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A Million Kisses or More

Page 25

by A C Warneke

  At Asher’s derisive laugh, she continued, “He doesn’t need expensive gifts to buy my love, Asher. I love him as he is. We’ve had this chat before: I don’t like you trying to buy your way into my bed because it’s never, ever, not in a million years, ever going to happen so stop. And give me back my car.”

  The words were exactly right but why did he still feel like shit that he couldn’t afford a fancy car for her?

  “Ana, take the car,” Asher ordered.

  “I can’t afford the taxes or the insurance,” she bit out.

  Another heartbeat of silence before Asher asked, “Is that the real reason you don’t want the car? Because if it is, I’ll pay for everything.”

  Ana let out a little scream of frustration, spinning around and letting Harrison see the fury in her eyes, her face. “Give me back my damn car.”

  “Be reasonable, Ana,” Asher tried to cajole.

  “Harrison,” she ground out. “Issue that arrest warrant. This bastard stole my damn car and he won’t give it back.”

  He arched an eyebrow as he uncrossed his arms and grabbed his phone. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she said, nodding her head with fierce determination.

  Heaving a loud, wary sigh, Asher said, “Fine. I’ll give you your fucking car back but don’t think that this is over, not by a long shot.”

  “Thank you,” Ana said, her voice still tight. Her eyes moved over Harrison’s still naked body and her lips curved up into a wicked grin. “And Asher? As soon as I hang up, I’m going to fuck your cousin seven ways from Sunday. That’s my Christmas gift to him.”

  Clicking the phone off without bothering to wait for a reply, she sauntered over to where he stood and slid her hands into his. Grinning up at him, she said, “That’s not really my Christmas gi….”

  He didn’t give her a chance to finish before he claimed her lips in a kiss. Being fucked seven ways from Sunday was a perfect gift, one that he’d enjoy as often as she’d give it. It didn’t matter that they had already made love that morning and she had drained him dry, he was good to go again. There was just something about Ana that infused him with the horniness of a pagan god and the stamina of a raging bull elephant.


  Pulling her damp hair back into a low ponytail, Ana headed down the stairs, a slight smile on her lips. It had been a crazy month since her mother had been there and she was still reeling from everything her mom had told her. Harrison had spent many nights simply holding her as she worked through her conflicting feelings. It had been interesting trying to figure out what it meant to have a famous father, though her relationship with her mother was improving now that all of the secrets were out in the open. Heather had called a few times to give updates on Maddox Cooper’s condition but she didn’t really go into too much detail. Ana always asked if she should make a trip to Arizona to see him but the answer was always the same: no. Apparently, Maddox wanted his daughter’s first meeting with him to be after he had a clean bill of health, just as Heather said.

  Harrison had been amazing, spending more time with her than he did writing, since he couldn’t quit his real job to write full time. Ana was okay with having the next Justice novel delayed because she found she much preferred the attentions of the author. It was a fair trade off. Besides, he’d have plenty of time to write once she was gone. But it was Christmas and she wasn’t going to think about leaving until she was in her car and on her way to California. Until then, she’d focus on Harrison and Jolie and their remaining time together.

  For his gift, she had bought him a couple of shirts since she had accidentally borrowed… okay, stole, seven shirts already and she doubted he had many more to lose. She’d be happy if Harrison just gave her some of his old shirts for Christmas or for her birthday, as long as they smelled like him. She had also gotten him two plane tickets for him and Jolie so they could spend next Christmas with her out west and then drive back with her. She had purchased them the day after her mom left because she knew with every fiber of her being that this was where she belonged. After she was done with her internship, of course.

