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Rockers After Dark: 6 Book Bundle of Sexy Musicians

Page 13

by Chase, Deanna

  After discussing size and placement, I grab a fine-point Sharpie and go to work, turning his crap drawing into something that doesn’t suck ass. Ten minutes later, I’m ready to get started.

  “Hold on a sec,” he says. “I’ve got to make a phone call.”

  I sit back in my chair, my fist clenched around the tattoo gun. I grab my own phone. Nothing. Not even a text from Jax. I send her one asking if she’s surviving.

  The phone buzzes back almost immediately. I’m alive, but feel like a total bitch. Have you spoken to Lucy?

  I type back. No. Why?

  She called a few times but I didn’t answer. Now I can’t get a hold of her.

  I frown and type back. Kinx is still in town.


  He’s at my shop now. I dropped Lucy at home hours ago. She should be there.

  I’ll keep trying.

  I want to ask her to let me know Lucy is okay, but I don’t. She’ll only ask questions I don’t know how to answer.

  The phone buzzes again. Call me as soon as he leaves.

  Will do.

  Kinx strolls back over with a frown on his face. I’d heard him talking, but hadn’t been able to make out the words. Had he been speaking to Lucy? If so, it hadn’t gone well.

  “Let’s get this started,” he says, all of his charm gone. “I have to meet someone after.”

  I lay the transfer of the dragon over his chest and then peel it away. He studies it in a handheld mirror. “Make it vibrant, all right?”

  “Sure.” I grind my teeth and go to work.

  From the way Kinx sits back in his chair, relaxed, you’d think he’s an old pro at this, but I don’t see evidence of a tattoo anywhere else. At least not on his upper body. Usually I love working on a new, blank canvas, but I can’t stand touching Kinx. I’m jumpy, and after a while, the gun almost slips from my hand.

  “Dude,” Kinx says with a scowl. “What’s up?”

  “Sorry, man. Long day.”

  He glances at it. “Oh, yeah. Before you’re done, I want initials on the tips of the wings.”

  I freeze. “What?”

  His lips turn up into a slow shit-eating grin. “L and C.”

  Fuck! Their initials. He means this to be a soul mate mark. One to tell the world he’s taken. And he wants me to do it. I put the gun down. “That’s something you should have told me before we started.”

  “I’m telling you now.”

  Cocky bastard. There is no fucking way I’m finishing this. “Sorry, too late.”

  He stands and walks over to a large mirror on the wall. “No it isn’t. There’s plenty of space.” He strides back and sits down. “Put them on.”

  Anger shoots through my veins. I’d managed to keep it at bay while I was focusing, but the impulse to kick the shit out of him is back. I’d gotten a fair amount done. The entire outline of the dragon plus his face and wings are done in detail. It still needs to be colored in, though. There is room for the letters. But I’ll be damned if I do it.

  “It’s late,” I say and stand. “You’ll need to get it finished another time.”

  “Dude. I’m not leaving until you ink the initials.”

  I finish cleaning up my station. “You’re going to be here a while then.”

  “What the fuck, man? I’m not paying for this until it’s done.”

  “Fine.” He owes me a few hundred at this point, but fuck the money. I wouldn’t take it from him if I were starving.

  He glares at me while I wrap his skin with ointment and a bandage. “What time are you available to finish this tomorrow?”

  “I’m not.”

  “But I’m leaving town. You have to fit me in.”

  “No. I don’t.” Entitled little bitch. “You didn’t make an appointment. Find someone else.”

  His jaw tightens, and for a second, I’m positive he’s going to take a swing. But then he stalks to the door, and just before he walks out, he says, “Stay the fuck away from her.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “What?” I snap, more pissed than ever. The sick son of a bitch set this up. He’d come to me on purpose.

  His eyes narrow. “I know she spent the night with you. This is a small town. Word gets out. This”—he points to his chest—“is to let you both know who she belongs to.”

  My entire body tenses. “Lucy doesn’t belong to anyone, least of all not some chickenshit singer who can’t even write his own songs.”

