Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Rose Nickol

  Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha

  Tasha Rivers was tired of running and hiding. She’d been running from her ex-fiancé for years and wanted a normal life. She’d been in Denver for a few weeks and needed to find a job when she saw the ad for Club de Fleurs. She wasn’t sure what kind of club it was but for what they were paying she didn’t care as long as she didn’t have to strip.

  Then her car broke down in one of the worst rain storms of the season and Tim Robbins found her. How lucky could she be, this yummy man also worked at the club. Driving her to her interview, Tim vowed not to let this one go. When he found out the trouble she was having, he moved her into his house to keep her safe. Then her ex found her at the club. Would Tim be in time to save her?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 34,924 words


  Club de Fleurs 6

  Rose Nickol


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 by Rose Nickol

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-993-4

  First E-book Publication: April 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author


  Club de Fleurs 6


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Tasha Rivers was soaked. It was pouring rain, and her stupid car had broken down…again. Cold, wet, and frustrated, she got out one more time to lift the hood so that anyone passing by would know that she was having car trouble. Not that anyone would stop in the middle of a storm. And storming as it was, she wouldn’t be surprised to see a tornado come through. The hail was getting bigger, and she was afraid the glass in her car windows was going to break. Why did her car have to break down now?

  She was on her way to a job interview and couldn’t afford to be late. She needed this job desperately and couldn’t mess this up. Her savings was almost gone, and she didn’t know what she was going to do if something didn’t come up soon.

  When she saw the ad in the paper for a receptionist for the Club de Fleurs, and how much they were offering to pay, she thanked the gods and immediately went to the website to apply. She didn’t know what type of club it was, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting the job. Two days later she had a call for an interview, and things were looking up.

  Now here she sat on the side of the road, stuck. There was no way she was going to make it. Nothing to do but call and tell the man she was supposed to interview with that she needed to reschedule. Even if her stupid car would start, she looked like a drowned rat and now had ruined her only nice outfit, not really a good first impression for a receptionist. What the fuck was she going to do?

  She saw headlights coming up behind her and leaned on the horn to get the car’s attention, hoping they could hear it over the wind, pounding rain, and hail.

  Thanking the gods when the truck pulled in front of her car, she rolled her window down to talk to the person that had stopped.

  * * * *

  Damn, damn, and double damn, Tim thought. He didn’t need this shit. But being a southern gentleman and having a southern mama, there was no way he could not stop and help the person in the car. On top of his southern upbringing, he was ex–Special Forces, and a Dom to boot. Helping people in distress was in his blood. If it was a damsel in distress, there was no way he was leaving her on the side of the road.

  But, shit, he was going to be late…again. His bosses at the Club de Fleurs all understood what was going on and why he was late so often, but he didn’t like it. It wasn’t fair to the person he was relieving, and often the bar had to be closed until he got there, losing business for the club.

  Grabbing his phone, he quickly called Kyle, his boss, to let him know what was going on and why he would be late…again.

  “No problem,” Kyle answered, “I’m supposed to be interviewing a new receptionist to help Theresa while she’s out with the baby, and the woman just called to say her car was broken down in the storm. I’ll cover until you can get here.”

  Tim ended the conversation, then grabbed his rain gear from the back, hoping it would keep some of the water off of him.

  Running the short distance from his truck to the car behind him, he went to the passenger door and let himself in.

it’s cold,” he said as he slammed the door. “Roll that window up, for God’s sake. You’re getting soaked,” he told the driver, just now getting his first look at her.

  Tasha was shocked he had gotten in her car. What if he was a rapist or murderer or something? What should she do?

  “Roll up the fucking window.” Tim was late, cold, and wet.

  Tasha started the engine and rolled up the automatic window, also turning on the heat.

  “Much better, okay, sorry about all the nasty words, but it’s wet and cold out there. My name is Tim Robbins. Do you know what’s wrong with your car?”

  “Hi, I’m Tasha Rivers, and it just stopped. The engine runs, but it won’t move. I think it has something to do with the transmission. I’ve been having trouble with it, but didn’t think it would do this to me.” She felt like crying.

