Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Rose Nickol

  Looking up at Tim, he ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “Hey, man, glad you made it. It’s bad out there, huh?”

  “Yeah that poor little darling I picked up looked like a drowned cat. She’s your interview, by the way,” Tim told him as he sat, dripping, in the chair.

  Kyle threw him a towel and shook his head. “God, I was hoping she wouldn’t show. I need to get home. The kids are driving Jenna batty, and she’s about to make me nuts. She’s called several times in the last hour. I need to find a good sitter and bring Jenna for a good session in the club. That woman needs some attention in the worst way. She’s getting bratty on me.”

  “I feel for you, man,” Tim answered.

  “So, where is this girl anyway?” Kyle asked.

  “Theresa took her to give her some dry clothes, and then she’ll bring her in here. Her car is stuck, and I need to get it towed and then get her home. I get the feeling she doesn’t have a lot, so I want to help her,” Tim told him, running the towel over his hair.

  “Got ya, man, no problem. Real quick, what do you think? Will she be a good fit?”

  “She has no idea what she’s getting into but seems nice and was very concerned that she was late. I think that’s a good sign.” Tim wanted her to get the job so he could spend more time with her.

  “Sounds good, man. Go get dried off, and I’ll bring her by the bar. If things are still quiet when I’m done, would you do the tour thing and paperwork with her? I need to get home,” he said, grabbing his phone as it rang again.

  Tim could hear him say, “No, honey, I’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose,” as he walked out the door, chuckling. He wished he had Kyle’s problems.

  Chapter Two

  Theresa took Tasha to the ladies’ changing room and showed her where she could shower, making sure she had everything she needed.

  When Tasha came out, Theresa handed her some dry clothes to wear. “Here, I had these in my locker, and they don’t fit anymore. You’re about the same size I am, just a little taller. They should work.”

  Tasha took the clothes, thankful that she didn’t have to put her wet things back on.

  Pulling the dress over her head, she looked for her clothes. “Do you know where my things went?” she asked Theresa.

  “Honey, they were all soaked. I put them in a bag for you to take home.”

  “Oh, I…I need underwear.” Tasha was embarrassed to ask, but the dress was short, and even with undergarments, she would be showing her all. Luckily she was small and could go without a bra, but panties would be nice.

  Sitting in one of the chairs provided, Theresa giggled. “Sorry about the underwear, but my husband doesn’t let me wear it. You’ll be okay. There aren’t any people here today, and Kyle is so hung up on Jenna he wouldn’t notice if you were naked. Come on. Let’s get your hair dried and get you to his office.”

  No underwear, and the dress just barely covered her hoo-ha, let alone anything else. Who the hell wore dresses this short? But what other choice did she have? A hoo-ha-baring dress or soaked clothes—not really a choice.

  Tasha let Theresa help her dry her hair and then followed the woman to where she needed to go.

  The interview was short, but it went well, and at the end, Kyle hired Tasha on the spot. After making arrangements for her to start the next day, he took her to Tim, explaining that he needed to get home and Tim would finish explaining everything to her.

  Tasha had been nervous during the interview for lots of reasons—one, because she had been so late, and two, because of the short damn dress, and three, she still didn’t know what kind of club it was. Kyle had laughed when she had tentatively asked if she would have to strip.

  “It’s not that kind of club,” was all he had told her. Tim had told her it was a kink club, but she still didn’t know what that meant.

  She sat very still with her legs pressed tightly together, continually smoothing the dress over her lap, trying to keep her privates covered. She had never been so embarrassed in her life and had to bite her tongue to keep from apologizing about the dress.

  She was glad when Kyle seem too preoccupied with his phone to really pay attention to her and was surprised when, after only a very few questions, he declared the interview over and her hired.

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine, Ms. Rivers. Mr. Robbins will finish up with your paperwork and a brief tour. If you have any questions, he’ll be the one to answer them for you. I’m sorry to cut this short, but I need to get home. Please follow me,” Kyle told her very professionally, even though he was busy texting on his phone.

  He took her to the bar and he left her with Tim, telling him, “I have to go, man. Take care of Ms. Rivers, and get your ass out of here. The place is dead because of the weather. I’m sending Theresa and Alan home. Make sure the place is locked up, and if you want to use one of the suites for tonight, do so. I wouldn’t drive in this, but if I don’t get home, Jenna is gonna kill me.” He ended just as his phone rang. Running a hand through his hair, he hurried out the door.

  Tim looked Tasha up and down and drawled, “Well, hello, darling, we meet again. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?”

  Wishing for a glass of wine or something stronger to calm her nerves, but knowing she had no money, she maneuvered herself up onto the high barstool without flashing him and answered, “Just water.”

  “Are you sure, darling? I have anything you want back here, and it’s on me.”

  Tasha really wanted a drink, but didn’t want to take further advantage of Tim’s generosity, so she said, “Water will be fine.”

  Tim nodded and opened a bottle of water for her and one for himself, then grabbed the bottle of bourbon and two shot glasses.

  After seetting the drinks on the bar, he vaulted over it to land beside her.

  “Oh!” She gave a little scream when he was standing next to her.

