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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Rose Nickol

  “Hit it, man! We have to get to her before that jackass gets back,” Tim told Kurt frantically.

  “Chill, man. She’s a smart girl. She’ll do what you told her to.”

  As they pulled into the lot for the motel, the cops were right behind them, which Tim and Kurt were both glad to see.

  Kurt didn’t even have the truck stopped before Tim was out and running to the office, screaming at the top of his lungs, “Tasha!” as he ran through the doors.

  The lady behind the desk had a shotgun pointed right at him. She had no way of knowing whether he was the man that had kidnapped her or not.

  Tasha heard Tim’s voice and pulled herself up and started moving toward it.

  “Tim!” she called. “Tim, I’m coming.” She was moving faster and calling louder.

  She opened the door to the office, and several things happened at once. The lady behind the desk pointed her gun at Tim. The police came rushing through the door, with Jason after them. The place was a state of chaos.

  Tasha tried to get to Tim. Jason screamed when he saw Tasha. The police were yelling for everyone to get down and for the motel lady to drop the gun. It would have been funny if it were in a movie.

  Eventually the police got everything sorted out. Seperating everyone and talking to each individual to get their story, Jason was arrested, protesting the entire time that he loved Tasha and wanted to marry her. Then everything would be fine.

  The police allowed Tim to take Tasha home, even though everyone, including Tim, thought she should go to the hospital, as long as she promised to make a formal report within the next three days.

  “I just want to go home.” Tasha looked pleadingly into Tim’s eyes, and he couldn’t resist her.

  Kurt drove Tim and Tasha to Tim’s house. Tim held Tasha on his lap the entire time, not willing to let her go for even a second.

  When they arrived at Tim’s house, Kurt promised to bring the truck right back and told them to call if they needed anything.

  Tim carried Tasha into the house and straight to the bathroom. Filling the tub with hot water, he stripped, then turned to her.

  “Oh, baby, I was so worried,” he told her as he pulled her close and just held her for the longest time, burying his face in her hair. He couldn’t get enough of her. He pulled back and started removing her clothes. As each bruise or mark was revealed, he murmured his disapproval and gently kissed each mark, big or small.

  Finally Tasha threaded her hands in his hair and pulled his head to hers. “I’m fine. I’m just glad you found me.” She planted little kisses on his face, trying to reassure both of them that she was fine.

  When Tim had all her clothes off, he carried her to the tub, crawling in behind her and just holding her.

  Tim couldn’t believe he almost had lost her. He was never going to let her go. They sat in the tub for the longest time with Tim holding and gently caressing her, placing soft kisses on her hair.

  Tasha started crying, softly at first, then huge racking sobs. Tim slowly turned her in his arms until she half sat, half lay against him, letting all the stress and tension out.

  Tim held her and let her cry. He knew she needed the release, and he shed a few tears of his own.

  Once she calmed down, she looked up at him. “I love you,” she told him quietly.

  “I love you, too, baby,” he told her, pulling her to lie more fully across him and holding her tighter, thankful he had put an oversized tub in the room. Schooching down and lying further back in the tub, he laid her fully across him and ran his hand up and down her back, stopping to cup her buttocks every few passes.

  “Do you really love me, or are you just saying that?” Tasha asked, looking up into his eyes.

  “Baby, I’ve loved you since I found your car broken down that afternoon. I was just waiting for the right time to tell you. This may not be the right time, but I can’t wait any longer. I had to tell you. Are you sure you love me?” Tim needed the same reassurance she did.

  “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but yes, I love you,” she answered him.

  Tasha laid her head on his shoulder, and he just held her for several long minutes.

  “As much as I hate the idea of moving, we need to get out of this tub. We can’t sleep here,” Tim said to her softly.

  Tasha turned to sit and lifted herself to the side of the tub.

  “Don’t move. I’ve got you,” Tim told her, moving out of the tub and wrapping a towel around his waist. Grabbing another towel, he wrapped one around Tasha before carrying her to the bedroom.

  “Do you want an ice pack for your lip or anything, baby?” Her face was slightly swollen.

  “No, it doesn’t hurt much anymore. I just want you,” she answered, reaching for him.

  Tim crawled into the bed and pulled her to spoon with him.

  Tasha turned in his arms and placed one palm against his chest. “I need you.” She brushed her lips against his chest.

  “I’m right here, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.” He ran his hands up and down her back.

  “I want you inside me. Make me yours. Erase his memory. Please.” She started slowly licking his skin in front of her. “Please,” she whispered again.

  “Anything for you, baby.” Tim turned to his back and slowly lifted her to straddle him. “You’re in control. You set the pace.” He lifted her hips until he was poised at her entrance.

  With the muscles in her thighs, Tasha slowly slid herself down on him until she felt him hit her cervix. Using the same muscles, she started moving herself up and down.

  “I need more. Help me.” She looked down into his face, her hair a curtain around them.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” She had so many bruises, Tim wanted this to be a gentle loving, but she wanted more.

  “Please, please,” she pleaded.

  With his hands on her hips, he started moving her up and down his shaft. Seeing this still wasn’t enough for her, he flipped them and pushed her knees up to her chest, taking her with the passion they both needed.

