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A Little Luck

Page 4

by Jill Sanders

  The woman had a peaceful look on her face, and most of the time, Ashley felt she looked down at her approvingly. Tonight, however, Ashley believed the woman stared down at judgmentally as she shivered and tried to get warm.

  “Oh, shut up.” She groaned, and leaned back again.

  “I haven’t even said anything yet,” a deep voice said from the bathroom doorway.

  Ashley screamed and covered herself as best as she could. Water splashed over the edge of the tub, and she lost her hold on the side of the tub and slipped under the water, soaking her hair and face further.

  “Get out!” she screamed when she resurfaced. Her hands still covered as much as she could. She was thankful she’d thrown in some bubbles, but at this point, they were pretty much all gone.

  She heard another chuckle, then the bathroom door clicked shut.

  Since there was now soap in her eyes, she wasn’t sure if he was on the outside of that door or the inside.

  Blinking a few times, she finally confirmed she was alone. Since the water had turned lukewarm, she quickly jumped out, wrapped herself in her thick robe, and dried her hair as much as possible.

  It had grown so much longer in the past few months. She hadn’t been excited about finding a stylist in Paris and had just let it go wild. Tucking the long tresses up in a clip on top of her head, she looked at herself in the mirror and groaned.

  She looked sick. Slapping on some base to cover the pale look of her skin, she made sure to brush her teeth before heading out.

  Cole was relaxing on her sofa, as if he belonged there. More candles were lit and there was another dinner of soup and cheesy noodles on the table.

  “Is this going to become a thing?” she asked, wishing she’d had time to put some thick socks on her feet.

  For the most part, the chill had subsided, but parts of her were still too cold.

  He watched her as she moved further into the room, then he stood quickly.

  “You’re sick.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Why, yes, I’m fine thank you,” she said sarcastically as she moved over to begin making some tea.

  He spun her around, and his eyes narrowed as he ran them over her face.

  “Have you taken anything?”

  “A hot bath, which was interrupted,” she added dryly.

  His hands were still on her shoulders and she held in a groan as he started massaging them lightly.

  “You’re all tense,” he said softly.

  “Yeah, someone just barged in on me.” She rolled her shoulders under his hands.

  “I don’t barge,” he said, continuing his massage.

  “No, you sneak around and lurk in the shadows.” She closed her eyes and felt her entire body relaxing. Then the tea kettle whistled behind her, and Cole’s hands dropped away.

  “Go sit down, I’ll get this for you. The soup and food will help. Do you have aspirin?”

  “Top shelf.” She pointed to the place and sat down at the table.

  The soup was still steaming, and she didn’t wait for him before taking a sip. The warmth instantly spread throughout her, causing her to relax even more.

  “Here.” He handed her two pills and her tea before sitting across from her.

  “Are you going to steal another painting and run off?” she asked.

  His eyebrows shot up. “You must be feeling better.” He smiled as her eyes narrowed.

  “Why do you run off each night?” she asked, taking a bite of the cheesy ravioli.

  “Work,” he answered quickly.

  “Are you working tonight?” she asked.

  He looked over his mug at her. “Not unless they call.”

  “Who’s they?” she asked, taking another bite. She was starting to feel better.

  “What happened to your thing tonight?” he asked, instead of answering.

  “I’m sick,” she replied, knowing he wasn’t going to answer her question. “Doesn’t it get lonely?”


  “This.” She motioned towards him. “Not letting anyone in?”

  “You’re in.”

  She felt like laughing, but stopped herself when she realized he was serious.

  “You’ve changed.” She sighed, missing the old Cole.

  “So, have you,” he replied easily, his eyes going over her slowly.

  “Not that much.” She felt a little self-conscious that he was seeing her at her worst.

  “Neither have I.” This time it was her eyes that ran over him. He’d changed so much that she was surprised she’d recognized him at the Louvre. His smile and eyes were the same, but he had new muscles, and he appeared taller and more sure of himself. He also had a dangerous and mysterious appeal to him.

  Whereas the high school boy had been sexy, the Cole that sat in front of her was sexy as hell.

  Cole sat silently and watched as Ashley assessed him.

  He could see some of the color return to her cheeks and knew that the warm food was helping her.

  She had said she wouldn’t be home that evening, but when he’d seen her light on, he’d grabbed food down the street for them.

  When he’d found her clothes thrown just inside the doorway, his first thought was that she had a lover. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from checking to make sure.

  He had enjoyed eating with her each night and wanted his last night in Paris to last as long as it could.

  When he’d found her in the tub, he’d frozen in place as he watched. His eyes had taken in every curve, every peak. He’d been so lost in her, that when she spoke, he’d believed she was talking to him.

  Seeing her now, he wondered how he’d gone so long without her and how he was expected to go back to his life while she remained in Paris.

  “You’ve changed.” It came out as a whisper as she finished her meal.

  He’d learned over the past year and half to eat as quickly as he could, since he wasn’t sure when he’d be forced to move.

  “You’ve started painting again.” He’d seen the stacks of new paintings that she had drying above.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “You were right.”

