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Mustang Hollywood: A standalone, small town, enemies-to-lovers romance (Mustang Ranch Book 3)

Page 18

by Eva Haining

  As time goes on, I relax and answer every question with all the sass I can muster, but I’m keenly aware of the tension rolling off Jasper in my direction. The second we’re finally done, I thank Mr. Williams and quietly ask my co-star for a moment of his time. When we’re alone, my pulse begins to race.

  “You did really well. He was lapping it up. You genuinely seemed like you enjoyed working with me.”

  “I did. I do. Jasper, can we just rewind? Forget our fight?” I move closer, crushed as he takes a step back.

  “I can’t. You can’t un-ring the bell. I poured my heart out. I handed it to you on a fucking platter, Maisie, and you can’t say the same.”

  I want to, but if I’m wrong, I could singlehandedly torpedo Jasper’s financial stability. I know what it’s like to struggle to pay rent, to work multiple jobs to cover my bills. I’ve dreamed of getting to a place in my life where I won’t have to worry so much, and I know how hard he’s worked to get where he is today. Am I wrong for wanting to be one hundred percent certain considering what’s on the line?

  “I just need some time.”

  “And I’m giving it to you. I’m not trying to be a brat or pitch a fit, Maisie. I’ve laid it all on the line. I’ve told you exactly how I feel and how much I want you. Now, I need to take a step back while you figure out how you feel. I’m not going anywhere, but you’re not the only one who needs time. It hurts to be around you right now knowing we’re not on the same page.”

  “Jasper, please…”

  “Don’t push me because I’ll cave. I’ll pull you into my arms and claim your body as mine over and over again until my soul shatters into a million pieces. I want you. I’m all in, but until you can come to me and tell me you are all in, I need to put some distance between us.”

  My heart stutters, grinding to a halt as his eyes lock on mine.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It’s what I need. If I let myself take you home, to my bed, I’ll never let you leave.” My body is screaming at me to go to him, to tell him I love him, that I’m scared of the life that’s set out before me for the taking. I’m terrified his feelings for me will change when the next movie comes along. It all seemed so much easier back in Kingsbury Falls.

  “I just need to grab my stuff from your place, and then I’ll be out of your way.”

  “No. I couldn’t bear the thought of you in a hotel. Stay at my place. I’m fine at Hazel’s.”

  “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Please let me do this one thing for you. I know your life has been turned upside down since we met because of me, so please, assuage my guilt and stay at my place for now.”

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about. It’s your home.” The look of desolation on his flawless features causes a physical pain in my chest.

  “It’s just a house, Maisie. I’d give it up tomorrow if I thought it would prove to you that you’re the one. Without you… it’s just a fucking house.” Running his hand through his messy hair, he flashes me a half-hearted smile before turning on his heels to leave. “Take care of yourself, baby. If you need me, you call me any time day or night.”

  “When will I see you again?”

  “The next press event, I guess. Goodbye, Maisie.” As I watch him walk away, my lungs constrict, unable to pull in a breath.

  What have I done?

  I’ve been holed up in Jasper’s house for days, walking around aimlessly in the vast expanse of space. I haven’t washed my hair or worn anything other than sweats and one of Jasper’s t-shirts. Catching sight of myself in one of the many mirrors scattered throughout the house, I’m a hot mess.

  My fingers have typed so many messages without hitting send. I’m supposed to be happy. My dream career is materializing before my eyes, and yet, if I could strip it all away in this moment, I would. If I could’ve met Jasper under different circumstances, things wouldn’t be so complicated. Maybe if we got along better, I wouldn’t have reservations. I’m not sure if a relationship founded on physical chemistry and personalities at odds with each other can survive. Add in the invasive media ready to scrutinize and crucify you, I’m not convinced we stand a chance.

  When Jasper first arrived in Kingsbury Falls, he was so angry and hurt. He put his heart and soul into turning everything around, and he still hasn’t spoken up about what really happened with Cecelia Bain. Why hasn’t he told his side of the story?

