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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Rose Nickol

  Tim followed as close as he dared, staring down everyone who looked at her. He couldn’t believe she lived in a place like this. This was not going to last long.

  Stepping over the people sitting on the stairs, she quickly climbed two flights to her apartment. Going through the lobby was difficult at the best of times, and having Tim follow her and listen to all the jeering and catcalling was embarrassing. Why couldn’t he have just dropped her off and left it at that? She should have known he would walk her in. What a mess.

  Tim followed her up the stairs shaking his head in disbelief. She was moving. There was no way he was going to let her stay there any longer. The halls were dark and crowded, and the scum in the lobby were downright scary. There was no way he was leaving her here.

  Tasha unlocked the door to her apartment, and it was like entering another world. The place was spotless. He could tell the furnishings were used, but they were well cared for and clean. He could see she had a limited budget but had done the best she could. It was bright and colorful, and she fit perfectly in it.

  Turning, Tasha saw the amazement on Tim’s face. “Just because the building is a mess doesn’t mean I have to live in it.” She was very proud of her little home. It wasn’t much, but it was hers, and she took care of her things. She didn’t mean to be defensive with him but couldn’t help it.

  “This is wonderful. You’ve done a lot with the place. It’s clean and bright, just like you.” Tim smiled, gathering her into his arms. He was impressed, and she could tell.

  “Thank you. It’s not much, but it’s home,” she said, sitting on the couch and patting the seat next to her.

  Tim sat and took her hand. Trying to be as diplomatic as he could, he tentatively said, “I’m really not comfortable with you being alone here. Would you please pack a few things and come and stay with me until we can find something safer for you?” He was rubbing little circles in her palm, trying to be gentle.

  “Tim, I’ve lived here for six months, and no one bothers me. I know them all, and we take care of each other. I’m safe here.”

  As she finished her sentence, her door burst open. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you,” said the man, who was obviously drunk.

  “Johnny, you need to go home. Your mother is looking for you,” Tasha told him gently as she freed her hand and started toward the man.

  Tim also started to rise, and Tasha pushed his shoulder and sat him down. “I got this.” She gave him a look and walked toward Johnny.

  “But we had a date,” Johnny slurred.

  “No, Johnny, we didn’t. Your mother needs you tonight. You go to her now.” She gently guided the man back to the door.

  “You sure you don’t want to go out tonight?” he slurred again.

  “I have to work, and your mother needs you,” she told him again, pushing him out the door and locking it.

  “That’s why we keep that locked,” she stated as she went back to sit by Tim.

  Tim couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. Tasha had been so calm and gentle with the drunk. Tim had just wanted to smash his face. How dare he just walk in on her like that? He walked to the door and saw the lock was cheap and wouldn’t keep a flea out.

  “This place is not safe. Please, baby, pack some clothes, and stay with me.”

  Tasha took a deep breath and prepared to make a deal with the devil, a very cute devil. “Why don’t you go home and let me do a couple things here? I promise I will wait in my apartment for you to come and get me, and we will talk further at work tonight?” She smiled, trying for a sexy look, as she laid one small hand on his chest and smiled up at him.

  “Will you at least let me put a better lock on your door?” Tim wasn’t happy with the arrangement but could tell she needed some time.

  “Yes, and I will go with you while you get it so I’m not alone here.” They had a few hours before they had to be back at the club, and if this would get him to leave her alone, it would be worth it.

  “Great, come on.” He grabbed her hand and led her to his truck.

  Tasha let Tim get what he wanted for her door. It was hard not to say anything when she saw the cost of the thing, and she had to bite her tongue to keep from protesting. He spent more on one lock than she did on food for a week.

  He took her home and put the lock on, giving her one key and keeping one for himself. Again she started to protest, but thought better of it. Her mother had taught her to pick her battles. This was a small one, and the idea of Tim having a key was nice.

  Finally, Tim decided she was as safe as he could make her without camping outside her door, which he had considered, and left her alone for a few hours until it was time for them to go back to the club.