  He smiled. “I usually am.”

  She rolled her eyes and leaned back.

  “Can I see them?” he asked, taking their plates to the sink as she watched him carefully.

  “Sure.” She glanced down at her robe. “Let me change first.”

  “I like the way you are now.” He pulled her up and straight into his arms. “This way, there’s less to remove when I want to touch you later.”

  He felt her breath hitch, felt her body heat, and decided then and there that he’d ignore the buzzing of his phone if it came to it.

  “Cole,” she whispered, before reaching up on her toes and placing her lips over his.

  “You do things to me,” he said between kisses as he walked her backwards towards the sofa. “You make me forget time and place.” He pulled her down on top of him on the soft cushions. “I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life, here on this sofa with you.” His hands pushed the thick cotton of her robe aside as her nails dug into his hair, holding him to her as he trailed kisses down her neckline.

  “Cole,” she cried out when he found her, hot, wet, only for him.

  “That’s it, let go,” he growled next to her heated skin. “My god, lose yourself in me,” he begged as he took her higher. Her body responded and purred as he played over her softness.

  He thought he’d had what he wanted, but after a moment of hearing her pleas, he had to have more.

  Easily switching their positions, he pinned her to the cushions, ripped open the robe the rest of the way, and stared down at the milky white skin he’d exposed.

  “Wow.” His eyes took in everything about her again. This time, there wasn’t soapy water hindering his view. “So beautiful,” he whispered as he leaned in and ran his mouth over her skin. She tasted so sweet, so warm, so soft. He had to concentrate not to go too fast, not
to leave marks from his unshaven face on that perfect skin of hers.

  When he nudged her legs wider, her hands returned to his hair, holding him, guiding him. As his tongue darted across her sweet folds, he heard her gasp and jerk under him.

  His hands tightened on her thighs, holding, coaxing, until she relaxed and started moving slowly under him. He felt her building and knew that he had to take what he could, what she’d give him, now, before it was too late, and he had to disappear again.

  “Cole, please,” she begged, while trying to pull him up to her.

  Pulling the condom out of a small pocket in his black pants, he freed then sheathed himself.

  “Your shirt,” she said, breathing heavily. “Remove it.” It came out almost as a growl.

  He smiled and tossed the black shirt onto the floor with her discarded robe. When he moved back over her, her legs wrapped around his hips.

  “Tell me to go to hell,” he whispered between kisses.

  “No,” she gasped and tried to pull him closer. “I want this, want you.”

  “Then be damned with me,” he said before jerking his hips and filling her.


  Ashley lay there listening to Cole’s heart settle along with her own and wondered what he’d meant.

  Be damned? Was he trying to say she was stuck with him? A slow smile crossed her lips. God, she hoped so. She’d wanted this for so long, forever.

  “What are you so happy about?” he asked, his face still buried in her hair.

  “How do you know I’m happy?” she asked, trying to mask her tone.

  “I can practically hear you purring.” He shifted so he could look down at her. His eyes searched her face and she felt her body warming again just looking up at him.

  “I don’t purr,” she joked. “I’m happy you stayed tonight.”

  His eyebrows shot up and a frown replaced his smile. “I’m ignoring that.” He nodded to his jacket, which hung over the back of her kitchen chair.

  She heard it now, the buzzing.

  “Do you have to…” she started to ask, but he answered quickly by shaking his head.

  “It can wait, for now.” He leaned in and kissed her again. Instantly, she felt every part of her catch fire again.

  She wanted to ask him to stay the entire night, but she had a feeling that he’d avoid answering. Instead, she held on tight as he built her up again and took her there, on the sofa, as the snow fell outside.

  This time, when their heartbeats settled, he tossed a blanket she’d thrown over the back of the sofa over them. His arms were wrapped around her, her head resting comfortably on his chest.

  The buzzing from his phone had stopped.

  “Won’t you get in trouble for not answering?” she asked, holding back a yawn.

  “No.” He was running his hands through her hair, causing her to relax even further.

  “What exactly is it you do?” she asked, knowing full well he wouldn’t tell her.

  “This and that.”

  “Like?” She waited.

  “Catch bad guys,” he supplied.

  She sat up, the blanket dropping away from her. “I knew it.” She pointed at him. “You are a spy.”

  He chuckled. “No, I’m not.” He tried to pull her back down, but she stopped him. She wanted to see his eyes, to see if she could tell if he was telling the truth.

  “If you’re not a spy, then what?” When he didn’t answer, she continued. “Mason went to work with his dad at the FBI.”

  “So, you’re still in contact with Mason?” He shifted, his eyes searching hers. She thought she saw a hint of jealousy behind them.

  “Unlike you, I’ve stayed in contact with almost everyone.” She shifted again, taking the blanket with her. Her mind wandered momentarily when the movement caused his chest and stomach to be exposed.

  She’d seen him shirtless plenty of times during basketball practice at school, but things had changed since then.

  Now, there was a sexy line of dark hair that traveled from his navel to below the blankets. He pushed his arm behind his head, propping it up so he could watch her. More muscles were exposed, causing her mouth to go dry.