  He closes the distance between us. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” Kinx says, his eyes aflame with crazy-like rage. He leans forward, his jaw jutting out.

  “You heard me.” I cross my arms over my chest. “It’s pretty fucked up to steal a song she wrote about her dead father. That’s shitty low.”

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” He’s vibrating with the urge to beat the shit out of me, but for some reason he holds back.

  Too bad. I’m dying to rough up that pretty boy face of his. “Maybe you should leave.”

  “Fuck you.” His eyes flash with pure hatred. “Lucy will never leave me. I know all about you and your mate. It didn’t take more than ten minutes on the Internet to put the pieces together. I bet you wish you’d never taken a drink that night. What will Lucy say when she finds out?”

  On reflex, I reach out and grab him by the shirt, dragging him to me. “Don’t ever talk to me about E.”

  “You must hate yourself.” He nods sympathetically, not fighting my hold at all. “I would, too.”

  I yank him closer, his face so close to mine I can see his pupils dilate. My entire being longs to crush him.

  “Do it,” he taunts. “Take a swing.”

  His words bring me back to myself. He’s not worth it. I push him backward. “Get out.”

  He gives me a self-satisfied smile, straightens his shirt, and strolls out into the darkness. I close the door, lock it, and slump down into one of the hard plastic chairs. “Fuck.”

  “Holy shit,” Tish says softly.

  I jerk my head up, having completely forgotten she was there.

  “That was Cadan Kinx.” Her eyes are wide with a mix of shock and excitement.

  I let out a heavy sigh. “I know.”

  “And you had a thing with his soul mate.” She raises her hand to her mouth, giddy with the gossip.

  “Tish,” I say as I stand, “do me a favor and keep this all to yourself, all right? Lucy’s had a rough few months with losing her dad and all. This drama is the last thing she needs.”

  Disappointment crosses her face, and not for the first time, I wonder how I ever ended up sleeping with such a shallow person. My stomach turns at the thought. “Yeah, okay,” she says. “I can do that.”

  “Good. It’s late. You can go on home.”

  She grabs her purse, and for the first time since the night we’d spent together, she doesn’t try to manipulate me into a late-night invitation back to my place. At least that’s one good thing to come out of all of this.

  I lock the door behind her and immediately call Jax.

  She picks up on the first ring. “Tell me everything.”

  “You first,” I say. “Have you heard from her?”

  “No. I can’t get her to pick up.”


  “Seth, what’s happening?” Worry seeps through her tone.

  “Kinx was here to get a tattoo. I was pretty far into it when he decided to tell me he wanted their initials. I…” Do I really want to tell her this part? No. “It’s a dragon.” I take a deep breath. “He told me to stay away from Lucy. He knows we spent the night together.”

  “Omigod! Seth, Jesus. I told you not to mess with her.”

  “Not now, Jax. This is serious. He’s acting like a psycho, and I’m w
orried about Lucy.”

  “He won’t hurt her.”

  “Maybe not physically, but he’s already done a number on her emotionally.”

  Jax is silent for a moment. Then she says, “Come get me. We need to find her.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Seven minutes later, I’m idling in front of Jax’s apartment. She must have been watching for me because she runs out the door before I can even get out of my truck.

  “Go to the club first,” Jax says.

  I glance at her. “Are you sure? Her car broke down. Don’t you think we should try her house?”

  “She’s not there.” Jax presses a button on her phone. Lucy’s voice fills the cab. “Jax. I’m stranded and desperately need a ride. Call me.” Jax hits another button. “Never mind. Holt is giving me a ride to town. Call me back.”

  “Did she? Call you back, I mean?” I ask.

  “No. At least, I don’t think so. I turned my phone off, so if she did, she didn’t leave a message.”

  “Jax,” I say, exasperated. “Why are you so mad at her?”

  “I’m not!”

  “You were.” I turn onto the highway and speed up.