  Once she had Tim out of her apartment, Tasha changed and started doing what needed to be done.

  It had been a couple hours when her phone rang. Not expecting any calls and not recognizing the number, she answered it.

  “Hey, bitch, do you think that fancy lock your boyfriend put on the door will keep you safe?” was all the voice said before the call disconnected.

  Shit, Jason had found her again. He had found her much more quickly this time. How he kept finding her, she had no idea. Every time she moved, she got a new cell phone, and the only people who knew where she was were her family. None of them would give him any information. Crap.

  Maybe she would go stay with Tim for a few days until she figured out what to do next. She was tired of running and didn’t want to leave Tim without exploring where things could go with him.

  Her mind made up, she threw some things in a bag and did what she needed to leave her home for a few days. At least she had someplace safe to go this time.

  Chapter Six

  When Tim arrived, he was surprised to see that Tasha had packed a bag and was not only willing to stay with him but seemed eager. He had thought he was going to have a fight on his hands.

  Grabbing her hand and taking her bag with the other, he led her to his truck, and off to the club they went.

  It was another quiet night, and Tim spent so much time at the reception desk that Theresa finally shooed him off so she could focus on training Tasha.

  “Men, sometimes they just don’t get it,” Theresa said, shaking her head as her cell phone rang. “Here’s another one who doesn’t get it.” She giggled as she answered her call.

  Theresa stepped to the side to take her call, and Tasha stood at the desk wondering what to do with herself.

  The door burst open, and a group of several men came in. Remembering what Theresa had told her to do, she began by asking for their membership cards.

  The men all fumbled with their wallets, and one of them leaned on the desk. “I guess we forgot them, baby. It’s Hal’s bachelor party. Can’t you let us in?” Luckily Theresa had told her how to handle this, and Tasha took a deep breath.

  Hitting the panic button below the desk, she smiled and handed the man membership paperwork. Smiling sweetly, she told him, “If you could just fill this out, my security will be here shortly to deal with you and help you through the enrollment process.”

  The man leaned even closer to her and said quietly, “Come on, darling. Couldn’t you just make an exception for this one time?” He handed her a hundred-dollar bill.

  Hitting the panic button three times, the signal for trouble, Tasha again smiled and handed the money back to the man. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t make any exceptions.” She saw Theresa had ended her phone call and was carefully watching from the corner she was standing in. Tasha was glad she was letting her handle it.

  The man turned back to his friends and talked for a minute before turning back to Tasha, still thinking he could sweet-talk her.

  “Look, sweetie, we’ll just go in for a few minutes. We don’t need all the paper stuff.” And he tried to hand her a wad of bills.

  Tasha was just getting ready to let him have it when Tim came strutting—yes, strutting—through the door.

  “Can I help yo
u, gentlemen?” he asked politely, assessing the situation.

  “Well…” the man stuttered. “Well, we were just explaining to the little darling here that we just wanted to check the club out before becoming members.” He looked to his friends for support as he palmed the cash.

  Tim knew exactly what had been going on. He had turned the security footage on the minute Tasha first hit the panic button.

  “Was bribing our receptionist necessary? If you had just asked for a tour, I’m sure she would have been glad to arrange it.” He looked at Tasha.

  Tasha nodded like a fool, not knowing that Tim had been watching everything that was going on. All she needed was to get in trouble her first night. Theresa walked over to the receptionist desk and affirmed Tim’s conclusion.

  “That’s exactly what happened. These gentlemen were trying to get in without doing the membership paperwork. I think we’re done here. Maybe there is another club your friend would like to celebrate at,” Theresa told the men, the disdain obvious in her voice.

  Tim firmly escorted the group to the door and walked back to the girls. “Are you okay, Tasha?”

  “Yeah, does that happen often?” she asked Theresa.

  “You did a great job, and it usually only happens on the weekends. For your first few weeks, we’ll have one of the guys sit with you so you don’t have to handle them alone, but you did great. That was exactly what I told you to do.”

