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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

Page 24

by Valentine, Annie

  Catie lathered her breasts and backside and closed her eyes as the steaming hot water caressed her skin. She pictured that it was Luke’s lips caressing her shoulders and not the water. Catie allowed the image of Luke’s handsome face to take her mind to cloud nine before stepping out of the shower. She needed to keep her lewd thoughts to a minimal because she had work to do.

  Catie stepped feet first into a form fitting navy blue dress that hugged every curve on her body and then stepped into her black heels. The twenty-eight-year-old woman glanced at herself in the mirror and grinned. The dress was a little tight around her bust, but that was the way that she liked it. Catie had a feeling that she was going to get some good information and she could not wait.

  After applying her makeup, Catie made her way over to her phone to look at the time. It was a quarter to eight and Timothy said that he could meet Catie at the park several blocks from her hotel. As Catie contemplated the questions that she would ask, a text message came through to her phone. She read the text quickly believing it to be a ‘good morning’ text from Luke, but what she saw made her heart drop.

  Sorry… I am unable to do the interview.

  “That’s it?! You don’t have the decency to call and tell me why?” Catie shouted as she hit redial on Timothy’s number. The twenty-three-year-old seemed ecstatic to do the interview with Catie last night, so what happened? Why did he change his mind? Catie called Timothy several times and each time it went straight to voicemail without ringing. Timothy just sent her the text message, so there was no way that his phone died that quickly. Catie’s been stressing about this meeting for hours and Timothy owed her an explanation.

  No matter how many times Catie called, she was sent straight to voicemail. This time instead of hanging up, she decided to leave a message.

  “Hi Timothy, this is Catie Ziles. I’ve been trying to reach you in regards to you having to cancel our meeting for this morning. Is there a reason why you have to cancel? Can we possibly reschedule? My phone is always on so please call me back at your earliest convenience.” Catie was fuming. Just when she thought she was heading somewhere, this happens. Catie refused to let this interview go. She’d do anything necessary for the information that would have been a turning point in Catie’s career.

  “I will not let anyone take this from me.”


  “Did you handle the problem that I told you about?” Luke asked moving his mouthpiece over some so that he could speak without the mic hitting his mouth. Luke waited for the answer on the other end of the line as he looked through the paperwork neatly on his desk. Luke hated to get in the way of Catie’s work, but his way of living was in jeopardy if Catie had things her way.

  “Yes boss,” the deep voice said on the other end. “The young man was on his way to speak with Ms. Ziles, but I got to him first. There were no problems… the young boy agreed to the terms and conditions quickly.”

  “Great. Thanks I knew that I could count on you,” the two men exchanged a few more words before they hung up. Sighing, Luke placed his paperwork down and looked out the window directly behind his desk. Even though Luke had only just seen Catie’s face last night, he knew that her beautiful face was contorted in a scowl. She had lost the interview that she was dying to get and it was at the hands of Luke.

  “I can’t risk it,” Luke mumbled. Luke didn’t need Catie finding out something that she otherwise did not need to know, and the information that she was about to find out might have placed Luke and pride at a disadvantage. Luke could still remember that day like the back of his hand. After having one too many drinks after celebrating becoming the alpha of the pack, he got into a random heated discussion with a human. Words were exchanged and blows were given to one another. Normally Luke kept a steady head, but he was too intoxicated. Losing control of powers momentarily. He turned into a lion and unfortunately, the man was too close to him.


  The man’s body exploded from the impact of Luke’s transformation. Luke clinched his eyes shut as the memory caused him physical pain. He thought of Catie’s face and how she would look if she somehow figured out that the boy’s death was because of Luke and he knew that his chance to be with her would end. He liked her and he wasn’t going to let his true identity and the tragedy from his past tear them apart before their relationship even began.

