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A Fox's Maid

Page 35

by Brandon Varnell

  Justin didn’t know the specifics of this disease, other than what he’d been told. He knew that women could undergo a uterus transplant to solve the problem, but that was far too expensive for an average family.

  “… Wrong…?”

  “No, no, nothing’s wrong. I just saw that your lights were still on, and thought you’d forgotten to turn them off. I was coming up to your room when I thought I heard voices.” His mom looked around the bedroom and, not seeing anyone, looked back at her son with clear worry. “You weren’t talking to one of your imaginary friends again, were you?”

  “No…” Justin shook his head. “… Notes…”

  “I see.” His mother looked relieved that her son’s autism wasn’t showing signs of further degradation. “Well, in either case, please be sure to turn off the lights. It’s quite late, you know, and even though the school has been closed down, it’s good to keep in the habit of going to bed early.”

  “… Kay…”

  The door closed and Justin frowned. He really did like his mother, even though she only thought they were related due to a combination of brainwashing and drugs. He sometimes felt guilty about that, but guessed that was the price one paid for being a spy.

  Turning off the lights, Justin crawled into bed and fell into a deep and instant sleep.


  Lilian, Kevin and Kotohime ate a cold dinner upon their return home. It didn’t taste nearly as good as it would have fresh out of the oven, but one glare from Kotohime put a clamp on any complaints they might have expressed.

  “Maybe this will make you think twice about trusting a person whom you know so very little about,” Kotohime said as they stared at the cold meal on the table.

  Kevin would have argued, stating that, as a teacher, Inagumi should have been trustworthy, but he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of her glare again.

  When dinner ended, Kevin had led Lilian to the restroom so she could clean up. She’d had several twigs in her hair, dirt smudging her body, and a number of cuts that he knew didn’t come from her rescue attempt. When he asked her about them, Lilian had flushed a deep shade of scarlet and mumbled something about bikes. She had then promptly changed the subject.

  He had turned down her offer to shower together and walked back into the living room. That had been fifteen minutes ago.

  Lilian, now clean, dry, and dressed in a large T-shirt and panties, walked into the kitchen where she found Kotohime washing the dishes.


  “Something on your mind, Lilian-sama?”

  “Yes, there is, actually. I know that your intentions were good, and I’m grateful that you’re willing to go so far for me.” Lilian paused, her expression growing dark. “However, the next time you manipulate my mate, you and I are going to have problems.”

  Kotohime finished drying the pot she’d used to make miso in and turned to Lilian. She smiled demurely at the younger kitsune.

  “Why, whatever do you mean, Lilian-sama? Surely you are not suggesting that I manipulated Kevin-san into growing a spine and confessing his feelings for you by purposely goading him with rude and spiteful comments?” Her eyes glittered with mischief as she raised her left hand, masking her smile behind the sleeve of her kimono. “What could possibly make you think I would do such a thing?”

  Lilian’s snort was very unladylike. “Right. I’m sure you have no knowledge of what I’m talking about. Regardless, don’t do it again. My mate is off-limits from any sort of manipulation. I refuse to manipulate him like that, so I won’t let others play with his emotions either.”

  “Very well,” Kotohime bowed in acknowledgment. “However, I do not believe Lilian-sama will need to worry about this humble maid or anyone else manipulating him anymore. Now then,” she smiled benevolently at the twin-tailed beauty, “why don’t you go see to your mate? He has been moping around on that balcony ever since you entered the shower.”

  “You know what? I think I’ll do just that.”

  Lilian left Kotohime to continue her cleaning, traversing the living room to join Kevin outside.

  She paused upon reaching the balcony to study the boy she loved. He had his back to her and was looking up at the night sky. She couldn’t see his face, but she could imagine the way his brows were furrowed in contemplation.

  “There you are,” Lilian said as she closed the sliding door behind her. Kevin turned his head and her lips curled into a small “u” as she walked up to him. “The shower is available if you would like to take one. After everything you’ve been through, I’m sure a nice hot shower will help.”


  When Kevin went back to staring at the stars, Lilian frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  The blond teen sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Nothing… I’m just… I’ve got a lot on my mind, I guess.”

  “Like what?”

  “A lot of things.” Kevin’s eyes appeared vacant, staring at something only he could see. “So much has happened to me… it’s kind of hard to believe that it hasn’t even been two months since I met you and discovered that yōkai are real. I’m feeling kind of overwhelmed.”

