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Saving Margaret

Page 11

by Krystal Shannan

  “He is saving our life.”



  Scott roared and fell to his knees. Pain and terror rushed through the newly reconnected mate bond. They’d nearly killed her, but she was fighting to hang on. Her life force through the connection was hanging on by a thread.

  “She’s so weak.”

  “I know, but her magick can heal her now. Whatever was blocking it has been removed. There,” Siobhan pointed to a big building south of the main power plant complex. “She’s there.”

  Scott turned toward the building. It looked just like a dozen other warehouses they’d passed. But the bond was telling him the same thing. Keith and Chris were busy talking on their phones and he watched as the pack silently converged on the warehouse with the speed and skill of a highly trained platoon of soldiers.

  He froze. The door on the front opened and a man stepped out carrying a bloody body.

  “It’s Margaret,” Siobhan whispered, crouching next to him.

  The smell of blood and burned flesh hung heavy in the hot desert air. His stomach recoiled. Her face was unrecognizable and the rest of her was slick with blood, but her scent was unmistakable.

  He’d let this happen. It was his fault.

  He stood and walked from behind the protection of the car. The man carrying Margaret paused. Scott watched him pan his gaze, noting exactly where pack members were crouched and waiting. When the stranger turned back, he began walking again —straight toward him.

  “Scott,” Peter’s voice called from behind him.

  He ignored the royal and kept walking, keeping his eyes on the stranger and on his mate. Her heartbeat was slow, but steady.

  The stranger had short black hair, buzzed like a military man. His eyes were brown and hard. There was no emotion to read, but he carried her as a man would carry something precious. The small detail filled his heart with hope. Then the scent filtered across the parking lot.

  The stalker.

  The beast within him roared. This man had stalked Margaret. Invaded her personal space and now held her beaten and bloody body a mere dozen yards away.

  “I wish no harm to her, O’Hearn. The two responsible for her damage lie dead inside the building.”

  “Give her to me,” Scott growled.

  The stranger took a step back, concern flashed through his dark eyes.

  Scott’s eyes widened and he straightened his shoulders. Warmth from his magick rippled from his skin, settling just below the surface. He could shift in an instant if needed.

  “Calm yourself. I will give her to you, but I wish to survive the exchange.”

  “You stalked her. Why should I let you live to hunt her again?”

  “Things have changed since the Council first gave me orders months ago.”

  “You are an agent?” Scott took an aggressive step forward, but the other male held his ground.

  “I was one of their best assassins. If I had wished Margaret’s death, she would never have awakened the morning after the wedding. Please hear me out.”

  “Give her to me. Then I will listen.”


  Scott roared and took several more steps toward the unfamiliar wolf. “You will give me my mate!”

  “Scott.” Her voice was barely louder than a whimper.

  He moved forward quickly, but stopped a few feet from the assassin. “Margaret, I’m here.”

  “If you want the pack to give you a chance. Give me to Scott. I will not forget you saved my life,” she paused. “Scott won’t either.”

  He swallowed. Saved her life? He owed this man a great debt if that were true. His body trembled with the overwhelming need to touch her…to hold her. He met the wolf’s gaze and stepped closer.

  The other man nodded and stepped forward. Scott held out his arms and cradled her carefully as the agent transferred her body. The magick of their bond surged through him and he allowed himself a small sigh of relief.

  “Who are you?”

  “Stefan Antipas. I volunteered to assassinate Peter Demakis. Though, I had no intention of following through and once the Council knew…they sent other agents.”

  “Antipas is an old royal family. As old, or older, than the Demakis line,” he bear whispered. “His family is very powerful.”

  “Why would you volunteer? The Council will kill you for defecting. Your own family will shun you.”

  “Renata is my sister.”

  Scott clenched his teeth.

  “When I realized the agents had lost Peter to the Vegas Pack. I assumed Margaret would be the first target. I checked four safe houses in the city before I got to this one. Saving Margaret was my ticket into the pack’s good graces. I need your support…Peter’s support to save my sister.”

  He turned to his right. Keith and Peter were standing only a few yards away. Most of the other pack members had closed the gap significantly as well. They were completely surrounded.

  “Why didn’t you just talk to me,” Peter asked.

  “You wouldn’t have let me take her…I can’t let the Council get Renata. She holds so many secrets. I have two generations of children that would be summarily executed if the Council found out. They are already suspicious. I was nearly too late to save one of my granddaughters in Houston.”

  “Sarah?” Margaret asked, stirring in his arms. “You are talking about Sarah McLain, aren’t you?”

  “Shhhh, love. Rest.”

  “That’s why we all felt so comfortable around her. She’s a latent wolf.” He hugged her tighter when a sob slipped out. “They will kill her whole family. Bonnie is too, isn’t she?”

  “How could you?” Peter stepped forward. “The entire community works together to keep the secrets from the humans and you go and have a child with one!”

  Stefan snarled. “I loved her. The woman I should have mated died in my arms, by my hand through the Council’s orders. Cora saved me. I would have ended my life, but for her kindness. She was a stranger who talked me down from the end of a gun barrel.” He turned back to Scott. “Your mate has the heart of a warrior. Take good care of that little female.”