  “I can’t wait to see her,” Luke whispered as he thought about Catie. She was truly sexy. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be able to rub his hands up and down her body. Luke felt his animalistic desire rising and he had to shake his head several times to bring his head back down to earth. Luke didn’t want to pressure Catie too much, so he’ll wait for her to come to him, but when she did, she’d be completely his.


  Catie squirmed in her seat as her arm touched Luke’s arm as he drove them to a small Jazz café. When Catie was thinking about something, other than work, she enjoyed listening to Jazz music and going to poetry night at Jazz clubs. Lucky for Luke that he knew just the place to take her. His pack lived normal human lives when they were in human form and his friend and pack member, Richie, happened to be the owner of several Jazz clubs.

  “I really appreciate you picking me up. It must suck since we live hours from each other.” Catie said feeling a tad bit bad. She considered moving to Los Angeles a long time ago, but ended up landed a job in her hometown of Santa Cruz. If she left now she’d feel like she committed treason or something like that.

  “It’s no problem at all, Catie. I told you already that I always drive long distances, and besides…” Luke looked at Catie sideways and gave her a small and sexy smile. “I won’t let distance hold me back from getting to know you, so don’t think that I’ll let you out of my sight.” Catie grinned slightly as her cheeks felt hot. Luke really made her feel giddy, something that she hadn’t felt since her high school days.

  “Likewise, Mr. Curtis. If you can’t travel to me, I would definitely come to you. That’s the life of a reporter after all.”

  “Well played, Ms. Ziles,” their flirting was innocent, but Catie couldn’t help but to feel weighed down by feelings of lust. At that moment she didn’t care that they hadn’t known each other long, she wanted him right now, in his car, on the side of the road. Catie was feeling hot and she didn’t know why. Why did she lust for him this bad? He hadn’t even laid a single finger on her in a sexual manner.

  Luke could feel Catie fidgeting in the seat next to him and he couldn’t help but to grin. His scent was getting to her. In the lion kingdom, lions and lionesses were drawn to heat together by the smell of one’s scent. Even though Catie’s a human, she was still very much affected by Luke’s mating scent. Licking his lips slowly Luke started imagining the sounds of Catie’s voice as she was taken over with pleasure. Luke was planning to take it just a little bit slow for Catie, but now his carnal desires were taking over him. He was definitely going to have her tonight and it would be of her own free will.

  “We’re here,” Luke said as they pulled up at the Jazz club. Catie couldn’t concentrate as her body felt like she was in flames. She didn’t hear Luke talking to her; all she could think about was the agony that she was feeling. Catie’s heart hurt, her body ached everywhere. What was happening to her? Catie had never felt this way before. “Catie?” Luke said and Catie finally looked over at Luke. Luke could tell that her eyes were dilated and he could feel the heat emanating from her body. Luke gave a small smirk, she was feeling his presence too much and nine times out of ten she’d be unable to walk, eat, or concentrate. It’s time to quench both of our desires, Luke thought as he brought his lips to capture Catie’s quivering ones.

  Chapter Six

  When Luke’s lips crushed against Catie’s, all of her common sense went flying out the door. She didn’t care that they were in public in a car; Catie quickly gripped Luke’s head and ran her fingers through the light strands. Both of their tongues fought for dominance, but being the bigger of the two
, Luke’s won. Catie couldn’t think straight anymore as her hands quickly left Luke’s hair and pushed themselves against Luke’s shirt. She was going to get his shirt opened even if she had to rip all of his buttons off.

  “Easy now beautiful, we don’t want to start something we won’t be able to finish until later.” Luke growled as he pulled his lips from Catie’s. A thin line of saliva connected them before it broke and fell down Catie’s chin.

  “Later?” Catie repeated absentmindedly. The woman was so out of it that a normal person would have thought that she was drunk, but Luke knew better. His pheromones were strong enough to bring Catie into heat.

  “Yes baby, later…” Luke said and kissed Catie again on the lips. He was only teasing Catie though. Luke was going to drive Catie mad with pleasure, but he wanted to get a reaction out of Catie first. Luke wanted to make sure Catie would be ready for him without too much prep work. Luke straightened out his clothes and pretended to open the door.

