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Naughty Bits 2

Page 16

by Jenesi Ash

  “Bastard.” Her eyes clouded to milky white even as the word hissed from her lips. All that beautiful hair began to twist and writhe about her head, snakes slithering, forked tongues darting in and out.

  Uphir snatched her chin with one hand, wrenched her head so that lethal gaze cast out into the night. “Uh-uh, little goddess. I’ve already felt a stony gaze such as yours. We’ll finish what you’ve started before another of you curses me to granite again.”

  But he couldn’t take her body as he wanted while one hand held her aloft with him, and the other kept her gaze aimed in a safe direction. He lowered them to the castle keep, pinning her back to one of the higher projections of stone circling the top of the tower like a crown.

  Breath huffed out of the woman when her back hit the stone and he rammed his cock deep, hard, mercilessly. How long had it been—centuries, aeons, an eternity? Uphir could hardly remember when last he’d felt the soft, feminine embrace of a woman’s body on his.

  He was beyond restraint, beyond gentleness. And, as she was a goddess with a proclivity for turning men to stone, he felt little guilt in his rough abandon. He’d met her kind once before, and found nothing pleasant in the remembrance of it.

  The goddess struggled against him, but only served to wiggle herself lower onto his cock. Her protests be damned, the female enjoyed his cock inside her.

  Uphir tucked his head beneath her chin, his eyes safe from her angry gaze, his hand free to do as he liked. He spied her breasts, flush and full, white creamy flesh quaking with each hard thrust. He raised a hand, then remembered his thick, clawed appendages. He didn’t have the concentration or strength of will to alter his form to human.

  “Forgive me, m’lady,” he said, though his words were more a growl. “It’s been too long, and your immortal flesh is resilient enough to risk.”

  He took her tiny, pebbled nipple between his fingers, careful not to nick her flesh with his razor claws. He twisted and rolled the hard little nub, and even in this thick-skinned form the feel of her was an erotic appeal that triggered everything male inside him. His hips thrust hard on reflex, driving his sex deep, ramming her body against the stone wall.

  She gasped, though her body softened, her sex stretching, taking all of him. His enormous hand engulfed her breast, his long, pointed tongue flicking over the sensitive tip. She wiggled against him, pushing her little hips into him, coaxing his pace.

  “Ah, the little minx likes when the monster fucks her back,” he said. He pumped into her again and again, churning sensation through his body.

  His heart shuddered, filling his veins with the hot sear of lusty blood. His chest squeezed at the feel of his cock sliding through the tight hug of her pussy. Her cream spilled over his balls, wetting his thighs. Her wriggling and rocking quickened, grew frenzied, as though she’d pleasure herself with his body, his pleasure be damned.

  Like hell. He wasn’t stone now, to be used, to be ignored. He’d fuck her better than she’d ever been fucked if not for her worrisome gaze.

  “What is it you want, my little goddess?” he asked, without risking a glance at her face.

  “More,” she said on a shaky breath. “More. Faster. Do it.”

  His muscles snapped tight at her plea. “Close your eyes, you vengeful wench, and I’ll fuck you raw.”

  “Yesss…” She leaned back, flattening herself to the wall, giving him space to move.

  He straightened slowly, holding her with one hand under her ass, the other crushing over her breast. Her weight was nothing to his supernatural strength and he pinned her to the spot.

  Good as her word, the goddess kept her eyes squeezed tight, though her hair still writhed and hissed about her head.

  “That’s my good little minx,” he said, leaning close to trail the long point of his tongue up her neck to tease her ear. Her body shuddered, the spasm vibrating all the way down through her pussy and over his cock.

  He gasped at the unexpected sensation, his muscles snagging through his balls, jerking the swollen flesh of his sex inside her. Enough of these games.

  Uphir leaned back, his gaze dropping to the connection of their bodies. Her slender legs stretched wide around his waist, the small lips of her sex open on him, his penis buried deep inside her. He pulled back, watching the long length of him slip from her body, the shaft glistening.