  Parking myself in Jasper’s bed with the remote, I mindlessly binge watch Netflix, torturing myself with tear-jerking movies until I’m so exhausted I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Sleep provides little relief, my slumber fitful at best.

  When my phone rings, I scramble through the comforter until I find it, but my heart sinks when I see it’s not Jasper.

  “Hello,” I answer, deflated.

  “Hey, Maisie. It’s Hazel.”

  “How is he?” She and I have had little contact off set, so naturally, I assume she wants to bawl me out, or there’s something wrong. I begin to panic. “Is Jasper okay?”

  “No, he’s a fucking mess. What the hell happened?”

  “He hasn’t told you?”

  “Nope, but he asked me to check in on you.”

  “I’m… fine.”

  “Bullshit. You sound like ass. I’m going to come and take you out tonight.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m not really up for going anywhere.”

  “Well, wash the Cheeto dust out of your hair and wear something fierce. You’re supposed to be building a public profile for this movie, and we need some momentum.”

  “Will Jasper be there?” Seconds feel like hours as her silence provides the answer.

  “Put on your big-girl panties and suit up. You’re playing in the big leagues now, and Jasp needs us to pull this off. So even if you don’t feel like partying, you’re coming out with me tonight. Got it?”

  “Okay.” I can fake it for him if it’s going to ensure the movie is a success.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight. Remember, I want you looking fierce, we’re not in Kingsbury Falls anymore.” As I shut off the phone, her words echo in my ear. She’s not wrong, we’re so far removed from my hometown comforts, I don’t even feel like myself right now. I know it’s pathetic, but I’m homesick. I’d give anything to sit on Mad’s back porch with him and A.B., the girls running around in the fields as baby Robert nestles in his daddy’s arms. I miss Jax’s constant innuendo and jibes at Jasper’s expense. Most of all, I miss being tangled in my sheets with Jasper asleep at my side.

  Chapter Nineteen


  It took me a few hours to make myself presentable after days of slobbing around, but by the time Hazel arrived at the door to pick me up, I was feigning some semblance of holding it together.

  The ride to some hotspot club is quiet, and Hazel’s disdain for me right now is palpable.

  “Why are you hanging out with me tonight?”

  “Because my best friend asked me to, and my name is attached to this movie, too.”

  “How is he?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Do you think he’d talk to me if I called?” She pins me with a death stare.

  “Unless you’re calling to tell him you’ve figured out your shit, then do us both a favor and leave him alone.”

  “I miss him.” Hanging in the air between us, she doesn’t offer any words of comfort. I’ve hurt her closest friend. I don’t deserve her kindness.

  As we pull up outside a place called Viper 2.0, I’m astonished by the line of people waiting to get inside.

  “Oh my Lord. What is this place?”

  “God, you really are country, aren’t you? It’s a club, and everyone who’s anyone is seen here.”

  “Will we even get in?” With a snort of derision, she grabs my hand and pulls me toward the thick red velvet ropes. As if by magic, a mean-looking beast of a man in a black suit unhooks the rope and ushers us inside.

p; “Evening, ladies.” He recognizes Hazel when she gives him a wry grin and a mischievous wink.

  As we weave our way through the crowd, I’m speechless at the decadence of this place. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. There are multiple bars with every bottle you could ever think of lined up in stylish rows of optics with neon lights behind. The bartender in me is impressed. I’m used to serving bourbon to the locals at Cardinals.

  When we arrive at a VIP lounge, I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience, and I’m overcome with the absence of Jasper by my side.

  “What do you want to drink?” Hazel shouts over the thumping bass.

  “What are you having?” There’s so much choice. She pulls me down into some plush seating, and a waitress appears within seconds.

  “Good evening, ladies. What can I get for you tonight?”

  “Two dirty martinis.”