  Tasha scratched his back, digging her fingernails into his skin, trying to pull him closer. She needed more.

  Tim grabbed her hands and pulled them over her head and increased his pace. Leaning down, he took one nipple into his mouth and bit, not hard but with enough pressure that she could feel it.

  “Yes,” she screamed. “More, harder, faster. More.”

  Tim switched to the other nipple and pulled it away from her body until it released with a pop. Letting go of her hands, he reached one hand down to apply pressure to her clit, bracing himself with the other.

  Tim leaned down and took her mouth, forgetting about her swollen lip, in a kiss met to stake his claim. Applying more pressure to her clit, he ramped up his pace, until he felt her release and met it with his own. Allowing himself to rest his body on hers for a few minutes, they both lay panting.

  Rolling over to his side, he pulled her close and held her. Looking down, he saw a small spot of blood on her lip. It must have opened up again when he kissed her.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Does it hurt?” he asked, touching one finger gently to her lip.

  She licked the sore place and smiled. “It’s not bad.”

  Tim jumped up and went to the bathroom. He came back with two wet cloths, a cold one for her mouth and a warm one to clean between her legs.

  Tasha held the cloth to her lip and let Tim clean their combined fluids from her. Coming back to bed, he held the cloth to her mouth and pulled the covers over them, settling her onto his chest for the night. He wasn’t letting her go.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kyle had given Tim and Tasha the next few days off, and it was the weekend again before they returned to the club, a full week after Tasha’s kidnapping. Even then they weren’t working. Tim was just taking her to see everyone and maybe visit a theme room. They weren’t returning to work until the following Wednesday. The club was closed Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

nbsp; Tina was at the reception desk with her men when they arrived, and gave Tasha a big hug. “Alan talked to Kyle, and they are going to hire another receptionist to work so that there will always be at least two people out here, and he’s thinking of having one of the security guys out here, too. He doesn’t want anyone left alone.”

  Tasha was relieved to hear that and told Tina so.

  “And,” Tina announced, “there will be two bartenders from now on, three on demo nights. The new girl, Melissa, starts with Jarrod tonight, so you will get to meet her.”

  Tina and Tasha talked a few more minutes. She felt a little guilty, as if she had caused all the changes, but knew they were for the best.

  When Tim and Tasha walked into the club, all their friends were waiting for them. Tina and her men were right behind them. Several of the women had been to visit Tasha during the past week, but this was the first time she had seen them all at the same time. Looking around, Tasha noticed Theresa and Alan were missing.

  “Where’s Theresa?” she asked.

  “She went into labor about two hours ago,” Jenna answered. Theresa had been in false labor several times over the past few weeks, but this was the real thing.

  “Why are you all here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” Tasha was happy to see everyone but knew they wanted to be with Theresa also.

  “We wanted to be here for you. The baby may not come for hours,” Rachel answered.

  “Bullshit, let’s go.” Tasha grabbed Tim by the hand and started heading the group toward the door.

  Kyle had closed the club for a private party, so it was no big deal for everyone, including Tina and her men, to head to the hospital. Jarrod and Melissa were the only ones left behind.

  Alan Jackson Rainer Jr. was born at one in the morning. Everyone went to congratulate the new mother and father before heading out for the night.

  Tasha stood with Tim in the nursery, looking at the babies there. They had just brought little AJ back so his mother could get cleaned up and a little rest, and Tasha wanted to watch and make sure he got settled. She and Theresa had become very close while she was training. She and Tim were going to be the godparents of the little guy, and Tasha felt a sense of responsibility for him.

  Tim had his arm around her waist and smiled as he watched her. “Do you want babies, love?”

  “Someday. I love kids.” Tasha smiled back at him.

  “I could help you with that.” Tim wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  Tasha leaned into him and relaxed, as that would make all her dreams come true.

  “He’s sleeping, baby. Let’s go,” Tim told her, turning her toward the exit.

  “Yeah, I’m tired,” Tasha answered with a big yawn.

  * * * *

  When they woke on Sunday, Tim helped Tasha pack a light bag. They were going to the cabin owned by Kevin for a few days. “Cabin” wasn’t exactly the right word. The place was a work of art, an A-frame wooden structure, two stories and all the amenities. The place had anything you could want or need. Kevin had had the place for years and often let others use it.

  It was about a two-hour drive to the property, and when they arrived, it was time for lunch. Tim had already packed a picnic and planned on taking Tasha to the lake, a short hike away, for the meal.

  The day was bright and sunny, but windy and brisk, so Tim changed his plans, and they ate on the enclosed patio attached to the back of the home. The view was fantastic and perfect for what he had in mind.

  After they finished eating, Tim cleared the dishes, letting Tasha sit and enjoy the view. When he came back, he had a bottle of champagne and one glass.

  Getting down on one knee in front of her, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a jeweler’s box.

  Tasha’s eyes got big and filled with tears. She could hardly breathe. She knew what was coming. She had dreamed of this but never really expected it to happen. Tim had told her several times that he loved her, and she always returned the sentiment to him. But she often wondered, with everything that had happened, if maybe he was just saying it because of her kidnapping, and wasn’t really sure he had meant it. Jason had told her he loved her several times, and look how that had turned out.