  She closes her eyes. “I was just feeling sorry for myself. I drank too much and didn’t get to have my one-night stand.”

  I smile at her. “That’s a good thing.”

  “No it isn’t. I’m going to die an old spinster.”

  I hate that she’s so down on herself. “Not possible. You can have any guy you want.”

  She huffs. “Easy for you to say. I just wanted one night, preferably with someone I trust.” She lowers her voice, and I can barely hear her last words. “Lucy got the one I wanted.”

  My breath catches in my throat. The silence hangs in the air. I glance over at her, but she’s staring out the passenger’s window. “Jax?”


  “Did you just say what I think you said?”

  She doesn’t answer. And I don’t push her. She’d said she’d wanted me to be her one-night stand. And that’s why she was so pissed earlier. Unease grabs hold of my gut and doesn’t let go. Jax is my friend. Just about the only one I confide anything of importance to. Sleeping with her is out of the question.

  I pull to a stop in front of the bar and put the truck in park. “I think we need to talk about this.”

  “No we don’t,” she says and grabs the handle, her face pinched in anger. “I just thought you should know what was bugging me. It’s over. That ship has sailed. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  I place a hand on her arm, stopping her. “Why are you mad?” I ask softly, genuinely confused. “I thought we’re friends. You know I don’t want to do anything to mess that up.”

  She turns, unshed tears shining in her eyes. “I just don’t get it. You sleep with everyone and anything. Even that bitch who works at your shop. But not me? Why not me? All I wanted was a little fun. I’m not looking to have a relationship or anything, but I sure as hell don’t want to get it on with a random stranger. I need someone I trust. And you’re it. Don’t you get that?”

  I sit back in my seat, feeling as if I’d been gut-punched. “But we’re friends.”

  “I know. That’s the whole point,” she says with conviction.

  “I don’t… shit.” I run my hand through my hair. “Okay, let me try to explain this.”

  She folds her arms over her chest and waits.

  Good God. This is exactly why I avoid romantic relationships. Had I completely misread what’s going on here? “I’ve never considered pursuing a sexual relationship with you because I value your friendship. Those other girls, that’s purely physical. Just a moment in time to forget… everything. Then it’s over. But you, you’re my best friend. I don’t want to fuck that up.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just sits there studying me.

  “But I guess I might have anyway? Because of Lucy?” I glance at the bar’s front door, hoping she’s in there. Even now, sitting here with Jax, my mind is on the petite brunette, worrying about her.

  “Yes. No. I mean, I don’t know.” She lets out a breath. “I didn’t expect a relationship with you, except friendship. I just don’t understand how you can treat people that way. Using them and then moving on. And what about Lucy? It sure as hell looks like you care about her from this end.”

  Frustration replaces the unease eating away at my stomach. “Look, I don’t even know what I feel for Lucy. I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation. And that’s bullshit anyway. I’m honest with everyone I’ve been with. It’s their choice what they want to do. Hell, you just said you wanted the same thing. Double standard, much?”

  She unfolds her arms and puts her hands in her lap. Staring at them, she says, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Shit, Jax, this is what I don’t want to happen.” I suck in a breath, prepared to be completely honest. “I like you. A lot. And you’re gorgeous. But since E, I haven’t wanted a girlfriend. Haven’t even been able to comprehend a relationship. Not like that, hence the one-night stands. And you deserve better than that.” I reach over and brush a lock of hair out of her eyes. “You are not a one-night-stand sort of girl, no matter how much you think you want to be.”

  “You’re probably right,” she says on a sigh. “But does that mean you used my best friend? Because she’s not a one-night-stand kind of girl either.”

  “I don’t know. Hell, we just met, and normally for me, last night would’ve been the end of it, but today something happened. I spent the day in my artist’s loft.” I shift forward and lock my gaze on hers. “Working.”

  Her eyes get big. “You painted today?”

  “Sketched. With charcoal.” I glance away, far more uncomfortable talking about my art than why I didn’t try to seduce my best friend.

  “What did you sketch?”