  My mind can’t process our surroundings. I don’t even want to think about how much it’s going to cost for a drink. Probably my rent. Scanning the room, I recognize certain faces, television and movie stars, sports personalities.

  “Can you be a little less conspicuous while you ogle the local clientele?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just… this is unreal. So many famous people.”

  “Yeah. This place is discreet. People can party hard, and not a single picture from inside this building will hit the press. It’s a guarantee. It’s why they like to come here.”

  “Then, why are we here if you want me to be seen by the media?” She rolls her eyes, obviously irked by my lack of Hollywood savvy.

  “Because when we leave, there will be a great picture of you outside the hottest club in town.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “You need to network in this town. After this movie, no one is going to care that you’re the small-town country girl. It works for this project, but what are you going to do next? Jasp can’t carry your entire career.”

  “I don’t expect him to.” She eyes me warily.

  “I see that. What went down between you two?” I’m grateful for the arrival of our drinks, a welcome distraction. If he didn’t tell her what happened, maybe he doesn’t want her to know.

  “You need to talk to Jasper.”

  “I tried. He’s tight-lipped and miserable as fuck. You really did a number on him. I thought you guys were making a go of it?”

  “We were. We are. Everything is just moving so fast, it’s making my head spin.”

  “You’re hurting him, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it makes me want to hurt you. He’s a good guy. The best.”

  “I know.” She throws back her drink, signaling the waitress for another round.

  “God, you straight girls make me dizzy. If you know he’s amazing and you want to be with him, then what the fuck are we doing sitting here? Why aren’t you with him?”

  “It’s complicated.” As if taking pity on me, she reaches out her hand, gripping my shoulder.

  “It’s only as complicated as you make it.”

  “Why hasn’t he told the media what really happened with his ex?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question. Honestly, I think he’s just inherently a stand-up guy. It doesn’t sit right with him to drag her through the mud and air her dirty laundry, so to speak. There was a time she meant something to him.”

  “Has he dated any other co-stars?”

  “If you want to know this stuff, you really should talk to him.” She’s loyal to her friend. Under different circumstances, we might be friends.

  “Every time I try, we end up fighting. I’m not questioning the way he feels about me right now, but this is a first for me. What are the chances that I’d find my prince charming by him stumbling into my hometown and needing a new leading lady? It’s the perfect love story.”

  “Except that you hated each other with the burning fires of hell, but apparently, those fires stoked some flaming hot chemistry. And then, by all accounts, you went and fell in love. I think you’re creating problems where there are none. Are you afraid he’s going to fall for his next co-star? Or are you worried that you’ll fall for your next leading man?” My gaze drops to the floor.

  “There’s no one else.”

  “Holy shit! I’m right, though. You’re worried this is just on-screen fiction spilling into real life.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him. I want to be sure. He’s talking about love and moving in together and the future.”

  “And that scares the ever-loving crap out of you?”

  “I need another drink.” She thinks better of pressing me further, and instead, pulls me into her arms. My muscles stiffen, surprise paralyzing me as the aromatic scent of her perfume invades my space.

  “I want to like you, country girl, and my boy loves you. Don’t let happiness pass you by because you’re too scared to grab it with both hands.” My eyes well with tears as my arms wrap around her petite shoulders.

  “Thank you.”

  “No crying. I need hot pictures of you in the tabloids tomorrow.” Another round of drinks appear, and I throw it back like a tequila shot. “Now, let’s dance.”

  Hazel drags me onto the floor, her body moving in time to the music. She’s stunningly beautiful. It seems odd that she chooses to be behind the camera rather than in front of it. Men and women around us drink in the sight of her with lust in their eyes, and she knows it. Confidence oozes from every pore, and I can see why Jasper enjoys her company. It’s infectious.

  Letting the tension of the past few days and weeks be carried away on the melody that thunders through the room making the floors bounce, I lose myself in the music. The drinks flow, and the beat keeps pumping. It’s been a long time since I’ve let loose like this. It feels good, but as Hazel and I dance the hours away, the weight in my chest returns with a vengeance.

