Book Read Free

All This Time

Page 14

by Marie Wathen

  “Could it have been anyone else?” I ask, eliminating all of the possibilities before I decide on who I need to watch more.

  “Decks,” he states coolly. “How long after I was gone, did he come to you?”

  I laugh loudly, clutching my hand around my waist. “Please do not tell me that you think Decks set you up so that he could secure a hook up with me.”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying, Sam.”

  “That is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever heard, Russ. It has to be someone else.”

  I sit silently for a few minutes, sipping on my coffee while Russ pierces me with a serious glare. The heaviness in the air can be felt like a cement block strapped to my feet pulling me deeper into the center of a dark ocean of disbelief. I don’t believe for a second that Decks would do something like this just so he could have me. Secrets are our life, and it’s imperative that I don’t let Russ know about what happened between me and Blues. He’s certain that Decks is the one that rolled over on him and orchestrated the bust, but I don’t think it’s that simple. Blues is the one who gave him the transport, but what would he have to gain with compromising his business affairs. I need to get closer to him. After seeing me that night at Russ’ house, could he have been pissed off enough to do something so shitty?

  “Don’t do anything foolish. If Decks is the one who set me up then just let it go. You know he won’t admit to a damn thing anyway. Protect yourself and if shit goes down call me.” My eyebrows arch up. “I’ll be close by.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. With all the eyes that the Kennedy’s have lingering around you’ll be made and then our entire case is wasted. I’m close Russ. Let me finish this.”

  “Dammit, Sam,” he bolts up from his chair and storms around the kitchen, “I’m sending someone else in with you. I don’t trust the fuckers even more now. If it is you that he’s after then I can’t leave you alone in there.”

  “No,” I shout, reaching up for his arm and halting his tirade. “Give me two months. I’ll get the information and we’ll shut it down. But no one else is coming inside until then. We can’t afford for anyone to get suspicious.” He stares at me, clearly wanting to argue against my pleas. “Just until after the new year, Russ,” I beg again.

  Taking a seat again, Russ scrubs both hands over his head, dragging them down his face and I see the sadness veiling the usually happy sparkle in his eyes. He shakes his head slowly before letting out a heavy sigh.

  “Sam, I trust you, but those bastards don’t play. Someone will pay for this shipment gone wrong. Please keep your head down and watch your back.” I nod, feeling relieved that he relented without a total meltdown.

  “Alright, good,” I smile sweetly and stand. “Is Kris at your folks?”

  “Yeah, she’s going to be pissed that you came here when she was gone.”

  “I hope to get back here soon. I’ll leave her a note in her bathroom.” He nods. “Well, gotta get back to the Kingston’s” I place my coffee cup in the dishwasher and turn back around to face him. “. Hey, did you ever find out who else is working undercover inside the group?”

  “No. Why? Do you have some suspicions?” He glares at me momentarily and begins shaking his head. “Whatever you’re thinking, in that pretty little head of yours, forget it, I’ve already told you not to trust anyone.”

  I shrug and say, “I don’t trust anyone. It was just a question.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “What the fuck?” I shout, rolling my head over the pillow and reaching over for my buzzing cell phone. With my eyes closed I press the call button and snap, “What!”

  Heavy male chuckling on the other end makes me open my eyes, finding Decks name on the screen. “Well, good morning sunshine.”

  “Ugh, why are you calling me so damn early?” I growl, pulling the pillow over my face to block out the blaring sun streaking through the window blinds across the room.

  “It’s Monday,” Decks singsongs, with another chuckle he adds, “I’ll be over to pick you up in an hour.”

  “Fine,” I muffle a reply from under the pillow.

  “You better be out of that bed by the time I get there or you’ll regret it.”

