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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

Page 85

by Valentine, Annie

  “I swear to god,” Janet rambled on before her, “I cannot for the life of me figure out what to wear to Randy Olsen’s yearly pool bash. I want Kevin to notice me but I don’t want it to be so over the top, you know? Bee! Are you evening listening to me?” Janet said frustrated at the lack of attention her best friend was endowing upon her.

  “I am, I am. Kevin’s pool party,” Blair said sheepishly, looking over from the screen of her cellphone.

  “Uh, no you weren’t,” Janet said annoyed, “who are you texting anyway?” she said, suddenly poking up to view the screen from behind Blair’s shoulder.

  “Hey, go away,” Blair said, suddenly covering up the screen with her fingers, “I’m not texting anybody,” she defended herself meekly.

  “Right,” Janet said rolling her eyes, “is it James? I heard you two went on a date. You need to dish,” she continued, suddenly perked up at the idea.

  “Ugh no,” Blair dismissed, shaking her head furiously, “Not him. And just so you know, that wasn’t even a real date to be fair.”

  “Then who is it?” Janet pressed but then when Blair did not reply and just looked back at her, with one lip tightly tucked under her teeth, Janet’s mind clicked two and two together and her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

  “Is it? Are you texting Dr. Hottie?” Janet asked suddenly.

  Blair sighed, “Hey – it’s not a big deal okay!” she defended herself.

  “Like hell it isn’t!” Janet scoffed, “Wait, are you having an affair with your doctor?” Janet seemed to both delighted and amused at the idea.

  “Hey, geez, we’re only casual,” Blair admitted but then a blush crept up on her cheeks as she realized just how opposite of casual they really were.

  Janet laughed, “Oh dear, this is too good,” she told Blair, “but – he’s so much older – how does it even work when you’re not- wait – did you sleep with him?” Janet pressed suddenly, leaning forward so fast she nearly knocked herself out of her chair.

  Blair remained quiet for a moment, unsure what to say but then she knew that there was no she could get away with lying to Janet and so she just nodded briefly.

  “Noooo way,” Janet exclaimed in a dramatic tone, “you mean all this time this week that you have been blowing me off saying you were busy – you were actually bumping uglies with Dr. Hottie in the sack?”

  Blair had to chuckle at her best friends words, “Pretty much.”

  “Whoa,” Janet replied, “And here I thought I was having fun this summer.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal – we just like each other’s company that’s all,” Blair said, making another feeble attempt to defend herself.

  “Yeah right, it’s not a big deal you horny little bunny,” Janet was laughing again, “Wait, so are you two a thing now?” she inquired.

  “Not exactly,” Blair said sighing, “I don’t really know what we are. We just—sort of are.” Even Blair had to shudder at how pathetic that sounded but that was the truth. In all their meetings since then, they had not once had the conversation regarding the nature of their relationship – if you could even call it that. And quite frankly, Blair thought it would be too awkward to bring it up.

  “Wait really?” Janet said, leaning forward even more, “Do you like him though?”

  “I mean – that should be obvious at this point shouldn’t it?” Blair replied, raising an eyebrow at her friend.

  “No I meant – you know, feelings. Do you want to be exclusive with him?” Janet asked and then continued, “Oh imagine that! College student with total badass doctor boyfriend – hubbahubba.”

  Blair shook her head at Janet, “No. He’s not really into that sort of a thing,” she said quietly.

  And then Janet was quiet for a second. “Wait – so – he said that to you?”

  “Well, we don’t really talk about this much. But he might have mentioned it once.” Blair said, looking down at her nails.

  “Oh bee,” Janet said sounding suddenly sympathetic, “What if he ends up breaking your heart and just using you?”

  Blair shook her head and dismissed the idea immediately. “He won’t do that. He’s a good guy – not an immature high school kid.”

  “What makes you so sure? You two haven’t even had the conversation yet,” Janet pressed.

  “We don’t need to, alright?” Blair snapped back, sounding more catty than she had intended to. “I never ask you all these questions about you hookups so can you get off my back?”

