Book Read Free

A Good German

Page 34

by Joseph Kanon

  “So many have asked you that?”

  “Every single one.”

  “Maybe we have to plan. What do you tell them?”

  “That I don’t know.”

  She trailed her hand in the water. “So that’s your answer? ‘I don’t know’?”

  “No. I know.”

  She said nothing for a minute, then sat up. “I’m going to swim.”

  “Not here you’re not.”

  “Why not? It’s so hot.”

  “You don’t know what’s in there.”

  “You think I’m afraid of fish?” She stood, holding on to the mast to steady the boat.

  “Not fish,” he said. Bodies. “It’s not clean. You could get sick.”

  “Ouf,” she said, waving it off, then reached under to slip off her underpants. “You know, during the raids it was like that. Some nights you were afraid of everything. Then others, nothing. No reason, you just knew nothing would happen. And nothing did.”

  She took off her dress, pulling it over her head, then standing with her arms still up, stretched out, everything white but the patch of hair between her legs, brazen. “Your face,” she said, laughing at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t swallow.”

  “Come on, Lena. It’s not safe.”

  “Oh, safe.” She tossed the dress aside. “You see, a gypsy,” she said, flinging her arms out. She glanced back. “Hold the boat,” she said, still pragmatic. “You don’t want it to swamp.” And then with a light bounce she was over, slicing into the water, her splash spraying the boat as it rocked in her wake.

  He leaned over the side, watching her glide beneath the surface, long arms pushing back the water in smooth arcs, hair streaming behind her toward the round curve of her hips, a free streak of white flesh, so graceful that for a second he wondered if he had made her up, just an idea of a woman. But she bobbed up, spitting water and laughing, real.

  “You look like a mermaid,” he said.

  “With fins,” she said, rolling on her back in a fluid movement to point her toes upward, then slapping the water with them. “It’s wonderful, like silk. Come.”

  “I’ll watch.”

  She plunged down in a backward dive, making a circle underwater, performing. When she came back up she floated again, eyes closed to the sun, her skin glistening in the light. He looked across the water. They had drifted closer to the Grunewald shore, and he could make out the beach where they’d stood that day when the rain had caught them. Closed into herself, not even wanting to kiss, then shivering on the drive through the woods. Dancing to the records, wanting to come back to life. He thought of her moving down the stairs in Liz’s shoes, tentative. Now splashing like a porpoise in the bright sun, somebody else, a girl who would jump off a boat. Lucky cards.

  She swam over and held the side of the boat.

  “Had enough?” he said.

  “In a minute. It’s so cool. When do we have to go back?”

  “Whenever. I don’t want to move till it’s dark.”

  “Like thieves. Where is it?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “I have to tell Professor Brandt. He won’t know where I am.”

  “I don’t want him to. They’re watching his house.”

  “For Emil?”

  “For you.”

  “Oh,” she said, then ducked her head in the water, still holding on to the side.

  “I’ll have somebody check on him, don’t worry.”

  “It’s just that he’s alone. There’s no one.”

  “Not Emil, that’s for sure. He said he was dead.”

  “Dead? Why would he say that?”

  Jake shrugged. “Dead to him, maybe. I don’t know. That’s what he said when they questioned him at Kransberg.”

  “So they wouldn’t bother him. Arrest him. The Gestapo did thattook the families.”

  “The Allies aren’t the Gestapo.”

  She looked up at him. “Well, it’s different for you. When you think that way—” She turned back to the water. “Did he say I was dead too?”

  “No, he wanted to find you. That was the trouble. That’s how everything started.”

  “Then why not let him? And finish it? I don’t want to hide.”

  “He’s not the only one looking now.”

  She glanced up, a flicker of concern, then turned her face to the sun and pushed away from the boat.


  “I can’t hear you,” she said, swimming away in long strokes. He watched her head toward the club, just a speck in the distance, then turn over and float back toward the boat, lying suspended in the still water. Tully would have done the same, except it had been windy that night, enough to stir the waves, pushing the body along.