  She had to pause halfway down the steps, needing to take a moment to catch her breath, to stop the sudden sob that wanted to break free. Pressing her hand against her tight chest, she rubbed her aching heart as she tried to blink away the tears that were blinding her. She could hear Harrison and Jolie talking in the living room, trying to guess what was in each package. Harrison’s low voice rumbled up the stairs followed by Jolie’s sweet, sweet giggles and Ana didn’t want to go. She was afraid that if she left, Harrison would find someone else and she’d lose the very best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Maybe she should have kept the damn car and then sold it. It might not have been quite enough to pay off her strings-attached scholarship but it would put a huge dent in the amount she’d owe. But then she would have been indebted to Asher, which was far worse than being indebted to her mother and it was a place she never wanted to be. It didn’t matter that he said it was a gift because he would have held it over her head. He would have seen it as encouragement of his pursuit and he never would have stopped.

  He was being so childish continuing his pursuit of her when she was with Harrison. It was unfortunate because Asher was a good guy, or at least he had been before he went all stalker on her. It didn’t change anything, though, because her mom would have paid it back if Ana had only asked, if there hadn’t been the soul deep need she had to fulfill the terms of the scholarship. If only she could bring Harrison and Jolie with her.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, trying to think about the day ahead, about Jolie opening her gifts, about going over to Harrison’s parents for Christmas dinner, she took a few breaths. Running the tips of her fingers beneath her eyes to erase any moisture that might have leaked through, she pasted a blinding smile onto her face and bounded down the rest of the stairs as if she hadn’t just had a minor breakdown.

  “Hey, guys,” she said, sitting down next to Jolie and draping an arm around the little girl’s shoulders, giving her a sideways hug. Smiling up at Harrison, she said, “The shower was exactly what I needed. Thank you.”

  She had to blink her eyes when she realized Angelico was sitting on Harrison’s lap, purring contentedly. Harrison’s long fingers were stroking through the white fur and Ana was actually jealous of the furry beast. The demon cat squeezed one eye open and seemed to smirk at Ana, as if he had laid claim to Harrison when she wasn’t looking. If necessary, she’d battle the asshole to the end because Harrison was hers.

  Harrison’s chuckle brought her out of her cat fighting fantasy. “What is going through that head of yours, Ana? You look so fierce?”

  She debated whether or not to grab the cat off Harrison’s lap and take his place but decided that would be ridiculous. Giving the cat one last glare, she shook her head, “I just want the cat to know that his place on your lap is not permanent.”

  He chuckled harder, the warm sound soothing her ruffled feathers. “Don’t worry, love, he was just keeping it warm for you.”

  “Just so long as we’re clear,” she grumbled, unable to keep the smile from her lips. Her heart still ached but it was impossible to remain depressed when she was with Harrison. Turning to Jolie, she asked, “So, have you decided which present you want to open first?”

  With a beaming smile, she pulled out the huge gift that Ana had bought and spent way too long wrapping. “This one.”

  “Are you sure?” Harrison asked, glancing at Ana. “Don’t you want to save that one for last?”

  “Nope,” Jolie countered with a huge grin. “This is the one I want to open.”

  Ana didn’t want to wait either, excited to see Jolie’s reaction to the present. She also wanted Jolie to open her gift first in case someone else got her the same gift. It was admittedly a selfish reason but she had been so excited when she found the Monster Mash dolls that she had splurged and bought six of them. Christmas was so much better when one had people for
whom to buy gifts. It was even more exciting to watch them open the gifts.

  “Good choice,” Ana beamed. Leaning closer, speaking in a stage whisper, she held Harrison’s eyes as she asked, “Do you want to open it now?”

  Jolie’s eyes widened in her head as she asked, “Can I?”

  “Ana,” Harrison growled in warning.

  “Harrison,” she returned, grinning at him. Wagging her eyebrows, she asked in a sing-song voice, “Can she?”

  He grimaced, or least he tried to but then it turned into a smile. Shaking his head, he looked at Ana and murmured, “I can’t deny you anything. Yes, Jolie, you can open it now.”

  Letting out a triumphant sound, the little girl tore into the gift. Paper flew everywhere and when she opened the box to find still more presents inside, Jolie let out a little scream. Intrigued by the paper and the boxes, the cat slid off Harrison’s lap and sauntered over to Jolie to investigate.