  “Geez,” Janet said, slumping her shoulders and backing away from her a little, “I’m just looking out for you.”

  “Well I don’t need you to,” Blair said, unable to control the annoyance that had seeped into her system. “I’ll catch you later, Janet. I’m going to go now.”

  And with that, the brunette was out the door in a matter of a few moments, the door slamming firmly shut behind her.

  Blair felt a little guilty over her entire exchange with Janet; this wasn’t the norm for them as they usually got along well and scarcely ever fought. But she quickly shook off that burdening sense of guilt and decided she had no time to sit over and mull over her exchange of words with Janet.

  In fact today, she felt excited as her brain was brewing up a storm of ideas. It was a Wednesday so she knew Daniel was working today and they did not have any plans to meet up for the afternoon but Blair had plans of her own.

  She inspected herself a few times in the mirror, giving a little twirl to examine her dress. Blair planned to surprise Daniel at his clinic today. For the entire afternoon, she had been giving him the impression that she was busy going out with her mother but little did he know, she was scheming up to show up at his clinic unannounced and surprise him.

  The giddiness had still not worn off as she pulled up in the clinic driveway with a box of Donuts firmly clasped in her hands. Upon entering though, she found Kate standing behind the receptionists counter yet again.

  “Is Dr. Williams in?” Blair asked but as she said those words, she realized how strange it felt to refer to him as anything other than Daniel.

  Kate, the nurse, shot her a long look. And then flashed her a smirk, as though she was in on a secret that Blair wasn’t clued in on. “You want to see the doctor?” she asked him and it that moment Blair realized that the woman had a really distinct New York accent.

  “Yes,” Blair shuffled her feet uncomfortably; showing up unannounced at his workplace was turning out to be more challenging than she expected. “Is he in?”

  “Oh, he’ll be here in a moment,” Kate told her, the smirk still spread out against her lipstick smeared lips. “Why don’t you take a seat there?”

  Blair nodded, feeling relieved that their little exchange was now over. But then to her horror, she realized that Kate had suddenly abandoned her post from behind the reception counter and was now trailing behind Blair.

  “Right here,” Kate said cheerily pointing towards one of the chairs in the waiting lounge – they were yellow, plastic and smelled of various cleaning agents.

  Blair nodded; still a little confused as to why Kate had followed her out but she took a seat none-the-less.

  “Slow day today, huh?” Blair said finally at an attempt to make awkward conversation when she realized Kate had no intention of leaving her side and had in fact taken a seat right next to Blair.

  “You know, you win some, you lose some,” Kate said shrugging nonchalantly and then turned over to face Blair, her shoulders pointing over towards her direction, “How come you’re here today? I didn’t see any appointments scheduled under your name,” Kate probed.

  Blair felt a dash of irritation at all her probing but decided to remain polite, “You know,” she said, weighing the box of doughnuts in her hands, “just wanted to, er, thank him. He’s been a brilliant doctor so far,” Blair said, lying through her teeth.

  “Oh right,” Kate said and then she was silent for a moment. Blair thought this meant the end of her drilling questions b
ut luck was not on her side today. “I think you said you were eighteen, weren’t you? I think you’re a little young for this stuff.”

  Blair stared back at Kate in disbelief that was slowly turning into anger. “Excuse me?” she managed to spurt out with her eyes wide open.

  “Oh, Blair. Don’t be silly. Of course I know,” Kate grinned and then stretched out her hand to her, “there’s been many before so it doesn’t surprise me when an attractive girl like you just walks in. Of course he was going to swoop you up.”

  Blair had half a mind to tell her off and tell her she does not know a thing about her and Daniel, her defensive side kicking in. But then she realized the level of confidence Kate uttered the words in and began to think perhaps her words held a little weight; Kate did know Daniel a lot longer than Blair.

  “You say that like you know by experience,” Blair replied, her tone snarky and very much annoyed.

  Kate laughed, “Oh dear. But I do,” she said still grinning, “Hey? Don’t worry about it though. He’s totally non-committal about these things. Just don’t get too invested,” Kate advised her.