  “No!” Catie said breathlessly. Luke looked over at her feigning confusion. “I want… I need you now. I can’t wait… please!” Catie begged as her hands gripped at his biceps.

  “But… we’re in public.” Luke cooed and Catie shook her head quickly.

  “I don’t care,” this was the reaction that Luke wanted from Catie. He wanted her to feel exactly how he felt. Luke glanced at Catie and started up an engine.

  “It’s real dark a few blocks from here at an abandoned factory. We’ll have some privacy there.” Luke said and took off down the road. Luke didn’t care about taking Catie in public, but he understood the rules of humans. If he was in lion form with a lioness, there wouldn’t be a problem if people saw them having sex. However, this wasn’t the case for Catie. Though he could have changed into a lion, Catie was still a human.

  “Hurry,” Catie whispered and gripped the door handle. She needed to cool down soon because she was too hot. Something told her that Luke would be able to heal her at that moment. As Luke approached the abandoned factory, he turned off the lights. Since it was relatively dark outside, the only way they’d be found out was if someone was purposely over there in search of lewd activities. As soon as Luke parked and turned off the car, Catie was over him in a matter of seconds. She kissed his lips, cheeks, collarbone and her hand worked quickly when it came to undoing his buttons.

  “Someone’s ready,” Luke commented with a smirk before his golden eyes turned darker and he let his animalistic desires take over. Luke was alright with Catie taking a little bit of control, but he was an alpha, he was destined to be in control. Luke growled and reached over Catie to take off her seatbelt and to adjust her seat. With long arms and fingers, Luke quickly brought Catie’s seat down to a lying position. Luke could see color appearing on Catie’s golden cheeks and he smirked and devoured her mouth again. The car was too small for Luke and Catie to be doing these types of activities, but Luke didn’t care.

  “Ooh,” Catie moaned slightly as Luke brought his fingers under her dress straps and pulled them down exposing her clothed breasts. He looked at her black and white stripped bra with a mixture of awe and anger. He loved that his imagination created images in his mind that showed him what Catie’s breasts might look like. He pictured Catie’s nipples to be large and erect. However, Luke was angry that the bothersome fabric was holding him back from his guaranteed pleasure. “Luke…” Catie said with a shaky breath when he undid her bra and played with her breasts. They were massive, the way that he liked them.

  “Very nice Catie,” Luke said as he glided his fingertips over Catie’s erect nipples. “Your breasts are so delicious looking. I wonder if they taste equally as good.” Luke said and lowered his face to collect a hard nipple into his mouth. Catie flinched and allowed a series of moans to escape her lips. “I’m going to fill you up, Catie. I’m going to give you pleasure that you have never experienced.” Catie clinched her eyes shut as waves of pleasure ran over her breasts and going all the way down to her toes.

  “Yes,” Catie murmured. Catie could be hearing wrong, but it sounded like Luke’s voice was deeper and did she hear him… growling? Catie opened one of her eyes and glanced down at the man. His golden eyes were watching her intently and even though he was making her feel so good, the look in his eyes scared her. Catie’s consciousness was telling Catie that if she wasn’t careful, Luke would eat her and not in the way that she wished to be eaten.

  “Your clothes are annoying,” Luke said moving his face away from Catie and gripping her dress. He pulled the dress down quickly and took Catie’s black thong down with it as well. A thong? Somebody was planning this already, Luke thought as he felt himself hardening more than he already was. Luke unbuttoned his shirt exposing his rock hard abs and chest then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Catie’s eyes watched hungrily and Luke couldn’t help but notice that all of her embarrassment was thrown out of the window. Her eyes, actions, and body were being honest.

  “What are you doing to me?” Catie asked as her eyes started losing focus. She wanted Luke badly, but she couldn’t help but to notice how abnormal the situation was.