  While she was unwrapping the six smaller boxes that were inside of the large box, Harrison scooted over to Ana’s side and handed her a small gift. With a confused smile, she looked at the package and then back at him. With his lips against her ear, he whispered, “I want you to open this now.”

  Struggling to keep the tears at bay, she kept her smile on her face as she slid her finger beneath the tape. Her hands trembled as she saw the name of a jeweler on the velvet box. It was too big to be a ring, not that she expected him to propose, but it was still jewelry. Slowly, she opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace that was simple and elegant and perfect.

  This time, she let the tears fall since no one would know that there were a few sad tears mixed in with the happy tears. When she tried to speak, her voice cracked, “Harrison.”

  “Do you like it?” he asked, sounding so unsure that she wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug him until he knew how much she loved the gift, how much she loved him.

  “It’s perfect,” she managed to whisper through her tight throat. Turning around so her back was to him, she handed him the necklace, “Put it on, please?”

  His warm hands moved over her neck after he clasped the chain, smoothing the links against her skin. Keeping his hands on her shoulders, he put his lips against her ear, “Done.”

  Reaching up, she touched the entwined gold figures and choked back another sob. “It’s you and me, isn’t it?”

  She felt his smile against her ear as he nodded, “It is.”

  “I love it,” she murmured. Twisting around, she hugged him, “I love you.”

  “Ana,” he whispered, his words cut off by Jolie’s cries of excitement.

  “Oh, Ana!” Jolie squeaked. “I love them! You got all of my favorites! Thank you so much!”

  Sharing a smile with Harrison, she turned back and leaned against his chest. His arms wrapped around her from behind as she said, “You’re welcome, Jelly Bean.”

  Her fingers moved back to the necklace, needing to touch it even though Harrison was sitting right behind her. Her gift to him seemed so lame compared to the necklace. At least she had the plane tickets, but she wasn’t going to give that to him until tonight after Jolie was asleep. Looking at him with regret, she whispered, “I only got you some shirts.”

  He blinked and then burst into laughter, hugging her to his chest. Kissing the top of her head, he said, “That’s the perfect gift since I seem to have fewer shirts than I used to.”

  Heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks as she admitted, “That’s my fault, too.”

  “I am aware,” he chuckled, kissing her again. Reaching up and running his fingers along her temple, her throat, resting them against her pulse, he said, “The idea of you wearing my shirts turns me on more than you could ever know. I’d give all of my shirts to you if I didn’t need to keep some to wear myself.”

  “Hmmm,” she purred, her lids heavy as she imagined a shirtless Harrison running around town. The sound of Jolie ripping open boxes and chattering about the dolls brought her back to the present. Straightening her spine, she smoothed her hands down the front of her shirt and tried to get her libido back under control. She was well and truly addicted to Harrison and withdrawal was going to suck.

  The time was passing way too fast. It was just Thanksgiving last week and it was going to be New Years in a few days and then she was going to be leaving. But she had made the choice so she had no one else to blame but herself.

  As she leaned against Harrison’s chest, she smiled as she watched Jolie open the rest of her gifts. She wouldn’t trade these past few months for anything and no matter what the future held, she would always have this time with Harrison and Jolie. Filled with love and gratitude, she decided that she’d save the tears for when she was saying goodbye.


  Warm lips dragged her from the pits of a blissfully deep sleep. After surviving another family dinner, this time at his parents’ house, Ana had been more than happy to climb into bed and crash. But now it was morning and Harrison was kissing her shoulders, her neck, and all was right with her world. With a smile, her eyes still closed, Ana murmured, “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” Harrison rasped, sliding his hand along the curve of her hip, pressing his erection against her naked bum. “I have a surprised for you.”

  Her smile widened as she arched her back and pressed her bottom more fully against his penis. “Would it bother you too much if I told you that that isn’t too much of a surprise?”