  Shit, now was not the time to think of Jason. She needed to focus. Tim had been talking to her, and she wasn’t listening. Had he asked her something? What had he said, and how should she answer? He was going to paddle her for not paying attention—not where she wanted the afternoon to go.

  “Baby, look at me. I don’t know where you went, but I need you here with me, okay?”

  Tasha bit her lip and nodded. He didn’t seem mad.

  “Baby, I know it hasn’t been that long, but I knew the minute I found you that day in the rain. I want you to be part of my life. I want to father your children and be there for everything. Will you marry me?”

  Even though Tasha knew what was coming, she still wasn’t prepared. Tears running down her cheeks, she cupped Tim’s face with both her hands and looked deep into his eyes. “Yes, I love you and want to marry you. I want to be your wife, your sub, and the mother of your children. I want lots of babies with you. I love you.” She leaned down and brushed his lips with hers, a soft, gentle kiss.

  Tim opened the ring box to show her the most beautiful marquise-cut diamond. It had smaller stones on each side but was not outlandish. Simple and elegant was the best way to describe it.

  “It’s beautiful. I love it.” Tasha held out her hand for him to slip it on her finger.

  Tim slipped the ring over her knuckle. It was just a little loose. “We’ll have to get it sized, baby. It’s a little loose, and I don’t want you losing it,” he told her as he kissed her ring finger, then turned her hand over to kiss her palm.

  Standing up, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the house and up the stairs. He had shown her the bedrooms, but one room had a locked door, and that was where he was taking her now.

  “This is the playroom. I believe you said something about being my sub. This is where we begin that relationship. Strip,” he told her, setting her on her feet.

  “Oh, okay.” Tasha was a little dazed still from his proposal. She started slowly taking all her clothes off, wondering what he had planned.

  While she was undressing, Tim unlocked the door, then watched her. Once she had all her clothes off, he told her, “This is the playroom. You never enter here, or any playroom, without permission, and you should always be naked unless I specifically give you something to wear. All your safe words are in effect from the moment we step through that door. Once we are in the room, you do not speak unless I ask you a specific question. You will address me as Sir or Master at all times while in this or any other playroom. Understand?”

  Tasha nodded.

  “Not good enough. I need to hear you, baby.”

  “Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir.” Even to Tasha her reply sounded a little snippy. She hoped Tim didn’t notice, but of course he did.

  “That’s five for the attitude. Next time I won’t be so lenient. Understand?’

  “Yes, Sir!” Definitely snippy this time.

  “And we’re up to fifteen. Want to go for more?”

  Tasha hung her head, looking at the floor. “No, Sir,” she answered quietly. No attitude this time.

  Tim lifted her chin with one finger. “Good girl,” he told her, lifting her into his arms and carrying her into the room. It was dark inside, and Tasha could hardly make anything out.

  Tim stood her on her feet in the center of the room and pulled a remote out of his pocket. He turned the lights up slightly, but Tasha still couldn’t see everything. The corners were still dark, but she felt better.

  She started to cross her arms over her chest, when she saw Tim’s slight shake of the head, no. Leaving her hands at her sides, she stood there very uncomfortable.

  Tim walked slowly around her, knowing how intimidating this was for her.

  It was all Tasha could do to keep from following him with h
er eyes. She found a spot on the far wall that was empty and focused on it.

  When Tim stopped in front of her, she lowered her gaze to the floor. He started walking around her again, this time touching her. He ran his fingertips down her back and used both hands to cup each buttock.He squeezed, then parted them and ran his thumbs up and down her crack. Using both hands, he slid them down her legs to her ankles, where he fastened soft leather cuffs around each ankle, before moving to face her again.

  Sliding his hands up her legs, he spread them to just more than shoulder-width apart and slipped one hand into her wet pussy.

  “Very good, baby, you’re wet for me. I like that,” he told her, kissing her navel.

  He then slid his hand around her thighs and up her hips to span her waist. His fingertips just barely touched, spanning her. Squeezing, he then moved each hand to cup a breast before leaning in and taking one nipple into his mouth and biting gently.

  “Ohhh,” Tasha moaned, her knees buckling slightly.

  “Uh-oh, can’t have that. No falling,” Tim told her, catching her behind the knees and lifting her to carry her to the far wall. There was a small bench, and Tim sat on it, holding her in his lap. “Okay, darling?” he asked in a deep southern drawl. His voice tingled down her spine.

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, barely able to answer him.

  “Good girl.” Tim took her mouth for a soft kiss that deepened until it became a claiming. Slipping one hand between her legs, he found her clit and began pinching and pulling the little nub until she was thrashing and moaning on his lap. Just before her climax started, he stopped and sat her up from the reclining position she had been in. “No, no, baby, not yet.”

  He stood and placed her on her feet. Then he showed her how he wanted her bent over the bench and fastened her arms and legs to the hooks on the bench that were for that purpose. Adjusting everything so that she would not be straining any muscles, he walked around her, checking everything a second time.

  He inserted a small plug in her ass and asked, “Good, baby?”


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