  Getting back in the boat took longer than diving out, an awkward pull up, one leg flung over the side to prevent it from tipping. She shook herself, squeezing out her hair, then lay back again to dry in the sun.

  After that they were content to drift in the gentle rocking motion, like Moses in his basket. The boat had turned again, facing down toward the Pfaueninsel, where Goebbels had given his Olympics party. No lights now, half the trees gone, the dreary look of a cemetery island. Bodies must have landed here with the other debris, bobbing sluggishly, like Tully’s at the Cecilienhof, floating in circles until he’d ended up where he wasn’t supposed to be found.

  Jake felt a few drops on his face. Not rain, Lena sprinkling him awake.

  “We’d better start back. There’s not much wind-it’ll take time. She was sitting up, having slipped on the dress while he was drifting.

  “Let the current do it,” he said lazily, his eyes still closed. “It’ll take us right past the club.”

  “No, it’s the wrong way.”

  He waved his fingers. “Simple geography. North of the Alps, the rivers flow north. South, south. We don’t have to do a thing.”

  “In Berlin you do. The Havel flows south, then it curves up. Look at any map.”

  But the maps just showed a string of blue, off in the left-hand corner.

  “Look where we are already,” Lena said, “if you don’t believe me.”

  He raised his head and looked over the side of the boat. The club was off in the distance; still no wind.

  “You see? If you don’t turn around, we’ll end up in Potsdam.”

  He sat upright, almost knocking his head against the mast. “What did you say?”

  “We’ll end up in Potsdam,” she repeated, puzzled. “That’s where the river goes.”

  He looked around at the bright water, turning his head in a swivel, scanning the shore.

  “But that’s it. He wasn’t put in there. He never went there.”


  “He just ended up there. He didn’t go there. The where was wrong.” Turning his head again, scanning, as if the rest of it would come now in a rush, one piece unlocking all the others. But there was only the long Grunewald shore. So where did he go?

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Tully. He never went to Potsdam. Somewhere else. Do you have a map?”

  “Nobody has maps except the army,” she said, still puzzled, watching his face.

  “Gunther has one. Come on, let’s go back,” he said, eager, pushing the tiller to make a circle. “The current. Why didn’t I think of it before? Moses. Christ, it was right there. Thank you.” He blew her a kiss.

  A nod, but no smile, her face frowning, as if the day had turned cloudy.

  “Who’s Gunther?”

  “A policeman. Friend of mine. He didn’t think of it either, and he’s supposed to know Berlin.”

  “Maybe not the water,” she said, looking down at it.

  “But you did,” he said, smiling.

  “So now we’re all policemen,” she said, then turned her face back up to the sun. “Well, not yet. Look how still it is. We can’t go back yet.”

  But the idea seemed to produce its own momentum, refusing to wait, and in a few mi
nutes brought a slight, steady breeze that blew them back to the club in no time.

  Gunther was at home in Kreuzberg, sober and shaved. Even the room was tidied up.

  “A new leaf?” Jake said, but Gunther ignored him, his eyes fixed on Lena.

  “And this must be Lena,” he said, taking her hand. “Now I see why Herr Brandt was so anxious to come to Berlin.”

  “But not to Potsdam. He never went there. Tully, I mean. Here, come look,” Jake said, walking over to the map.

  “American manners,” Gunther said to Lena. “Some coffee, perhaps? It’s fresh-made.”

  “Thank you,” she said, both of them walking through a formal ritual.

  “He lives on coffee,” Jake said.

  “I’m German. Sugar?” He poured out a cup and indicated his reading chair for her.

  “The Havel flows south,” Jake said. “The body floated to Potsdam. We were on the water today. It flows this way.” He moved his hand down the map. “That’s how he got there.”

  Gunther stood for a moment, taking this in, then walked over to the map, staring at the left-hand corner. “So, no Russian driver.”

  “No Russian driver. It solves the where.”