  He pulled a barstool closer to her and easily sat. He poured two shots and put one in front of her. “Drink up. You need it,” he said before downing his own shot.

  Tasha downed her shot and chased it with a gulp of water. She could feel the warmth of the liquor coursing through her veins and felt herself relaxing.

  Tim turned her stool slightly toward her and laid one hand on her thigh nearest him. Pouring them each another shot, he looked down into her eyes.

  Tasha grabbed the shot and tossed it back quickly, the hand on her thigh heating her in places that hadn’t been warm in a long time.

  She wasn’t a virgin, but since she had broken up with her fiancé several years ago, she hadn’t been with anyone. She had been too busy running.

  Tasha’s fiancé had been running for Congress when she left him. He had been furious when everything came out publically and he lost the election. She had been on the run from him for the last two years, never staying very long in one place.

  She had been in Denver for about six months, and the money she had been able to save from her last job in Illinois was about gone. She didn’t know how, but Jason had been able to track her everywhere she went. She had managed to stay in Illinois for about a year before he found her and started making trouble. She was hoping Denver was big enough to hide in for a while.

  While she had been thinking of her past, Tim had moved his hand up her thigh and was stroking his fingers up and down the inside, just barely brushing the outer lips of her sex.

  Tasha looked up into Tim’s eyes and sighed. He was so good-looking. She didn’t know if it was the bourbon or his hand on her thigh, but she was all tingly,and could feel the juices starting to run out of her pussy. It was getting warm. Grabbing her water, she took a big drink.

  Tim smiled and moved his hand just a little higher, hooking one leg around her stool to pull her closer. “So, darling, are you ready for your tour?” he asked, leaning in so that his face was only inches away from hers.

  Tasha took a deep breath and started choking on her water, coughing her head off with tears streaming
down her face. How embarassing. Talk about spoiling the mood.

  Tim was up off his stool and patting her on the back, trying to get her calmed down.

  After several minutes of coughing and choking, Tasha got herself under control, and Tim poured them each another shot. Tasha was beginning to feel the effects of the first two shots and knew she shouldn’t have another, so she downed it quickly before she could change her mind.

  Tim had gotten back on his stool when she calmed down, and pulled her even closer. Cupping her face with both his hands, he looked into her smoldering gray eyes and kissed her.

  A soft, gentle brushing of the lips at first, he slowly intensified it until she parted her lips. Shifting one hand to drift slowly down her body, he swept her mouth with his tongue, teasing and retreating only to forge back in.

  His hand drifted down her body and brushed her breast, lightly caressing her. He felt her response and intensified the kiss, pressing her tightly to him.

  Lifting her from her stool to straddle his lap, he had one hand on her breast and the other on her ass, holding her in place.

  Tasha leaned into him and let him have his way. This man was so yummy, and what he was doing felt so good. Part of her knew this wasn’t a good idea, but she hadn’t been with anyone in so long, and what would it hurt to let go for one night?

  Tim’s hand on her thigh pushed her short skirt up, looking for her treasure. She was wet and ready for him. Time to find a room before he took her here on the bar.

  Standing with her legs wrapped around him, Tim grabbed a key for one of the suites and started down the hall with her, stopping every few feet to kiss her again.

  When he got to the suite door, he maneuvered the door open and carried her straight to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, he stood her up and lifted the dress, pulling it off of her, baring her to his eyes.

  “Oh, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he told her before he leaned down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, laving the little bud. “You taste so good.”

  Tasha was running her hands through his hair and loving the feel of what he was doing to her body. None of the men she had been with had ever called her beautiful. No one ever had. She was a little pudgy, and Jason was always telling her she was fat. He never let her eat anything but salads and often shook his head in disgust at her.

  Tim, on the other hand, seemed very appreciative of her curves and continually ran his hands over her body.

  Turning them so that she was lying on the bed, he pulled her hands over her head and, before she realized what was going on, had them fastened to the headboard.

  “Wait, what?” she asked, confused and a little frightened. Why was he tying her down?

  “Shh, baby, I won’t hurt you. Please just trust me. This will make it so much better for you. Please, baby,” he crooned as he leaned down and kissed her again.

  She couldn’t think when he was kissing her the way he did. In her heart she did trust him. Even though she hadn’t known him for very long, she knew that he would never do anything to hurt her.

  Relaxing, she let him do what he would. She might never get the chance again, and you only lived once. When Jason found her, she would have to leave. She would take what she could while she was here.

  Chapter Three

  Tim crouched over her and kissed her again and again, running his hands over and over her body, trailing his knuckles up and down her sides, working toward the middle, gently grazing her skin. Finally he brushed the sides of her breasts, moving closer and closer until his knuckles were grazing her nipples.

  Turning his hands over, he palmed each nipple before gently pinching them with his fingertips. He leaned down and took one hard nipple in his mouth, laving it with his tongue. Pulling back, he blew on the moistened bud, watching it get even harder. When it peaked and she gasped, he smiled and did the same to the other nipple. Pinch, lick, blow, pinch, lick, blow, he repeated over and over. Watching her facial expressions and her eyes widen, he continued, adding a little bite, pinch, lick, bite, blow, again and again, until he didn’t think she could take any more.