  “I see.” Lilian studied his pursed lips and conflicted eyes. “There’s something else on your mind, though.”

  Kevin scratched the back of his neck and looked sheepish. “Am I that easy to read?”

  Lilian’s smile was that of a woman keeping a secret. “It’s not that you’re easy to read. It’s just that I know you so well I can tell when something’s bothering you.” She grabbed his hand and was pleased when he didn’t pull away. “Come on, tell me. What’s on your mind?”

  “Last week, before Kotohime arrived, you mentioned meeting a little boy near your home.” Lilian stiffened when his blue eyes gazed into hers. “That boy… it was me, wasn’t it?”

  “How did you…?”

  “It wasn’t that hard to figure out.” Kevin’s smile was soft and gentle and contained just a hint of wryness. “It was nine years ago, right?”


  “Nine years ago my mom had just gotten her first big gig, which took her to Greece. She couldn’t find a babysitter on such short notice and brought me along. The resort we went to was on a small island in the Pagasetic Gulf. Despite that being the first time I’ve traveled outside of the US, I can barely remember anything that happened. I know I was young, but I wasn’t that young. You’d think something that exciting would have been more memorable.”

  Kevin’s eyes were sharper than she’d ever seen them. Focused and cunning, they kept her rooted to the spot, freezing her where she stood. It was actually kind of hot.

  “It didn’t occur to me that the reason I don’t remember what happened back then was because my memory had been erased. Humans aren’t allowed to know about yōkai. It would only make sense for my memories to be erased if I, let’s say, wandered past a barrier and ran into a kitsune crying in the forest, right?”

  “Y-yes. That is correct.” An uncomfortable chill ran down Lilian’s spine now that Kevin was aware of the transgressions committed by her clan. “Kevin, listen, I am so―”

  “Please don’t apologize.” Surprising Lilian, and perhaps even himself, Kevin placed a finger against her lips. He blushed a bit, but quickly hurried on before it could overcome his face. “I’m not upset, not with you at least. You never wished for my memories to be erased, and I doubt you were pleased when you found out.”

  She shook her head, emphasizing that she wasn’t.

  “See? Not your fault.” He took his finger away, his gaze shifting to an inquiring one. “I do have one question, though. How did you know I lived in Arizona?”

  “I didn’t,” Lilian admitted, smiling when he became nonplussed. “I had no idea that you lived here. I just… when I ran away from home, I didn’t really care where I went. I just wanted to get as far away from my family’s sphere of influence as possible. I had no idea I would run into you, or that you lived in Arizona. However…”r />
  Lilian paused and brought Kevin’s right hand up to her face, gently pressing his palm against her cheek. His hands were calloused and slightly rough, but she loved the way it felt against her skin. She loved its warmth and texture. This hand belonged to her mate.

  “… I am very glad that we did meet again. When I first saw you, I’ll admit that I was a little wary. It had been so long that I didn’t know it was you. But, the moment you began to scratch behind my ears, I knew who you were. You won’t remember this, but back when we first met, you had a strong fascination with my ears.”

  “I did?”

  “Mmhmm. You were intent on touching them as much as possible. And my tails. You liked those as well.”

  “Huh, I didn’t know that.” Kevin raised an eyebrow. “I wonder if that’s where my love of animals came from.”

  Lilian shrugged. “Maybe.”

  They stood in silence. Kevin slowly ran his thumb over her cheek, savoring the sensation of silk underneath his skin. Lilian almost moaned at the sensation. Although his actions held no sexual connotations, the tender intimacy of his touch was positively electric, like a gentle current pulsing through her body, leaving a pleasant tingle in its wake.

  Before she could lose herself in his touch, Lilian forcefully broke the trance she’d nearly been placed in. There was something she had to know.

  “Kevin, back when we were surrounded, did you really mean what you said? That you’ll let me stay with you no matter what?”

  Kevin flushed a bit, but still answered her. “I… Yes, I meant that. For as long as you want me to stay with you, I’ll remain by your side.” He scratched his left cheek with his free hand. “I don’t really know what you see in me, but I suppose that, in the end, all that matters is that you see something and I…”


  “Well I… I think I might…”

  Lilian watched as Kevin’s face became luminescent.

  “You think you might what?”

  “It’s… hard to explain. These feelings, I mean.” Kevin gulped, his mouth strangely dry. “What I mean is, when I’m with you, I feel… feel…”

  “Like you can take on the world?” When Kevin just stared at her in surprise, Lilian allowed herself to feel a tiny ray of hope. “Like nothing else matters so long as you’re with me? Like all of your problems just vanish as if they had never existed?”