  “Nope. No pining for Savage. Save that for tomorrow. I’ll even let you call him on the way home.” Grabbing my hands, she spins me with effortless ease before pulling me tight to her body. “Dance!” She’s got moves, and as I see her eyeing a cute blonde across the dance floor, I like the idea of being her wingman for the evening. As the thick beat thrums through my chest, I relax against the soft lines of her body, gyrating in time to the music. With Hazel’s hands resting on my hips, I ache for Jasper’s touch, and as her breasts press close to mine, a spark of desire flickers to life.

  Leaning in close, I notice the cute blonde strutting our way with a little extra sway in her hips.

  “I think you have an admirer.” Hazel’s eyes turn, raking the length of the woman heading in our direction. She’s ravenous, and that girl is a three-course meal. “I’m going to go. I want to talk to Jasper.” She gives me a knowing stare, sensing how my body yearns for him.

  “Hold up. I’ll walk you out.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Just give me two minutes.” She turns on her heels and struts over to the blonde, watching her every move. Without hesitation, she leans in, whispering something in the girl’s ear. The blonde hands over her phone, and I’m assuming Hazel types in her number. I’m dumbstruck as the girl reaches up, pulling Hazel to her lips without hesitation. Holy crap, that’s hot. I quickly avert my gaze, feeling like a voyeur.

  It’s then that I see her across the room. Cecelia Bain. My pulse is racing so hard, my ears are whooshing. She’s surrounded by guys, which makes sense. From what I know, she likes plenty of male attention. I’m frozen to the spot, overwhelmed by jealousy and rage. The thought of Jasper caressing her body, kissing her, making love to her, makes me so jealous I want to scream, but the emotion coursing through my veins propelling me forward is unadulterated hatred. She broke his heart and tossed his reputation to the wolves to save herself.

  My breath his labored, my hands balled into fists at my side when Hazel grabs me by the shoulders.

  “Leave it, she’s not worth it.” It’s then that Cece’s gaze meets mine. The sneer that mars her beauty t
urns my stomach. She identifies Hazel instantly as I’m sure they’ve spent time together over the years. But when she eyes me head to toe, I can see the moment of recognition. She knows who I am.

  Hazel is holding me back, attempting to pull me to the door when I hear Cece’s voice.

  “Looks like J.J. found himself another little dyke to play with. He’s so pathetic.” I see red. Her comment catches Hazel off-guard, and she loosens her grip, letting me fly.

  I’m in Cece’s face in seconds.

  “Watch your damn mouth.”

  “Go home, you stupid hick. You really think J.J. is going to have any use for you after this movie? You’re homegrown, small-town trash. So why don’t you take your little pussy-loving friend home and give him a show while you’re still relevant,” she bites out with venom in her voice.

  “Honey, if there’s anyone here who’s trash, it’s you. Jasper might not want to drag you through the mud,” I say, leaning in close, “… but I know what you did… skank.”

  “You little bitch.” She reaches for my hair, grabbing and clawing at me like a feral cat. I’m aware of Hazel shouting at me on the periphery, but my blood is boiling. On instinct, I defend myself, hitting Cece square in the jaw.

  “Don’t mess with Texas… bitch.” Before the bouncers can get a hold of me, Hazel grabs me and makes a run for the door. Down the hallway and through the main dance floor, we burst out into the night air, dragging breath into our lungs, adrenaline pumping so hard it’s making me dizzy.

  “That was fucking amazing! Totally the wrong thing to do but fucking awesome!” I’m aware of cameras flashing as Hazel hurries me into the back of a cab, yelling the address before slamming the door shut.

  My head is spinning as I lay my head against the window, watching the night pass by in a flurry of lights. I drank way too much, and my hand is throbbing after that right hook, but it felt so good.


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