frozen to the spot or dazzled by his looks, I am on fire. Emboldened, I take a step forward, prodding my finger into his chest. He’s solid as a rock.

  “I didn’t want a picture of your face, pretty boy. I was just getting a shot of your name on the trailer. And, that camera was a gift! Who do you think you are coming here and treating a lady this way? This is the South, and we expect some goddamn manners! Get over yourself!” I storm off, leaving his mouth agape, my entire body vibrating with anger, fear, and a strange exhilaration. I’ve never called someone out like that in my life. I don’t know what came over me. It’s not as if I’ll have to deal with the opinionated male lead and his giant ego.

  I’m pretty sure I can kiss this job goodbye, and I’ll need to go searching for my camera later. I don’t have time to look for it now. Not the start I was hoping for. Suddenly, I don’t have the same excitement I arrived with.

  Making my way back to the crowd, I find one of the headset screamers.

  “Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the extras are supposed to be?” He rifles through some papers and hands me a map of the ranch.

  “Area B.” He scurries away, not looking where he’s going, bumping into everyone as he bustles through.

  I know this land like the back of my hand, but it looks like a fairground right now. It’s been transformed into a whole other world—one I don’t recognize. My childhood riding fields are a freaking movie set. The butterflies spark back to life.

  When I find the rest of the extras, I don’t see anyone else from Kingsbury Falls. I thought there’d be at least a few familiar faces to calm my nerves. Seconds feel like hours, and as the minutes tick by, I become more and more on edge. It’s an hour before someone finally comes to give us further instructions.

  “Listen up, extras!” It’s one of the headset screamers. An unnatural silence descends as everyone around me focuses on this one voice. “I don’t have time to coddle you. I’ll not learn your names. Scenes will not come to a grinding halt because you need something. Be prepared for long hours, lots of waiting around, and be ready for anything we throw at you. If you can’t handle that, now’s the time to leave. Got it?”

  He scans the crowd with a sneer of superiority. I’m inclined to believe none of these LA boys have manners. He tosses a bundle of papers at an unsuspecting extra.

  “Hand these out.”

  With one last look at the crowd of eager actors, he imparts his final wisdom.

  “This sheet of paper is your life. You’ll get one every morning. Do not lose it. Do not deviate from the plan. Be where it says, when it says.” Turning on his heels, he scurries off in search of his next set of victims.

  A buzz of excitement spreads through the crowd as we each receive our call sheet. Something about this small list of times and locations makes it all seem real. I’m an actress!

  I have a small advantage, knowing the ranch as well as I do, but as a film set, it’s not as easy for me to navigate. I keep to myself, studying the call sheet like a schoolgirl before SATs. Committing each word to memory, I set off across the main field toward the back paddock. The other extras are too busy fixing their hair and turning the map this way and that, unable to get their bearings, allowing me to sneak off, giving myself the smallest of head starts.

  The chaos around me is disturbing. Kingsbury Falls is usually so quiet, and the ranch is almost always deserted but not in an eerie way. It instills a sense of calm contentment I have seldom found elsewhere in my life. But today, I feel anything but calm. My chest tightens as unfamiliar sounds cascade through the air, ricocheting off the trees, echoing in the vast expanse of forest that delineates the fields.

  When I reach my first set, I can feel the hoard of extras gaining on me—a herd of wildebeests out for blood, ready to stampede anyone who gets in their way.

  “You, blonde girl.” I check to my left and right before realizing he’s talking to me.

  “Yes, sir.” I take a step forward.

  “You can stand in for our leading lady while we run lines. Apparently, she’s still with hair and makeup.”

  “I’m just an extra, sir.” He strides over, placing his hand on my lower back.

  “Come along now. This is no place for shyness. If someone gives you a job to do, you do it, especially when you’re entrusted with something more important than being a face in a sea of nobodies. Do you want to be an actress or not?”

  “Yes, sir. It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of.”

  “Good.” He slaps a script into my palm and gives me a gentle nudge toward the barn. “He’s in there, and FYI, he’s in a foul mood this morning. Try not to piss him off.” I mindlessly finger the pages, too tightly wound to comprehend the words. It’s not until I hear a familiar voice that it registers.

  “Are you kidding me? I’ll have you kicked off set if you don’t leave right now. I’m not a fucking sideshow. This is my job. As crappy as this particular job may be.”

  “I… they sent me in here to run lines with you. Miss Turner is… delayed.”

  “And who the fuck are you?” My nerves dissipate as he continues to cuss me out.

  “I’m Maisie, one of the extras. Obviously, I’m not a big star like you, but at least I know how to speak with respect.” He has the good sense to look a little uncomfortable. “I haven’t done anything to disrespect you, Mr. Savage. What happened earlier was a simple misunderstanding. You’ve already cost me a camera today. Please don’t cost me my job, too. I’m here to run lines with you until Miss Turner gets here, and then you never need to speak to me again. Or, if you’d rather not run lines, say the word, and I’ll go and wait with the other extras until I’m needed.” My pulse is pounding in my ears. I’m shocked at the confidence with which I manage to hold my ground with this man. Considering who he is, I’m downright dumbfounded by my outrage.

  “Whatever. Come here and try not to screw up.” I scuttle over to where he stands, tall and lean, the scent of his cologne invading my senses as I draw near. He smells like a god. I remind myself what an arrogant pig he is and open the script.

  “Where would you like to start?”

  “This is scene five, page forty.” I find it quickly and jump right in. It seems my ire for Mr. Savage works wonders for my nerves. They’re all but gone, and I actually begin to enjoy myself. I know the other extras are going to hate me for getting this chance, so I have no intention of wasting it worrying about what this d-bag thinks of me. Seeing him work is quite inspiring. He flips a switch and becomes this whole other person, pulling me into the character, pushing me for a real and honest reaction.

  Jett: Have you come to rub s
alt in the wound? What do you want from me?

  Anna: I came to say goodbye. I’m leaving town. This was where he and I were going to build a life and a family together. I can’t stay here. I won’t. Not for you.

  (As Anna turns to leave, Jett runs over, grabbing her arm, spinning her round to face him.)

  Jett: I love you more than any man ever will, and I’m still not enough. Remember this day, Anna, because when you come back, realizing I’m the one for you, I won’t be waiting. You walk out that door today, and we’re done. There’s no second chance.

  His warm, strong hands hold me tight, every word spoken with a southern lilt as if he were born and raised right here in Kingsbury Falls. His eyes are a warm blue like the depths of the ocean, pained and pleading as if I were truly the love of his life. His eyes search mine, waiting for me to reply, but I can’t. In the heat of the moment, I dropped the script to the ground without any idea of what comes next.

  Instead of letting me move to pick up the mess of pages now littering the barn floor, he holds me steady, his lips just inches from mine, close enough that I can feel his breath caressing my cheek.

  “You’re supposed to speak now.” My eyes find his, unable to look away. I’m acutely aware of the rise and fall of my chest as my breath quickens. My ability to turn thought into speech has forsaken me for a handsome face. “None of this is real, darlin’. You get that, right?” His self-satisfied grin is enough to pull me back to reality.


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