  “Yes…” Kevin whispered, his eyes wide. “How did you…”

  Lilian’s lips curved upwards as she rested her arms on his shoulders. “I know because that is exactly how I feel every time I am with you.”

  Moments later, she and Kevin were kissing. Lilian didn’t know who made the first move. It could have been her, but she liked to think it was Kevin. It didn’t matter in the end. All she cared about was the rising tide of joy that threatened to overwhelm her, the contentment in her heart, and the sweet, blessed relief surging through her soul.

  Lilian’s body relaxed into Kevin’s. He kissed her tentatively, shyly, more of an ephemeral caress than an actual kiss. She waited, patiently, and was soon rewarded when the blond teen became bolder.

  A pair of sinuous arms wrapped around her body, pulling her close. Lilian responded to this desire for closeness eagerly, her arms around his neck tightening, her body leaning further into his. She wanted as much physical contact as possible. She didn’t want even a sheet of paper to be capable of traveling between their bodies.

  When they broke apart, both were breathing heavily, their faces flushed and a mild sheen of sweat glistening in the


  “Oh… um, wow,” Kevin looked a little dazed. Lilian giggled, feeling giddy. “That was… that was…”

  “Amazing? Incredible? Awesome?”

  “All three.”

  They smiled at each other, mirror images of satisfaction and happiness.

  “So… can I kiss you again?”

  Lilian gave Kevin a surprisingly flat look. “Are you really asking me that?”

  The bright red blush that lit Kevin’s face made her smile. She raised a hand to his head, threading her fingers through his hair before pulling him down until their foreheads were touching.

  Brilliant emerald met bright azure.

  “Of course you can,” she whispered, right before kissing him again.

  And while they shared in their second kiss, which soon led to a third and then a fourth, Lilian felt all of her worry, anxiety, and fears slowly fade away. All that remained was a sense of pure, unadulterated joy.

  Nothing could possibly ruin this moment.

  Because Lilian finally had her mate.


  Kotohime giggled to herself.

  It was late at night―well, early in the morning, but still dark outside. Kevin and Lilian were fast asleep, and everything had finally fallen into place.

  She had to admit, Kevin had really surprised her. While she had been expecting him to eventually accept Lilian’s love and become her mate, the manner in which he had done so truly astounded her. That speech of his had been quite inspiring—corny and completely ripping off a certain anime of pure epicness, but still inspiring.

  Kotohime wandered out onto the balcony, sliding the door closed behind her. She took several delicate feminine steps until she stood in front of the guardrail.

  She gazed out at the landscape, admiring the velvety sky and stars overhead. The moment ended soon, though, as Kotohime gathered her youki and channeled them through her tails.

  A small being coalesced into existence. It’s pearly, elongated body hovered in the air, wraith-like and ethereal. It bobbed up and down on an unseen current, staring at the one who summoned it.


  A minor fox-spirit with a long pipe-like body, these small supernal creatures acted as familiars for kitsune. While they were lacking in power, they were blessed with an ethereal form that allowed them to remain invisible to anyone but those they wished to become visible to.

  “I would like you to deliver a message to Camellia-sama.”

  The fox familiar’s tail slowly wrapped around the scroll produced from within Kotohime’s voluminous sleeve. Upon being touched it, too, became ethereal like the kudagitsune.

  The creature made to fly off, but before it could get too far, Kotohime remembered something. “Be sure to take your time. There are some things I must accomplish before Camellia-sama and Iris-sama come here for a visit. I believe a few weeks should be enough time.”

  The creature paused as if considering the request, and then bobbed in understanding, before floating away at a much slower pace than before.

  Kotohime smiled as she walked back inside.

  As she knelt down on the floor and closed her eyes to get some rest, she couldn’t help but have one last thought.

  I wonder how Iris-sama will feel about her sister having a mate?

  Lying on his bed, with Lilian snuggled into his side, Kevin Swift shuddered in his sleep.


  Brandon Varnell is a writer... the end.

  ... Just kidding.

  Brandon Varnell is the writer of the American Kitsune series. He has absolutely no skill at anything aside from writing and looking half-baked. He used to play guitar, but due to laziness, he never went anywhere with it. He also used to play a lot of video games, but after suffering this terrible affliction called book addiction, he only plays occasionally these days. Brandon lives mostly within his own imagination, but he can occasionally be found in Phoenix, Arizona.




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