  “Shit, I’m up,” I moan and whine, ending the call and throwing my heavenly pillow across the room at the piercing light. I roll out of the bed and drag my nearly dead body into the shower, knowing very well that Decks’ threat is far from empty.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that he will follow through with dragging my ass out of this bed, I would stay tucked under the covers and sink back into the dream I was so rudely ripped away from. I hate to admit that I’ve been dreaming about Blues since the night we met and each vision is hotter than the last, albeit none are like the inferno that is the real thing. Lovers have taken me to heights that left my mind spinning from the altitude, but with Blues it is something more like astronomical.

  In my fantasy, the way he looks at me, like a hunger crawling under his skin, is maddening. Blues is a starving man with only an appetite for one thing: me. His solid caress on my skin begins as a sizzle, expanding so quickly that it burns out my ability to draw in oxygen. Sipping on his dark, delicious lips is enough to make me give up all other decadent desserts for life. Nothing is sweeter than his lips, tongue, or flesh. Each sensation is incredible individually, but to experience all of it combined with him sliding his massive length into me takes me to a level of ultimate. Being a strong, independent woman in life is the way I like to play it, but in the bedroom I want a man to dominate me, take me and make me do things that I didn’t even realize could be so enjoyable. Getting fucked from behind against a closed door has never even entered my fantasy world realm, and yet since Blues took me that way it’s all I can fucking think about. He’s making me so dumb.

  I scrub the sleep out of my eyes, wash my hair and shave from hip to toe before climbing out of the shower. Dressing in a loose tee-shirt, soft white shorts and running shoes, I straighten my hair and loop it through a hair band to keep it out of my eyes while we move my junk. Jogging down the steps, I find Natalie in the kitchen, folding laundry.

  “Boo,” I shout, sneaking up behind her. She screams bloody murder, jumps and swats at me, but I duck away before she makes contact.

  “Ah damn, you scared me.” She giggles, placing the stacks of kid clothes into the laundry basket.

  I pour a cup of coffee and sit at the table smiling at Simone’s cheetah leotard on top of the clothes pile. “I’m beat, but Decks will be here in about fifteen minutes to move me out.”

  She nods then sits beside me. “I’m glad we got to stay up last night talking. I’m going to miss having you around.” Natalie smiles and softly adds, “And I know Simone will be lost without her new best friend.”

  “Yeah, she won’t have anyone to climb on anymore.”

  “Next week we’re getting a babysitter and going to Holidays. Will you be there?”

  Sipping from my cup, I shrug and say, “Probably. I think Decks goes every weekend, but even if he doesn’t I’ll be there if you’re going.”

  “Awesome, and then Christmas is only a few weeks away. If you don’t have plans, I would love for you to spend it with us.” I wince and she adds, “You don’t have to buy us anything.”

  “That’s not it.” I shake my head. “I don’t know if I’ll be around. My friend in Savannah wants me to visit her for the holidays and it has been forever since I’ve seen her.” Truthfully, I will be with Kris and her family only a few miles north of here, but I use Savannah as a diversion for this case.

  “Oh, I understand. Well, we can celebrate once you get back,” she says hopeful.

  The doorbell rings and I glance at the time glowing on the microwave. Given that it has been exactly an hour since I’ve spoken with Decks, it’s only logical that he’s the one at the front door.

  “I’ve got it,” I say to Natalie. “We’ll be out of here in about twenty minutes.”

out of the kitchen toward the front door, I glance back and see a frown bending on her lips. Her sadness tugs at my heart. I didn’t think getting involved with anyone in this group would make me feel this way, but Natalie is such a genuinely good person that I know if we weren’t on opposing sides of the drug war we would be friends for real. When all of this is said and done, she will hate me…they always do.

  Pulling open the door, I freeze, completely at a loss for words. Luckily for me, Decks shoves past the equally solidified statue of Blues, grabs me into a big bear hug and then spins me around the small front foyer so that I’m not left standing in the doorway looking like a complete dumb ass. Decks gingerly puts me back down on my feet with a kiss on my forehead.

  “Aw, I’m kind of disappointed that you obeyed my order,” Decks says with a sideways grin. “I was hoping to drag you out kicking and screaming. If you would have been naked that could have been a bonus.”