  Scott huffed. Then nodded his head. Stefan had saved Margaret. That act alone secured his loyalty till death. “I am in your debt.”

  “As are we all,” Keith spoke, stepping up to stand beside Scott and Peter. “You saved one of ours. Consider the Vegas Pack your new home, Stefan. You are with family now. We will help guard your children and theirs.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank us yet.” Margaret’s father sighed. “You’ve just allied yourself with a rebellion.”

  A smile spread across the assassin’s face. “A good fight is always a worthy cause.” He turned and stepped toward Peter. “But, we must get to Renata, now.”

  “She’s secure in a safe house in Washington,” Peter answered quickly.

  Stefan shook his head. “She’s been in contact with both Council agents here. I overheard their phone conversations. We have to hurry.”

  The urgency in his voice unnerved him. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. This wasn’t over yet.

  “Not even close.” His bear added.


  Margaret groaned and stretched. Every muscle hurt, but at least she didn’t want to scream every time her skin touched something. The swelling felt like it had gone down almost completely in her face, too. She rolled to her side and cracked open one eye.

  Scott smiled. He was laying shirtless right next to her, propped up on an elbow. Her eyes trailed down his smooth stomach and stopped at the waistline. A pair of dark wash jeans impeded her from enjoying a glance at his lower region. Such a shame.

  Her wolf chuckled in the back of her mind. “Of course you wake up from an ordeal like what we just went through and the first thing on your mind is peeling your mate out of his clothes.”

  “How are you feeling this morning, darl’n?”

  His voice yanked her concentration away from
her wolf. “Like a tractor trailer rolled over me a few times and then someone decided to cook me with a flame thrower.” She paused. “How long was I out?”

  “About thirty-six hours. Most of your injuries are healed.” He stopped. His eyes darkened. “Margaret, can you forgive me for losing you.”

  She reached and brushed a curl from his forehead. “I’m just thankful we are both alive and together. This was no one’s fault. Do you understand? There’s nothing to forgive.”

  He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close. His clean piney scent was soothing. She worried it would take years to forget the smell of Alex and the other agent who'd stolen and tortured her, but if she could wake up every morning surround by Scott…she would be just fine.

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Scott huffed into her hair.

  “I told your father we would stay until you were healed. Now that you are awake, we need to pack. I’m taking you home.”

  “What about the pack? My family needs me.”

  “We are in charge of the Demakis sisters. They will be staying with us at the old inn on my property I told you about.”


  He stood and walked inside her closet. "What do you" His words slowed.

  She laughed. Her closet was not particularly clean. Her mom had always called it organized chaos.

  "This is very..."

  "Choose your words very carefully," she drawled out playfully.


  A snort escaped her mouth before she covered it with a pillow. "What do you wear at home?"

  "Jeans and flannel shirts. It's comfortable and warm."

  "So you fit the part of the mountain man perfectly minus the beard."

  "I can grow one if you want."

  "I'd rather you didn't," she giggled.

  A few sweatshirts and some jeans came flying out of her closet and landed on the foot of the bed. "It's good to hear you laugh." His voice rumbled with unvoiced fear.

  "I thought I'd lost you. When I realized the shackles were made of iron, I nearly gave up."

  "When our bond was cut off. I felt like someone had ripped out my heart. If it hadn’t been for Siobhan, I don’t know how we would have found you.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “Do you trust Stefan?"

  "I owe him my trust, whether I want to give it or not." She paused, waiting for his response. None came. "He is a royal and they all have some sort of agenda."

  "Most people do." A couple of t-shirts flew out and landed next to the jeans. "Where are your shoes? I only see one pair of heels."

  The distraction from the serious conversation elicited another giggle. "They are all down in the foyer, by the front door."

  He stuck his head out of the closet. "Really?"

  A knock at the door drew her attention away from the beautiful man standing ankle deep in her closet. "Margaret?"

  "Maggie, come in."

  The door swung open and her best friend waltzed into her bedroom. She paused at the open closet door and laughed. "Don't let anything in there bite you."

  "Whatever," he rumbled. "Your whole house looks like a maid service takes care of it, but the closet looks like a grenade went off a few years ago."

  "She can't help it. It's her one rebellious trait. Well, that and the shoe thing at the door." She sat down on the bed next.

  Margaret sat up and moved to sit next to her, holding the sheet around her chest to cover her nudity. You think he could have at least put some pajamas on me.

  “Where would he have found them?”

  “You need to put some clothes on before your entire family starts piling in here.”

  “Fine, then you will have to leave unless you want a face full while I get dressed.”

  Maggie threw up her hands, jumped from the bed, and backed toward the door.” She wagged a finger in the air. “No funny business. Everyone is waiting. I’m telling them you are awake.”

  Margaret glared. “Fine,” she finally answered.

  Maggie left the room with a smirk on her face. The door clicked softly behind her.