  Tim also praised her. “When you hit the panic button the first time, I turned on the security feed and knew everything that was happening. I was standing just on the other side of the door ready to come to your rescue. You did a great job. I’m proud of you.”

  Tasha felt pretty proud of her herself. “Why don’t you go take a break? I got this for a few minutes.” Theresa sent her off with Tim.

  When Tasha got back from her break, Alan was sitting with Theresa. “If you’re good, I’m going to take my wife home. Seems she’s been having some labor pains and hasn’t told anyone.”

  “Yeah, man, go. The place is quiet, and I’ll put the bell on the bar and sit out here with my girl,” Tim answered Alan, looking at Theresa with concern.

  “The baby isn’t due for weeks. It’s just the Mexican food I ate. My husband is a little overprotective.” Theresa smiled, then grimaced as another pain hit.

  Alan bent and slipped an arm under Theresa’s knees, lifting her into his arms.

  “Put me down. I can walk, idiot,” Theresa told him with affection.

  “Yeah, you can, and I can and will carry you anywhere I want to. We’ll talk about the idiot comment when we get home.”

  Theresa buried her face in Alan’s shoulder, and he carried her out the door.

  Tasha looked at Tim and smiled gratefully. “Are you sure you can sit with me?” She really didn’t want to be alone but was worried about keeping Tim from his duties.

  “I’ll just go put up some water bottles in ice on the bar, and if anyone needs anything, they’ll let me know. It’s just regulars in here tonight, and all’s quiet. We do this all the time,” he assured her.

  The rest of the evening was quiet, and before she knew it, Tim was locking the door and walking her to the bar. Helping her onto a stool, he told her, “You sit here while I clean up. Then I’ll take you home.” He walked around the bar and poured them each a shot before doing what he needed to close out.

  Tasha sipped her shot and checked her phone. No missed calls, she saw with relief. Jason hadn’t tried to contact her again. Maybe he was just playing with her and didn’t know where she was, but how would he have known about the lock? He had to know where she was.

  Turning her phone off and stuffing it in her purse, she sipped her shot again and watched Tim do his work. Before she knew it, he had refilled her glass and was sitting beside her.

  Downing his own shot, he encouraged her to drink hers and then grabbed her hand. “Come on. I didn’t show you the theme rooms this morning. You need to see those,” he told her, grabbing a set of card keys and leading her down a hallway she hadn’t noticed before.

  Tim showed her the doctor’s office for exams, the school room, and several other rooms. Then he showed her the prop room and costume room, explaining the plain room could be set up for any fantasy imagined.

  Turning, he trapped her against the wall with his body and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. “See anything that interests you, baby? As the receptionist, you need to be able to explain how things work to anyone who might ask.” He had started nibbling on her neck, and it was getting hard for her to think.

  “I…I don’t know,” she panted, running her hands through his hair. How was she supposed to answer when he had one hand inside her blouse, playing with her breast?

  “I guess I’ll have to pick then,” he told her, laughing and dragging her toward the costume room.

  He showed her the various costumes and watched her face for interest. She was going to pick whether she realized it or not.

  The first outfit he grabbed was doctor and patient. Tasha shook her head no. Then he grabbed the harem girl, and again no. The next outfit was a business suit and skirt and top for a secretary. She smiled at this. Business office it was.

  Chapter Seven

  Tim showed Tasha to the room they had set up as an executive’s office and gave her the clothes to change into, before he went to the locker room to change himself.

  “Here, baby, put these—and only these—on. If you are wearing underwear, take it off. I want you wearing nothing but this.” Along with the clothes, he handed her a pair of six-inch stilettos.

  Tasha was excited to play this game with Tim. She had read several scenes in her books and always imagined what it would be like to be laid across a huge desk and taken. This room was perfect.

  Tim went to the locker room and quickly changed, then grabbed a few toys to use on his girl. He knew she was new to the lifestyle, but he was going to introduce her to some more bondage and anal play tonight.