  “I’m pretty good with cars, but I’m not going to look at it in this mess. How about I give you a ride where you need to go, and we’ll have your car towed to a garage,” he told her in his soft southern drawl.

  Shit, shit, shit, there was no way she could pay for towing, let alone having a garage fix her car, but what could she do? There was no way she was going to tell this stranger that she couldn’t afford to have her car towed or fixed.

  Turning to look at her rescuer for the first time, she saw that, even soaking wet, he was gorgeous. Wet, his hair looked the color of dark chocolate, and his gray eyes looked as though they could pierce her soul, and his voice dripped honey. She loved listening to a southern man. Figures she would meet a handsome man when she looked liked a drowned rat.

  “That would be great. If you could just drive me to the nearest gas station, I can have someone pick me up there.” She smiled.

  Tim listened to her talk and thought, If she looks this gorgeous wet, I wonder what she would look like naked in my bed. His cock nodded in agreement.

  Thinking with his head for a minute, something about her words didn’t ring true.

  “Miss, I don’t mean to pry, but why didn’t you have someone pick you up here instead of depending on a stranger to help you?”

  Fuck, he had seen straight through her. What should she do now?

  “Well, I…umm…” She started trying to think of a good lie.

  “And, miss, I’d rather you didn’t lie to me. It won’t bode well for you.” If anything, his accent got deeper and even more arousing. He was doing things to her no other man had. Her girly parts were tingling, and her body was responding to his closeness.

  In her small car, he was huge. She could tell he was tall, and he looked very strong. She was sure he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. She wished she could say the same.

  Short and dumpy was how she had always described herself. Just barely over five foot tall and carrying an extra ten pounds, she was no beauty queen.

  “Okay,” she said with a sigh, “I really don’t have anybody to call, but if you take me to a gas station, I can call a taxi to get where I need to.”

  “Why would you go to all that trouble and expense when I can take you where you need to go?” Tim didn’t know why he was saying this. It was only going to make him later for work, and Kyle had sounded like he was getting pissed when he called. Fuck!

  “I guess you could. That would be very nice of you. I hope I’m not taking you out of your way too far.” She really didn’t have a choice. She didn’t have money for a cab, and even though she was late and wet, she might as well go to her interview if they would still see her.

  Reaching into the back, she grabbed her satchel with all her papers in it and the light jacket she had.

  “Miss, is that all you have for a jacket?” Tim asked when he saw what she grabbed, starting to take off his own rain gear.

  “Yeah…um…well, I didn’t know it was going to do this when I left home.” Tasha was embarrassed about not having a better coat.

  “Here, you can put this on. It will swamp you but will help keep you dry.” Looking down at her feet, he saw the sandals she was wearing and shook his head. Women and footwear. They may have looked sexy as hell, but practical they weren’t. “You stay where you are. I’ll come around and carry you. There’s no way you can walk in this mess in those shoes. You’ll break an ankle for sure. Just hold on a minute.”

  Shaking his head again at the things he did, Tim opened his door and ran around the car as fast as he could. Opening her door and taking her in his arms, he bent his body over her to protect her from the worst of the storm and ran to his truck, using one hand to open the door and push her in.

  Tasha moved to the other side of the truck as fast as she could. If anything, the storm had intensified, and the rain was coming down in sheets.

  Tim crawled in and cranked up the heat in the truck. In the few minutes it had taken to get her to his truck, he was soaked. Great—late, wet, cranky. It should be a wonderful evening. Now to get his passenger where she needed to go.

  “So where do you need to go, darling?” he asked, his voice dripping charm, trying not to show any of the annoyance he felt.

  Tasha dug the address out of her briefcase and handed it to him. “The name of the place is Club de Fleurs. I’m not sure what kind of club it is, but I have an interview there with…” She hesitated, looking down at the paper. “Kyle, I think he’s an owner or something. I didn’t get much detail when I called.”

  Well, well, well, a very interesting turn of events. Now…should he tell her that he was the bartender there or just wait and see how it played out?