  “Oh, that feels so good. What are you doing? Don’t stop,” Tasha moaned. No one had ever paid that much attention to her breasts. She was arching off the bed.

  Tim gave each breast a firm squeeze and gradually licked and sucked his way down to her navel, dipping his tongue in the indentation.

  He slipped his hands down to grip her hips. He lifted her pussy to his mouth. Licking her outer lips, he draped her legs over his shoulders and used his thumbs to part her for him.

  “Beautiful, baby, your cunt is so beautiful. Your little clit is peeking out, and you are rosy and shiny with your juices. Your cream drips for me. I have to taste.” Taking a long lick, he ran his tongue round her little nub, watching her pussy weep for him.

  “You are so sweet, baby. I’ll get you what you need.” He breathed against her skin, taking one finger and slowly running it round her little clit.

  Leaning back on his haunches, he lowered her legs and grabbed his T-shirt, pulling it over his head. Bending over her, he rubbed her nipples with his chest, grazing her with the dusting of hair he had there as he kissed her again.

  She tasted her juices on his lips and reveled in the taste. She had never tasted herself before, and her flavors mixed with his taste made her pussy leak more. If this continued, she’d be lying in a puddle.

  Kissing his way back down, he lifted her legs again to resume his licking and nipping. He took long licks from her rear hole to her clit, up and down.

  Tasha had never felt like this before. This wasn’t her first experience, but wow. Nothing had ever been like this before. No one had ever made her feel like this. None of her other lovers had ever gone down on her. She had done it for them, but no one ever reciprocated. Jason told her she was too fat and wouldn’t even let her undress with the lights on. He just barely touched her and quickly fucked her. What she had ever seen in him, she had no idea.

  Now he was chasing her. He didn’t want her, but he didn’t want anyone else to have her either. She was so tired of running.

  Tim was doing something between her legs. She had never felt those sensations before, and she saw he was putting some lube on his fingers. Slowly he began rimming her back hole.

  Tasha arched. “No, stop. Don’t,” she gasped, startled. It didn’t hurt, but you didn’t play back there. It was bad. She wasn’t a bad girl.

  “Shh, baby, relax. Let me in. I won’t hurt you.” Tim could tell what she was thinking. She probably had never played back there before and had been taught it was bad. He was going to change those thoughts. He was going to show her how good it could be and what he could do for her. First he had to get past her protests.

  Pushing gently with one finger, he worked her clit with the fingers of the other hand. He wanted her to associate this with pleasure. “Relax and let me show you how good it can be. Just relax.” He continued rimming and pushing until he was in just past the first knuckle. Resting his finger there, he kept pulling and rubbing her clit, not letting her come down.

  “Oh God, what are you doing? It feels…God I don’t know. Please.” Tasha didn’t know if she was pleading with him to stop or push more in. It felt so weird to have something there. It wasn’t a bad feeling, and she could feel it starting to tingle. With what he was doing to her clit, she couldn’t think. She should be screaming at him to take his finger out, but it was starting to feel good. Was she a bad girl? Only bad girls did things like that. That was what she had been told. She didn’t think real people did those things.

  She loved erotic novels, and most of her novels had a BDSM theme, but she thought all that was fiction. People didn’t do things like that in real life, did they?

  Tim had resumed pushing his finger farther into her. He could see her relaxing and could see that she was beginning to enjoy what was happening. He pushed until he had his finger all the way inside her. Holding it still for just a minute, he watched her face.

/>   “How’s that feel, baby? Do you like it?” He moved just a little, slowly starting to move in and out.

  “It’s…I…My God.” Tasha arched, not sure if she wanted more or wanted him to stop, as he thrust his finger in and out of her cunt, slowly fucking her with his finger and rubbing her clit with the same rhythm. She was going to come.

  “Oh…I’m…I’m coming I can’t stop. Oh God.” The waves crashed over her, washing all her inhibitions away, until all she wanted was this moment in time and this man.

  Tim leaned down and took her clit in his mouth, pulling and tugging it with his teeth, drawing out her orgasm until he felt the tremors stop. Releasing her and slowly pulling his finger out, he crawled up her body and unfastened her hands.

  “Rest a while, baby. Then we’ll play some more.” He went to get a warm cloth to clean the lube and her fluids from her.

  When he came back to the bed, he found her curled into a ball on her side. He turned her over and found her softly crying. Pulling her into his arms, he cradled her.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He was sure he hadn’t hurt her and didn’t understand her reaction. Was it just the release of tension, or something more? He needed to get her to talk.

  “Tasha, please tell me.” He put a bit of command in his voice, trying to get through to her.

  Looking into his face, she smiled the most angelic smile. “No one has ever done that for me. It was so amazing. I don’t even know you. How can you care for me like that?” She didn’t understand how someone she had known only a few hours could make her feel the way she did.

  “Oh, baby, you are so special.” Tim hadn’t felt for anyone the way he felt for Tasha. It had been only a short time, but fate had brought her to him. They were destined to meet. If he wouldn’t have rescued her, he would have found her working at the club. It was written in the stars.


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