  After making sure the club was locked up and all the lights off, he went to play with his girl.

  When Tim entered the office, Tasha was sitting primly with her legs crossed in the pencil skirt and blouse he had given her to wear. The skirt was a light beige and the blouse white, and she had put her light-brown hair in a bun, which had a pencil sticking out of it.

  She turned to him as he entered. “Good day, Mr. Robbins, I’ve brought your coffee for our morning meeting.” She smiled politely, getting into character.

  “Very well, Ms. Rivers, did you complete the notes for the project we spoke about?”

  “My notes, sir, yes, um…let me go get them.” She fidgeted.

  “You forgot again. Ms. Rivers, haven’t we spoken about this?”

  “Yes, sir,” Tasha answered, hanging her head.

  “And what did we say was going to happen next time?” Tim was enjoying himself.

  “You wouldn’t spank me, sir. No one does that anymore.” Tasha tried to make her voice sound shocked.

  “Yes, I would, and will, Ms. Rivers. Now over the desk with you, and lift that skirt.”

  “But, Mr. Robbins, isn’t there something else you’d rather do?” Tasha smiled and, standing, turned and ran one finger down the buttons of his shirt.

  “Yes, Ms. Rivers, we will do that. After you’ve had your discipline.” He laughed an evil laugh. “Now, I believe you were given an instruction.”

  Tasha turned and draped herself over the desk, lifting her skirt and baring her bottom for him. “This is so embarrassing, Mr. Robbins. Please—do we have to do this?”

  “Yes, Ms. Rivers, we do. You’ve been warned enough. Time for me to put my words into action,” he answered her as he walked up behind her, running his hands over her bare ass cheeks.

  Walking around, he took her hands and pulled them to the straps attached to the desk legs, and wrapping a strap around each wrist, he tightened them enough to hold her in place but not to hurt her. Then he returned to the other side of the
desk and did the same with her feet, leaving her spread across the desk, open for him.

  Slipping two fingers into her slit he found she was wet and ready for him. He circled her clit, barely grazing the little bud and she tensed. “Very good, baby, very good,” he praised her, leaning down and kissing the back of her neck.

  Squeezing both globes of her fine-looking bottom, he stepped close and rubbed himself against her.

  She could feel his erection through the pants he wore and moaned.

  Stepping back, Tim told her, “Well, Ms. Rivers, I believe I owe you this.” Then raising his hand he sharply smacked her and left a very nice handprint on her right cheek.

  Tasha jerked and yelped. “What the fuck?” She thought they were going to play, and that didn’t feel like playing.

  “You just added five swats for that, Ms. Rivers. I suggest you be quiet now,” he warned her before he laid another one on her left cheek. He had planned on giving her only a few swats, but after she mouthed off, he was inclined to let her have it. The Dom in him knew better than to let her get away with cussing him. He wasn’t mad, just in full Dom mode.

  After giving her several more swats, he again slipped two fingers into her slit to find her dripping. Her mind may have been protesting, but her body was loving what he was doing.

  Sliding those two fingers through her juices, he moved them to her rear hole and started rimming her. He had a small plug he was going to use before he gave her five with his belt. The spanking was only a warm-up.

  He walked around to the front of the desk, then squatted down face-to-face with her. Wiping the tears from her face, he looked into her eyes, and she smiled at him. “Are you doing okay, baby? If it gets to be too much, I want you to say, ‘Red.’” He hadn’t told her much about safe words and wanted her to know she could stop this if she got overwhelmed.

  “I’m good, Tim. I was just a little shocked. I don’t know how I can like this.” She was confused and aroused.

  “Baby, the pain and pleasure centers are very close in our brains, and some people like a little bit of pain with their pleasure. It’s not bad. Some people like even more pain. If you feel yourself drifting, it’s okay. That’s subspace. It’s a good place to be. I’m going to use my belt now. Only for five, but it will sting. Are you willing to try?”


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