  Since Craig and Rachel had gotten married, Craig had taken over more of the administrative duties and worked more during the day, so Tim was working security and behind the bar almost full-time. They always kept at least one security man in the club, and Tim could do security and tend bar, so it worked out well for all involved.

  Deciding that honesty was the best policy, Tim said, “Yes, I know this place. I tend bar and work security there. I’m on my way there to work tonight.”

  Yeah! Tasha thought. If I get the job, I’ll get to spend more time with this hunk. Her world was definitely looking up!

  “Great, if I get the job, I’ll know someone. What kind of club is it? Is it a nightclub or what?” She was really curious, not that it mattered. It could be a strip club for all she cared, as long as she didn’t have to strip. With what they were paying, she could pay all her bills and pay back some of the debts she owed.

  Cripes, how did he tell her it was a kink club? He didn’t want to scare her off. Being able to work with her would be great.

  “It’s kind of a nightclub with a twist. It’s very exclusive, members only,” Tim answered, not giving much detail but not lying either.

  “What kind of twist?” He really had her curiosity up now.

  “It’s a kink club,” he answered, not sure he wanted to go into this with her. It really was more Kyle’s place to explain. “I’m sure Kyle will tell you more when you do your interview with him.”

  “Oh, can’t you tell me?” She was starting to get concerned about what her duties might be.

  “Best to let Kyle tell you. We’re here anyway. Scoot over here, and I’ll carry you to the door. It’s ankle-deep out here, and you don’t want to ruin those shoes.” He thanked God he didn’t have to answer any more questions.

  “You really don’t have to carry me. I can walk.” This was starting to get embarrassing, and she liked being in his arms a little too much.

  “Tasha, I’m not going to argue. Let’s go.” She was still wearing his rain gear, and he just wanted to get in. He had clean, dry clothes in his locker and could change quickly before he started working.

  “Okay, don’t get testy with me,” she smarted off.

  Tim wished he had known her longer so he could smack that smart little ass. She was going to have to work on the attitude if she got the job as receptionist. Most of the Doms that came into the club would have her on the cross in no time if she smarted off to them.

  Tasha slid ove
r and let him carry her into the club. As they approached, the door swung open, and there stood another very handsome man with a petite, very pregnant woman.

  Rushing through the door to get them out of the rain, Tim then reluctantly set Tasha on her feet. He introduced her to Theresa and Alan. Alan also helped tend bar, and Theresa was his wife-sub and the current receptionist. Standing, Tasha was about the same size as Theresa, maybe a couple inches taller. He hadn’t gotten to see her standing until this moment.

  “Oh my God, girl, you look frozen. Come with me. I have something that will fit you in my locker,” Theresa told her, grabbing her hand and leading her off before she got a chance to thank Tim. Looking over her shoulder as she was taken away, she smiled at him, hoping he understood.

  Tim smiled back. “I’ll catch you later, darling. You make sure they bring you by the bar before you leave.”

  Tasha nodded as Theresa pulled her away. For a pregnant woman, she could move fast when she wanted to.

  Alan looked at Tim and laughed. “Go change, man. I’ve been drier coming out of a shower. I’ve got you covered until you’re ready. The place is dead because of the weather. Just you, Kyle, me, and Theresa here now, and your little lady. She’s very attractive. You gonna work that?”

  Tim was grinning from ear to ear. “You know it, man. Thanks for having my back. I’m just going to check in with Kyle, then change,” he answered as he walked off.

  He found Kyle in the office, talking on the phone, and not wanting to disturb the man, he stood in the door until he saw Kyle motion him in.

  “Yes, honey, I understand. No, you shouldn’t have to. I will talk to them when I get home. No, I’m not mad. Kids will be kids. I know there are boundaries. Yes, I will. No, we won’t. Yes, I’ll be home as soon as I can. I have to do this interview. Then I can head out. Don’t cry, baby. It’ll be okay. Yes, we’ll talk about it.” Kyle hung up the phone with a sigh.


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