  He chuckled as he kissed her neck again, the shell of her ear. His hand smoothed over her stomach and slid upwards to cup her breast as he rasped, “That’s not the surprise.”

  “Oh,” she frowned. As he toyed with her nipple, she let out a soft moan as she admitted, “I was kind of hoping it was.”

  “You know how much I hate to disappoint you.” Moving his hand back down her body, he grabbed her leg and pulled it upwards, over his thigh, opening her to his penetration. With another kiss against her neck, he slid into the warmth of her sex and filled her completely. Was there ever a better way to wake up in the morning other than morning sex with the man one loved? Ana didn’t think so.

  Rolling so she was on her stomach, he grabbed both of her hips and pulled her bottom up until he was kneeling behind her, her chest and cheek still pressed against the bed. Stretching, she grabbed the slats of his headboard and arched her back so she could take him even deeper. His hissed groan was music to her ears and for an eternity he moved in her, slowly, languorously, until everything disappeared. She felt alive, as if every cell in her body shimmered with love and ecstasy.

  Pressing her cheek against the cool pillow case, she sucked in a breath as he reached between her legs and started stroking her clitoris in rhythm to his movements. His other hand smoothed down her spine, sending shivers throughout her entire body until she was vibrating in sexual pleasure. Everything within her condensed to where she and Harrison were joined and she wasn’t going to be able to contain it much longer. Every pulse, every beat, grew and grew until it was too much. Her toes curled as the dam broke and sensation swept over her, through her, and she came with a hoarse cry.

  A heartbeat later, Harrison pulled out and came over her back, marking her once again. Resting against her, his penis still hard, he breathed, “Happy birthday.”

  “Hmm,” she murmured, basking in the feel of post-orgasmic bliss. “Thank you.”

  She felt him move behind her but she was so blissfully spent that she couldn’t open her eyes. But then he grabbed her arm and he was pulling her off the bed. Prying one eye open, she was about to beg him to let her stay but his mischievous smile stopped her short. Almost against her will, she fell off the bed, remaining upright only because Harrison held her. Ignoring her body’s protests, she simply drank in the sight of a happy, naked Harrison. Like a lovesick fool, she followed him as he headed towards the closed bathroom door. Since she was sticky with sweat and cum, a shower was probably a good idea.

  “I’ve drawn a bath for you,” he murmured with a
grin as he opened the door and pulled her into the bathroom. There was still steam rising from the tub and as she got closer she saw the rose petals scattered on top of the water.

  Her heart filled with love and she turned to him. “Join me.”

  “There’s no room,” he returned, taking her hand and helping her into the tub. The water was still warm, the perfect temperature after their morning exertions.

  After she sat down, she scooted forward and looked up at him, “If we squeeze in really tight, we’ll both fit.”

  He looked skeptical but he climbed in behind her, his legs on either side of her as she leaned against his chest. Wrapping his arms around her, he whispered, “Happy birthday, my love.”

  The water splashed over the edge of the tub, which was way too small for two adults, but Ana was utterly content, especially when his lips moved over the sensitive skin of her nape. “This is the best birthday ever.”

  Grabbing the body wash, he squeezed some onto his hands and then proceeded to thoroughly clean her breasts. With his lips against her ear, his breath hot against her damp neck, he asked, “Did you happen to notice that Jolie spent the night at her grandparents’ house last night?”

  “I did,” she said with a smile.

  “And that I’m off work today?”

  “I noticed that, too.”

  “Well, I just want you to know that I’m completely at your disposal today,” he continued. “We can do anything you want.”

  Twisting around, she awkwardly maneuvered her body until she was straddling his lap, her knees pressed against the porcelain sides of the tub. Pushing her fingers through his damp hair, moving her eyes over his face, she said, “I think I’d like to spend the whole day in bed. Naked. With you.”

  Leaning his head back, grabbing her hips, he gave her a sultry smile full of wicked promise. “That can definitely be arranged.”


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