  She hadn’t taken the time to explore and enjoy him as much as she had wanted.

  “What is Mason up to?” he asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Who?” she asked, her eyes traveling slowly back to his.

  His smile grew. “Our old buddy?” he hinted.

  “Oh.” Her mind cleared. “Working for his dad.”

  “You said that, I mean…” He shook his head and sighed heavily. Then he surprised her by reaching up and cupping her face. “Let’s not talk about another man while I’m here.”

  “Are you seeing someone?” she blurted out. She’d been thinking about it since the first night he’d shown up in her flat. Maybe he was in Paris with his wife and that was why he had to sneak around. Maybe he wasn’t a spy after all, but a cheating husband.

  Cole laughed, hard. His hands dropped away from her.

  “You ask me that after we just did…” His eyebrows wiggled. “Why not before?” Then he sobered. “Would you have slept with me anyway if I was? Or worse, married?”

  “No,” she answered quickly, but she knew she would have dreamed about it for the rest of her life.

  “Good.” He pulled her back down to him. “No, I’m not with someone or married.”

  “I’m not either.”

  “I know.” He was silent for a moment. “It wouldn’t have stopped me from trying to get this, to get you.”

  She glanced up at him, holding back a smile. She could feel him grow hard against her hip. She quickly straddled him as he smiled up at her.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, playfully.

  “What do you think?” She leaned back, letting him slowly into her again.

  “Enjoying myself,” she said, slowly moving her hips. Her hands roamed over his chest and arms, as she took her time exploring him like she’d dreamed of doing for years. “This time, I’m in charge,” she said.

  “Whatever you want,” he said softly, his hands going to her hips, holding her, pushing her, taking her.

  She tried to hold onto him after, but her body and mind were too foggy from the exertion, and she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

  When she woke, the loft was flooded with sunlight and she knew instantly that she was alone.

  He’d covered her with a thick throw blanket. Pushing herself free, she sat up and saw the note.

  Wrapping her robe around her, she moved over to the table and read what he’d jotted down on one of her sketch book pages.

  I wish I could stay, but duty calls. I’m heading out of town later today and won’t have a chance to see you again. I should have told you this to your face, but… I’m a coward. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know… Thanks for the painting. -C

  Cole hated leaving Ashley. It was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. But the buzzing of his cell phone had woken him just before dawn.

  He had snuck out of her place, much like he had done the previous two nights. Once again, he stopped and looked at her latest paintings. He desperately wanted to take another, but the one he’d shipped home would have to do for now. He didn’t know when he’d be back home, but he had wanted it so badly, he’d jumped at the chance to keep it.

  Now, as he made his way back to the base of operations through the empty streets of Paris, he tried to clear his mind of Ashley. He had several more weeks of work on the case and things were strained.

  They’d followed the intel to Paris, but every lead they’d followed had dried up the second they’d stepped foot in France. Just last night, they’d gotten word that there was a possibility that the items had moved to Russia. Which meant another long trip with multiple identities, more danger, and more time looking over his shoulder.

  He did so now, as a precaution, and knew he was the only one on the streets. He let himself into the hotel room and was immediat
ely assaulted with questions from Lee, his partner.

  The man was half Cole’s size, but Cole knew he could easily drop him if he wanted to.

  “Where have you been?” Lee stood in his path. The room they’d been living in for the past few weeks was as tidy as ever.

  He glanced around and found Raul lounging on the sofa, watching the news with the sound off.

  “You had him.” He nodded to Raul.

  Raul was the senior agent and the most skilled one on their current mission.

  “I didn’t call him, I called you.” Lee blocked him from entering the room again.

  Cole held in a sigh. “I had something to do. I was across town.” He faked right, then spun to the left and walked into the room.

  “We could have used you, buddy.” Raul sat up and watched him remove his jacket.

  “Like I said”—he glanced between the pair of them—“I was across town.” He sat down and pulled a bag of chips from the mini-bar area. He could have used another full meal, but knew they were probably going to be on the move for the next few hours, since everything was already packed up.

  “Something new has come up,” Lee supplied.

  “What?” he asked, as he bent down and grabbed a soda from the fridge.

  “Our CI told us of a movement tomorrow. There’s a meeting this morning...”

  Cole was seriously starting to doubt the information they’d gotten from their confidential informant lately.

  “With whom?” he asked, taking a drink of the sugary drink, knowing this was probably his breakfast.

  “Wouldn’t say, only that they speak Russian.”

  Cole sighed heavily. “One of you two really needs to learn another language.”

  “I speak perfectly fine Mandarin,” Lee said in Mandarin.

  “That’s because you were born there,” Cole answered him in the same tongue. He added, “Stupid,” in English, since there wasn’t a word for it that he knew of in Mandarin.

  Lee smiled. “Raul speaks Spanish.”

  Cole rolled his eyes. “Children.” He stood up, dumped the empty bag in the trash, then took the soda with him to the bathroom. “I’ll grab a shower, then we can head out.”


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