  He knew his sex was big by human standards—longer, fatter, more that of a beast than a man. But she took him to the hilt when he thrust into her again, and hugged him tight through the backward draw. He pushed into her again, the snug fit of her body rippling sensation through every square inch of his, from the point of his ears through the quaking muscles of his thighs to the very tips of his wings.

  He clenched his jaw, fighting hard to resist the tide of pleasure swamping over him, pushing him to the edge of release.

  Not yet. Not yet. He’d waited too long, suffered too much to let it slip through his grasp with a few fluttering hugs from the first pussy he tasted.

  But the sensation tightening through his gut, tugging muscles along his thighs, squeezing through his chest, was not easily refused. Uphir rocked his hips, thrusting deep, his skin tingling with the feel of her body clutching hard around his cock. He pushed again, and then again, going faster, watching as his shaft drilled through the tight, wet entry of her body.

  She opened wider, allowing him to go deeper, faster, and Uphir’s heart shuddered with the spike of excitement her invitation sent surging through his veins. Pressure swelled too fast within him, tightened his body beyond his control. The tempting call of release was too sweet, too needed, to resist, and his body toppled over that imaginary edge, the rush of his surrender exploding in a gush of liquid heat from his sex.

  But the wicked little goddess wasn’t finished with him. She writhed and squirmed at the end of his cock, pumping her slender hips, her pussy milking his semihard cock for all it could.

  He pushed into her, filled her with the softening meat of his sex, and she squirmed for more. He rolled his hips, stroking her as best he could even as her eager little jerks and wiggles teased his cock into stirring again.

  She stopped suddenly, and huffed a frustrated sigh. “Enough. I can’t allow this. You’ve enjoyed more than you deserve. Time to return you from whence you came.”

  Uphir had a moment to puzzle out her meaning through the fog of his blood-starved male mind. It wasn’t enough. The lithe goddess opened those milky eyes of hers and turned them upon him.

  Their gazes met and Uphir gasped at the sharp stab to his heart. But it wasn’t the hard freeze of stone that squeezed through his chest upon seeing her…it was love.


  LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. IT WAS THE ONLY WAY Medusa could ever know the elusive emotion. She never had. She never wanted to.

  “Unhand me, you beast,” she said, her tone acidic.

  “It’s not my hand that holds you, m’lady.”

  Medusa tried hard not to squirm with the feel of his penis quickly swelling inside her, filling her up to bursting. The wicked impertinence. He’d take her again. She’d see that he paid dearly for his brazenness—never mind how glorious it felt.

  Did he not know who she was? What deadly, stone-cold power she wielded? She’d turn him to—

  “Why aren’t you stone?”

  “Give me a minute, goddess, it’s getting there.”

  Oh, that wicked joker’s grin on his beastly face incensed her last nerve. “Not your penis, you dolt. All of you. Why have you not turned to stone?”

  He shrugged, an easy roll of his massive shoulders that made his black wings bob behind him. “Perhaps I’m already stone and it’s only the sweet nectar of your pussy that keeps me flesh. I was made of flesh once. Long ago.”

  “Clearly you’ve mistaken me for someone who cares,” she said, noting the stone-gray color of his skin. “If it’s my pussy that keeps you flesh then the lack of it should return you to form.”

  She raised a leg, the shift
of muscles over his cock sending a warm tremble through her sex, and wedged her foot against his hard belly. With her hands on his chest and her foot on his stomach, she pushed, using all her goddess strength to unsheathe his sex from hers.

  The gargoyle stumbled back, his stiff erection wagging from his body, wet and shiny with her pussy’s cream. Medusa fell the few feet to the floor from where he’d held her, landing with the grace of a goddess. She straightened, resisting the urge to snag her tunic from where she’d dropped it when his lust-filled gaze raked over her.

  Let him look. Precious few before him had ever enjoyed the privilege. They were solid stone before they could even take in the full beauty of her face. Again she wondered, why wasn’t he?

  “Who are you, gargoyle? Who made you? Who placed you on this castle?”