  One of her favorite pairs of jeans had found its way to the bed. She rolled to her nightstand and pulled a clean pair of underwear and a bra from the top drawer.

  “Can you stand?” he asked, walking quickly to her side. His hands skimmed across her bare skin of her shoulders, sending currents of magick rippling through her body. She could feel his care and concern channeling through the mate bond.

  “Yes, but can you hook my bra for me? I’m still —”

  “Of course.” He stretched the lace edges behind her gently and hooked them together. Then held her elbow as she slipped into the underwear and then the jeans. He pulled a t-shirt from the pile on the bed and gently tugged it over her head.

  She pushed her arms through, biting her lip, as pain lanced through her shoulders. Everything was healing, but her body was still so sore.

  He grasped her wrists and held them out. “It’s mending well and the scars are almost gone, too.”

  “I know the magick will heal the outside.” She met his gaze. Love and compassion radiated from his soft brown eyes. “I’m afraid it’s the inside of me that needs more time.”

  He nodded and pulled her into an embrace. She snuggled her face against his chest and breathed in his scent. It was the best feeling in the world to be held by him, surrounded by his powerful magick and by his love for her. She was safe and he was her home. It didn’t matter where they needed to be. If they were together, it would be right.

  “The mountains are a good place to heal, love. Quiet. Slower. I think it will be good for you.”

  “Do we have to leave right now?”

  “Yes, we haven’t located the agent that attacked you at the casino. I want you out of the city and your father agreed.”

  “He left with Stefan didn’t he?”

  “Yes, along with two of his brothers and Chris’s father.”

  Her eyes widened. They all went? “Who stayed?”

  “Siobhan’s husband and Nathan. Demakis put them in charge of The Glass House. Something about making sure the Pack had plenty of disposable income.”

  “Wow,” she paused, taking a deep breath. “This is really happening.”

  “We need to go. Demakis wants to be sure that agent can’t find you or his daughters. So, the faster we pack up, the better.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked around the room.

  “Margaret,” he whispered.

  He moved her away from his chest and bent down to meet her gaze at her level. Giant bear. She forced a weak smile.

  “I know. I’m ready.”

  His hands fell from her shoulders. She walked slowly to the door, but stopped when he didn’t follow her.

  “Go ahead. I’m going to load up your clothes in a bag for you. Maggie said she already bagged up things for the bathroom.”

  She nodded and padded out of the room. Voices carried up the stairs. Her house was full of family —noisy, nosy, and full of life. The quiet of the mountains would be strange. She’d never lived anywhere without the bustle of the city and the constant interruptions of family members.

  Laughter broke out from her living room. Kyle or Allen were for sure the instigators. Nothing could keep those boys in a foul mood for long. She stepped off the bottom stair and slowly entered the living room.

  “Margaret!” Her mother squealed from across the room.

  “Don’t squeeze too hard, mom.” She winced through the embrace, but wanted it nonetheless.

  “I’m sorry. I just have been so worried. Your bear of a mate hardly let anyone near you.”

  Margaret giggled. “He’s very protective.”

  Her mom shrugged and then winked. “All good mates are.” She waved to the front door. Several bags were stacked neatly at the bottom of the stairs. “Everything is packed for your trip. Heath and Kate are going to fol
low you out of town.”

  “A lion and a witch?”

  “No wardrobe though, cuz,” Allan shouted from the couch.

  The whole room burst into giggles and several of her other cousins high-fived Allan. She shook her head, but couldn’t keep from grinning. “How long have you been holding that one in?”

  “Just came to me.” He covered his mouth and burst into another fit of laughter.

  “Why Heath and Kate?” She turned back to her mother. Something must be wrong if they wanted an escort following them out of town.

  “Your father and Stefan thought sending someone other than wolves would draw less attention to you and Scott leaving. We are concerned that the agent who attacked you at the casino could still be watching you. Heath and Kate will watch your back.”

  “That way if he is following us, he won’t recognize the back-up as part of the pack,” Scott added, setting her very stuffed overnight bag next to the other two by the door. “I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance.”

  “You didn’t know how far they would escalate it. It’s not your fault,” her mother assured him. “You are going to take really good care of my girl, right?”

  Scott wrapped a big arm around her mom. “I will. Believe me, bear country is the last place any of the Council agents will dare venture. She will be safe. If you need to send any of the younger kids up to us, please do.”

  Her mom patted his stomach and smiled. “You are a good man, but I’m not sure what you would do with a passel of teenagers romping around your home.”

  “The door is always open.”

  She nodded. “Let’s get you packed and ready. They’ve already had a day to regroup, but we refused to let Scott pack you up and take you before you had a chance to somewhat recover consciousness.”

  “Thanks, mom.” She glanced around the room at her family and friends. Gods, she was going to miss them so much. “I love you all. I wish…”

  “We'll come visit, cuz. Promise,” said Allen. “A bunch of bears won’t keep us away.”

  Scott huffed and one of Siobhan’s smallest squealed and jumped away from the noise. Everyone smiled as the little preteen scurried across the room to sit with her mother.


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