  “Shut up,” I smack him before glancing back at a pissed off Blues. “What are you doing here?”

  “Decks asked me to help him move a friend,” he glances from me to Decks then adds, “I didn’t know that it was you who’s moving in with him.”

  “Does it matter?” Decks asks Blues before turning back to me with a more serious look on his face. “We have business to take care of afterward.”

  “Oh,” I say, staring between the two men. “You know, I could take care of this myself if you two need to go ahead.”

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Decks argues grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. “You’re coming with us. I have something I want to show you.”

  Combinations of feelings wash through me, uneasiness with Blues being here to help move me into Decks’ and beside myself with excitement that Decks is including me in their business affairs dominates all of them. I nod and turn around, walking back toward the kitchen. Do not get caught up in Blues being here. Be cool!

  “Hey Nat,” Decks says, following too close behind me.

  “Hey, Decks,” she says smiling at him then says, “Oh, hey Ethan. I had no idea you would be here helping move Angel into Decks’ place.”

  “Hey Natalie,” Blues says, leaning his back against the row of cabinets just inside the kitchen and running a hand roughly through his hair.

  He appears displeased or annoyed. Clearly he believes that Decks and I are taking a serious step with our relationship. I’m kind of torn on how to handle things at this point. I had hoped that Blues would find out about my new address from another source, but it looks like fate wants to mess with me today. If I set the record straight in front of everyone maybe all things can still work out in my favor.

  “I want to thank you again for letting me move in, Decks.” I say honestly. “Most guys would assume that when a girl moves in with them that it’s an automatic hook up. I’m glad we understand each other and plan to take things slowly.”

  Natalie giggles behind me and I turn around to see what is so funny. “I’m sorry, but that is a riot. Did he really promise you that he wouldn’t jump your bones? Because we all know that he will break that promise tonight.”

  I break my gaze from her and look at Decks. His smile drops to a frown instantly after hearing her words. He crosses his arms over his chest while piercing her with an angry glare. And dammit, it ticks me off that she thinks I’m that naive.

  “I trust him,” I counter, lifting my chin defiantly and glancing back at her with a serious look to which she understands. Stealing a glance at the sex-god, I see insurmountable misery etched in his gorgeous face.

  “Okay, then. I’m sorry,” she says to me before turning to him. “You just better take care of my girl, Decks or you’ll answer to me.”

  “That’s all I want to do, Nat.” Decks relaxes his harsh stance, smiles sincerely at her and then winks at me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Talk about feeling out of place. Decks wasn’t really screwing with me when he said he would make room for me in his house. Needless to say being neighbors with Blues says it all. His house is just as extravagant as the other Kennedy home and makes Blues’ mansion look like a middle income family dwelling. After parking my bike beside his truck, I hop off and we make quick work of unloading everything.

  “So you’ll be in the room next to mine,” Decks says, glancing over his shoulder with a bad boy smirk as we climb the steps carrying my boxes up to the third level. I shake my head at his teasing.

  “As you can tell I don’t have much stuff so I don’t need anything outrageous,” I say, following him through the doorway of what is now my room. I stall seeing how large the space is and Blues bumps into me from behind.

  “Sorry, Angel,” Blues says in a low, smooth thundering tone too close to me, and after feeling the base of his voice, dummy me makes the big mistake of glancing back at him. A gazillion goose bumps rush along my skin and I shiver. He smiles seductively, completely proud of the fact that he makes my nerves of steel all gooey and stupid. He motions with his eyes for me to continue into the room and I think a breathy moan slips passed my parted lips because his eyes quickly drop to my mouth.

  Ah fuck, and I was doing so well.

  Shaking myself out of the inevitable Blues haze that I always seem to fall face first into, I clear my thoughts and throat, stumble ahead and gush, “Damn, this is a seriously ridiculous bedroom, Decks.”