  “To begin with, I am not a gargoyle,” he said, and his voice resonated through her body. It was truly the voice of a beast. The sound was too deep, too filled with power. It was as though his words echoed from within the massive frame of the monster, just as it echoed through her head, through her body, vibrating through all the sensitive parts of her feminine flesh.

  “Then are you a god or a devil?” she asked.

  He propped his hands on his hips, the roll of muscle across his chest distracting her gaze. “Tell me your name before I take that sweet body of yours again. It’s been a long while and I’ve not had my fill by half.”

  “What are you?”

  “What’s your name?” he insisted.

  “How did you come to be frozen in stone on the side of this castle?” she asked.

  “Your name?” he snorted. “Glare at me all you want with those ghostly eyes. I’ll not turn back to stone. I’m flesh now and you see how this flesh strains for yours.” He glanced at his erection and back at her so she couldn’t help following his gaze.

  Her mouth watered, her body warming at the sight. “Medusa.”

  “Medusa,” he said as though the word had form and substance he could feel and taste on the tip of his pointed tongue. “Daughter of Athena, are you?”

  She blinked. What did he know of the goddess who’d gifted her? “How dare you speak her name, beast? To hell with you.”

  “To hell indeed.” He laughed, and the sound rolled through the air like thunderclouds, stealing her breath as it engulfed her body.

  The laughter stopped like a thing unplugged and his face turned hard and cold. “Trust me, little one. I’ve damn well earned the right to speak her name. I spit it from my lips as I would a bitter poison. And yours right along with it if your loyalty lies with her.”

  It did, but she hesitated to admit it.

  His sex hadn’t wilted one bit for his anger, and the memory of it stiff between her legs still tingled through the muscles of her pussy. He was as thick and hard as he’d been in stone. Only now that stone-hard erection was gloved in velvet-soft skin and made of flesh and meat that would give and bend and twitch inside her.

  A warm shiver tingled up her spine at the thought and her gaze shifted to the creature’s face. He flashed that joker’s grin again, reading the lust in her eyes as easily as a picture book.

  Having her gaze met eye to eye unnerved her. Having her thoughts exposed and read from her face was just damn annoying. “I’ve told you my name—now tell me yours. Tell me what you are and how it is that you meet my gaze and not have your flesh and innards turn to stone.”

  “I cannot tell you what I don’t know,” he said.

  “Then tell me what you do know, and quickly. For you are right. I am a goddess and by all that I am I will find a way to end you should you displease me.” She stiffened, chest out, chin high, knowing full well her body was a form to be proud of.

  His narrow brows hiked high on his wrinkled, hairless head. His long, pointed tongue flicked along his lips, the very tip resting for a tantalizing second at the corner of his mouth. Lord, what he must be able to do with that tongue.

  Medusa banished the thought before her blasted face betrayed her again.

  “Then I shall make every effort to please you, goddess.” His voice lowered. “In every way.”

  She shuddered as the thought and sound warmed through her body.

  “My name is Uphir. And I am, as you suspected, not of this world.” His big, fisted hands dropped from his hips as he took one casual step toward her, then another and another. His progression was slow but sure, closing the distance between them.

  She swallowed hard, feeling his growing nearness as surely as if he’d reached out to her. Her body tensed, her pussy slicking, readying for the cock that wagged before him.

  “Not of this world? That’s as helpful as describing a particular star as bright. What are you, Uphir? Is this your true form?”

  “I am demon,” he said. “And yes, this is my birth form. But it is not the form in which I once walked this plain. It is not the form in which I drew the goddess’s curse.”

  “Athena?” What could he have done to bring her mother goddess’s wrath? “Show me your alternate form.”

  “So you’re not frightened by the term demon?”

  Medusa scoffed. “Certainly not. I’ve not been human for aeons. Human religion, zealots, ignorance corrupted the word long after I became what I am. No,” she said. “I know there are as many races of demons as there are humans, and one no more predestined to evil than the other.”

  He circled behind her, his breath a faint, warm breeze across her shoulders. The sensation set her skin on fire, lust tightening every muscle, coiling low in her belly. She closed her eyes to better withstand it, to better enjoy it.