  Gunther raised an eyebrow. “And this makes you excited? Before, you had only Potsdam. Now you have all of Berlin.”

  “No, somewhere here,” Jake said, making a circle around the lakes. “It has to be. You don’t drive a body across town. You’d have to be near enough to think of it. Where to get rid of it, fast.”

  “Unless you planned it.”

  “Then you’d be on the water,” Jake said, pointing to the shoreline. “To make it easy. I don’t think it was planned. They never even took the time to go through his pockets, get his tags. They just wanted to get rid of him. In a hurry. Somewhere nearby-where nobody would find him.“ He pointed to the center of the blue patch.

  Gunther nodded. “An answer for everything,” he said, then turned to Lena. “An expert on crime, our Herr Geismar,” he said pleasantly. “The coffee’s all right?”

  “Yes, an expert,” Lena said.

  “I have been looking forward to this meeting,” he said, sitting down. “You don’t mind if I ask you a question?”

  “Somewhere here,” Jake was saying at the map, his hand on the lake.

  “Yes, but where?” Gunther said over his shoulder. “It’s miles around those lakes.”

  “Not if you eliminate.” He blocked off the western shore with his hand. “Not Kladow, the Russian zone.” He moved his hand and covered the bottom. “Not Potsdam. Somewhere along here.” He traced his finger from Spandau down to Wannsee, the long swatch of the Grunewald. “Where would he go?”

  “A man who spoke only English? I would say to the Americans. In my experience, they prefer it.”

  Zehlendorf. Jake moved across the woods, the map alive in his hand. Kronprinzenallee, headquarters. The press camp. Gelferstrasse. The Kommandatura, across the street from the KWI, an Emil connection. But the KWI was closed, dark for months. The Grunewald itself?

  “What question?” Lena said.

  “Forgive me, I was distracted. Just a small point. I was curious about the time your husband came for you. That last week. You know, I was in Berlin then-the Volkssturm, even the police became soldiers at the end. A terrible time.” Yes.

  “Such confusion. Looting, even,” he said, shaking his head, as if even now the behavior disturbed him. “How, I wondered, did you know he was here? You didn’t see him?”

  “The telephone. It was still working, even through that.”

  “I remember. No water, but still the telephone. So he called?”

  “From his father’s. He wanted to come for me, but the streets—”

  “Yes, dangerous. The Russians were there?”

  “Not yet. But near. Between us, I think, but what’s the difference? It was impossible. The Germans were just as bad, shooting everybody. I was afraid to leave the hospital. I thought, at least I’ll be safe here. Not even the Russians—”

  “A terrible thing for him. So close. And after coming so far. The Zoo tower was still secure, I think, but perhaps he didn’t know that. To get through that way.”

  Lena looked up. “You mustn’t blame him. He’s not a coward.”

  “My dear lady, I don’t blame anyone. Not that week.”

  “I don’t mean that. I told him not to come.”


  “I was the coward.”

  “Frau Brandt—”

  “No, it’s true.” She lowered her head and took a sip of coffee. “I was afraid we’d both be killed if he waited. I didn’t want another death. It was crazy to come then-there wasn’t time. I told him to leave with his father before it was too late. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t care. It was foolish, but that’s how it was. Why do you want to know this?”

  “But his father didn’t leave either,” Gunther said, not answering. “Only the files. Did he mention them?”

  “No. What files?”

  “A pity. I’m curious about those files. It’s how he got the car, I think. You remember there were no cars then. No gas either.”

  “His father said he came with SS.”

  “But even they had no cars for personal matters. Not then. So it must have been for the files. What files, do you think?”

  “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

  “Or the Americans.” He turned around to Jake. “What do the Americans say? Did you find out?”

  “Admin files, Shaeffer said. Nothing special. No technical secrets, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know how to read them. Not like our Herr Teitel. A genius with files, that one. In his hands, a weapon.” He raised his hand, uncannily like Bernie in the courtroom, the invisible file a kind of gun. “He knows.”