  “Just the kind of room a girl could get used to, huh?” I chuckle inwardly thinking that any girl would be blown away with the extravagance and audacity of this room.

  Instinctively, I cross toward the open walk-in closet wondering how pathetic my small amount of clothes will look hanging in there. “Uh, this is too much.” I turn around and both guys are smiling at me. “What is it?”

  “You’re just so adorable,” Decks says strutting over and wrapping me in a hug. “It’s all yours for as long as you want to stay here.”

  “Thanks,” I say, stealing a look at Blues who has his eyes locked onto mine. His eyebrows pinch together tightly hearing Decks’ offer. My stomach flips seeing him distressed. Pulling out of the awkward embrace, I ask Blues, “Hey, your place is in this area, isn’t it?”

  Nodding his head, he smiles wickedly and points to his left before saying, “We’re neighbors. I’ll be just next door if you need…some sugar.” A devilish glint lights up his eyes at his double meaning and I shake my head at his playfulness. Starting this very second, I’m purging all sugar from my diet.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I smirk before asking, “Now, where are we going?”

  “The new house,” Decks answers. “I found a sweet place that will act as a new stash location.”

  “Huh?” I ask, faking confusion for his benefit. “I thought you were looking for a new sale house.”

  “I got that last week. Set up Minder and Murph to work it. They brought in a couple of newbies so it would be overkill to have all of us there. Besides after Rad’s bust I needed to relocate a couple of our supplies.”

  “Do you think the cops were on to those places too?” I ask, shifting my eyes between the two men, studying their reactions.

  “No,” Blues responds for him. “Cops are the least of our worries.” Interesting. How many do they have on their payroll?

  “Right,” Decks nods agreeably, “We have some pissed off customers who could wreak some major havoc. So to keep everyone safe we shifted some stuff around.”

  “Pissed off, how?” I ask, chewing on my bottom lip nervously, hoping that they will feel the need to divulge more to a worried girl than a tough chick.

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about, sweetness,” Decks says sliding his hand up my arm. “The shipment was bought and paid for in advance, but seized before we could deliver it. The receiving party isn’t too pleased that their shit was taken and that they’re out a whole helluva lot money.”

  “Seriously Decks, she doesn’t need to know everything.” Blues growls angrily, walking over to us, his body bowing down as he hovers o
ver me. His sexy scent stirs through the small space separating us provoking my willpower. “Angel, you really don’t have to worry about anyone fucking with you.” His voice softens attempting to reassure me that I am safe with him. “With me…and Decks around no one will get close enough to even smell your perfume so it will be impossible for you to get caught in the crossfire of retaliation.” Remaining calm, I nod my head slowly while walking away from them to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Hearing this isn’t a surprise to me. Retaliation is common in this world. The shipment the X’kapz lost in the bust was worth millions. Whoever the ripped off party is will surely look for retribution. I’ve seen paybacks before and they’re ugly. I actually worked a case a couple of years back that ended in an execution of an entire gang in South Carolina. The dead guys all belonged to a newly formed group running guns and because of their inexperience they made some stupid mistakes that cost them dearly.

  “Hey,” Decks walks over and stands in front of me, “You can stay here instead if you want to chill for a little while. I just thought it would be cool if you were with me on opening day.” He shrugs, looking down at me.

  “I’m okay,” I assure him offering an encouraging smile. “I was really just thinking about Rad. Do you think he’s safe in jail?”

  Decks shrugs one shoulder, appearing indifferent with the mention of Russ’s name, so I glance over to Blues measuring his response. Striding toward the doorway, his eyebrows are drawn in tightly and it definitely seems that he’s showing concern…at least that’s what I think I’m reading in his tense expression. Damn it’s difficult to tell from their opposing reactions which one of them set up Russ. My gut leans toward Blues and he does kind of look guilty, but with Decks acting like he doesn’t give a fuck then maybe he did it and just doesn’t have any remorse. Shit, I don’t know.


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