  For whatever reason, I think it’s important that she knows, so I say, “Lucy.”

  “I see.” She bites her bottom lip.

  “I don’t think you do.”

  “You like her.” Jax’s voice wobbles. “Everyone does.”

  That’s when realization hits me smack in the side of the head. Jax doesn’t have a thing for me. She’s jealous of Lucy. “Hey,” I say softly and hold out my hand. “Come here.”

  She stares at it, then tentatively places her hand in mine. I tug her over and wrap my arm around her, giving her a half-hug. “You know you’re beautiful, right?”

  Laughing, she thumps me on the arm. “Don’t start hitting on me now, Keenan. It’s gross.”

  “Not on your life. I just wanted you to know that if you want a night of wild abandon, I know a few guys who’d be more than willing. Nice ones who will take care of you.”

  “The moment’s passed,” she says stiffly.

  “I figured as much. But I wanted you to know they exist. And about Lucy?”

  “Yeah?” She tilts her head to really look at me.

  “She’s pretty messed up right now. Me and her, we’re not that different, and that might be part of why I’m drawn to her. But she’ll never replace you. Got it?”

  She forces a smile. “Yeah.” Then she blushes. “I don’t know what got into me.”

  “I think it was about half a pint of tequila.”

  “Oh God,” she groans. “Don’t say that word ever again.”

  “As long as you don’t try to get in my pants again.” I grin and wink at her.

  She looks me up and down, then gives me a pouty smile. “No deal. You can’t ask a hot-blooded girl to agree to such hardcore demands.” She laughs and her eyes sparkle with mischief the way they usually do when we’re joking around.

  I chuckle. “Okay, perv. Keep your fantasy, but don’t be surprised when the tequila shots show up in the near future.”

�Oh, damn you.” This time when her hand reaches for the door handle, she jerks and opens the door. “Let’s go look for your muse. She’s got to be here somewhere. There aren’t many other places in town she could be.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Sitting in a booth, I swirl my straw around the cherry bobbing in my ginger ale. Even though I’m not hungover from the night before, alcohol is the last thing I want right now. Actually, I’m dying for a hot chocolate and a hot bath, but I’m not getting either anytime soon.

  “So what do you think?” Mike asks. He’d called while Holt was giving me a ride to town to ask if I’d be available to discuss singing in the band on a permanent basis. Without anywhere else to go, I’d suggested meeting at the bar to discuss it. And luckily when he found out I was carless, he’d agreed to give me a ride home later. We’d been in the bar ever since.

  I glance at the notebook in front of me. It’s a song list he wants the band to consider. One of them happens to be one of mine. It’s about meeting your soul mate and sticking with them no matter what. Everyone thinks it’s about Cadan and how love conquers all. It isn’t. I wrote it after my Mom found her mate and left Dad. “Sure, I can sing these.”

  “Even that last one?” He studies me with a concerned expression.

  He’s asking about “One Last Step.” My song. I shrug. “Sure. I like that song.” And I do. It helps me work through the conflicting emotions that have plagued me since the divorce.

  It starts running through my mind, and before I realize it, I’m humming the melody. It’s familiar and brings me a sense of comfort.

  Mike starts a slow background beat with his hands against the table and hums along with me. I smile. It’s been months since I’ve sung anything of mine, and the melody winds through me, taking hold the way it does when I’m singing something I’ve created. I can’t help myself. The words come spilling out.

  You take the road less traveled

  You say you know your way

  But we both know there’s more to living

  Than the path you chose yesterday

  As I’m singing the last verse, peace settles in my bones and my soul fills with a pure, euphoric state. My tone smoothes out, harmonizing with a voice I know better than my own. I turn in my seat and meet Cadan’s eyes. He’s crouching near me, singing the verse softly, emotion radiating from him. The love is overwhelming, and it’s spreading to everyone in the room. They’ve gone silent as they wait for us to finish the song, to give them what they crave. A few minutes of joy, of love, of contentment. I let everything go and lose myself to the words and him.


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