  “I’m doing what you’ve done to me. I’m torturing you with desire.” With that said, Luke grabbed his hot and heavy length and entered Catie with a hard and deep thrust.

  “Aah!” Catie called out and gripped Luke’s back. Catie felt how big Luke was and she was surprised that it didn’t hurt as much as she would have assumed. Catie was also surprised by the fact that even though they were going at it in a car, she didn’t feel uncomfortable. She was positive that she hadn’t drunk anything that day that could have been laced with something, so why was she acting this way, and with a man that she just met?

  “Ss…” Luke let out a small hiss as he pounded ruthlessly in and out of Catie. Her womb was so wet and greedy that she practically pulled him back in when he pulled out. “You’re incredible.” Luke mumbled and bent his head down and bit Catie’s collarbone. Catie’s hands moved up and down Luke’s back as her loud wails penetrated the car’s interior. Catie was putting a lot on the line by screwing Luke out in public. For a TV reporter to be caught up in indecent exposure, the consequences could end her, but the sex crazed part of her brain didn’t listen to her small bit of her common sense.

  “Luke…harder,” Catie was barely able to get out. Luke growled and obliged. Luke was soon pounding in so hard and quick into Catie that his car was shaking. Catie raised her hips from the hot and wet seat and moved her hips so that she was pounding back into Luke. Their moans and harsh breathing was the only thing that could be heard and Luke felt himself quickly approaching his limit.

  “I’m about to bust,” Luke purred in Catie’s ear and the tickling motion of his breath took Catie over the edge.

  “Ah, hah!” Catie embraced Luke’s back and threw her head back as she exploded in ecstasy. Luke picked his head up just in time as he saw Catie’s face contort in pleasure. Her facial expressions were too much and Luke quickly followed Catie in an equally intense orgasm.

  “Oh.. Fu..!” Luke moaned as he spilled his semen inside of Catie. Once he was done, Luke looked Catie in the eyes and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. Catie blinked a few times and then that familiar shy expression marred her lovely features. Luke grinned and pulled out of Catie with a low and satisfied sigh. “I have some tissues, but unfortunately you’ll have to freshen up more at the club.” Luke said and rearranged his clothes. Catie nodded her head and accepted the tissue box that Luke handed to her.

  “Thanks,” Catie said awkwardly. She quickly put on her clothes and moved her seat so that she was sitting upright again. Luke started the car and looked at Catie.

  “I hope that you still want to go, it’s very nice there.”

  “Of course, I’m looking forward to it.” Catie couldn’t believe that she just had sex with a man she barely knew for twenty-hours. She also couldn’t believe how amazing it felt, but something was odd with the whole situation. Why was she so aroused to the point where sh
e was physically unable to do anything until after she was alleviated? Luke drove the few blocks back to the club and was happy that he and Catie weren’t bothered. However, his happiness soon turned to a feeling of pure self-hatred. The only reason why he was able to mate with the one that would be his was due to hidden information.

  This is all types of messed up.

  Chapter Seven

  “Is everything alright, Catie? You look out of it.” Michael asked as he walked up behind Catie while she was making copies. Catie sighed and turned to look at Michael.

  “I’m fine; I just lost a possible interview that I drove all the way to San Francisco for.” Catie was still upset about that; however, that wasn’t the reason why she was in a foul mood. Last night she had unprotected sex with a man, though she was into, but she barely even knew. Even though they still went on their date and Luke was the perfect gentleman, he definitely acted weird towards her. He must think I’m easy; Catie thought to herself and immediately felt her stomach clench.

  “Wow that sucks, I’m sorry to hear that,” Michael said and used the copier as soon as Catie was finished.

  “It happens,” Catie said and shrugged her shoulders. She turned around in an attempt to go back to her office, but Michael stopped her with his free hand.

  “Hold on Catie,” he said and Catie turned around to look at him. “You look…. different today. Did something else happen?” Catie instantly felt her cheeks heating up as she wondered if Michael could tell that she had sex.


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