  “I see. Clever little goddess.” His lips brushed her ear, breath hot on her neck and smelling of warmed brandy. The head of his cock nudged the top of her ass, made her breath catch. He flicked his tongue, teasing her lobe, and again her mind flashed on all the erotic possibilities.

  She fought her body’s treacherous reaction, cleared her throat and forced a strength into her voice she didn’t feel. “What passed between you and Athena? How did you draw her wrath?”

  “How?” He laughed, and it was the same rumbling thundercloud laugh as before. But this time his chest pressed against her back and the sound rumbled straight through her, filling her from head to toe.

  “I was too pretty. That’s how,” he said.

  Medusa snapped her gaze over her shoulder. “Too pretty?” She couldn’t fathom it.

  Uphir was tall, broad-shouldered, thick-muscled, with a cock fit for the most insatiable of female needs to be sure, but pretty? His face was not so much ugly as frightening. A mix of beast and man. Devilish, mortals would call him.

  He reached up and traced her cheek to her chin with a gently laid claw, razor sharp. “Your eyes are stunning when not clouded white with fury.”

  She jerked her chin back around, ignoring how his touch sent a thousand tingles rippling through her belly. The monstrous creature made her body ache for his. What must his alternate form be like?

  “Show me,” she said, her voice too weak, too breathy with need. Curses. She loathed such vulnerability.

  “What? My true form? To you, daughter goddess to she who cursed me to stone for all eternity?” He snorted a laugh. “I think not.”

  Uphir snagged her in a breath-stealing hug, pulled her back tight to his body, his cock thick and full along the crease of her ass, the small of her back. His clawed gray fingers splayed across her belly, sliding warm and heavy toward the apex of her thighs. His other hand kneaded her breast, teasing the hard, sensitive nipple.

  “Besides,” he said, hot and breathy against her ear, “I can bring you far more pleasure in this form. A truth which your dear mother failed to consider. I am Uphir, the handsome, renowned lover of woman, who refused to bed a goddess at her command. She froze me in stone, captured me for all eternity in a form she thought hideous. Forever ready for a woman, but never again to be desired, to be loved, to be fucked.” He squeezed his arms around her. “Until you, Medusa, her
daughter, mounted my ugly, stone-hard cock.”

  Medusa’s breath caught, her exhale shaky, shallow, as the hot point of his tongue caressed along the sensitive flesh behind her ear. A tidal wave of pleasure zinged over her skin, crashing through her body, flooding her sex.

  Her knees buckled, but his hold, and her pride, caught her, firmed her legs. She swallowed against her arid mouth, licked her lips. “You’re free now. By whatever means, you are free. I’ve no further need or want of you. Release me and let us both go our separate ways.”

  He laughed, that deep, rumbling belly laugh that left her weak and breathless. “No further need of me? Little goddess, I can smell the sweet cream of your pussy from here. I can feel the wanton heat of your womb through your belly, warming my palm. If you wish to go, to be free of me, then leave. You’re a goddess. I am but a lowly demon. It’s not my strength or will that holds you.”

  It was true, she knew. He’d be no match for her goddess strength, but mounting the will to break his embrace required far more of her than simple physical ability. She squirmed weakly, a pathetic display. And Uphir’s hold on her snapped iron-tight.

  “I’m impressed. You’d deny your body to spare your pride?”

  “I’m not ruled by my body,” she said, finding the will to squirm again, though the way her body warmed and softened in his embrace, she scarcely believed her words. Medusa had vowed long ago never to allow a man to rule her in any way. But tonight, for the first time in aeons, with this man, this creature, she wanted to be ruled, to be dominated. And that, more than anything, made her squirm again.

  Uphir’s hold tightened once more. “Fascinating. I can’t say I’ve ever met a woman with such inner strength. I like it. More than you know. Very noble. I, however, am not so noble. At least not tonight. Tonight I am a slave to my body’s needs, and to yours.”

  He bent his knees, dropping lower, and rocked his hips up so his cock slid hard against her, spreading the cheeks of her ass. “And your body needs mine.”


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