  Blair swallowed roughly, “Right.”

  But before Kate had the chance to dish out anymore advice, the door of the clinic swung open and Daniel walked in. He eyed the two of them sitting in such close proximity once over and then cleared his throat to speak.

  “Hello Blair,” he said, sounding warm and friendly, “I did not expect to see you here today? I was under the impression you were occupied for the afternoon,” he remarked.

  Blair stumbled up to her feet at once, “I, um well I only came for a bit. I brought doughnuts,” she said, holding out the box in front of her.

  “Great, doughnuts!” Daniel said with exaggerated enthusiasm, “why don’t you bring those in and I will speak to you inside my office?” he said, pointing his arm in the direction of the room in question.

  “Yeah, okay,” Blair replied slowly and began walking towards it. Normally, she would have been enthused at the first opportunity to be alone with him but as she followed him now, she felt a growing feeling of something she could not yet put her finger on – it made her uncomfortable.

  “Blair,” Daniel turned to her as he finally shut the door behind him, the wooden door shielding them way from all prying eyes, “I didn’t expect to see you here today but I’m so glad you showed up.”

  He had begun to walk over to her and snaked over a sneaky arm along the length of her waist but as he brought his mouth over to hers to peck her on the lips, he realized just now distant and withdrawn she was being by not returning any of this sentiments.

  “Hey,” he said, suddenly flipping her over so she could face him, “is there something wrong?” he asked sweetly.

  Blair shook her head but it was a halfhearted shake. Try as she may, she could not deny that she had taken some of Kate’s words seriously. The sensation that she felt before at the pit of her stomach only seemed to be growing even bigger and she had a ridiculous urge to be removed from his company and spend some time in solitude.

  “Blair,” Daniel said in that slow warning voice of his, “What are you not telling me?” he pressed, his fingers lacing hers as he brought her face to force her to look at him.

  Blair shrugged it off, “It’s nothing – just. I know you won’t like talking about it and frankly, I don’t even know what to say,” she sighed, her mind felt like an impossible crossword she could not even try to begin to solve.

  “You can try,” he said, trying to coax it out of her slowly.

  “I brought you doughnuts,” Blair said in a feeble attempt to change the topic of conversation.

  “Is it something Kate said?” Daniel asked, his eyebrows now furrowed and raised at Blair.

  “She might have mentioned something.”

  “Come on, Blair!” he said and this was exactly the reaction Blair had expected him to have. Each time Blair tried to bring up one of his trysts with woman other than Blair, he was always quick to deflect and never give out too much information. It was always a series of ‘I’m not the type’ or ‘We’ve gone over this already’.

  Blair already knew better than to press for details so instead, she chewed the inside of her lip and decided to take a slightly different approach. If she was going to get any information out of him, it would not be in words. Indeed, he had other specialties.

  “I think she’s really pretty, you know. Kate,” Blair said slowly, trying to gauge Daniel’s reaction to it.

  And indeed, Daniel had a reaction to it. “Well, I can’t deny but I have eyes for you,” he said but Blair knew he was trying to downplay it.

  “You two have probably hooked up a few times, right?” Blair asked him, “I mean, it’s only natural to assume.” She was trying her hardest to seem neutral and unaffected; any sign of emotion now and he should shrivel up, closing himself off from her. Blair knew she had to tread carefully.

  Daniel tried to read her expression, “I wouldn’t deny,” he said finally chuckling a little, “but what has that have to do with anything?” he said, walking forward to her.

  Blair bit down her lip, “Nothing. She’s really pretty though,” she said again, “maybe it’d be fun if she joined along today,” Blair’s word were vague and open to interpretation but she knew Daniel realized exactly what she meant as his eyes darkened and he looked over to her with an expression as if to say this is too good to be true right now.

  “You think so?” he said and Blair nodded – she really wanted to see how far he was willing to go with this.

  “Wow,” Daniel breathed out, “usually I’m the person who on the suggesting end of this spectrum.”