  “Well, if he does, he isn’t saying, and he’s been sitting under them for weeks now. It’s his home away from home.”

  “What is?”

  Jake stared at him, then turned to the map. “The Document Center,” he said quietly, putting his finger down on Wasserkafersteig, a short line, just a byway off the Grunewald. “The Document Center,” he said again, moving his finger left. A straight line across the Grunewald, under the Avus, where they’d stopped in the rain, a straight line to the lake.

  “You’ve thought of something?”

  “Tully had an appointment with Bernie, right? The next day. But he came early. Why would anyone want to see Bernie?” He moved his finger back to the street. “Files. Nobody knows those files better than he does. He’d be the man to see.” He thought of Bernie racing in to dinner, folders cascading over the startled serving man-the night, in fact, Tully was killed. He tapped his finger on the map. “That’s where Tully went. The numbers connect here.”

  Gunther got up and looked where he was pointing, hand over chin in thought. “Bravo,” he said finally. “If he went there. Unfortunately, only he can tell us.”

  “No, they keep records, a sign-in book. He’d be in there.” He looked at Gunther. “Want to bet? Even money.”

  “No,” Gunther said, turning back to the map, thoughtful. “Now what?” Jake said, reading his face. “Nothing. I wonder, how did he know to look?” “Emil must have said something. They did a lot of talking at Kransberg. They were friends.” “An expensive friend, perhaps.” “How do you mean?”

  “Meister Toll-he wasn’t the type to do anything for free.” Jake looked at him. “No, he never did anything for free.”

  It was late, but he had to know, so they made the long drive back to Zehlendorf. The same narrow street rising up from the dark woods, the wire fence spotted with floodlights. A guard chewing gum.

  “We’re closed, bub. Can’t you read?” He jerked his thumb at a posted sign.

  “I just want to see the night duty officer.”

  “No can do.”

  “For Captain Teitel,” Jake said quickly. “He has a message for him.”

  A name that l
iterally opened doors here, or at least the mesh gate, which instantly swung back.

  “She stays here,” the guard said. “Make it quick.”

  The hallway guard, half asleep with his feet propped up on the sign-in desk, seemed startled to see anyone at this hour. If Tully had been here, it hadn’t been late.

  “Captain Teitel asked me to check the sign-in book for him.”

  “What for?”

  “Some report. How do I know? Can I see it, or what?”

  The guard looked at him, dubious, but pushed the book around, a desk clerk with a hotel register.

  “How far back does this go?” Jake said, beginning to leaf through it. “I need July sixteenth.”

  “What for?”

  “Your needle stuck?”

  The guard pulled out another book, opening it to the right page for him. Jake started scrolling down, running his finger under the names. A busy day. And suddenly there it was-Lt. Patrick Tully, a script to match the riding boots, showy. Signed in and out, no times. He looked at it for a second, the closest he’d been to him since the Cecilienhof, no longer elusive, caught where the numbers connected. He took the photograph from his breast pocket, an off chance.

  “You ever see this guy?”

  “What are you, an MP?”

  “You see him?”

  He glanced at the picture. “Not that I know of. You get people in and out here. After a while, they all look alike. What did he do?”

  “Anybody takes a file, they sign it out, right?”

  “Nobody takes files out of here. Can’t.”

  “Teitel does.”

  “No, he brings them in. Nothing goes out unless you brought it in the first place. Not while I’m on duty, anyway.”

  “Okay, thanks. That’s all I needed.”

  The guard began to pull the open book back.

  “Wait a minute,” Jake said, his eye caught by a florid signature. A few names down, Breimer, a rounded B. And underneath, Shaeffer. Where they’d gone that evening.

  “Anything wrong?”

  Jake shook his head, then closed the book. “I don’t know.”

  Outside he stood for a moment, struck by the lights, just as he had when he’d walked into Liz’s picture. Shaeffer had been here that day too. Two visits.

  “Did you get what you wanted?” Lena said in the jeep.


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