  Blair held back her urge to reply with something unpleasant and her eyes simply trailed him as he reached over to the intercom and pushed the little red button.

  “Miss Kate,” he said through the speaker, “can you step in my office for a moment please?”

  Blair was watching him intently through the entire thing and she could see his lack of reluctance, almost as though he had done this before. And perhaps he had. She gulped loudly and then the door of the clinic opened up and Kate sauntered in.

  “Yes, doctor?” she replied, her accent coming out thick. “What do you want?”

  “Actually, it was all Blair’s idea,” he said and gestured for Blair to walk over to where the two of them were standing.

  “Hey kiddo,” Kate greeted Blair, “what do you want?”

  “Kiss me,” Blair demanded her, boldly. Kate shot her a look as if to say that she had lost her mind but then Daniel quickly squeezed Kate hand encouragingly.

  “You got to be kidding me, right?” Kate replied back, befuddled.

  “Fine – then I’ll do it,” Blair said and then before Kate could protest, Blair leaned on over to plant a steady kiss on her lips. Despite her disagreement, Kate did not push her away. But most of all, Blair could see how happy Daniel was watching the two of them. His eyes were darkened and it seemed as though he was in some sort of a daze as he eyed the two of them.

  Blair gulped, “Like what you see, Daniel?” she told him and he only so eagerly nodded.

  Kate seemed to be more relaxed with the situation now and slowly, her hands encircled Blair’s waist, moving up her body until they found her breasts. Kate squeezed, and Blair gasped- she threw a quick glance at Daniel, and then, making sure he was watching, she lifted the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it off her head. As she stood there in her bra, Kate started to kiss her neck and Blair threw back her head and moaned, tangling her fingers in Kate’s hair.

  Kate left a trail of lipstick smears down her neck and on her collarbone, her tongue was now reaching for Blair’s breasts. Daniel’s hands had reached into his own pants, where he was clearly jerking himself off watching the two women go at each other. Kate straightened up and pulled off the top of her scrubs, revealing large perky breasts nestled in a lacy black bra. Blair ached at the sight of how beautiful Kate was, and she felt ashamed of her own almos
t child-like figure. Her breasts may not be as big as Kate’s, but they were certainly getting a lot of attention from the other woman.

  Daniel pulled off his shirt too, and Blair turned to him, leaning towards him to kiss him, hoping to prove to him that she was sexy and adventurous, but to her horror, Daniel completely ignored her, and now he only seemed to have eyes for Kate. The older woman was now moving her hands down Blair’s waist, reaching for the band of her jeans and pulling it down. Blair bit her lip, unsure of what she had gotten herself into- Kate slipped her hand inside Blair’s panties and her fingers found her clit, gently massaging it.

  Blair arched her back, and involuntarily moaned. Kate pulled down the cups of Blair’s bra, revealing her small, erect nipples and Blair quickly glanced at Daniel again. He was jerking himself off faster now, his face screwed up in pleasure, but his eyes were still fixed on Kate’s bouncing chest.

  Suddenly, Blair started to push Kate away, but she didn’t understand and she pushed her mouth against Blair’s until the younger girl parted her lips and let Kate’s tongue enter her mouth. She closed her eyes, feeling Kate’s breasts press against her own. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Daniel was standing behind Kate now, watching as the nurse moved her mouth down to Blair’s nipples. She bit her lip seductively hoping Daniel would notice, but she realized that Daniel was actually admiring Kate’s ass as she bent over Blair.

  Blair’s eyes widened and she pushed Kate off and started to move towards Daniel, but before she could, Daniel had scooped up Kate into his arms and began to make out furiously with her. His hands went straight for Kate’s bra clasp and as he unbuckled her, he watched her breasts spill out with awe, immediately pressing his mouth to them. Kate’s hands reached inside his pants as she bit down on his neck. The way they were devouring each other, Blair knew that they were all too familiar with each other.

  Blair touched Daniel’s shoulder but he shrugged her off and Blair stood there, completely ignored with her mouth open, staring at the two of them go wild on each other.


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